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7 melhores works by José de Alencar (with summary and curiosities)

José de Alencar wrote some of the major classical Brazilian literature. Considered the founder of a national theme romance, we selected some of the most significant works by the author.

1. Five Minutes, 1856

Five minutes were the first narratives written by José de Alencar. Ainda did not start da carreira, or mantinha writer or folkloric and casual style. Nessa brief history, past in Rio de Janeiro, or protagonist addresses her cousin directly to tell a personal case. Figure um intimate, quase as a segredo that wanted to tell.

"This is a curious story that I am going to tell, my cousin. More is a story, and not a romance. More than two years ago, it would be six hours late, I went to Rocio to take the Andaraí bus. He knows that I am or homem or less pontual than this world; Between the meus immense defects and the minhas few qualities, I do not count to pontuality, that virtue two reis, and that is two English costume. Enthusiastic about freedom, I cannot admit in any way that a homem is cut off from him and his regulate as your ações hair movement of a small agulha de aço or pelas oscillações de uma pendula. "

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Or protagonist, not nominated, is late and loses or bus that he misses. Assim, he ends up crossing with Carlota, an unfamiliar yet because of him fissured. Carlota was six years old, she was very young, and had lost her hair, the protagonist months before, during a dance. Believing that to her health perigava, he decided not to declare himself loved. Finally, a menina is curou da doença and lives happily ever after next to her loved one.

A story told by José de Alencar is a romantic classic full of an innocent and childish affection.

Or free Five minutes It is available in the public domain and can be downloaded for free in PDF format.

2. A viuvinha, 1857

Assim like Five minutes, A viuvinha é um urban romance set in Rio de Janeiro. The protagonists são Jorge and Carolina. Jorge is the filho of a rich businessman who dies young, deixando or rapacious orfão. I am responsible for being or his tutor was Mr. Almeida, a long-time friend of Jorge's father. Ao reach a major, Jorge takes possession of two bens and passes to take advantage of life.

Porém, after years of fun, or tedio chega and Jorge looks sozinho and depressed. A beautiful day he meets Carolina, a humble girl who lives with me in a small house in Santa Teresa. You are getting married, but a little before the marriage, Jorge discovers that he has no more to his fortune. Desperate, Jorge walked up to a beco where they usually commit suicide:

"Meia hora depois ouviram-se dois pistol shots; The workers who come to or serve, will run to the place where they will start or will go out On the areia or body of a homem, whose face has been completely disfigured by the explosion of the weapon of fire. Um two guards put me in the bag of overcased and achou a carteira, containing some small notes, and a barely folded letter, which ele abriu e leu: "Peço a quem achar o meu corpo o faça bury immediately, at the end of poupar à minha mulher e aos my friends esse horrível show. For isso achará na minha carteira or dinheiro que posuo. "Jorge da Silva September 5, 1844. One hour depois to the competent authority to the place of the suicide and, taking into account the fact, of his provisions so that the last date of the deceased is fulfilled. "

Accrediting that she was widowed, Carolina goes into mourning and never again desires homem algum. In fact, Jorge had not died of death, he just moved to the United States where he worked to recover his fortune and clean up.

To return to Brazil, she found Carolina, who happened to be called a viuvinha. Giddy up with his wife, Jorge reveals everything that he passed over to Carolina or lost. Together we live happily ever after on a faded farm.

Read an in-depth analysis of A Viuvinha, by José de Alencar.

Or free To viuvinha It is available in the public domain and can be downloaded for free in PDF format.

3. O guarani, 1857

First edition of O guarani.
First edition of O guarani.

O cenário da work-prima O guarani is a fazenda as margens do Rio Paquequer, na Serra dos Órgãos, inland of the State of Rio de Janeiro. A history and set in the seventeenth century and the protagonists são Peri, indio da região, and Cecília, filha of D. Antônio de Mariz, a Portuguese fidalgo. Peri é um indio da tribo dos Goitacás who defended Mariz family, pela his demonstration of fidelity, ganhou to trust the house and passou to live with the family. Or Indian had a blind and devoted love for Ceci, a pretty girl who collected apaixonados.

When he perceives that the family runs through being attacked by hairs from the region, Peri undergoes two sacrifices: as you love it was a canibais, Peri is poisoned and goes for combat. His plan of him was that, ao be devoured, a tribo falecesse, leaving the Mariz family in peace. Happily the calculations of Peri não dao certo and ele ends up being safe on time. A fazenda and burned, Mr. Antônio de Mariz battles or indio quickly and or authorizes to flee with Ceci.

"O indio fez a narração da supper de noite antecedent since Cecília fell asleep at the moment when she jumped home with an explosion, subtracting from the barely a pile of ruins.

She told him that he had prepared everything for D. Antônio de Mariz fugisse, saving Cecília; More than or fidalgo will recuse, saying that his loyalty and honor of him will command that death be not his responsibility.

- Meu nobre pai! he murmured to Menina wiping away the tears. There is a moment of silence, from which Peri concluded his narration, and referred to as Mr. Antônio de Mariz or tinha batizado, and he had entrusted him to salvação de sua filha.

