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Sentimento do Mundo: analysis and interpretation of the book by Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Sentiment do World It was published in 1940 as a third book by the poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade. As the poems that compõem essa work were written between 1935 and 1940, years in which the world was It recovers from Primeira Guerra, in which thousands of people of Morreram, and já assisted in ameaça da ascensão fascist. O poet reflects this sentiment to us his poems, which show a more mature and universal facet of his work.

Analysis and interpretation

Context of work

O historical moment is a very important factor in the composition of Sentimento do Mundo. This period of the late 1930s was marked by a number of complex events, two of which Drummond was not in possession of.

In hopes of a time of peace, it was associated with the rise of fascism, Nazism, and two regional conflicts, such as the Spanish Civil War. With the political leanings of esquerda, Drummond, I hope that the Primeira Guerra will lead to a time of peace and solidarity among the poor.

There is no Sentimento do Mundo This duality between the hope of a historical moment melting the frustration with a reality that continues to be important for years. Porém, like all great works, or books, it is not dated in its historical moment. The same affirming that his raw material is present, or poet achieves extrapola-lo na his poetics. Leaving a work that, deep down, will never cease to be current.

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Sentimento do Mundo It presents a certain break with its previous productions. Ainda mais se vista gives perspective do Brejo das Almas, seu previous book.

This work is marked hair humor Drummondian, cheio of pessimism and niilism. Compost of a nadifying irony, he is free in that or poet is immersed in himself. Assim ele passa desse introspective and niilistic state not Brejo das Almas For a belonging to the world, please pay attention to your next work.

OR Sentimento do Mundo It is not what Drummond affirms himself as a poet of the world, two homens, two coisas, and not a poet two human sentiments "mesquinhos". O poet opens up to the world and is above all solidário and understanding.

Analysis and interpretation

Or poem that opens é o homônimo work Sentimento do Mundo.

I have hardly any more
the feeling of the world,
more estou cheio escravos,
minhas lembranças escorrem
e o corpo compromises
at the confluence of love.

When I get up, or céu
will be dead and looted,
I will be dead myself,
morto meu desejo, morto
o pântano sem chords.

You comrades não disseram
there was a war
it was necessary
Trazer fire and food.
Sinto-I scatter,
before fronteiras,
humbly you sin
that you lose me.

When the corpos passarem,
eu ficarei sozinho
defying remembrance
do sineiro, da viúva e do microcopista
that we will live in a barrack
e não foram found
year of love

esse love
mais noite que a noite

O poet appears as a small, limited subject, I was hardly afraid of mine. This figure do eu insignificant, that is small because it gives greatness to the world, is present for a long time of everything or free.

Porém, this little subject is afraid of something great, or a feeling of the world, that can be interpreted as a solidarity in relation to all of you and all of you. This image of someone who is tiny due to two problems in the world, more than in a certain way becomes gigantic when placed solidário to him, is present in other poems of the world.

OR eu poetic lives a series of contradictions. First of all, it is his insignificance in the face of the sentiment of the world. Give it to your transformation. Nela, or little subject and attached to ao seu passado ("cheio de escravos"). In order to be placed before the feeling of the world, it is necessary to change, to create lembranças and to converge for love. Porém, this transformation only happens completely as a death: a death two outros and a death do eu.

Solidário and integrated to the world, or poet seen before his mais uma contradição. O tempo é de guerra e de fome, and the still is inattentive to these evils. Conscious porém dispersed, prior to borders and wars. The figure of the poet is perplexed by reality, trying to integrate with it and apologizing for his alienation.

This movement or cam to solidify. O sozinho physical poet, wrapped in lembranças that, ao serem desfeitas, become mists that embarrass or olhar. São as recalls two others that will disappear. Or day that he is to chegar é more dark than a noite.

A noite é a figure that appears ao long do livro Sentimento do Mundo in two different ways. Ou as a noite that serves as heat for the soul, as a species of death that calms or suicides, ou as something fearsome that envelops the earth in shadows and slipping, expelling hope, two homens and das coisas.

O subject poetic do livro também alternates between esse eu present in the whole world, solidário ao mundo, e o eu melancholic, taciturn, ainda very lonely among the pessoas and provincial. That second eu, that appears in opposition to the first poem Sentimento do Mundo, arises next poetry, Confidência do Itabirano.

Some years I lived in Itabira.
Mainly born in Itabira.
By isso sou triste, proudhoso: de ferro.
Ninety percent of ferro nas calçadas.
Oitenta for the cent of iron souls.
This is the element of life and communication porosity.

A vontade de amor, that paralyzes me or works,
vem de Itabira, de suas noites brancas, sem mulheres e sem horizons.

E o sofrer habit, which amuses me so much,
é twelve herança itabirana.

From Itabira trouxe various garments that I now offer you:
this stone of ferro, future aço do Brasil,
this São Benedito do velho santeiro Alfredo Duval;
this couro de anta, stretched out on the sofa in the visiting room;
this pride, this lowered head ...

