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Naturalism: characteristics, main names and works of movement

O Naturalism was an artistic and literary stream that provoked or shocked but also conquered the public's attention.

The movement places in evidence the themes and marginalized people who customarily be left behind as art. As I intend to analyze society, it has exposed several issues that were still taboos.

Do you want to know more about Naturalism, its characteristics and main artists? Join us for analysis!

I summarize: what was it or Naturalism?

O Naturalism was a literary and artistic movement that arose in Europe, during the late nineteenth century. We can understand it as uma ramification or continuation of Realism that extrapolates some of its characteristics and paradigms.

Strongly linked to scientific thought of the time and influenced by Darwin, or Naturalism sought study or individual Inquanto produto gives his hereditary (genetic inheritance) and also of meio onde cresceu.

Or movement manifested itself through various artistic expressions such as literature, painting and theater. Na literature, it became um

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complaint instrument and social criticism. Na painting, trouxe realistic paintings passed in natural environments.

Not theater, it also instituted great changes such as the emergence of a director, sonoplasty, two costume designers, among other elements.

Uma das maiores innovações dos naturalistas was the way in which they place or focus the art and literature of the most disadvantaged classes and also us social groups more stigmatized, something that did not happen here.

Naturalism in literature

Or começo, na França, with Émile Zola

Or French writer Emile zola (1840 - 1902) was the main promoter of naturalistic literature. In 1867, published a work Or experimental romance , faced as a manifesto do movimento.

O Naturalism favors fiction, in the form of a naturalistic romance, which is proposed to study and expose to a society of lesser than the tinha de mais primário or até animalsco.

Nestas works, or human being becomes or object of study, from um olhar focused on his physiology, on his compulsions and pathologies.

Also known as tese romancesI tried to provide a scientific analysis through literature, trying to prove or validate a philosophical or social theory.

Capa da first edição de Nana, by Emile Zola (1880).
Capa da first edição de Nanaby Émile Zola (1880).

Published in 1880, Nana It is a number of major works by Zola, being also considered a number of prime works of naturalistic literature. Or I follow the protagonist as the same name, a young actress who was born in a poor family, filha de um homem alcoholic.

Pretty and sensual, Nana ends up using her physical attributes to survive and becomes a luxurious prostitute. A woman manages to raise her life and enrich herself, becoming a member of the "high circle" of the French company.

Or romance, as well as outros do seu tempo, é marked hair eroticism and hair discourses on sexuality, especially that which was considered immoral or for two sirens. Our protagonists were those who were socially disliked.

Émile Zola também escreveu Germinal (1881), a work that portrays two mineiros de Carvão to life. To make a further description of the next day of reality, or author chegou to live among the homens who perform profissão.

In Portugal: or naturalism of Eça de Queirós

In the Portuguese language, two more important names in this context of Eça de Queirós, which deeply marks the literary panorama of your country with works pertaining to Naturalism-Realism.

Capa do livro O Primo Basílio, by Eça de Queirós.
Capa do livro Or Cousin Basílio (1878), by Eça de Queirós.

Or Cousin Basílio (1878) criticized the bourgeoisie of the XIX century, stating his vices and segregated. Luísa, the protagonist, is a married woman who commits an adulthood when he meets her or his cousin, Basílio, because she loses her head.

Ha em O Crime of Padre Amaro (1875), or alvo da denouncement of Eça é or clergy and his hypocrisy, exemplified by the way she broke her vows.

Characteristics of Naturalism in literature

  • Use uma simple linguagem, quite close to that used not daily;
  • Tem uma forte component of denunciation and social criticism, fazendo um portrait of seu tempo;
  • Analysis or human behavior through um olhar objective and impessoal;
  • OR narrator is aware and does not get involved events, functioning as a mere observer of the situation;
  • Aborts topics considered shocking, mainly linked to sexuality and mental health;
  • It portrays human beings as beasts, creatures governed by serious hair. impulses and desires primitive;
  • Take science as a priority, assuming uma positivist stance;
  • Ace works defend a theory, what the narrator tries to prove, observing you little subjects as a scientist doing an experience or research;
  • Or narrator and deceived and tempts, actively, convinces readers about gives his tese of him;
  • Broadly marked hair Determinism, defending that each individual would be or direct product of what he was on;
  • It too characterized hair fatalism, com narratives that end in a tragic way, mainly for the people who see the most disadvantaged meios (as they are destined to ruin);
  • Relates to fight of being human against as forces of Nature;
  • Influenced by Darwin and or evolutionism, it tries to show that as soon as you are more apt to prosper;
  • Portrays marginalized groups and collective environments;
  • It values ​​aesthetic aspects as well extremely detailed descriptions that allows the reader to imagine as some exatidão;

Naturalism not Brazil

No Brasil, or Naturalismo emerged in the late nineteenth century, influenced by European authors such as Émile Zola and Eça de Queirós. No national territory, or major representative of the foi or maranhense style Aluísio Azevedo, with uncontrollable works such as Or mulatto (1881) e Or Cortiço (1890).