- You are Cristão, Peri... exclaimed to menina, cujos olhos brilharam with uma inefável joy.

- Sim; teu pai disse: “Peri, you is cristão; dou-te o meu nome! "

- Obrigado, meu Deus, disse a menina joining thus mine and erecting you olhos ao ceu. "

Read to detailed analysis of the book or guarani.

Or free Or guarani It is available in the public domain and can be downloaded for free in PDF format.

4. Lucíola, 1862

O romance Lucíola tells a tragic love story. Or narrator, Paulo, story or romance that I saw as a woman named Lúcia, because he turned off. You started in 1855, when she moved to Rio de Janeiro. At a party night, Paulo meets Lúcia and loves her courtesy. Together we keep a secret love affair, I last two olhos da society.

Lúcia wants to leave the prostitution life, because of this she moves to Irmã, Ana, for the longevity of the city. We know knowing that the decision to sell or own corporation was taken by own vontade: as to Família estava doente, with febre amarela, Lúcia was forced to seize resources to support home. We also discovered, over the course of the narrative, that the real girl was not Maria da Glória-Lúcia, she was borrowed from a friend who died.

Or love between Maria da Glória (Lúcia) and Paulo is becoming more and more solid. Finally, a moça engravida. She does not oil or own him because she believes that his body is his own since his past year. Or destiny two lovers and traffic: Lúcia morre, pregnant, and Paulo fica só. Or rapacious, not so much, fulfill the last promise that I have feito and take care of the cunhada, Ana, I tied the young man to marry.

"It's been six years since she left me; more eu received his soul, that will accompany me eternally. Keep alive and present, not my heart, as she adds to visse recline-she wiggles for me. There have been days, not years, and hours not days that the sagrou com his memory of her, and he belonged exclusively. Where do I want her to be, to her soul she claims and attracted me; It is forcibly so that she lives in me. There are also places and objects where her spirits wander; I won't see you know that her love envelops me like a celestial light.

Ana got married for two years. She lives happily with her husband, who loves her as she deserves. She is an eye of kindness; e to youth realçando-lhe as graças infantis, increased to her semelhança of her with irmã; Porém lacking-lhe aquela intimate irradiation of divine fire. Souls like Lúcia's ace, Deus not twice as many times as the same family, nemas raises even-numbered years, more isolated as the great stars destined to illuminate a sphere.

I met vontade de minha Lúcia; I have served from pai to essa menina; With her happiness, I paid a thank you card to twelve friends who loved me so much. "

Or free Luciola It is available in the public domain and can be downloaded for free in PDF format.

5. Iracema, 1865

First edition of Iracema.
First edition of Iracema.

Iracema is the most celebrated romance of José de Alencar. The protagonists of the history São Iracema, a young Indian, and Martim, a Portuguese adventurer. Iracema belongs to two Tabajara fields, he was filha do pajé Araquém. Uma fine late, a moça hastily shoots a poisoned arrow at Martim, who was enraged at the kill. Guilty with an unthinkable gesture, Iracema or resgata e o leva para a tribo.

"Foi fast, like or olhar, or gesture of Iracema. A embedded arrow does not start a bow.

Drops of sangue borbulham na face do unheard.

From the first momentum, I fell on the cross of the sword, plus logo sorriu. O moço guerreiro learn na religion of your mother, wave a woman and symbol of tenderness and love. He sofreu mais d'alma que ferida.

Or sentiment that the pôs nos olhos e no rosto, no o sei eu. Porém a virgem lançou de si o arco e a uiraçaba, and run for the guerreiro, felt the sorrow that she caused.

As fast as he will go, he will be quicker and more compassionate or he will bleed than dribbled. Depois Iracema broke a homicidal arrow: from until this year unknown, keeping with him ponta farpada.

O guerreiro falou:

- Do you break with me with an arrow gives peace? "

As Martim promises to help or help with the security of the region, in exchange he has offered a stay, food and the women he desires. Já beaten by Iracema, Martim não aceita mais ninguém. A paixão, porém, was forbidden, because Iracema detinha or segredo de Jurema, or that fazia com that she needed to remain virgem. Terribly horny and sem qualquer outra saída, Martim and Iracema joined together.

Or the fruit of that love is born some months after, é Moacir, considered or first Brazilian (filho de uma india com um português). Iracema morre logo após o nascimento de Moacir e o pai, Martim, returns to Portugal levando o menino.

Read to Detailed analysis of Iracema's book.

Or free Iracema It is available in the public domain and can be downloaded for free in PDF format.

6. Senhora, 1875

Second edition of Senhora.
Second edition of Senhora.

The romance Senhora, by José de Alencar, is the most critical production of the author in relation to the marriage of interest - a frequent situation outside. The protagonists of the history are Aurélia Camargo, a poor girl, a tailor, and Fernando Seixas, in love with the young. I have yet to see that the future financed by marrying Aurélia would not be promising, Fernando in exchange for Adelaide Amaral, a rich girl from the family.

