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Rachel de Queiroz: biography and works

Rachel de Queiroz (1910-2003) was two great nomes of our literature and that barreiras have been the first woman to join the Brazilian Academy of Letters and the first author to receive or Prize Camões.

As a vast and complex work inscribed in a literary school of Modernism, it stands out or its romance Or Quinze, which thematizes the dry northeast in a deeply human way.

Biography of Rachel de Queiroz

Writer, translator, journalist, playwright - Rachel de Queiroz was very helpful and entered for the literary history of the country that has been a precursor of regionalist romance with a social approach.

Born in Fortaleza (Ceará), on November 17, 1910, Rachel, who was Daniel de Queiroz Lima - advocate and promoter - and Clotilde Franklin de Queiroz, began to save years ten years.

When the girl had been in the family for seven years, she moved to Rio de Janeiro to flee from the dry region to the region and returned in 1919 to the city.

Rachel de Queiroz lives a large part of her life in the northeast, but she has also experienced many years in Rio de Janeiro.

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Rachel de Queiroz


Formed by Colégio Imaculada Conceição, Rachel became a teacher when she was barely fifteen years old.

It's not the same college that she started teaching history classes as a substitute teacher.


Rachel was stopped, not journalism, maybe accidentally. In 1927 he wrote a letter for the O Ceará journal, faze using a pseudonym to misrepresent the Rainha dos Estudantes contest.

The letter assisted by Rita de Queluz at the end was so successful that Rachel was invited to collaborate regularly as a newspaper. Gostando da realidade jornalística, a young man passed to publish in fragments or folhetim History of um nome.

After moving to Rio de Janeiro, she began to collaborate as Diário de Notícias, as O Jornal and with O Cruzeiro magazine. No espaço do jornal, Rachel also published in the form of folhetim a history Or galo de ouro.

Also, two folhetins, a writer produced a series of chronicles that will also be published on the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo and no Diário de Pernambuco.

Translator and playwright

In parallel with the activity of a day laborer, Rachel created a series of peças for the theater as To blessed Maria do Egito (1958), who chegou to receive a prize from the Instituto Nacional do Livro.

As a translator she adapts to more than forty literary works for Portuguese.

Political life

Politically devious, Rachel de Queiroz was a member of the Brazilian Communist Party, and was affiliated for the first time in 1931.

A chegou writer to be temporarily imprisoned several times during the sixties.

Income to the Brazilian Academy of Letters

Eleita not on August 4, 1977 with 23 votes to 15 of her concurring (or jurist Francisco Cavalcanti Pontes de Miranda), Rachel de Queiroz was the first woman to enter the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

A writer was the fifth occupant of cadeira number 5 and took posse on November 4, 1977.

Awards received

Além de receber or important Prêmio Camões, em 1993, Rachel também recebeu or Prêmio Saci (1953) pela peça Lampião, o Machado de Assis Prize (1957) and o Brasília National Literature Prize (1980).

In 1981 she became a Doutora Honoris Causa at the Federal University of Ceará and in 1985 she was awarded with Medalha Rio Branco delivering hair to Itamarati.

Pessoal life

O marriage of Rachel as poet José Auto da Cruz de Oliveira for seven years (1932-1939) and gerou uma filha. A menina, Clotilde, a victim of septicemia aged 18 months.

Um ano depois do divórcio as a poet, Rachel married as a doctor Oyama de Macedo, as she lived and became widowed. To author I have not seen more filhos.


Rachel de Queiroz died 92 years old, at home, not in Rio de Janeiro, victim of a heart attack on November 4, 2003.

Rachel de Queiroz Cultural Center

I kept a writer in Quixadá - Rachel's family was traditional from the city - a fazenda chamada Não deixes me. Not by chance, it is also a region that serves as a fund for a celebrated romance Or Quinze.

Foi em Quixadá that, in 2003, founded a cultural center in honor of her.

