Simone de Beauvoir: biography and essays of the feminist author
Simone de Beauvoir (1908 - 1986) was a French writer, philosopher, activist and theorist who broadly marked feminist thinking and was a woman who had direct hairs.
Part of the existentialist school, or not of Beauvoir, stands out above all due to its literary production that reached a huge popularity.
O seu livro Or Second SexIn 1949, it became a basic work to understand two mechanisms of oppression undertaken by the patriarchal society.
![Portrait of Simone de Beauvoir](/f/ea71899c160685d476cff23d80ceab4f.jpg)
Studying or patriarchy, as I intend to break down his structures mentais e sociais, the author also removed stereotypes about what it meant, ultimately, to be a woman.
By all means, Simone de Beauvoir became a fundamental reference in gender studies, leaving behind huge legacy for a libertação, or reconhecimento and or empowerment of women.
Quem foi Simone de Beauvoir?
Youth and social context
Simone Lucie-Ernestine-Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir was born in Paris, on January 9, 1908, being the first of two films. Twelve years and half was born to irmã mais nova, Hélène, who was a great companion of her at childhood.
Most of him, Françoise Brasseur, belonging to the upper bourgeoisie and or country, Georges Bertrand de Beauvoir, was an advocate who descended from the aristocracy. Likewise, the family was undercapitalized and or country, who did not hide or want to lose their descendants, they were worried about the future of the filhas.
The patriarch accredited that the garotas could not marry, because there was no money for or dowry, and because of this he defended that they should invest in our studies. At the time, there are two more common destinations for women, marriage or religious life, plus Simone has other plans.
From criança, to author demonstrou paixão pelas letters and pela philosophy, not hiding or seu contentious and full of opinions. For many years, Beauvoir frequented Catholic schools and colleges where he learned mathematics, languages and literature, among other subjects.
Simone de Beauvoir e o existentialism
When she went to frequent her reappointment Sorbonne UniversityWhile studying philosophy, Beauvoir began to coexist with great intellectuals of the time, being able to exchange ideas with genius minds as much as his own.
Among them, Jean-Paul Sartre stands out, nome major of existentialism, as Simone lived a quite singular love for that time.
In 1940, a theory began to belong to um circle of philosophers and writers that literature is served as a vehicle for an existentialist ethic.
Or movement is focava not individual e more diverse aspects of your experience, pondering your freedom (and your limits), as well as responsibility for the same actions that you practice.
Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre
It was not academic for me, in 1929, that the paths of Beauvoir and Sartre will cross. More than a paixão or a romantic devaneio, the bond between the two was also a meeting of minds that thought we would viam or world of similar forms.
Two brilliant students and theorists, foram developing their philosophical works, debating ideas and serving as "braço direito" um do outro. When you are a candidate for an important contest to recruit teachers, or Agrégation, Sartre fired in first place.
![Portrait of Simone de Beauvoir e Sartre.](/f/cbf982ac4b4d08e3515f1c8cbc55e44c.jpg)
Beauvoir broke barreiras and placed second, being one of the first women, and the youngest person ever, to win that contest. Assim, as of 1931, a philosopher also began to be a teacher, having taught in various establishments.
Sartre e Beauvoir partilharam a large part of his life, following a relational model little common at the time. Refusing or matching the patrons of behavior imposed by the society, the viviam uma non-monogamous relationship and tinham lovers, something we all knew.
Or casal de intellectuais (extremely famous and respected), ended up fazendo history, happening to be seen as synonymous with a libertarian love, sem amarras nem proibições.
![Beauvoir e Sartre in 1955.](/f/5af9a6bc6f10cc45931e45fa6adc3686.jpg)
However, this was the only controversy that involved philosophers. Together with Foucault, eles assinaram o questionável manifesto To Idade da Razão, defending in the absence of a minimum degree of consent for intimate relationships.
This information becomes even more sinistra to or we will discover that, years later, several alunas of Beauvoir I will see publicly tell that they will be involved as a theoretical and as their companion, when they were still teenagers.
Simone de Beauvoir e o feminism
Currently, there are many movements, perspectives and different voices that exist within the feminist struggle. However, so that you agitações sociais direct hairs of women can advance, incontave theoreticians and activists work hard.
Among these historical figures who reflected, theorized and escreveram to denounce or sexist system, Beauvoir was one of the principals, being influenced and impacted by the world as or what we know.
Com a publication of Or Second Sex (1949), theorists formed the great promoters of the second wave of feminism, in the United States of America, in the 1960s.
Among several reflections on a society and gender (which we will explore further), Beauvoir chamou a attention to the way as or world was observed and explained through male olhar, placing mulher semper numa posição de alteridade (seen as "o outro"):
A humanity and masculine, and or homem defines a woman not even if, but relatively to him; She is not considered to be autonomous.
