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8 books incríveis by winning authors of the Nobel Prize in Literature

Everyone knows the importance of the Nobel Prize for Literature and the honor that it means to receive the highest award from the Swedish Academy.

Awarded every year since 1901, the Literary Prize recognizes or unparalleled talent of writers around the globe, having been awarded a series of breeders from very different cultures.

If you are a literature enthusiast, take advantage of this list and take note of two 8 unmissable books written by authors who have received the Nobel Prize for Literature. We wish you all boas readings!

1. Don Juan (Narrated by Ele Mesmo) (2007), by Peter Handke

Don Juan (Narrated by Ele Mesmo) (2007)

Pouco conhecido Brazilian hairs, or writer Peter Handke recebeu or Nobel em 2019.

Don Juan (Narrated by Ele Mesmo) There are rare works by the author published in our country. O narrator gives plot here is a deeply sozinho home, who takes refuge in his readings when he is not working as a cozinheiro.

Introspective, one beautiful day he resolves to leave you books aside and, for the occasion, see the personagem Don Juan sprout from his quintal. The icon of literature passes now to interact as the protagonist, again immersed in a contemporary context.

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A premise of Handke is quite original and found allied to a very peculiar way of himself. tell stories, two key arguments to você ficar grasped na criação developed hair author Austrian. We truly believe that you cannot lose the reading of Don Juan (Narrated by Ele Mesmo)!

2. About os Ossos dos Mortos (2014), by Olga Tokarczuk

About os Ossos dos Mortos

Despite the relative small amount of life, Polonaise Olga Tokarczuk still collects awards, among them the maior prize for literature, or the Nobel Prize. Tokarczuk recebeu or Nobel Prize referring to the year of 2018 (Although it has been effectively delivered, no year to follow).

About os Ossos dos Mortos I had as the protagonist Janina Duszejko, a woman of about sixty years completely made up of two sponsors who tells how her two cães disappear.

Recluse, she lived barely as you animais in an isolated village. Not enough or the mystery of the disappearance of two puppies, Olga also assists two deaths with apparent reason - the members of a club of caça da região are found during life in our area.

Those questions sem answers são o que movem to Tokarczuk's narrative, which takes advantage of circumstances to reflect on larger quests related to life.

To work About os Ossos dos Mortos I was elected by The Guardian newspaper as a two hundred 100 free seculum.

3. Memorial do Convento (1982), by José Saramago

Memorial do Convento

O Portuguese José Saramago snatched o Nobel Prize in 1998. Breeder of a series of classics, escolhemos or Memorial do Convento because we can confirm that this work represents quite a fine writing style of the author.

Or historical romance is passed around the construction of a convent erected in Mafra to fulfill a promising feita rei D.João V to thank or send the filho that you have with D.Josefa. The main characters of romance - Blimunda e Baltazar - help to build this sumptuous construction.

A work-cousin of José Saramago faz uma deep social criticism He põe side by side two completely different universes: or royalty, who lived imersely in refinement and luxury, and or do poor, who was mergulhado in poverty and misery.

4. Cem years of solidão (1967), by Gabriel García Márquez

Cem years of solidão

Laureate as Nobel Prize in 1982, Gabriel García Márquez is the author of a series of works-prima that will cross the borders of Colombia to ganharem or the world.

Author of classics like Chronicle of uma morte announced (1981) e O love us tempos of anger (1985), a maior criação de Gabriel García Márquez provavelmente é o romance Cem years of solidão (1967). Uma das great criações da América Latina, a work that sells more than 50 thousand exemplars and is translated into more than 46 languages.

A story told by Gabo is passed on to Macondo, a fictitious town inspired by the region of the born writer. A narrative portrays the life of the Buendía family, which founded a city that serves as a background for the plot.

As pages of O love us tempos of anger percorrem sete gerações dessa mesma família e sao crossed by a precious magical realism that contaminates all writing.

5. Mischief from Menina Má (2006), by Mario Vargas Llosa

Travessuras da Menina Má, by Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa recebeu o Prize Nobel em 2010 e during o seu announcement by him ouviu da swedish academy that he was being awarded

"Peel his cartography of power structures and his scathing images of resistance capacity, revolt and individual defeat"

Born in Peru, Vargas Llosa has written so many special titles that it was difficult to choose only one to appear on the list. We just select Mischief from Menina Má, A slightly autobiographical work of fiction.

Or protagonist Ricardo Somocurcio, born not Peru as well as author, always sonhou em viver fora. A history of romance began in the 50s, when the raptor was barely 15 years old and Lilly knew she was not leaving Miraflores, in Lima. He freaks out, despite lying about or knowing his nationality to him.

Fluid, the beloved will always escape. Throughout the entire narrative Ricardo tries to conter and love Lilly, who at times decides to play him and at times decides to go back inexplicably.

For além da history of a turbulent love, or romance by Vargas Llosa presents us as a background of the plot of some important European social transformations and a series of fundamental political changes for Latin America.

6. Diário de um Ano Ruim (2008), by J. M. Coetzee

Diário de um ano ruim

O South African writer J. M. Coetzee levou for home or Nobel Prize in 2003. He was the second author of his country to win or the most important competition in world literature (before Nadine Gordimer he had been awarded in 1991).

Professor, literary critic, scholar and writer, Coetzee e dono de uma prosa unimpar. Diário de um Ano Ruim It is an exceptional romance of a South African breeder that jumps a lot like literary genres.

O protagonist of the story is a South African writer who receives a commission from a Australian publisher to redirect a free of opinion, já raising a questão of a possible free author. The idea would be that the intellectual disagree on contemporary issues such as terrorism, a globalized economy, environmental problems and genetic experiences. However, the work ends in a very different way.

As I cannot manage to redirect, or such an author hires a vizinha chamada Anya, who goes on to transcribe his analyzes. Or a writer turns off young people, who for their time keep a relationship between them and another home. It forms-assimilates a kind of love triangle that runs through the entire narrative.

With a unique writing format, Diário de um Ano Ruim It deserves to be read by those who wish to experience the formal limits of literature.

7. I confess that I lived (1974), by Pablo Neruda

Confesso que vivi, by Pablo Neruda

Or Chilean poet levou for home or PrizeNobel em 1971 thank you (também) aos seus charming dull verses. Despite being known to pela his poetry, we choose to trace for this list a work in prose by the author Latin-American because she illustrates in an odd way that was the life of Pablo and quais were more suas maiores inquietações.

I confess that I lived It is an autobiographical book that was written by Neruda over many years. A proper organization of the book suggests the title of two chapters or the life course of the writer. Read I confess that I lived I received a treat for mergulhar na history of an incomparable poet, provavelmente or maior da su geração de him.

Besides being a portrait of the author's own history, I confess that I lived I also have a record of its historical tempo and open a window so that the reader may spy or that it was Chile during part of the 20th century.

Read também or artigo The enchanting love poems of Pablo Neruda.

8. Or inominável (1953), by Samuel Beckett

Or inominável

O Irish writer Samuel Beckett conquered o Nobel Prize in 1969. Or inominável the last book of the trilogy written between 1946 and 1949 that includes Molloy and Malone Morre.Or inominável é, no entanto, a more radical modernist experience by Beckett.

O livro já begins in a rather peculiar manner, full of enigmatic questions and com duvids:

Where agora? When ago? What agora? Sem ask me. Dizer eu. Sem think. Chamar isso of questions, hypotheses... Where agora? When ago? What agora? Sem ask me. Dizer eu. Sem think. Chamar isso of questions, hypotheses ...

A work created by Beckett esgarça completely nossa noção liteária because it is built in an innovative way: The pages of the book do not have personagens, temporal progress, environment, nem sequer entanglement. We find a single protagonist who fails, constantly, one does not know bem because nem para quem.

Curious ficou? We challenge you to face this dynamite reading with your heart open to all the pressures of "traditional" literary literature.

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