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Or what is Painting? Discover history and principal painting techniques

Chamamos de painting an artistic language that is used from pigments deposited on a surface.

This surface can be of various materials, not necessarily a fabric.

There are paintings on paper, fabric, walls, wood or any other support that can be imagined.

Or type of pigment also variable, can be liquid ink or em pó, industrialized or natural.

Furthermore, there are various techniques and types of painting that have been raised and developed over the long term.

A painting ao longo da historia

Art is always present in humanity as a way of communication. Uma das expressões mais antigas nesse sense is painting.

Because it is quite traditional in art history, painting passed through practically all periods historical and, in each um, portrayed behaviors, beliefs, social and political life, among other aspects of societies.

Also, through the language and the possibility of understanding or past, the costumes and ideas of various times and places in the world.

When people still lived in pre-history, a kind of language was developed through images of cave walls, it was through cave painting.

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cave painting
Cave painting of a bisão in the Altamira cave, Spain

The pigments used were extracted from nature, from materials such as carva, sangue, ossos, vegetais, cinzas and roots.

The painted themes vary from caça dinners to dance performances, sex and other everyday images. It is considered that the intention behind this art was religious, of a ritualistic nature.

Since ancient times painting is present as well, it was from Middle Idade (seventh century V to XV) that it stood out in art.

Later, mainly as the emergence of non-final photography of the XIX century, painting loses a little of its strength and its representative character. Isso encourages artists to a greater freedom of aesthetic nessa linguagem.

At present, painting resists as most a form of expression in meio to so many contemporary manifestations.

Types of paint

Figurative painting

A figurative painting (figurativism) is the one that represents figures, objects and people, or seja, which gives us the ability to display images that are reconciled to the human being.

Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa (1503-06), by Leonardo da Vinci, an example of a classic figurative painting

This is the type of painting most executed in the world, both by professional artists and lovers. There are many topics that can be addressed, such as: portraits and self-portraits, still life and landscapes.

Abstract painting

Abstract painting is a type of expression that presents indecipherable images, which correspond to reality, as is the case of figurativeism.

iberê Camargo abstract painting
Restinga dry (1994), abstract painting by the Brazilian Iberê Camargo

Also, spots, cores, textures and patterns are explored, so that the final result is connected with subjective aspects of being human.

The first goal of the 20th century was an artistic movement (abstractionism) that derived from this form of painting, especially as a Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky.

Meanwhile, designs and paintings showing abstract patterns are always made by indigenous peoples and tribes from various parts of the world.

Body paint

Body painting has been manifested from remote times of humanity. Nessa form of art, or body is used as a support, so that the individual has symbols, patterns, hearts and images.

indigenous body painting
Feita body painting in Brazilian indigenous children

Indigenous, African and other local populations perform artistic interventions on their bodies with pigments for two centuries.

There are also permanent paintings feitas na pele, as well as tattoos.

Read more about: Body painting: ancestrality of years days of leaf

Painting techniques


Or fresh is an artistic technique that consists of painting a still surface. Feitas de gesso or lime, usually large murais, where artists deposit the pigment diluted in water.

By contact disso, levou o nome de fresh, which derives from Italian, meaning "fresh".

A liquid ink is integrated into the coating and, after drying, it goes on to face part of the surface.

afresco da capela Sistina
A criação de Adão, afresco da capela Sistina, feito by Michelangelo


Nesse method, traditionally in ink and prepared on the basis of eggs, used as a binder. Also quite used in murais, its drying does not take a lot of time.

With tempera, you get a range of bright and solid colors. This ancient technique, by isso, was later replaced by peeling oil ink.

Tempera Volpi
Tempera on canvas, by Alfredo Volpi

Oil ink painting

The most traditional paintings with oil ink are the most traditional at the leaf. Nelas, as cores are applied with oil-based pigments.

The artist can use pure or diluted colors in linhaça oil. Normally handcrafted instruments are made of various thicknesses and spatulas.

In oil ink it is customary to be or material more escolhido hair painters and professional painters.

oil painting Georgina Albuquerque
No cafezal, Feita canvas with oil ink by Georgina Albuquerque in 1930

Watercolor painting

Já na watercolor, ink applied to a mixture of pigments with water, being very fluid and liquid. Assim, or artist needs the skill to deal with a material that he has little control over.

Generally or used support or paper. Or ideally, this has a boa grammar and some texture.

Young hound, 1502 aquarela
Young hound (1502), old work in watercolor and gouache on paper, by Albrecht Dürer

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  • Types of art
  • The most famous paintings in the world
  • Examples to understand what is visual arts
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