Livro O Bem-Amado, by Dias Gomes
O Bem-Amado foi uma peça written by Dias Gomes (1922-1999) in 1962 (first version). O text was published in professional theater some years later, around 1970.
A written face of an insightful portrait of a social critique of the functioning of Brazilian politics. Sucupira, a fictional city of the plot, is seen by many being considered a metaphor for Brazil. As a writing permeated with a lot of humor, we see the protagonist Odorico Paraguaçu a caricature of a typical Brazilian politician.
O Bem-AmadoOriginally composed for the theater space, it was twice adapted for television and one time for cinema.
[Caution, or text below contém spoilers]
I summarize
A ideia da criação de um cemitério
Sucupira, a very small city in Beira-Mar located in Bahia, lives from fishing and mainly two summer people. It is about a lacking region, but it clearly does not have many resources.
A narrative comes when an anonymous fisherman dies and needs to be transported to the city of Vizinha because in Sucupira there is no cemitério:
Isto é uma terra unhappy, that nem cemitério tem. In order to bury a deceased person, it is necessary to go to another city.
Or protagonist Odorico, an expert little guy and a cheio of labia, come to the death of a fisherman, an opportunity to face political campaigning.
Odorico therefore does not leverage and propose the construction of a cemetery to be elected or held as chief.
Finally, the politician chooses and wishes to carry out his greatest promise in Campanha: the construction of such a cemetery in Sucupira.
Odorico eleito, or novo prefeito of Sucupira
We see, few years, how Odorico had an opportunistic personality, who forged alliances with what he wanted to do to achieve what he wanted. He was said to have been elected, for example:
E, quem votou em mim, it is enough to say isso to the father at an hour of extreme unção, that you have buried and cova de graça, as agreed or promised.
Paternalistic, Odorico Paraguaçu is a portrait of two populist Brazilian politicians, who agree second excuses to your own interests pessoais, divert verbas, do not use meios to reach you fins.
It is the Odoric policy that is not very ethical, a personal life is therefore very much to be desired. A bela Dulcinéia é mulher de Dirceu, assessor do prefeito. Odorico é, aliás, godfather of casamento do casal. Not so, Odorico e Dulcinéia are lovers. A story of two dois (or two three) runs in parallel with the narrative of the construction of the cemetery.
Or problem of lack of deaths
Depois of some tempo or cemetery finally fica soon. This is what arises or is the most serious problem of the prefeito: there is nothing to bury - and it is not possible to inaugurate the cemetery.
I am selling a failed work of Odorico, the opponents prepare a process of impeachment. Or main opponent of prefeito é Neco Pedreira, a journalist dono do pasquim To Trombeta.
To save your own fight and remain as a position that both almejava, or prefeito needs in any way to inaugurate or cemetery. More like, will no morre be succumbed?
DOROTÉA - There is no city born?
ODORICO - In a state of giving hope, it seems that none. In any case, mandei or coveiro fazer uma verificação.
DOROTÉA - Quase all year there has always been a summer person who dies suffocated.
ODORICO - This year or sea is like a lake. I never saw so much chance.
Odorico cogita muitas soluções. First of all, he thinks about buying a corpse in Salvador from the School of Medicine, but the logo desists because I fear that the opposition will discover the origin of the body.
The problems of the prefeito seem to be solved when Juju, an ally, warns that a cousin will come to the capital with a galloping pneumonia, disillusioned with medical hair. Odorico breathes relieved and cares for the gift of the doente, with the expectation that he will be the first resident of the cemetery.
Happily (or unhappily for prefeito), or doente is cured. Or cemitério segue, portanto, vazio, also as a delegation. In Sucupira no morre and no commit crimes.
A chegada from Zeca Diabo
Odorico já felt pressured by the lack of deaths, he was afraid to send Zeca Diabo, um jagunço, professional matador.
Not satisfied with a criminal for the municipality, Odorico ainda or nomeia for a high posto da municipal administration: Zeca Diabo becomes the Delegate of Polícia and ganha do prefeito "white letter to shake to marreta ".
