Indigenous art: types of art and characteristics
Indigenous art is an art that is produced by native hairs of a certain local, being therefore multiple and quite diversified. It assumes different facets, shapes and attributes, depending on the location and traditions of the people that are produced.
Furthermore, the art of each indigenous tribe or ethnic group presents its singularities. There are, however, common traces that cross over several regions: an example is body painting.
No Brazil, these artistic manifestations are two basic elements of our culture and remain in our territory through various expressions.
Brazilian indigenous art
Indigenous art is a valuable part of Brazilian culture and two pillars from two quais or our national imagination was formed.
National indigenous art is considered to be that which was produced native povos hairs before, during the depois of the colonization process. Some of these artistic manifestations are the oldest in our territory, being conserved for the last two days.
Not Brazil, this culture manifests itself mainly through pottery, masks and paintings corporais, embora também seja visível through the tecelagem, gives music, gives dance and gives property mythology.
![Natives of the Rikbaksta ethnic group.](/f/58c1482d8769cd12d6aaa12d97119ca6.jpg)
There are various designs and symbols used by each ethnic group, as well as the types of art practiced. You seus original sirens It is being repeated in different parts, working as something that helps to identify its origin.
Second or census carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in 2010, or Brazil, with more than 800 thousand indigenous cities distributed by more than 250 people.
Likewise, this population continues to be spared countless discrimination and violence. All over beauty, history and cultural value that as your criações carregam, we need to preserve them and divulge them or more than we can.
Types of indigenous art
Indigenous body painting
A body painting is two main elements of this art, being able to assume various techniques and patterns. Feita mainly pelas mulheres, the não tem a fim utilitário, plus carry many messages and symbols.
![Assurinis do Tocantins.](/f/1caa1c65dc995c3f174843ccb27f7cc8.jpg)
As inks vary from tribo to tribo, being prepared in different ways from different natural resources, mainly plants, trees and fruits. As paintings and shades can also vary within the same group, due to factors such as genre, life or function in the community.
Some fairly well-known examples are in ink preta feita from jenipapo, vermelha feita do urucum and a tonalidade branca, which we see from tabatinga. Ace live cores e cheias de intensidade channel values such as joy, force and energy.
![Urucum, vermelho fruit used to breed ink.](/f/71d96bc1e75ef4c3729a8738ceda24ac.jpg)
The patterns and designs incorporated in numbers, since they are related to the symbols, the beliefs and the history of each povoação. They arise in incontáveis combinations and arranjos, being able to also represent specific moments and emotions.
Embora sejam commonly used em rituals and cerimôniasThese body paintings at times appear only as an aesthetic element, designed to beautify the bodies.
This is the case, for example, two Karajás, that we use these paintings as a way to shave and decorate the serious bodies with images that I am inventing.
![A native two Kadiwéu in 1892.](/f/349404a3f9979f5c728b14fa10717219.jpg)
You Kadiwéu (ou cadiuéus), do Mato Grosso do Sul, ficaram known hairs serious detailed developments that contain elements such as strips and spirals. Currently, these paintings are present in the ceramic vases that they sell.
To find out more about or subject, read: Body painting, ancestrality of years, days of leaf.
Indigenous masks
Used in rituals, ceremonies and celebrations, indigenous masks have a high symbolic charge. Usually they are reserved for some special moments, such as commemorations and sacred rituals, pela sua forte link to the supernatural world.
Part two costumes and folklore of each population, follow the traditions and represent entities that these individuals want to please or calm.
![Mask dosTicunas, ou tucunas, that inhabit the Amazon region.](/f/319f57af0edee3233ce30b2c823d73fd.jpg)
You Tucanos e you Aruaques We use these objects when we perform sacred dances. Também é assim com os Karajás, which we reserve for Aruanã, a dance that aims to honor your heroes.
As masks are made from materials such as palha, huts or tree hulls, and they are customarily decorated with designs and pains of passing. Contudo, not case two MatisIn the southwest of Amazônia, they stand out for being made in ceramics.
Indigenous ceramics
Ceramics are also quite common in various ethnic groups of indigenous origin and usually made by women.
Or clay is not only manipulated to create useful objects, such as glasses and cups, but also statues and containers to store two mortals, among others.
![Example of an indigenous ceramic vase.](/f/b685da019c0548f11b760941f0e8b8fd.jpg)
Embora work in different ways, these povos do not use the oleiro rod (an instrument that is normally used in olaria), raising fish as singular shapes. The works are adorned with patterns and decorative elements.
You Kadiwéu Currently, we continue to produce pieces of ceramics that we decorate with the same images that we use body paintings. Ha to Ilha de Marajó ficou internationally known pelas suas peças.
![Ceramic vase raised Kadiwéu hairs.](/f/4a4690f54d288fca0c2d0694573732bd.jpg)
A region stands out for the pottery of culture marajoara (works of larger dimensions) and culture santarena (which portrayed human figures and continued elements in relief).
Cestaria / indigenous trançado
Outra activity more practiced by female sex, an indigenous woman also rich and varied. With materials such as leaves or tree fibers (for example, palm leaves), or trançado can be made through different techniques, in various ways, decorating works with patterns and figures.
![Basket of the Tariana ethnic group.](/f/4993771185f084b1304c12eed01c43f4.jpg)
I always have in view of day-to-day necessities, these baskets can different functions: coar liquid substances, penetrate farinha, transport and reinforce foodstuffs.
You BaniwaLocated on the border that separates Brazil from Colombia and Venezuela, they are famous for the basket of arumã that is sold by the country.
Not just masks, more diverse decorated objects Through plumagem: arrows, cocks, bracelets, jumps, among others. As the feathers are harvested from the birds at no time of the hunt, they are later stained and cut. Then, they are directly cast to the body of somebody or used for the decoration of artifacts.
![Example of plumage work not to coke.](/f/a26385fffd195f363aae4b7f1366a83f.jpg)
Also, of course, it gives body painting, indigenous feather art also loaded with symbols. For you Palicures, for example, as vermelhas de arara penalties were a tribute to spirits to afastar or badly.
Because they are objects of great value, they are hardly used in ceremonial moments. A cor e or format of pens fazem distinções de genre, idade, importance no group, etc.
Usually feita por homens, a plumagem also more used by them, being faced as a manifestation of power e social statute.
Characteristics of indigenous art
Um two most striking traces of indigenous art and its collective dimension. Here, the artistic fazer is not about an individual activity: contrary hair, and something partilhade.
Intimately linked to community life, daily needs, celebrations, ceremonies and rituals, these artistic forms are alicerçadas nas tradições They are transmitted from geração em geração.
In terms of gerais, we can affirm that it embora as peças tenham esthetic concerns, a greater part possible utility character, ou seja, these are objects that can be (are) used not every day.
It is also important to note that these artistic objects are used. raw materials in nature: leaves, fruits, trees, bears, teeth and animal feathers, among others.
Also tell them that they are used in common life, some are faced as cerimonial artifacts that we approach individuals from spirit world.
Conheça also
- African masks and serious meanings
- Poems about Amazônia
- African art: history, manifestations and contemporary art
- Rock art