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15 Classical books from Brazilian literature commented on

You want the classics, but don't you know where to start? Ou acha, it is now time to reread the great works, but no bem das wounds that you want more to return to them?

Thinking of inspiring you, we prepare a list of the great classics of Brazilian literature of all times. We wish everyone a boa reading!

1. Amar, intransitive verbby Mário de Andrade

Amar, intransitive verb

The first romance of the pioneer modernist writer Mário de Andrade was written between 1923 and 1924, published in 1927.

The work tells us the story of Elza, also a daughter of Fräulein, a German at home for two thirty years who was hired to start a teenager in the art of love. A narrative is passed no berço of a bourgeois paulista family that fears that or filho mais velho will fade out and perch by reason.

To prepare the child for a affectionate life, or father, Carlos, he then hires Fräulein who works as a teacher of German, music and governanta.

In the presence of women in the family, a series of questões sociais of the epoch is being drawn. A courageous work of Mário de Andrade

instagram story viewer
raise all taboos It presents a transgressive and innovative approach.

Find out a deep analysis of Livro Amar, Intransitive Verb by Mário de Andrade.

2. O bem-belovedby Dias Gomes

O bem-beloved

A work by Dias Gomes that depois virou livro was initially written for the theater in 1962. A history has so much success that it was also adapted for television (novels and ministries) and for cinema.

Em O Bem-Amado, Dias Gomes tece uma harsh social criticism Brazilian politics through the protagonist Odorico Paraguaçu. The universe of the fictional city of Sucupira is a metaphor for Brazil.

With a lot of humor, the story presents shameless people, with highly questionable ethics, shedding light on the corruption issue that has plagued the country since time immemorial.

Find out more about or Livro O Bem-Amado, by Dias Gomes.

3. Incident in Antaresby Érico Veríssimo

Incident in Antares

If you tell them that it cuts or magical realism, then you cannot lose that classic of Brazilian literature that is Incident in Antares, one of the last publications of the gaucho writer Érico Veríssimo.

Courageously published no apex of military statement, The work is part of the premise of a Greve Geral that for a small city not inland of Rio Grande do Sul. As a paralysis, this body could not be buried and the deceased raised two respective caixões to pass the city causing a series of disorders.

The work - which has moments of enormous comedy - has a certain criticism of Brazilian politics.

Take the opportunity to run a complete analysis of Livro Incidente em Antares, by Érico Veríssimo.

4. Clear roomby Carolina Maria de Jesus

Quarto de despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus

Clear room It was the first book published by Carolina Maria de Jesus, in August 1960. Carolina was single, black, favelada and with little access to formal education.

A publicação brings together 20 newspapers written between July 1955 and January 1960 in the Canindé favela, in São Paulo, and treating Carolina day by day trying to raise a family in poverty in a large center urban.

Or livro, which ends up serving as a severe social complaint, was of fundamental importance because it brings together a harsh reality at this evening.

Find out more about the work Quarto de Despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus.

5. Self gives compassionby Ariano Suassuna

Self gives compassion

Written in 1955, written for the first time, not the year to follow, Self gives compassion decades later virou minissérie e film proving that classics will never lose validity.

A regionalist publication called a cenário or northeastern sertão and narrates the adventures of two great friends João Grilo e Chicó. Or text flowed with muita facilidade thanks to the orality undertaking.

A faulty work, permeated with a lot of humor, about the harsh realities not in the northeast of the Northeast and the creative artifacts that your friends tear away to survive in so much poverty.

Conheça o artigo dedicated exclusively to or Auto da Compadecida, by Ariano Suassuna.

6. Morte e Vida Severinaby João Cabral de Melo Neto

Morte e Vida Severina

The longo poem by the writer João Cabral de Melo Neto was written between 1944 and 1945.

A work narrates the retreat of Severino, a story like so many others, which needs to leave or land on the coast to defeat fome and, in the last instance, to death.

Or I walk percorrido no poem and do interior miserável rumo to Recife. The verses also show the daily reality lived in the capital in search of new opportunities.

How about the first analysis of the work Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto?

7. Alienistby Machado de Assis


Machado de Assis is or did not go after a series of classics from Brazilian literature, and perhaps Or Alienist, published in 1882, is one of his most important works.

A history, divided into 13 chapters, traced as the protagonist or illustrious doctor Dr. Simão Bacamarte. Formed not abroad, he returns to Brazil and a small city is established where he begins to diagnose a series of patients with mental disorder.

A work, insightful, promotes a debate on a border between a rationality and a loucura.

