Music Wake Me Up When September Ends, do Green Day
Wake Me Up When September Ends It is two major successes of the North American rock band Green Day.
Released in 2004, a song, written by vocalist Billie Joe Armstrong, and autobiographical and deals with the death of his own country.
When Billie died, she died, a cancer sufferer, during or over the seventeenth, or was barely ten years old. A dreamer still had not won a form that, twenty years later, was transformed into a beautiful song.
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Analyze the lyrics
A song begins in a serene and soft way, with a calm melody. Either the rhythm remains at the same time or the thirteenth verse, when then to mute tom music for a more agitated and aggressive register.
We first dois dois veros or eu-lrico frisa a passagem do tempo through the cycle das estações:
Summer has come and passed (O verão veio e se foi)
The innocent can never last
A reference to innocent allows some different readings. On the other hand, I can make reference to Billie's father, who died early, a victim of cancer. On the other hand, or innocent, he can be his own composer who, with barely ten years, made a name for himself.
Due to the launch of the clip, which refers to the attacks of September 11 and the Non-Iraq War, the innocents can also be identified as victims of two conflicts.
Or third verse is the title of the song and the nickname that will be repeated over the years of the music, perhaps as a request for the eu-lyrical to all who or ouvem:
Wake me up when September ends
Or Billie's father died on the first day of September 1982. O verse above would have been a phrase given by the composer - ainda criança - for a mãe, logo depois do funeral do pai.
Billie did not want to prove that she was living and, revolted with injustice, fez or desperate request of me. Come years later, the phrase was recovered for the memory and transformed into a song.
A memória do pai é revived in a more evident way, verses face:
Like my father's come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
For those who are unaware of the backstage of the creation of music, or verse that gives clues to what is happening in the personal history of the lyricist.
You seven years, mentioned not verse, have a reference to the constitution of the band that took the body seven years after the death of the father of the vocalist. Initially the Green Day carregavam or nome Sweet Children, despite the same composition.
You must re-embed in a more direct way to morte do pai, a deviant letter or olhar do eu-lrico gives your own emotional condition and passes to focus on landscape:
Here comes the rain again (Aí vem a chuva novamente)
Falling from the stars (Caindo das estrelas)
Drenched in my pain again (Embebida na minha dor de novo)
Becoming who we are
The aforementioned chuva can be either synonymous with the dor onde or the vocalist mergulha novamente ao relembrar or passedado. A passagem, extremely poetic, shows chuva não caindo do céu, plus sim das estrelas.
On the side of the fora it is mixed with tears and as a eu-lyrical sauce.
To sadness, the sublinha, face of the little subject burns him, the essential part of the construction of identity. We are traumas, we are lost and our dramas constitute us as human beings.
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Aqui o eu-lrico sublinha that, despite having grown up and experienced in life, a memoria do pai will always be present.
No matter how rested a lembrança is - because it is not like our first times of mourning - Ferida ainda remains alive. O esquecimento não paira about the event of the death of the country, which the composer will carry for or remainder two six days.
The letter is repeated, with just a small big modification. The second part of the song and included or verse:
Twenty years has gone so fast (Vinte anos passaram tão fast)
I have been mentioned for years because, under twenty years after death, Billie was able to write a song. It is necessary to respect the time of mourning and maturity for the então or composer to mergulhar novamente sentiments that he lives and manages to transform the sea of affection in music.
Wake Me Up When September Ends It is a song that makes or mourning, or sauce and transports or ouvinte for a moment of difficulty.
O verão veio e se foi
Or innocent never survives
I remembered when I finished
How did I see myself to go embora
Sete years passaram so fast
I remembered when I finished
Aí see chuva again
Falling stars
Embedded in the minha dor de novo
Turning-we are burned
As minhas lembranças restam
Sem never skecer or that I lost
I remembered when I finished
O verão veio e se foi
Or innocent never survives
I remembered when I finished
Touch you sinos again
How do we look when spring comes
I remembered when I finished
Aí see chuva again
Falling stars
Embedded in the minha dor de novo
Turning-we are burned
As minhas lembranças restam
Sem never skecer or that I lost
I remembered when I finished
O verão veio e se foi
Or innocent never survives
I remembered when I finished
How did I see myself to go embora
Come years pass so fast
I remembered when I finished
I remembered when I finished
I remembered when I finished
Racks of criação
When Billie Joe Armstrong, vocalist of Green Day, lost or fought against cancer on September 1, 1982, he did not want to credit his harsh reality. Billie has barely ten years out of her life when she signed orphaned.
Apostles or funeral, or singer runs home and stays in room. When more of her chegou and batu na porta, Billie responded to a phrase that changed the title of the song: "I remember when I finished setembro".
To music was for ter been included no album Shenanigans, released Green Day hair in 2002. On occasion, however, the composer did not feel emotionally safe to tax her. Wake Me Up When September Ends no disc is included American idiot, launched in 2004.
Not by chance a faixa is the eleventh album, a reference to the day of two attacks that most marked America: September 11, 2001.

Distancing himself from real history by behind the creation of music (or Billie's precocious death), or clipe and numa focus. further reflection on a fleeting life as a backdrop or climate in the United States after the attacks of 11 setembro.
Here, therefore, or more than setembro becomes re-meaning. September was more pessoally hard for Billie, who lost or pai, but it was also more difficult for all the Americans who passed through the tragedy on September 11.
Directed by Samuel Bayer (who had previously assassinated direção do clipe Smells Like Teen Spirit, do Nirvana), or clip two Green Day começa as a dialogue that transports affection between a house of adolescents. A duo and compost hairs Jamie Bell and Evan Rachel Wood.
Jamie came in a video in an open-air landscape, speaking about the unpredictability of life, the ameaça of a day agreeing to suddenly lose everything - sounds, planes, scraps. You are in fullness of life: you are young, beautiful, têm um ao outro e um love that seems pure and true.
During the declaration of love feita à beloved, Jamie sublimates that he only wants to live here or now and that he wants that moment to be eternal. Ela, em retribuição, promise never or give up.
From hug two dois, music arises, which serves, at first, as a sonorous trilha to illustrate or light daily dois. We see twelve moments pass in the cloth between or at home: anniversaries, passeios, gargalhadas.
At the middle of the clip, a young man appears suddenly desperate and frustrated as a partner. Ela chora, she screams, she loses control. At the start we are led to believe that it is a traição, but finally we know the real motive: he enlists himself for or ex-army in hiding and decides to participate in the Iraqi War. As a climate of insecurity in the United States, he argues that he is thinking about it.
Music becomes more and more agitated and violent dinners of armed conflict in the field of battle are mixed with each other as a beloved, frying, at home, in America.
As declarations of love do not appear more and we see that it happens exactly or that Jamie philosophizes not principle of the clip: to fleeting life, the good moments quickly giving rise to more.
Conheça also:
- Music The Cure, by Lady Gaga
- Music Nothing else matters, do Mettalica
- Music The scientist, by Coldplay
- Bohemian Rhapsody Music, Two Queen
- Music With or without you, by U2