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8 biblical stories infantis (with interpretation)

Considered the most important literary work of humanity, Biblia can be a huge source of knowledge for people in all phases of life.

Are you looking for stories to tell about children at bedtime, how about narratives that transmit old books full of wisdom? To help, we select 8 stories, adapted to children, that everyone should know:

1. A criação do Mundo

Quadro Criação do Mundo, by Pieter Bruege.
Criação do Mundo by Pieter Bruege.

I did not start, as soon as Deus existed, but Ele felt sozinho. So he resolved to raise all of these things. First of all, he created birth, because it is fundamental to life, and to separate from draining.

Ele chamou in light of "day" and dark of "noite"; aí anoiteceu e amanheceu pela first time. On the next day, not the second day, he created or united all the waters to form the seas.

Not the third day, on earth appears, with enthusiasm, Deus fez will emerge as seeds, plants and flowers. Logo depois foram removing beautiful trees and serious colorful fruits.

No fourth day, or sun and as new ones começaram to shave or céu; nessa mesma noite, a lua e as stars brilharam peels the first time. Na manhã Seguinte, Deus encheu the seas and rivers of life, with varied peixes and creatures of many types.

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Finally, a terra passou to be inhabited by all the species. As he was still not satisfied, not sixth day, Deus criou or human being, from his own image. Wonderful for the beauty of the baby, not the seventh day, Deus rested.

(Adaptation of Genesis 1: 3 - 2: 3)

The famous episode shows a biblical vision about the creation of the world, which aims to explain everything here that exists year we redor. The planet, the fauna, the flora and the human beings themselves have emerged from the Deus.

No entanglement, we can see that his work was gradual: every day, he was building more and more and making life sprout in more diverse ways.

On the seventh day, Deus finished his work and stopped to reuse. It is for isso that or Catholicism considers that or Sunday é um Holy day that must be dedicated to or worship and rest.

2. A criação da Humanidade

Deus criou or world, a huge colorful garden full of life, but there was still someone missing to take care of everything. So, using clay and clay, moldou or first homem.

With just a divine sopro, Adão começou a viver. I am impressed with the beauty of the coisas that or surrounds me. Deus commanded to chamar the bugs of all species and ordered them to escort or name of each um.

Not so, or homem I was lonely in that wonderful garden and I started to look sad. Aí, or Almighty withdrew some of his coastlines, on the side of the heart, and used to raise the first woman.

Assim nasceu Eva, to companheira de Adão: feitos um para o outro, they fade and multiply. As a result of this love and the nature of Deus, the human race was growing and spreading through the world.

(Adaptation of Genesis 2-3)

The birth of Adam and Eve symbolizes the beginning of humanity. Deus was looking for something to keep or marvelous garden that he created, for isso, was inspired by his own figure to make a home from clay.

Porém, Adão felt a lack of something like that he could share that perfection. Assim, born Eva, little girl from the coast of Adão and composts the same material as her. A narrative tells us that we do not feel complete when we are totally sozinhos.

Adão e Eva teriam, assim, lived a first history of love and feito a fundamental uncovered about or human being: we are born to love and form bonds, not to isolate ourselves.

3. Jonas e o grande peixe

Quadro Jonas e a baleua, by H. Mandel.
Jonas e a baleia by H. Mandel.

Jonas was a prophet who dedicated his life to the divine word. One day, he received an order from Deus: he needed to travel to Nineveh and alert the local residents about two punishments that await you.

As that land represents but for the poor of Israel, Jonas was scared and resolved to ignore his missão. At the same time, the embarkation of a ship on the road from Társis, which goes to the opposite direction. However, Deus was watching from time to time and sent a huge storm.

A crew, distrustful that Jonas would be or responsible, resolveu jogá-lo nas águas. Deus, to save him, I sent a gigantic peixe that logo or engoliu. Also, for three days and three nights, Jonas said he asked for forgiveness, he repented of not being followed by Suave of him.

Finally, when he agreed to go fetch for Nineveh, Jonas was thrown into the thick of his hair. Checking out, he alerted him or said that Deus would devastate those lands, unless he changed his behaviors in 40 days.

O povo de Nineveh accredits the message of the prophet and his counselors, altering or seu jeito de viver. And so, after 40 days, they will receive or divine loss and have no place.

