Rafael Sanzio: main works and biography of the Renaissance painter
Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520), also engraved as "Raffaello", was an important Italian Renaissance painter who was better known simply as Raphael.
One of two great artists of his own time, Rafael was a painter and architect, having also been a teacher at the Florença school. Thus his works, impressive and timeless, will enter into the history of universal art and will have a great influence on our breeders that will be followed.
Characteristics of the painting by Rafael Sanzio
Rafael Sanzio began his career as a painter during his adolescence and reached a huge success, forming with Da Vinci and Michelangelo a so-called triad of two great Renaissance mestres.
Focused mostly on religious themes, as his paintings reproduce classic beauty ideas and use some Renaissance techniques like or chiaroscuro e o sfumato.
Um two traditional themes Most represented by the artist is or gives Madonna, to Virgem Maria securing or her filho, Jesus. Contrary to other painters of the time, such as Michelangelo, Rafael did not focus on
pathos these figures, ou seja, as suas expressões não transmitiam dor ou sofrimento.Despite the force, there is also softness of his paintings of him, which are characterized by perfection and harmony, as well as the clarity and amplitude of two spaces represented.
As main works of Rafael Sanzio
Below, we list some of the most famous works by Rafael Sanzio, exploring their context of production and the most important elements of paintings:
Casamento da Virgem (1504)
Casamento da Virgem It was the first famous work of the painter, showing influences from his master, Pietro Perugino, who was painting a square with the same theme at the time. Here we have a representation of marriage of Maria and José, figures that appear in the center, in the foreground.
Showing maturidade no work of the artist, despite his youth, the work was commissioned by the Albizzini family and is currently not Palazzo Brera, em Milão.
Self-portrait (1506)
Um two few self-portraits by Rafael Sanzio, it is credited that the painting had been raised enquanto or artist lived in Florença, learning with Perugino.
Currently, the work is in the same city and is exposed to Galleria degli Uffizi. Na fabric, it is evident to youth painter, there is also an aura of melancholia na sua expressão.
To Bela Jardineira (1507)
To Bela Jardineira, also called from Virgem com o Menino e São João Batista criançaIt was one of the madonnas that Sanzio produced during his Florentine phase.
The work presents a natural cenário (fields and landscape ao founded) and reproduces a geometric structure, as three figures arranged numa pyramidal composition. Currently, the picture is exhibited at the Museu do Louvre, in Paris.
School of Athens (1509–1511)
Considered one of the works-primates of Raphael, the work represents the Academy of Athens and exalts a valuable herança cultural da Grécia Antiga.
O espaço, founded by Platão, was an important Greek school that sought or learned about various subjects, such as philosophy and arts.
Among the many figures represented are, bem not the center, the mestres Platão e Aristotle I walked side by side and talked. Or fresh is found within the walls of the day Stanza della Segnatura, not Vatican, conferred a huge popularity to the city of Rome painter.
Also entrust to Detailed analysis of the work A Escola de Atenas.
Dispute (1510–1511)
Also called from Disputa do Santíssimo Sacramento, to the work is another afresco of Rafael Sanzio that is found in Stanza della Segnatura, not Palácio Apostolic do Vaticano.
To work simultaneously portrays o ceu e a terra, with Deus Pai e Jesus Cristo no centro, accompanied by his apostles and disciples.
At the bottom, not the altar, there are several theologians, Popes and figures of relief from the Church who seem to debate questions as true and divine justice.
Madonna Sistina (1512)
Also called from Madonna di San Sisto, a work is a piece of the altar and one of the last madons that Rafael painted.
Originally commissioned by Pope Júlio II to the church of São Sisto, to travel painting from Germany and to Rússia. At present, to Madonna Sistina It is exhibited at the Pinacoteca dos Mestres Antigos, located in Dresden.
Segurando o filho, Virgem is surrounded by São Sisto e Santa Bárbara. Abaixo, estão two cherubs that will become extremely popular and, today, they continue to be reproduced in numerous products linked to the artist.
Or Triumph of Galatéia (1514)
A truly ravishing work, Or Triumph of Galatéia It was a commission from Agostino C'higi, an important banker from Siena who was a friend of the artist.
Not the center of the square is Galatéia, figure of Greek mythology That it was a day or fifty Nereids and was running a carriage driven by Golfinhos.
Stunned by Ácis, she was covered in giant hair by Polyphemus, but he was rejeitava suas invested in love with him. I know that her face has been inspired by Catarina from Alexandria.
Transfiguration (1520)
Considered the last painting by Raphael Sanzio and also one of his first works, the canvas was commissioned by Cardinal Giulio de Medici and found in the Vatican Museums.
It treats-is given representation of um important biblical episode Described no New Testament: a Transfiguração de Jesus. This is the moment in which the messias over the top of a mountain reveals his divine glory, turning on light.
In this final phase, it is possible to identify some Baroque influences, for example, no dynamism present no quadro.
Biography of Rafael Sanzio
First years
Rafael Santi, filho of Giovanni Santi, born on April 6, 1483 in Sanzio, no duchy of Urbino. As it was common at the time, or an artist, he ended up creating conheque hair that does not give me his native region.
The Duke, Federico da Montefeltro, was a great lover and promoter of the arts who transformed Urbino into an important Italian cultural center. O pai de Rafael was a poet, painter and humanist, having been the first professor of Garoto, who reveals a great talent even in childhood.
Começo da sua carreira
With about 12 years, Rafael became Pietro Perugino's apprentice, an artist from Perugia, and at 17 he was considered a master of painting. Influenced by Perugino, it is notorious in aspects such as perspectives and proportions, as well as Afresco painting.
Later, Sanzio traveled to Siena as an artist Pinturicchio and depois for Florença, attracted by the artistic life of the city. There, he ended up being infected by Renaissance references, mainly through the work of Da Vinci.
Rome and Vatican
With just 25 years, ele foi hired Pope Julius II hair He moved to the city of Rome, where he remained for 12 years and became known as "Prince two Painters". La, he executed great works in non-Vatican affairs, continuing to work for Pope Leo X, or successor of Julius II.
Rome foi or local onde or painter ganhou um great appreciation He ended up getting involved in numerous projects: for example, he sold decorative elements, portraits, cards and illustrated items.
End of his life
Depois da morte de Donato Bramante, or notorious architect of the Vatican, or artist also responsible for the works in the Basilica of São Pedro.
Rafael Sanzio died on April 6, 1520, which dates from the commemoration or his 37th anniversary. Pela sua importance inegável, or painter was honored as a public funeral and later buried in the Pantheon of Rome.
Conheça also
- Tudo on Renaissance art
- Michelangelo: works to know or genius
- Leonardo da Vinci: fundamental works
- Caravaggio: fundamental works and biography
- Main artists of rebirth and their outstanding works