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Vik Muniz e as suas 10 most impressive criações

Vik Muniz is an internationally recognized Brazilian plastic artist who works with unusual materials. Chocolate, feijão, açúcar, amendoim butter, condensed milk, tomato mold, hair gel, gel and re-supplied products are provided by some of the main raw materials.

Their criações carregam a forte social concern and as a future of the environment. Installed in the United States since his youth, at the moment the work of Vik Muniz is backed by four corners of the planet.

He now knows some of his main children from him.

1. Lampedusa


An installation created in 2015 and presented at the Venice Biennale is a harsh criticism of the artist for European policies against the opening of the border to refugees.

Or boat, feito simulating a child's bending and supposedly built from extensions of jornais, was available The two Canaan principalities of Veneza and Lembrava are the spectators of the death of refugees that we find on the coast. Italian.

2. John Lennon

John Lennon

Or English singer, pop icon, member of two Beatles, ganhou um feito portrait from coffee. You are responsible for defining either your contour and your hair when you are represented by a pair of cheia xícaras.

instagram story viewer

Vik Muniz manages to breed a very beautiful fish with just four elements: a smooth foundation, grains, coffee beans and coffee soon inside them. After being raised, the installation was photographed and then exhibited in shows.

3. Double Mona Lisa (Peanut butter and jelly)

Mona Lisa

Nesse trabalho, Vik Muniz recited Leonardo da Vinci's classic work, a Monalisa. But ao give shape to mysterious moça he escolheu two particular and quite everyday elements: a geleia de uva and a manteiga de amendoim. Just eat these two raw materials and a smooth white background, or an artist was able to give body to painting. O work was carried out in 1999 with the following dimensions: 119.5 x 155 cm.

Or use of unexpected and ephemeral materials for the composition of the peças and justified by the artist's own:

"To art and over all the skill of olhar for a coisa and enxergar another".

4. Sugar children

criancas de acucar

A series Crianças de açúcar, raised in 1996, brought up by Vik Muniz for fame. This was the first job to have repercussions and to raise it up to be recognized internationally. As images are of Caribbean children from poor families that cut sugar cane from plantations in St. Kitts.

Vik photographs these crianças and depois reconstituiu os contours using some sugar, an element that is part of the daily life of young people. Or açúcar is a reference both to doçura e purity das crianças as a material that condemns you to poverty.

Regarding the breeding, Vik Muniz tells in an interview from the backstage of the idea:

"OR Sugar children”I am very much to see how to photograph, here is what to do with a glass and a picture with a silvered glass exposed to light. This pontilhista series is made with sugar on black paper and photographed on gelatin plate. Isso triggered something very important. In 1992, he passed the fairs on the island of St. Kitts and played with local children in a praia de Areia Preta. These were crianças de plantações de açúcar. Not my last day they will get up to know their country and I am surprised or how sad and tired they are. How do these children become adults? I concluded that life will throw its doçura deles. These portraits are now in several important collections, but also in the small library of the St. Kitts children's school. I devote a lot to those children. "

5. The Bearer Irma

The Bearer Irma, 2008

O work above was carried out in 2008 not lixão de Gramacho, baixada do Rio de Janeiro. The sanitary land chosen by Vik Muniz as a cenario of some of his most important creations of him was the greatest lixão to the Latin American tree.

Not local, Vik told him to help two lixo tasters who usually work in Gramacho. First photographs, deposited, with harvested material not their own lixão, I mount the photographs in giant dimensions in a nearby deposit. Everything or project was registered and of its origin or consecrated document Extraordinary liquor.

6. Track brawl

track brawl

Raised in 2000, Track brawl At the moment it belongs to the consecrated collection The Frick Pittsburgh.

A photograph, with 61cm x 50.8cm in dimensions, and literally titled (a translation for or Portuguese would be "track briga") and literally represents a dispute between two individuals at the top of two trilhos of um trem.

7. Paparazzi


The Paparazzi face work is part of a compost collection made from Bosco brand chocolate xarope. This work was later than the açúcar crianças, when Vik began to wake up or to find unexpected materials. It is worth noting that Hitchcock used Bosco chocolate xarope to make the famous chuveiro dinner because the royal blood was not sufficiently bloody on the cloth.

On the contrary, the series produced from sugar, which could take a long time to be manufactured, Peças produced with chocolate or artist needs to be fast, otherwise, dry ficaria and shine necessary.

8. Che, à maneira by Alberto Korda

Che guevara in beans

Or Cuban icon Che Guevara ganhou quite peculiar outlines to be reproduced by Vik Muniz from canned feijão. Or subject that was marked as a portrait of the Cuban revolution was reinterpreted as feijões because or food is a typical Cuban food.

It was raised in the year 2000 and it was large, it was an impression of 150.1 cm by 119.9 cm.

9. Principle


Or object created in 1997 that was battered as a Principia name, possible 18.1 cm by 27.6 cm and composed of photographs, stereoscopic glass, wood and color.

Muniz created a series with 100 identical numbered objects, some of which are found in the MAM of Rio de Janeiro and produced by the Clube de Colectores de Gravura MAM de São Paulo.

10. Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

A criação, dated 2015, face part of the series Postcards from nowhere. A representation of Paris is based on Vik Muniz's olhar, it has completely different contours because the work is all made from postcard cutouts.

Hundreds of light city cards were used in the first place that, cast, compose the famous landscape of the French capital.

A capa do CD Tribalistas feita by Vik Muniz

A layer of the CD “Tribalistas” (2002) was made with a chocolate soup. The plastic artist was invited as a trio to give face to the album that became iconic in Brazilian music.


Vik Muniz tells about the racks of the criação and about a commission feita pelos by Arnaldo Antunes, Marisa Monte and Brown:

Vik Muniz e a criação da capa de Tribalistas (2002)

At the end, did I burn Vik Muniz?

Vicente José de Oliveira Muniz, known not as artistic just like Vik Muniz, born in São Paulo on December 20, 1961. Of humble origins, or pai de artist was garçom e a mãe telephone operator, Vik was basically bred pela I went to immigrate to the United States, where I ended up developing my work in the arts plastic.

It is possible to find works by Vik Muniz in large cities such as Paris, Los Angeles, São Francisco, Madri, Tóquio, Moscow and London (the capital of England has so much not the Victoria & Albert Museum as well as the Tate Modern).

No Brazil has exhibited work, no MAM of São Paulo and in Minas Gerais, no Museu do Inhotim.

Feito self-portrait by Vik Muniz with pieces of paper.
Feito self-portrait by Vik Muniz with pieces of paper.

Or documentary Extraordinary liquor (Waste land)

A criação portrays viagem feita by Vik Muniz from his second home - the United States - to Brazil. The artist resolves to develop a work starting from Jardim Gramacho, or the largest deposit from lixo to seu aberto in Latin America.

The film was a success for the public and critics seeking to be indicated to Oscar. Or documentary received or prêmio do publicais festivais de Sundance e Berlim.

Cartaz do film Lixo Extraordinário.
Cartaz do film Extraordinary Lixo.

Quem ajudou Vik Muniz nessa artistic employer foram tasters, workers of recolhem recyclable material. The workers are photographed and the images are reproduced on a giant scale, from the collected material that is not their own.

The filmmaker responsible for the documentary film was Lucy Walker.

The result is available in its entirety, it is a very beautiful document with a duration of 90 minutes:

Lixo Extraordinary Full Film Document

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