Or end gives his life
Beauvoir continued to write on various topics, including autobiographical and works on a velhice e a morte. In 1980, Sartre died in Paris, leaving behind his companion over 50 years old.
Em To Cerimônia do Adeus, published no year in a row, the writer remarks the last moments that you spend together.
![Beauvoir e Sartre mound.](/f/f77f305a588e9391d4c0d34efeefcc7c.jpg)
Poucos anos depois, no day April 14, 1986, Simone de Beauvoir morreu na sequência de uma pneumonia. O casal was eternally together, buried not the same mound, not Cemitério de Montparnasse.
Essenciais works by Simone de Beauvoir
Donut of um keep an eye on the tempos In which she lived, Simone de Beauvoir used literature as a means of portray and criticize or social system contemporary culture.
Through romances, philosophical essays, theoretical texts and autobiographical works, Beauvoir became one of the greatest intellectuals and thinkers of his time.
Or Second Sex (1949)
Divided into two volumes, Or Second Sex It was an important feminist treatise, published by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. I do not free, the author defines "patriarchy", exposing the ways or male chauvinist system reproduced oppression das mulheres.
Among these mechanisms, the author stands out or marriage and maternity, faced as true prisons imposed on the female sex.
![Capa do livro Or Second Sex.](/f/ccc1a942ee85bf2bc37012f25195686d.jpg)
Second Beauvoir, in a masculine way, he tried to define what it was to be a woman, conditioning and prescribing the behaviors that were "proper to the gender".
To author Destroy biological failure, showing that no one is born, for example, with a predisposition to fulfill domestic tasks. On the contrary, these notions associated with the genre are part of fictions and social constructions of a system of male domination.
Another crucial aspect of the text was to defend that the subjects of the private sphere (intimate relationships and family members, for example) were also important political issues that need to be debated, ou seja, "or private and public".
Os Mandarins (1954)
One of the most famous works of the author, Os Mandarins It is a romance from the 1950s, in the aftermath of World War II.
A narrative seals em um group of French intellectuals What do you want to know what will be or will be a contribution to a political and social center instavel.
![Capa do livro Os Mandarins, by Simone de Beauvoir.](/f/4cc3301db8852a46a16155123543a1b5.jpg)
You people seem to be based on real figures, which belongs to or circle of the author, such as Sartre, Albert Camus and Nelson Algren.
Apart from discussing theoretical and moral questions, history also tells life episodes destes intellectuals.
7 famous thoughts of Simone de Beauvoir (explained)
Ninguém nasce mulher: becomes mulher.
This is, sem dúvida, some of the most iconic phrases of the author. Beauvoir refers to social norms and expectations that determine the behavior of the lives of women.
These genre parents are limited by ideas that we are learning as tempo, through the socialization of the patriarchal system. Isso means that as mulheres não nascem "formatted" de uma certa maneira, nem predisposed to fulfill certain tasks.
Let nothing limit us, let nothing define us, let nothing hold us down. Our links as the world are we who raise you. That freedom be left to our own substance.
A famous passage expresses or desires the improvement of feminine sex, in the presence of a repressive system.
Beauvoir defends that the social relations are defined by the interactions of two individuals and that, by isso, the paradigms can / must be altered, so that we can live as a maximum of freedom.
Wanting to be free is also wanting to free others.
Here, the author affirms freedom as the maximum value. Essential for human experience, we need to fight for freedom not only for ourselves, but also for other people, for a society like um everything.
The work that women see diminishing to the distance that separates from homem, subject or work will be able to guarantee a concrete independence.
To understand or exceed, we need to re-importance to entrance to the woman in the labor market. Whether before or female sex was limited to domestic work, not paid, she began to earn or be her own money when she could (or precisely) work outside the home.
Isto trouxe alguma financial autonomy for women, something fundamental for their freedom and independence.
We will not define individual opportunities as terms of happiness, but terms of freedom.
A theory explains that the opportunities we have are not related to our level of happiness, but rather to our We will be free to make our decisions e fazer as our own escorts.
It is not the people who are responsible for the lack of marriage, it is the very institution that has been perverted from the beginning.
Beauvoir was one of the authors who thought how, historically, a institição do casamento teve um fulcral paper na opressão da mulher. As a kind of property that was "transferred" from the father to the husband, a woman had no autonomy over herself.
Or oppressor would not be strong if she would not be accomplices among the oppressed themselves.
Nesta passagem, Simone de Beauvoir talks about a quite complex issue: how we can contribute to our own oppression. By being conditioned and manipulated by patriarchal norms, some women end up reproducing stereotypes and macho speeches.
Isso reinforces the oppression of female sex; daí be so important or conceit of sorority, to união and collaboration between the women.
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