Rachel de Queiroz Cultural Center

Published works

  • Or Quinze (1930), romance
  • João Miguel (1932), romance
  • Path of Pedras (1937), romance
  • As Três Marias (1939), romance
  • A Donzela and a Moura Torta (1948), chronicles
  • O Galo de Ouro (1950), romance
  • Lampião (1953), theater
  • To Blessed Maria do Egito (1958), theater
  • Cem Crônicas escolhidas (1958), chronicles
  • O Brasileiro Perplexo (1963), chronicles
  • O Caçador de Tatu (1967), chronicles
  • O Menino Magico (1969), children's literature
  • Dôra, Doralina (1975), romance
  • As Menininhas e Outras Crônicas (1976), chronicles
  • O Jogador de Sinuca e Mais Historinhas (1980), chronicles
  • Cafute e Pena-de-Prata (1986), children's literature
  • Maria Moura Memorial (1992), romance
  • Brazilian dinners (1995), chronicles
  • Nosso Ceará (1997), chronicles
  • So many years (1998), biography
  • Memories of Menina (2003), biography
  • Enchanted Stone (2011), children's literature

A great work by Rachel de Queiroz: Or Quinze

Published in 1930, when the author was barely twenty years old, or romance Or Quinze It was the first book written by Rachel de Queiroz.

A protagonist of the work is Conceição, a teacher, orfã, progressist, single, 22 years old, who lives in Fortaleza. A history begins when she decides to pass a fair on a family farm. He is what she will understand Vicente, a landowner who sees a completely different reality and why she will be interested.

For two months Conceição lives in the region in isolation, dry skin and coexists as local residents.

Or livro portrays to reality two retireesIt encourages desperation for them to need to immigrate to a large city in search of better conditions.

The story of the background of the narrative of the great dry of 1915, which obliges a huge migratory flow from the interior of Ceará due to extreme poverty. Or cenário is divided, therefore, between the reality of the urban area and the rural area.

In literal thermos, Rachel drove her regionalist prose with characteristics of a neorealist writing.

Or Quinze It was held public hair and criticism and receivers o Prêmio Literário Graça Aranha.

Discover an in-depth analysis of O Quinze, by Rachel de Queiroz.

Rachel de Queiroz quotes

Falam that or tempo turns off tudo. Tempo does not turn off, tempo numbs.

Every kitchen takes place every hour and every hour or your care.

Doer, always. Só não doi depois de morto. Because life is all um doer.

People are born and died only. And perhaps because of this, it takes so much for a companion nursery.

Ah... Or sea... A species of liquid, also sem fim.

Literary characteristics

A written by Rachel de Queiroz is marked by uma regionalist prose, which portrays the dramas lived in the northeast of Brazil (especially in the interior of Ceará).

Com uma succinct linguagem, crude, brief and simple, the narrators fazem forte use of traços da oralidade. She appears in his works as a rational, objective punch of reality. Rachel has written a special attention given to everyday events.

As works emphasize the problem of encouragement, dryness, misery and dehumanization of what needs to survive and forced to suffer through adversities of the environment. Over the years we see me also portrayed or typical Northeast colonelism and how power relations are passed in the interior of the country.

In many two books of Rachel it is also observed political and social awareness, frequently represented through protagonists who are very strong ideas.

Curiosities about Rachel de Queiroz

  • The author was related to the maternal side of the family of José de Alencar. Rachel was also the cousin of writer Pedro Nava.
  • It has an important political role and I have participated in a General Assembly Session of the UN (1966) as a delegate representing Brazil. Rachel fez leaves from the team of the Comissão dos Direitos do Homem.
  • A writer was also a member of the State Council of Culture of Ceará and part of the Federal Council of Culture between 1967 and 1989.
  • Rachel was a pioneer woman: the first to receive the Prêmio Camões (1993) and the first to enter the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Conheça also

  • Works by Rachel de Queiroz to meet the author
  • Livro Menino de Engenho, by José Lins do Rêgo
  • Livro O primo Basílio, by Eça de Queiroz
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