(Adaptation of Livro de Jonas, Old Testament)

A story of Jonas highlights o courage gives obedience e a necessity to honor our commitments and deeds. Or homem, that I tied ali was faithful to Deus, I did not want to listen to the Seus plans of him and I wanted to change or fate that he was waiting for.

When he was not fucked, who could be or was his, but Deus did not allow it because tinha uma missão for ele. Imprisoned in the belly of the peixe for days, Jonas realizes that he did not fear how to escape from the divine wife and, finally, oil met her.

Either entanglement also shows that or loss can be obtained by all those who will truly regret it.

4. Samuel, or servo of Deus

She was once a very devout woman who had a great dream to be mine. Every year, she asked Deus to destroy her, but his desire for her did not materialize. I agreed that, one day, she resolved to make a promise: if she were to be engraved, she would deliver or her filho to be a servo da Igreja.

Logo suas orações foram attended and was born a garoto that received or name from Samuel. When he chegou à idade certa, he was handed over to me by Igreja, fulfilling his part of the promise.

One day, a voice or chamou and the achou who was Eli, or father, who was faking. Eli said, then, that Samuel needed to learn to listen to the voice of Deus and would have to answer "Fale, Senhor, or seu servo is ouvindo", he repeated himself.

During a night, he spoke to the same voice and answered what he had learned. Daí em diante, Deus began to talk with Samuel, warning about many things that would happen.

Or garoto became, also, a message from the Senhor and passed to alert others about what they would face in the future.

(Adaptation of Livro de Samuel, Old Testament)

Born as a response to my prayers, Samuel was destined to serve Deus. A family meets as your delivery and delivery or child to Igreja when chega or certain moment.

Embora Samuel strives to learn and behave well, he still doesn't know how to respond when he hears the divine voice for the first time.

Later, when he discovers that he needs show humble, affirming that he is ready to listen to him and to follow his orders from him, he passes back to Deus's word together with him.

5. O bom samaritan

Quadro O bom samaritan by David Teniers, or Jovem
O bom samaritan by David Teniers, or Jovem.

Certain day, um homem perguntou for Jesus or that he would need to go to enter the Kingdom of two Céus. He replied that he should follow the words of the Bible: adore Deus above all and love or close as himself.

Or homem questionou, então, "quem é o next?". Jesus responds with the help of a story: a parable of Bom Samaritano.

It was once a Jewish hometown who walked from Jerusalem to Jericho, a difficult course that took two internal days. He was still happy, but he was attacked by a group of bandits than either assassinated and Spaniards, leaving his body on the road.

A father and a priest will pass through homeless hair, but will continue or walk, ignoring or suffering from him. So he passed a Samaritan, because he was a rival of two Jews, naquela time.

Preoccupied as a body full of blood, parou to help or another. He first cleaned his holidays and depois placed or unfamiliar at the top of his donkey. Next, he brought home to a host and asked to take care of him, offering to pay in advance.

When Jesus finished the story, the one who asked the question: "But, at the end, what was it or next?". E o filho de Deus responded: "Aquele que teve compaixão. By isso faça o mesmo! ".

(Adaptation of Luke 10: 25-37, New Testament)

This story is false about essential values ​​such as to charity, to empathy, or to respect e o love pelas outras pessoas. As a pursuit that must guide us and our conducts, we can never treat other human beings with the same dignity that we expect them to give them.

Assim as a personagem do entanglement, we cannot ignore this alheio. Instead of turning or turning when we turn to someone who needs help and we pretend that the problem is not ours, we fear a moral obligation to stretch to mão and back to the good-haired world.

6. Isaque em Gerar

When Abraão and Sara were once fearful, Deus granted a filho to the house and announced that a great and important line would emerge. When Isaque was an adult, he started to take account of the region.

I am selling that many partiam to seek a melhor life, he thought of traveling to or Egito. Aí Deus appears on his own vision and falou as: "It is called on this land with your family, it will be on your side or abençoarei".

Or homem not hesitant to fulfill divine orders effectively in Canaã. With the protection of God, the colheites multiply or grow crescia, forte e saudável. In a short time, Isaque's wealth was increasing and he began to bother those who were on the move.

As inveja, they encheram their pools of land, preventing them from being encouraged to drink water, and ordering that the grave be emptied. So Isaque and his family moved to Vale de Gerar. Through it, he dug a little and found a source of pure water.