Surprisingly, to the misfortune of Odorico, Zeca regenerates and does not wish to kill any more. Or cemitério, therefore, continue vazio.
Uma reviravolta? A quase inauguração do cemitério
Dulcinéa engravida do lover Odorico, or that you leave desperate. Like Dirceu, Dulcinéa's husband, he had a solemn vow of chastity, which he would quickly find or adult.
Pressured from all sides, Odorico invents for Dirceu that a mulher or brought with Neco, his inimigo number um. In order to solve his personal and political problem, he adds a loan to his weapon so that Dirceu goes after Neco. As a crime, or cemitério de Sucupira, finally the first tenant and or his opponent would be dead.
When Dirceu chega na redação to throw satisfação com Neco ends up accidentally shooting Dorotéa's irmã.
There would be then, finally, a burial to take place in Sucupira. Não was either dead or deserted - Neco - but a or less or local could be inaugurated.
It was soon for the event that Tio Hilário chega with a letter from the girl who was assassinated. To such a letter he asked that the three filhas fossem all buried not mausoléu da família, not Cemitério de Jaguatirica. And it was also that Sucupira was suddenly dead again, to the despair of the prefeito.
By fim, um morto
Odorico refuses to abide by or request of the deceased father and body not to be transported.
Neco, or journalist, knowing of all the tramoias of Odorico, resolves publicá-las no seu pasquim. When Zeca discovers fica revolted and decides to carry out the prefeito, which he considers a traitor:
ZECA - Seu Dotô-Coroné-Prefeito, you command you to hit the revolver not to shoot at the top, to defend yourself, because you will kill him.
Odorico said that he is failing seriously. Apavora-se.
ODORICO - Oxente... What a jump is that ?!
ZECA - Não é brincadeira não, seu Dotô-Coroné-Prefeito. Traitor does not deserve to live, how much more traitor of moça donzela. There is a bullet in his revolver, shoot at me, that meu Padim Pade Ciço é testemunha that he never killed any that before did not want to kill me.
Finally, quem morre é Odorico Paraguaçu, assassinated by Zeca. By irony of destiny, he was chosen to inaugurate his own cemetery that he ordered to be built.
Personagens principais
Odorico Paraguaçu
Cheio de labia, Odorico is described as a demagogue by nature. O politician is an opportunist and theatrical, subject or power of convincing. Uma caricature two brazilian politicians, a typical representative of colonelism.
Neco Pedreira
Odorico's opponent, day laborer, or day laborer denounces the abuses of prefeito no pasquim To Trombeta. He represents the printing press and his research team.
Teacher of a school group and a kind of assistant from Odorico. She is a faithful supporter of the prefeito and fez campanha for him to be elected. Dorotéia has not received salary for months and has seen the degradation of the school, she knows about the deviation of the education for the construction of the cemetery and also remains peaceful next to Odorico. Dorotéia is the image of a plot of the Brazilian Povo, who knows two detours and is deceived.
She is a woman of Dirceu and also a lover of the prefeito. A Ingênua Dulcinéa gravitates and ends up causing a big problem for Odorico. As the husband had a feito vote of chastity, it would quickly be known that the praticou or adultério.
Assessor do prefeito, que é seu padrinho de casamento. Dirceu piously trusts Odorico to confess to the vow of chastity that she died before getting married. Driven by prefeito hair, he is going to throw clean history of traição as a day laborer. No end ends up assassinating an innocent and indo stop na cadeia. Dirceu is a portrait of an innocent innocent and easily manipulated.
Or coveiro that I do not have work because the city of Sucupira no morre is born. He is named as coveiro because he jumps in the bell of the best. Moleza is a symbol that has been placed in the public power in exchange for a support provided during the electoral campaign.
O Bem-Amado It is a light conheated hair with an extreme sense of humor. Graça is in a spontaneous and disgraceful way how people communicate in a way like a veiled and feita social criticism.
Logo not início da peça, for example, when two friends want to comment that Master Leonel invests in all the girls, two fishermen say:
When he was young, from saia mesmo mestre Leonel was respected father and saint of andor.
