Education, study and knowledge

Meaning of the phrase Know yourself

Em grego transliterated (not original) to phrase é gnōthi seauton (translated for or Portuguese as "conhece-te a ti mesmo").

A oração já was attributed to Socrates, Thales of Miletus and Pythagoras. In fact, the author of the present inscription at the entrance of the Santuário de Delfos (located in Grécia Antiga) is not known for certain.

Origem gives the phrase "Know yourself"

The phrase "Know yourself" was inscribed on the entrance gate of the Temple of Delphi in order to stimulate reflection on two ancient Greeks.

Located in Grécia, the city of Delphi, or temple was originally dedicated to Apollo, deus da luz, da reason e do conhecimento verdadeiro, or patron of wisdom.

Oracle of Delphi.
Oracle of Delphi.

The Latin phrase was translated to nosce te ipsum and in english know thyself. There are some variants depending on the translation carried out, such as "conhece a si se".

It is not known exactly what was the exact origin or author of the phrase, it is assumed that it has been uttered by Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus or the same Thales of Miletus.

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Meaning of the phrase "Know you yourself"

A prayer invites the reader to promote a self-awareness and an investigation of his own depths in order to deal with him as a world over the years.

This line of thought is in tune with how Socrates propagated. According to a philosopher, no human being is consciously capable of agitating com evil, he or she looks out of sheer disbelief.

Possíveis interpretações for the phrase

"Know yourself" can have multiple interpretations. It can serve from a kind of warning (no sense of being cautious and knowing your own limits) as I can also suggest a simple treat to know more in order to cope with those who are close to you. volta.

Let me say that the phrase means something very much to know itself. A prayer may also want to say "lembra-te de quem és", invoking the memory of the past to fix the identity of the subject.

Outra possible interpretation of "reconheça or your place no Cosmos" and understand that you are a small part of a much larger system that works as you, but also in spite of you.

Sit down, we can think of a sentence both as a uniquely individual sense and as a collective final purpose.

A complete sentence is, na realidade, "conhece-te same e conhecerás o universe e os deuses", or that face as a philosophy I make sense even more.

Mēdén Ágan: another present motto Santuário de Delfos

Together with gnōthi seauton, registered in the Sanctuary of Delphi, is Mēdén ágan, which in Portuguese means "Nothing in excess". In Protagoras, Platão praised the two laconic teachings present in Delphi.

In short, these brief orientations give philosophical instructions on how the gregos should lead their own lives in this way.

A first reflexão ("Know you yourself") can be multiple readings, while a second ("Nothing in excess ") leads to a more practical teaching: afaste-se of any type of vice, do not become a refém of a habit.

Socrates e o oracle

A story tells us that there is a tradition in Ancient Greece of consulting or oracle for access to truth. Or oracle costumava be a mulher, called sibyl

Socrates, known by his vast wisdom and considered to be the Philosophy, directed himself to Temple in Athens, because he wanted to know or that it was a wise man and he could be considered um.

Or oracle, ao receber as suas duvidas, questionou: "Or what do you know?". Socrates teria replied "I know that nothing is." O oracle, ao ouvir in response to the humble philosopher, rebateu: "Socrates is the most wise of all you homens, because he is the only one who knows that he does not know."

Socrates bust.
Socrates bust.

A phrase do not film Matrix

Quem assistiu do primeriro filme da saga MatrixLaunched in June 1999, it must be sown from a dinner that Neo meets the oracle for the first time.

Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) is lifted guide Morpheus (played by Laurence Fishburne) for ouvir or oracle (Gloria Foster). La lhe é transmitted to reflexão "I know you yourself."

Conheça also

  • Phrase Só sei que nada sei
  • Livro A Arte da Guerra, by Sun Tzu
  • Phrase O State sou eu
  • Pedras no walk? I keep all of them. One day you will build a castle.
  • Livro Ética a Nicômaco, by Aristotle
  • To be or not to be, you are here
  • Mito da Caverna, from Platão
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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