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The 13 most famous African and Afro-Brazilian dances

African dances are a fundamental expression of the culture of this continent and influence various international rhythms. Usually they are accompanied by percussion instruments and everyone can participate in them, no matter their status or their status.

Além de possuírem essa artistic and playful facet, some are faced as a way of being in contact with the forerunners of the spiritual world.

1. Guedra


It's about a dance ritual typical of certain Berber communities that live in the Saara desert region and are chamadas de "Povo Azul" pela cor das suas roupas.

Seu intuito é afastar doenças and negative influences: when homens play drums, just as mulheres dancers, using força feminina to fight possible evils.

Ajoelhadas no chão, they execute several symbolic movements as the arms and the ones that intend to abençoar those only and their inhabitants.

2. Ahouach


TO traditional dance group, present in the center and not south of Morocco, and associated with festivals and celebrations. Enveloping a large number of participants, o Ahouach symbolizes o spirit of union e community.

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The dancers are divided into two groups, formed in semicircles or rows, with homens on one side and women on the other.

Through a repetitive and synchronized choreography, the sacodem of her bodies that can be adorned with jewels and various enfeites.

3. Gnawa


The dances known as Guinaua ou Gnawa, popular in Morocco and in Algeria, integrate cure rituals that also involves music and poetry.

Nelas, the movements are faced as an entrance gate for or world two spirits The participants wear brancas roupas with colorful ornaments.

While the musicians are organized in a line or in a circle, the dancers perform various acrobatics on their front.

4. Rebit


Pelas gerações jovens referred to as "dança dos heights"(pais ou pessoas mais velhas), to Rebita é uma Angolan salão dance.

Here, the participants dance in pairs and follow several choreographed steps that are commanded by a figure called "chefe da roda". The gestures that you execute create a climate of elegance and fulfillment between your peers.

5. Kuduro

MK Kuduro - éwé éwé (2011)

Born in Angola, during 80's, or Kuduro cameçou being a type of dance and depois turned into a musical style that conquered admirers from all over the world.

A dance was raised in the streets of Luanda by uma youth peripheral that faces him as a vehicle to express his creativity.

With fast movements, mainly our quadris and lower limbs, or Kuduro is quite common in dances and parties, it can be danced collectively or individually.

6. Kazukuta


A typical Angolan dance is a form of slow sapateado Which dancers are going to lean on us by taking two feet, also making movements like the rest of the body.

Executed in a collective way, Kazukuta is very popular during the Carnival and tries to destroy the inimigos and oppressors. The participants dress roupas de tons and padrões chamativos, carregando uma flare ou guarda-chuva, accessory that was used at the time of dancing.

7. Funaná

FUNANA "Berdeana" -Manu di Tarrafal- Isaac Barbosa & Joana Pinheiro, in MIAMI BEACH KIZOMBA FESTIVAL

O Funaná, a style that was born Cape Verde, I danced in pairs. United, the participants open with two arms, each of them as another.

Its most important steps consist of mexer or quadril e flex you joelhos Following or rhythm gives music that, traditionally, is played with a type of accordion known as "bagpipes".

8. Kizomba

Tony Pirata & Aurea dancing Kizomba at I Love Kizomba Festival 2019 (Eindhoven)

More and more famous in various parts of the world, Kizomba is a genre of music and dance that emerged in Angola, resulting in two various rhythms that are mixed The big parties that were called "kizombadas".

To dance slow esensual, born in the 80s, it awakens to fulfillment among peers and became a favorite of many apaixonados casais.

9. Semba

Oncle kani and Blackcherry: Pépé kallé - Gérant (semba)

To chamada "dance da family" It has a very strong tradition in Angola and became popular in the 1950s. Em kimbundo a palavra means "umbigada", ou seja, a dance in which two pairs ficam cast are umbigos.

Além desse passo fundamental stands out as walks and variations of rhythm that open space for creativity and o impromptu. By isso, or semba and faced as two more easy African styles for beginners to learn.

10. Capoeira


As expressões culturais Africanas have a great impact on the formation of our country and deixaram many fruits on the national scene; Among them are Afro-Brazilian dances.

A capoeira, which combines elements of dance, sports, music and martial arts, born in Brazil during the seventeenth century. Serious breeders eram individuals of the Banto ethnic group that were scrawled and used as a defense method.

Currently, capoeira assumes different styles and is practiced in various points of the country and the world. In 2014, it was declared an Imaterial Patrimony of Humanity by UNESCO.

11. Maracatu


Or maracatu is a tradition created in Pernambuco, during the colonial period, which is part of Brazilian folklore. It can assume several forms and combines dance, music and religiões of African matrix with elements of indigenous and Portuguese cultures.

The courtships refer to African courts and present various people such as King, Rainha and Baianas.

Popular in regions such as Recife and Nazaré da Mata, or maracatu é or older Afro-Brazilian rhythm and can pay homage to some orixás do Candomblé.

12. Roda samba

Grupo Sucena - Samba De Roda - Ritmos e Manifestações Afro-Brasileiras

Related to capoeira, or samba from Roda nasceu no Recôncavo Baiano, during the seventeenth century, and is considered or precursor of samba as we know it.

Normally associated with the celebrations and the worship of two orixás, or style was influenced by African semba hair and is considered Patrimônio Imaterial da Humanidade. It is customary for a collective dance to be accompanied by palms and declaimed poetry; nela, as mulheres assumem um major stand out.

13. Congada

Congada of São Benedito de Cotia do Mestre Dito (section 2)

Part of Afro-Brazilian folklore, a Congada is a manifestation of cultural and religious character that involves music, theater, dance and spirituality.

Its origin is related to an ancient African tradition which commemorates the Crown of the Congo and Rainha Jinga of Angola. Through do syncretism religious, a celebration passed to be dedicated to São Benedito, Santa Efigênia and Nossa Senhora do Rosário.

During the dance, the participants organize themselves in fileiras, face to face, and perform choreographies that simulate a combat to the rhythm of music.

Take the opportunity to also confer:

  • Main folk dances from Brazil and the world
  • Types of dance: more familiar styles
  • African masks and serious meanings
  • Commented African Counts
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