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Escadaria Selarón Monument (Rio de Janeiro)

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Two major postcards from Rio de Janeiro are the colorful Escadaria Selarón, located between the Bairros da Lapa and Santa Teresa, in the central region of the capital of Rio de Janeiro.

A scale of 215 degrees, idealized by the Chilean plastic artist Jorge Selarón (1947-2013), began to be composted in 1990. The aesthetic effect of the colorful mosaic summons happiness e a descontração characteristics of carioca.

Escadaria Selaron

About artistic creation

Chama a atenção do visitor not only colorful two tiles as well as reasons e as origins das peças. A scada was or life project of a plastic artist, who always invented different compositions for you.

The colors of the Brazilian flag stand out in the criação, which clearly gives prominence to blue, green and yellow. There, we see the walls of the final year of the staircase, we also see allusions to the cores and images of the country facing the work of a demonstration of national pride:

The project has a profound influence on the cores da bandeira do Brasil.
The project has a profound influence on the cores da bandeira do Brasil.

Or tinha breeder or habit of tempos em tempo altering the tiles arrangements. Some tiles were, assim, removed, to give place to others, transforming or working in a

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collaborative and interative peça, em constant mutation, never finished.

Uma das more conhecidos phrases do bem humorado Chilean plastic artist was:

"Buy a minha painting, which I need to finish on the job."

An important given is that I see periodically receiving tile doações from various places in the world helping to compor um extremely local mosaic plus composted also from international materials.

It is speculated that about hundreds of people have sent tiles to their national cities helping to feed the work.

It is worth mentioning that the creation of art in scale does not have assistance from any incentive law, it does not receive assistance from patrons and is not supported by public or private companies.

A urban intervention transbounds two degraus tiles to stop our walls and walls around the staircase, lengthening the colorful and transforming space of the sound. O vermelho two tiles placed in the entire volta da scadaria seems a kind of great molding for the work of Selaron.

A history of breeding

The Chilean plastic artist Jorge Selarón lived in the region and, tired of seeing a scale in a terrible state, resolved to reform the degraus itself.

With a bucket of cement in the hand and money of his own bag, he buys you materials and começou or project of tiles, sozinho, the 215 degraus da scadaria.

Or dream of the breeder was to transform that space in the world, poorly cared for, a habitual net of drug users, traffickers and prostitutes, em um colorful pole that trouxesse an animation and attracts tourists.

Selarón rode there either side of the staircase or his ateliê, so he visited the famous graduates with direct access to the artist's creations, which will make him more visible. Before there was an artistic scale, or Chilean customary would advertise table cloths on tables in restaurants and bars in Rio de Janeiro.

Jorge Selarón e a scadaria que o idealized Chilean artist.
Jorge Selarón is a multi-colored scale and with various sponsors that the Chilean artist idealized.

A scale would coincide as the moment of revitalization of the central area of ​​the city, which led Lapa once again to be a meeting point for Rio de Janeiro.

It was either Selarón's wish that his personal gesture contaminated and stimulated other residents of Rio de Janeiro to melhorarem or their own Bairro.

A democratization of art

One of the two most important factors related to the creation of Selarón was the decision of the construction and was not given public space.

Available for any city or visitor to enjoy the beauty coming from the facility, the creation is not protected by our institutional spaces, two museums or art galleries. Or movement of the Chinese artist caminhou no sense of democratize art raising culture to large public.

E ainda além, ao democratize art or that Selarón got fazer foi re-enable an urban space vulgar - or point onde to escadaria is located is long of being a região nobre da cidade - that was degraded.

Located on Rua Manoel Carneiro, linking Rua Joaquim Silva to Ladeira de Santa Teresa, the escadaria is in a place very close to two Arcos da Lapa. A scadaria, which was in a state of abandonment at the time that Selarón moved to the local, gives access to the Convent of Santa Teresa.

A creation of the ladder was a two factor that increased the valorization of the bay, attracting tourists and, consequently, stimulating local commerce.

A periodic replacement of two tiles

From tempos to tempos the tiles are voluntarily exchanged, being replaced by others that trace a new configuration to space.

Number of two different items of tombamento carried out by a defined physical prefeiture that exchanged two tiles can only be feita own hair breeder Jorge Selarón or by third parties since hair authorized artist.

O tombamento do monument

To escadaria foi taken for historical and cultural interest no year of 2015. The project of tombamento was authored by the vereador Jefferson Moura.

In practice, the scale that has been taken means that none of the architectural characterizations must be feita e o espaço no pode sofrer nenhuma physical intervention before passing the approval of the Municipal Council for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Rio de Janeiro

Quem foi Jorge Selarón

Plastic artist, Jorge Selarón was a ceramist, painter and self-taught. Born in 1947, a small city located between Viña del Mar and Valparaíso, not Chile, or percorreu artist or world before deciding to live in Brazil.

Once settled in Rio de Janeiro, Selarón fez gave Lapa to his house for more than three decades.

Selarón degraus da escadaria.
Selarón degraus us gives scadaria that reabilitou. The costumava chamar a breeding of "A Grande Loucura".

Depois da scadaria ficar apresentável, or artist passed to the nursery of local tourism, collecting the photos taken and selling the serious paintings.

As the verba achieved, I maintain four staff members and provide maintenance of the scale as well as painting your own pictures, number of ateliê that works the same together with the scale.

In deposition granted, Selarón affirmed that Scadaria was or was his life plan:

“A scada is something that will never go away soon. She will be ready soon no day gives me death, when I transform myself into my own escada. Assim ficarei eternal forever ”.

In 2005 Selarón received or title of Honorary City of Rio de Janeiro.

His tragic death happened in 2013, when the artist was 65 years old. Selarón was found dead on the day of January as a charred body in front of his own house.

Or the body was located, it would degrade us that Selarón revitalized, in front of the house where he lived. It is speculated that to death he had been suicide but on occasion the police were also investigated or crime as homicide.

A scadaria na media

A work of the Chilean breeder has served as a fund for a gravação do clipe Beautiful, do North American rapper Snoop Dogg:

Snoop Dogg - Beautiful (Official Music Video) ft. Pharrell Williams

A rock band U2 also fez da escadaria or cenário do clipe da canção Walk on:

U2 - Walk On

Conheça also

  • Brasilia Cathedral
  • Lacerda elevator
  • Christ the Redeemer Monument
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