Claiming that Isaque did not have direct access to that water, you are dated or poorly. History was repeated several times: just as his work was destroyed by those who or invejavam, Isaque remained serene and barely recomeçava.

At the end of some time, others will come to realize that or homem should be being kept by Deus. Então, or leader of them resolveu try to establish it to peace.

(Adaptation of Gênesis 26)

Faced with misery and scarce in his land, Isaque prepared to leave, but Deus decided or contrarário. Following this order did not seem very logical, since we were all looking for possibilities to enrich in other locations.

Likewise, do not ask the missão that he received and fulfilled as the destination that was reserved for him. Always keeping to absolute trust in Deus, or homem resisted all attacks and never hesitated or abandoned his purpose.

A story is an impressive example of someone who never lost faith and always made an effort to keep peace, even when he was humbled and challenged by those who did not want to succeed him.

7. To Noah's Ark

Quadro Noah's Ark, by Edward Hicks.
Noah's Ark by Edward Hicks.

Once upon a time, Deus was wearing the world and was very sad as human beings. They seemed more and more selfish and wicked, they created values ​​such as partilha and love for the next.

Disappointed with all the sins that he saw, or Creator resolved to place a fim in so much evil. So Noé sought, a homebom, and he delivered a difficult missão: he would have to raise a gigantic ship, capable of surviving a flood.

You must, Noah, have to gather a couple of animals of each species and enough food to feed them. If he got fazê-lo, his entire family would be saved during a terrible storm.

Or homem worked for many years to finish the work. Come on, everyone wonders what he was doing. When the shipment was finished, or Senhor advised that Noah would only have 7 days to prepare everything.

Assim that everyone will enter no ship, Deus sent a chuva that lasted 40 days and 40 nights. A flooded water and back to destruction, while Noah's Ark sailed for more than one year.

Not end of time, to terra secou, ​​everyone could disembark and recommend life not planet. Satisfied with the efforts of Noah, Deus lost humanity and promised that he would never send a flood like that.

(Adaptation of Genesis 6-9)

Noah, or homem who lived second to the Bible for 500 years, was responsible for saving life on Earth during the enormous flood. Pela his conduct from him, ele foi escorted by Deus I have to work for a long time to build Arca.

For those who did not know about his miss, the gigantic construction seemed absurd, but Noah know your purpose e continued or work. Assim, due to years of his efforts, a divine nature prevails and all life regressed.

8. Davi e golias

Saul was king of Israel, but he lived long divine laws. By isso, Deus fell as the prophet Samuel and ordered him to procure the filhos of Jesse, because one of them would occupy the throne.

Jessé tinha 8 filhos e Samuel conheceu os more velhos e mais fortes, but I heard the voice of the Senhor who or warned for no one to see the appearance of two garotos, but look for a good heart.

Davi was or filho mais novo, a teenager who took a few days ovelhas. Assim that olhou for him, or prophet receives confirmation and abençoou or youth with a sacred oil.

From that day on, Deus forced him to accompany him or shepherd, who followed his life between you vouchers and you are encouraged. However, a great war has arisen between some of Israel and the Philistines.

There was no Philistine army there was Golias, a giant raider that no one could defeat. As a body protected by an armor, the costumava shouted loudly, challenging the rival soldiers for combat.

One day, Davi passed by Ali and wrote his words from him. Courageous, the pegou um estilingue and encheu or bag of stones, leaving for the top of the giant. Golias riu when he saw the size of his adversary, but he did not allow himself to be intimidated.

Davi shot a stone among the giant's eyes, making him lose his senses and fall. From that moment on, he liberated Israel from Golias and became a hero to him. Later, ele foi coroado rei.

(Adaptation of Livro de Samuel: 17, Old Testament)

This is, sem dúvida, some more inspiring narratives than nasceram us biblical texts. When Samuel sent to procure um novo rei, Deus avisou não importava o seu tamanho, more sim a Courage gives your soul.

Even being small and seemingly fragile, Davi tinha faith em Deus and em si same. For this reason, he was not assisted as a giant size and managed to defeat him, knowing that he could count as divine protection in our most difficult moments.

See also:

  • Commented infantile histories
  • Different infant histories
  • Os melhores gospel films
  • Gospel films to watch on Netflix
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