I want to know more about the work? Então vá para o artigo sobre o Livro O Alienista, by Machado de Assis.

8. Clandestine happinessby Clarice Lispector

Clandestine happiness

Clarice Lispector é, sem dúvida, dos maiores nomes da Brazilian literature, by isso any list of classics that does not include or does not include the serious criminal.

Clandestine Felicidade There are two many titles that could have been chosen - Clarice is the author of memorable works that will not lose validity.

Published in 1971, Clandestine Felicidade It is a book of stories that brings together 25 little past stories in Recife and in Rio de Janeiro between the 50s and 60s. As narratives são autobiographical e tackles delicate topics such as solidão, nostalgia and crises existeis.

Leia mais about the work Felicidade Clandestina, by Clarice Lispector.

9. Areia captainsby Jorge Amado

Capitaes of areia

Jorge Amado is the author of great classics of Brazilian literature and Areia captains It is one of those powerful works. Published in 1937, the work faces a severe social criticism of Brazilian realities.

A past history in Salvador was the protagonists of a group of abandoned children who call themselves Capitães de Areia. You become vulnerable, submissive to encouragement or helplessness, they end up turning into a violent gangue that practices furts in the capital of Bahia.

I want to know more about this story? Então vá para o artigo do Livro Capitães da Areia, by Jorge Amado.

10. Dry livesby Graciliano Ramos

Dry lives

To work Dry Lives face part of the second phase of modernism and was launched in 1938.

Com uma dry and precise linguagem, or romance shelters a severe social criticism to or address a harsh reality not in the Northeast.

We accompany the difficulties of Fabiano and his family - to Mulher Sinhá Vitória and the filhos não nomeados - that fogem gives dry rumo to a melhor life.

Take the opportunity to read também or artigo Dry Lives, by Graciliano Ramos.

11. Luciolaby José de Alencar


Luciola é uma das muitas classic works written by José de Alencar. Launched in 1862, or urban romance theme as a cenário or Rio de Janeiro and narrates or forbidden love between Paulo and a courtesy of Lúcia.

Ingênuo, or young Paulo, recently returned from Olinda in Rio de Janeiro, turns off young Lúcia, knowing her profissão. We, readers, end up being testemunhas of that troubled love that defies little preconceptions.

Além being a story so much to be told, Luciola It is also a vintage photograph tracing all the social stigmata to date.

Know more about the work Lucíola, by José de Alencar.

12. Or Quinzeby Rachel de Queiroz

Or Quinze

How many times are you já viu or first book of an author will become a classic? Pois é... that rare event happened com Or Quinze, a work by Rachel de Queiroz, published in 1930.

Passed in Fortaleza, a history - which carries neorealist characteristics - it was like a background from a dry historical past lived in the state in 1915.

The protagonist, a teacher called Conceição, assists in this tragedy. Or mixed story or seu individual drama as collective drama that testemunha.

Curious ficou pela work? Take the opportunity to express a complete article on or Livro O Quinze, by Rachel de Queiroz.

13. Clara dos Anjosby Lima Barreto

Clara dos Anjos

Or social romance Clara dos Anjos touch on sensitive topics like or racism, or sexism and marriages for convenience.

The last work written by Lima Barreto - published posthumously, in 1948 - goes to Rio de Janeiro and narrates the story of Clara, a poor girl and a mulatto raised not suburb.

Born in humility, filha de um carteiro as a housewife, a young person finds herself in trouble when she loses herself because she needs to fight against the social stigma due to her origin and cor da pele.

Confira or artigo Clara dos Anjos, by Lima Barreto.

14. A rosa do povoby Carlos Drummond de Andrade

A rosa do povo

Or the only exemplar of that list in terms of poetry, To Rosa do Povo brings together 55 classic Drummond poems that were written between 1943 and 1945.

Because I was raised in a delicate moment of the world (during World War II) we attended a tom cheated and politician in many desses verses.

Apart from being his most extensive work, we find a collection of poems that summarizes for the reader or lyrical work that is considered two greatest Brazilian poets.

15. Memories of a militia sergeant, by Manuel Antônio de Almeida

Memories of a militia sergeant

It is easy to catch hold of the story told in Memories of a militia sergeant. Originally written in the format of a booklet between 1852 and 1853 (and published in a book format a year later), the work was played by Leonardo.

A long two pages we know or curious course of being capable, who was raised as a child Bagunceira, he ended up turning a thug and surprisingly he stabilized after turning a sergeant of militias.

Know more about o Livro Memórias de um Sergeant of Milícias de Manuel Antônio de Almeida.

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