There are small pious or relaxed moments that are inserted throughout the text giving lightness to the face of a portrait of Brazilian political life.
Another moment of humor - to see the idea of taking the comedy of Dias Gomes - there is a bar conversation between two fishermen:
When I saw that woman in front of him (Janaína), all nua, woman of umbigo at the top and peixe of umbigo at the bottom, he asked you: "Yes, it will be that you are not afraid of the opposite?"
For other than brief passages that confer levity to the text, which deals not based on a serious matter, it is about sublining or humor originating from the speech of Odorico Paraguaçu.
A fala do prefeito and bombastic, extremely verbose, far-fetched, and clam a pomp, being many times empty in terms of content. To his fault he is like or song da sereia, who wishes to seduce the ouvidos or marujos (in that case, two electors).
How do you try to find it difficult to learn from those that you little understand. Odorico chega to invent words and expressions that do not exist only to make or his speech more convincing:
ODORICO - Vejam this poor man: he lived for eighty years in this place. Here he was born, worked, you had filhos, here he ended his days. He never got mad daqui. Agora, in a state of compulsory death, and forced to emigrate; pegam seu corpo e vão bury em terra estranha, not with strange people.
Or cemetery as a critique of empty political projects
A sumptuous cemetery work, it is an example of inefficiency of public power that there are projects that do not properly have a need for the region. In order to carry out what becomes or his project, in the last instance, Odorico faces a series of deviations of verbs. Building the cemetery of Sucupira becomes a questão of honor for the prefeito.
I make use of the famous Brazilian jeitinho, the diversion or money of education and emergency works to be able to conclude what will be his greatest public work.
A prefeitura chega to finance the vinda of a dying cousin who would be, presumably, the first deceased to inaugurate or cemetery. Odorico, no prefeito charge, custody with all public money or doente treatment, day a "guaribada" no cemitério and directs the band to start the funeral march for the big event: a inauguração do tão promised cemitério de Sucupira.
Dias Gomes criticizes this political attitude that Brazil frequently does not place its own projects in front of the real needs of the region. OR deviation of verbas e o I use the machine public to defend your own interests two politicians is a subject that remains extremely current.
Uma critique à peça, or excess of personagens
Uma das maiores critiques that Dias Gomes received when I cried O Bem-Amado Foi in relation to excess of personagens. This characteristic of the text is many times difficult - or even unfeasible - to carry out the show.
Ao todo, a story told by playwright counted fourteen personagens nomeados, são eles: Chico Moleza, Dermeval, Mestre Ambrósio, Zelão, Odorico, Dorotéa, Judicéa, Dulcinéa, Dirceu Borboleta, Neco Pedreira, Vigário, Zeca Diabo, Ernesto, Hilário Cajazeira. It is this excess of people that I face as having a need for a very large cast.
Some critics apologize for the excess of potentially confusing people or viewers. As there are many people, it is also possible to have a deep foundation in the personalities of each individual. We know a lot about the Odoric protagonist, in relation to all of us, we know only some aspects or more superficial elements.
Adaptações para o audiovisual
A Novel
Novel O Bem-Amado It was broadcast by Rede Globo from January 24 to July 9, 1973, not every twenty-two hours. Foram 177 chapters written by Dias Gomes, author of the original text.
O Bem-Amado It was the first telenovela in the Brazilian television cores. Na plot, Odorico Paraguaçu was played by Paulo Gracindo.
A minissérie
A minissérie, for its time, was exhibited between January 18, 2011 and January 21, 2011. With just four chapters, or the role assassinated by Guel Arraes and Claudio Paiva, it was based on Dias Gomes.
A minissérie was recorded in the city of Marechal Deodoro, in Alagoas, and the protagonist Odorico Paraguaçu was played by Marco Nanini.
Not a film released in July 2010, Odorico Paraguaçu is played by Marco Nanini (a miniseries presented by the Globo network and a film breakdown).
Conheça also
- A escrava Isaura, by Bernardo Guimarães
- Now and then Augusto Matraga, from Guimarães Rosa
- Livro Quarto de Despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus