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Homem Vitruviano, by Leonardo da Vinci

Produced in 1490 from the genus Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), or design Vitruvian Homem é um study that tries to systematize as proportions of the human body.

or vitruvian homem

Leonardo da Vinci desenhou o Vitruvian Homem in 1490, on two pages of his diary. It is about a study, a kind of diagram, which also comes to be understood as or ideal of human proportions.

Or protagonist, a homem dismissal, has two images onpostas and illustrates an ideal of beauty second or classic model.

O objective of the breeding Vitruvian Homem

I wish the best artist to produce or famous design know the proportions of the human body, understand the harmony of the body to use that knowledge making your work more realistic.

In studying the proportions of the human body, Leonardo also tried to understand how it works. gives architecture (for the, a perfect building should be proportional and symmetrical as or corpo human). No period in which date or development, da Vinci worked in a series of constructions of buildings in Italy.

Since the Ancient Era, a series of artists have been debriefed on the measures of the human body, trying to establish rules that are translated into corporeal proportion.

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OR Homem Vitriviano He places in question a divine proportion or a golden ratio, which is a pattern that shows perfect symmetry and that repeats itself in nature (not even human body). For Leonardo da Vinci or homem era or model of the world, to maximum creation of Deus.

Discover a little more about the illustration

Or drawn with brown ink on paper deixa see wave or compasso passou to form a circle and other traces. There are also annotations above and below the image, revealing the proportions.

More than a mere illustration, or study was based on human anatomy at the same time as It deals with geometry and mathematics, I know that the body volta is positioned in a circle and a square.

Vitruvian Homem

OR Vitruvian Homem It is a fine work based on mathematical calculations: a total area of ​​the circle and equivalent to an area of ​​the square. In symbolic thermos, The circle is linked to the notion of movement in the spiritual world, what happened to or square would symbolize stability, or contato as an earthly world, the four elements of nature and a two-wind position.

The fingers join together in the circle as a square. As legs form an equilateral triangle, the head and a small one give total height. Or homem is all within the circle and or circle and undone tending as the center or umbigo.

Or challenge of Vitrúvio

As proportions geometric perfeitas governavam or natural world. To prove or seu ponto, Leonardo was inspired by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (known as Vitruvius), a Roman writer and architect.

Vitrúvio escreveu or treated Of Architectura, not a third volume of the collection or the architect disserted on the structure of the male body and is listed as follows:

A span or four finger compression
Um pé é or compression of four spans
Um côvado é or compression of six spans
Um passo são quatro côvados
At the height of um homem é quatro côvados
Or I compress two open arms of a homem (span two arms) and equal to their height
At a distance between a line of hair and a head and a foundation of the queixo is a tenth of the height of a homem
At a distance between the top of the head and the bottom of the head and the bottom of the house
At a distance between the fishing ground and the hairline on the head and the sixth height of a homem
Or maximum compression on our shoulders is a fourth gives height of a homem
At a distance between the middle of the peito and the top of the head and the fourth of the height of a homem
A distance between the cotovelo and a ponta da mão and a fourth of the height of a homem
A distance between the cotovelo and the armpit and an oitavo gives the height of a homem
Or compression da mão é um tenth da height of a homem
A distance between the bottom of the nose and the bottom of the face
At a distance between a line of hair and a head and as above and a layer of compression of the face
O compression da orelha é um terço do da face
Or compression of the sixth of the height

O Vetruvio's challenge consisted in placing a home from the coasts with the arms extended and the fingers of the hands and feet to touch a circumference and as their umbigo no center. At the same time, the figure should be within a square.

Leonardo was not the only one to try to solve or challenge, many contemporaries engaged in task such as, for example, Robert Fludd, Cesare Cesariano and Francesco di Giorgio Martini.

To study as proportions of the human body Leonardo also tried to understand the structure of the architecture (it was supposed a perfect building to be proportional and symmetrical as the human body). Convém sublinhar that no period in which he was born or developed, Leonardo works in a series of construções de construções en Italia.

Vitruvian Homem, a registration of Renascimento

It is worthwhile to briefly return to some two values ​​selected during the Renascimento period. Leonardo da Vinci lives a historical moment that places the universe at the center, highlighting anthropocentrism as an essential value of the period. Not by chance or personagem escolhido hair mestre foi or homem, tornado protagonist of illustration and essential figure that served as standard measure.

Or circle and square present in illustration Vitruvian Homem also not foram escolhas casuais: both configurations were considered in Renascença as the most perfect forms of nature.

Practical information on Vitruvian Homem

When I was undone 1490
Dimensions 34 centimeters by 24 centimeters
Material pencil and brown ink on paper
Where it is or where it is

Gallerie dell’Accademia, in Veneza (Italy)

Vitruvian Homem em 3d

In 2017 or from Homem Vitruvian ganhou a version in 3D at the exhibition Leonardo3 - Or Leonardo's World, at the Vittorio Emanuele Gallery, in Milão.

A three-dimensional representation can be given no video below:

Leonardo3 - Uomo Vitruviano - Vitruvian Man

Quem foi Leonardo da Vinci

O icon of Renascimento nasceu na aldeia de Vinci (we are in Florença, in Italy), not on April 15, 1452.

At the age of 14 Leonardo moved to Florença and, two years later, went on to work as master painter and sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio.

Leonardo da Vinci
Image of Leonardo da Vinci.

In the long run, da Vinci produced many religious landscapes and works of art to decorate altars and chapels. As two years have passed, you will start to vary the theme of your productions. Traveled, Leonardo came from Florença and was born in Milão, not at the end or end of his career was in France.

Besides being a painter, Leonardo da Vinci was also an architect and engineer and chegou to participate in the urbanization of Milan (the idealization of a network of channels, a system of irrigation and water supply). A born curious, or artist also developed a series of studies on anatomy.

É de su autoria great works such as or Mona Lisa e o fresh To Last Ceiae a fabric São João Batista.

Conheça also

  • Leonardo da Vinci: 11 fundamental works
  • A Criação de Adão de Michelangelo
  • Afrescos do Teto da Capela Sistina
  • Renascimento: all about Renaissance art
  • Quadro A Ronda Noturna, by Rembrandt
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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