How to read notes in FA KEY
If you are learning music, either as a hobby or because you plan to dedicate yourself to it professionally, you will know that in order to fully enjoy it, we must first learn some basic concepts. While theory is not as fun for many as creating music itself, you may find that it can be very interesting and that once you understand the basics you can dedicate yourself solely to enjoying this great art.
In this lesson from a TEACHER you will learn how to read notes in the bass clef, a very important step to start reading music for instruments such as the electric bass, the piano, the trombone and the bassoon, among others.
The bass clefis the key we mainly use to low range instruments such as electric bass, double bass, bassoon, tuba, trombone, bass clarinet and the left hand in the case of the piano. In English, this clef is called "bass clef" and it means bass clef.
The symbol used for the treble clef is a stylized version of the letter "F", which is F in alphabetical music notation.
To start reading in the key of Fa we need to know
where we place the note Fa, since after all this is the note that serves as a reference for this musical key. The note F in the clef of F is found in the fourth line of staff, (remember: counting from bottom to top). For this occasion we will learn to read the notes of the major scale.The notes of the C major scale (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si and do acute or octave) in the bass clef are drawn in the following lines and spaces:
- C: in the second space of the staff (below the third line).
- re: on the third line of the staff.
- E: in the third space of the staff.
- fa: on the fourth line of the staff.
- sol: in the fourth space of the staff (below the 5th line).
- a: on the fifth line of the staff.
- yes: just above the fifth line of the staff.
- C sharp (octave): on the first additional line of the staff, above the fifth line.
Remember that these 8 notes are not the only ones, but there are higher and lower notes, and they are repeated by name. To read these notes all you need to do is go naming the notes in order. Remember to take into account if they are ascending (from bass to treble) or decendents (from high to low). If it is descending, you should only mention the backhand notes: Do (octave), si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do... etc. until you find the grade you want to achieve.
You should know that the notes on the staff they have no limit, but do not worry because it is very rare to find very extreme notes, since many instruments musical instruments do not even have the capacity for such a wide range of notes, which is what we call tessitura.
Now that you know how to read the notes in the bass clef, you can start practicing your music reading! Remember that everything with practice becomes easier and that this is just a first step to get closer to the fun world of music.
A musical clefis what one specifies us reference note with a symbol at the beginning of the staff and allows us to locate the rest of the notes by pitch (pitch). The musical keys that we use today are: treble clef, the key of C and the bass clef, which we will learn about in this article.
How to read notes on the staff
Remember that the notes on the staff can be placed both in the spaces and in the 5 lines of the staff and that these must be placed precisely right in the middle (of line or space) to avoid creating confusion or misunderstandings. The lines of the staff we count them from the bottom up.
In case the pitch of the notes is higher than the last line of the staff, or lower than the first line of the staff, we use additional lines, which are placed above or below the 5 basic lines and are only used when required.