A reviravolta happens when Aurélia becomes orphaned and receives an unexpected fortune from Avô. As a wish to see Fernando, she bought him. A transaction was carried out and you two got married. Or the end of his story, contudo, and happy: Fernando works to gather money and buy his alforria and Aurélia, perceiving a move, not a husband, resolve to lose it.

"Aurélia receives from the mother of Seixas several parents and runs through them. Evidence of a declaration by Barbosa relating to or privilege, and the sale of young people and other objects.

- Agora tells us, Seixas continued unfolding a sheet of paper. A senhora paid me a thousand cruzeiros; eighty thousand in a check from Banco do Brasil that I have returned intact; and twenty thousand in money, received 330 days ago. Ao swear of 6% essa quantia lhe rendeu Cr $ 1,084.71. I have the power to deliver the Cr $ 21,084.71, além do check. Não e isto?

Aurélia examined you on the spot; She took a penalty and fez with ease or calculation two swears.

- He's exato "

Read to detailed analysis of the Senhora book.

Or free Senhora It is available in the public domain and can be downloaded for free in PDF format.

7. Encarnação, 1893

Two books listed here, Encarnação was the only one published posthumously. A story, initially disclosed in folhetins, was last written by the author. Or cenário é São Clemente, not Rio de Janeiro, where or house Carlos Hermano de Aguiar and Julieta live in a chácara. Unfortunately, his wife dies due to an abortion. Disturbed as the death of the woman, Brother entrusts a series of statues of Juliet who back home.

To vizinha, Amália, who knew the story of Brother and Juliet, to see the shadows of a woman behind her skin, I believe that Brother had broken with a promise of eternal love. From watching so much life do vizinho, Amália ends up being turned off by Brother. Brother, for the time, I also love Amália.

Or viúvo, finally, he takes courage and frees himself two objects from his deceased wife:

"On the occasion that, blindly beaten by Amália, I decided to ask for the marriage, Brother refletiu about the destiny that he should give to the relics of the first woman. I could not keep them as tinha. feito tied ali, because it would be an infidelity to the current wife: do not dare, porém, to abandon and like what to expel from if these images and objects, so impregnated with her life, that faziam part of the. It would be morally mutilating. He took a resolution that he could reconcile these scruples. I reunited two rooms of Juliet. I know that he belonged and dated how the grave was fostered from jazia to alma da firstira mulher. "

Or viúvo marries again and together they have a filha, which is inexplicably born as feições da mãe, Amália, but also with the deceased Julieta.

Or free Incarnation It is available in the public domain and can be downloaded for free in PDF format.

Quem foi José de Alencar?

The writer lived during a very interesting historical period: contemporary with the second reign, this was a moment when the country yearned to consolidate a national mythology. Não a toa, Dom Pedro II financed writers, sculptors, painters and musicians during this period.

José de Alencar was one of the two greatest names for Brazilian romanticism (from the first phase of the movement). He pregava uma linguagem mais colloquial and national. I was immortalized by the Brazilian Academy of Letters and I was busy at number 23.

Alencar sofria de tuberculose, com medo da morte vendeu tudo or that tinha and moved with a family (to women and filhos) to Europe. He lives in London and Paris, but ended up in Portugal. The death of doença on December 12, 1877, 48 years ago

Jose de Alencar
José de Alencar (1829 - 1877) Morreu, 48 years old.

4 curiosities about the life and work of José de Alencar

1. Or author was father's filho

The writer was the illegitimate father José Martiniano Pereira de Alencar (1794-1860).

Pai by José de Alencar.
José Martiniano Pereira de Alencar, father of José de Alencar.

2. You country of the writer were cousins

José Martiniano Pereira de Alencar, father of José de Alencar, about to abandon or celibate casou-se his direct cousin (first grau) D. Ana Josefina de Alencar. Together tiveram doze filhos.

3. José de Alencar and Don Pedro II do not davam la muito bem

Both writer and emperor imply certain frequency. Controversial and creator of cases, José de Alencar chegou to be Minister of Justice and yearns to be Senador do Império. The position was indicated by Dom Pedro II, who never allowed the author or reach. It is known a recorded dialogue between you two or the monarch teria said: "O senhor é muito moço" and Alencar teria responded sem papas na langue "Sou? It is assim, vossa majestade would have been challenged to coroa before becoming major of idade "

Jose de Alencar jovem
José de Alencar jovem.

4. A first edition of Iracema went to leilão

A Dutra Leilões, a house specialized in art leilões from São Paulo, brought the public to the first edition of Iracema, by José de Alencar, published in 1865 by the publisher Typographia Viana & Filhos. Peça previously belonged to an anonymous bibliophile from the state of São Paulo and was read on December 1, 2015. A casa de leilões did not disclose how much the work was attacked but was not a buyer.

Page of the first edition of Iracema.
Page of the first edition of Iracema.

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  • Main works of romanticism
  • Resumo e análise do livro A Viuvinha, by José de Alencar
  • Resumo e análise do livro O Guarani, by José de Alencar
  • Summary and analysis of the book Iracema, by José de Alencar
  • Resumo e análise do livro Lucíola, by José de Alencar
  • Resumo e análise do livro Senhora, by José de Alencar

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