You will be free, following naturalistic logic, it will not limit itself to distracting readers, as happened, for example, with literature of Romanticism. Here, a concern was narrate and analyze the reality of the country, facing literary works as instruments of denunciation.

It is also important to note that this was a period of social and political upheavals that preceded enormous changes, such as the abolition of the escravatura (1888) and the Proclamation of the Republic (1889).

Capa do livro O Mulato de Aluíso de Azevedo
Capa do livro Or mulatto (1881), by Aluísio de Azevedo.

Em Or mulatto, Azevedo tells the story of Raimundo, um homem que é filho de um escravo more rejeita to his negritude, giving two racial preconceptions that he faziam to feel naquela society.

Já na work Or Cortiço, or author focuses on the life of a community room, or Cortiço São Romão, following the destinies of two serious inhabitants. The people belong to the poorest classes of the society and also the most marginalized.

A narrative is marked by um strong determinism: portraying what he considered to be fraquezas and vices given them individuals, he defends that all foram corbroken hair meio onde vivem and forcibly fall into ruin.

Despite the importance of Aluísio Azevedo, other names stand out not Brazilian naturalism, such as Adolfo Caminha, Souza's English, Horácio de Carvalho, Emília Bandeira de Melo and Raul Pompeia.

Find out more about or Naturalism not Brazil.

Main works and artists of Naturalismo

In painting, as well as in literature, naturalists want to counteract romantic tendencies, such as idealism and subjectivity. O focus passes to be in lower classes, with portraits of two daily lives, many times in meios rurais.

The "naturalistic" thermo was used since the seventeenth century to disclose works presenting a realistic view of what they portrayed. I do not know XIX, not so much, or Naturalism manifested itself in the movement of the plastic arts.

Quadro Hay Making, by Jules Bastien Lepage.
Quadro The pheno makers (1877), by Jules Bastien-Lepage.

Os quadros are characterized, sobretudo, by conterem Realistic images that happened in places linked to nature.

These characteristics come to emerge mainly in France, with artists such as Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848 - 1884), one more two drivers of the movement.

Naturalist painting was also being used in other parts of the world, such as England and the United States of America.

William Bliss Baker, Early Summer.
Quadro Home of Verãoby William Bliss Baker.

Among you North American painters, William Bliss Baker (1859 - 1886) chamou a atenção com suas paisagens naturais, before dying prematurely, aged 26 years.

In England, a botanical artist Marianne north (1830 - 1890) Marcou or Naturalism, portraying the fauna and flora of various countries through his paintings.

A painter traveled with balloon hair, passing through places such as Brazil, or Canada, the United States, Jamaica, or Japan and India, painting her flowers and fruits.

Quadro Japanese Flowers, by Marianne North.
Quadro Japanese Flowers, by Marianne North.

Other artists of Naturalism:

  • John James Audubon (França, 1785 - 1851)
  • Edward lear (England, 1812 - 1888)
  • August Friedrich Schenck (German, 1828 - 1901)
  • Marie Bashkirtseff (Ucrânia, 1858 - 1884)

Historical context of Naturalism

Being a radicalization or continuation of Realism, or Naturalism emerged in a similar context.

Em 1859, or English biologist Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) launched a work that would greatly influence the perspectives of the time: To Origem das Espécies.

To his theory of her, understood as evolutionary theory, will explain diversities and evolution of species through criteria of natural selection.

A valorization of science and the idea that as soon as the melhores and most fortes survive, it leads to a deterministic and positivist vision the world.

On the other hand, the artistic movement was also being influenced by hair. socialist thought, that ganhava forces with luta pelos direitos two workers from the Industrial Revolution.

As works of Naturalism show us two poor people, who lived in difficult conditions, and were explored in their own ways.

Conheça also

  • Magical realism
  • Modernism
  • Symbolism
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