Tive ouro, tive gado, tive fazendas.
Hoje sou public servant.
Itabira is just a photograph on the wall.
More like doi!

Itabira is the native city of the poet, not inland of Minas Gerais, known by the iron mines. Drummond had a series of analogies between the characteristics of the city and its countries. First on metal, hard and cold, and to your personality. Depois, an analogy and on a landscape. A city is surrounded by mountains, with horizons, like his love life. Finally, the poet compares the simplicity of the inner city with his own.

You dois initial poems servem to give a panorama of the book. Drummond edited his works with great care in relation to the order of the poems they were placed. His escorts were deliberate and hardly followed a chronological order of writing.

With these two poems, he presents us with a kind of summary of his book. First as or subject it is placed between thematic days, in this contradictory movement of insertion and isolation, of cosmopolitan and provincial.

E depois he introduces us to the main themes, that are or are, to solidão, to war, to fome, to solidarity. E acima de tudo or mundo as it appears. Real, extremely real and current. Or present and inspiration for the poet no Sentimento do Mundo.

Main poems

International congress of the medo

Neste poem or lyrical eu suspends all your feelings, or love, or hate, or want to seja, pois or tempo é do medo. O medo é um sentimento international, worldwide. Or our solidário is inserted in the world and has this feeling in mine.

Provisionally we will not sing or love,
that took refuge more under two subways.
We will sing o medo, that sterilizes you embraces,
We will not sing or hate, because this does not exist,

You ombros support me the world

O tempo e a vida são matérias do poeta. Nesta poetry, or tempo will show itself as a certain and forte, a tempo of simple and hard coisas. There is no place for or love, for or regret or for a company. O tempo é de solidão, of problems with solutions, of wars and brigades. As people still do not agree to freedom. Mas or poet is not let down by isso. He is not there too. O poet is strong and irresolute, living life.

Chegou um tempo em que he não adianta die.
Chegou um tempo em que a vida é uma order.
Just a life, sem mystification.

More given

Nesta poem or subject introduces us or the world is not its state of agora. Ele não will sing or world out of date or future, more or present. O poet will sing to life two serious companions, who walk together. O present is great.

Não serei or poet of an outdated world.
Also não cantarei or future world.
You are imprisoned in life and olho meus companheiros.

Or poet talks about his proposal for poetry. She will not sing the loves, or the delight of a lonely and misunderstood soul. She will also not write about love stories or adventures. He will sing about or tempo, or present tempo and present life.

O tempo é a minha matéria, do tempo present, os homens present,
to present life.

A noite dissolve os homens

The poem evokes a great night that is spread over the homens, over the streets and over the houses. A noite that chega seems not to be solved and the suicides seem to be right. This night is an allegory about the moment of the rise of fascism and the moment of war.

Porém or poet before you see an aurora, a rising sun that finda a night. Even so it is just a small sinal, and inevitable at aurora depois da noite. Or poet knows that she is here to chegar, porém, she knows that she only depois de outra guerra e mais muitos mortos.

We have to love.
O world is tinged with as inks da antemanhã
e o bleed that runs e twelve, of tão necessário
to color your pale faces, aurora.

Elegia 1938

The poem comes as a criticism of the alienation of work, not which movements have made no sense or result. Or subject is inserted nessa logic, and within a world that or frustrates.

You work, you are happy for an outdated world,
Wherever forms and actions do not enclose any example.

Porém still exists or wants the necessity. Eles são a fome, or cold, or sexual desire etc. These instincts are disarmed in my opinion among politicians and prophets offering solutions that will not solve problems for two workers who returned home tired.

You are here in the parks of the city that you crawl in,
e advocate virtue, renouncement, or cold-blooded, conception.

A night chega and offers a kind of refuge. Or last resort is or son, which leads to the possibility of escaping from all problems and, assim, adiaries or suicide.

You love noite hair power of annihilament that encloses
and you know that, sleeping, the problems I exempt you from dying.

Porém, or little subject I was confronted with how to wake up and, hey, felt small and insignificant. Diante da Grande Machine or eu It is only possible to continue with your routine, to converse like death, to think about the future and to regret it.

O subject, I posto with insignificance in the world. He has the ability to take action, he resigns himself and oils injustice as an essential part of the reality that he sings.

Proud heart, you are ready to confess your defeat
e adiar for another secular to collective happiness.
Oils to chuva, to war, or to unfair distribution
because you can't, son of a boy, dynamite the town of Manhattan.

Reading of some of Drummond's poems

Consideration of the Poem: Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque and Fernanda Torres

Conheça also

  • Poem No Meio do Caminho, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Livro Mayombe, by Pepetela
  • Poem of Sete Faces, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Conto A Terceira Margem Do Rio, by Guimarães Rosa
  • Poesia Os Ombros Suportam o Mundo by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • 25 poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
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