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62 popular ditates and serious meanings

You popular ditates, also chamados of provérbios or ditos, travessam gerações and passam by us every day for years to fio. São expressões que muitas vezes we repeat once we know what it means.

These little phrases are part of the oral tradition of popular wisdom and synthesize ideas about coexistence in society, tracing many times with valuable members in respect of human relationships.

1. Scalded cat medium cold water

Or dited above too much time to see the memory and how to take care of your own. Quem magoa as something happens to fear any other than that or magoou, it is a saudável and instinctive gesture of self-protection.

A cat image is used as a metaphor, but it is known that the feline, generally, is terrified of water.

Dessa form, those who já sofreram as or contacted with hot water (scalded cat), fast fogem of anyone contacted with water again (same is cold).

2. There is no rose sem espinho

O ditto traced or conceit that same as the most beautiful things we can trace challenges. Isso is valid for a love, a work, a friend or other situations.

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This is because, as I say in prayer, the same as the most beautiful flowers, as the roses, have unpleasant aspects such as the thorns in seus caules, which can also cause ferments.

3. Dig it given não se olha os dentes

This popular wisdom says respect for the reaction that becomes when a present is won. Or provérbio directs not to ignore or to fail something that is received - even if presented / displayed it does not have a lot of offer.

A expressão is related to dentição dos cavalos, pois is possible to reconfirm the animais novos (and more “úteis”) from the observation of the dental arch.

In the meantime, if the animal is present, it should not be seen as teeth, because it constrains a person who fez a doação.

4. From doctor and from louco everyone tem um pouco

A expressão values ​​the human capacity to adapt to incommunicable situations in an intelligent or creative way.

Or doctor is a figure of authority in our society and knows how to deal with important health problems. Many times, common people manage to solve complicated questões sem or profissionais help.

It gives the same shape, or louco, and is seen as being impulsive, but also very creative, characteristics present in most of the people who are older or younger.

5. There is no harm that it always lasts, nem bem that it never ends

Esse dited traced us to the notion of impermanência.

There are moments in which something very bad happens and the feeling is that “life is over”. Within hours that this phrase can be used, we are reminded that this situation is happening.

It gives the same shape, when a very good event occurs, we cannot figure out that one day that phase will pass. Assim são the highs and lows that all the people passam in their existence.

6. Past water não movem moinho

Here, a message about the need to detach from past situations.

Ao say that "past waters do not move moinhos", we are disappointed that those waters that you say will move Engrenagem de um moinho, hoje já não têm mais o mesmo poder, pois já passou o tempo, e as coisas se transform.

Or dited and very used when someone else is very emotionally linked to a moment in their life.

7. Before I was badly accompanied

Many times people wrap themselves up in friendships or love relationships just to camouflage their solidity, proving that the companhia do another will preencher their vazios and anxieties.

In the meantime, depending on the person who feared or side, you prefer to be sozinho, because the company can not be pleasant, or even abusive.

This fact reinforces the idea that we should be wise to deal with our own company, for many times or another first time, our experience in the world.

8. Filho de peixe, peixinho é

Or dited "Filho de peixe, peixinho é" indicates that we are similar to our country.

A phrase reinforces or quanto we carry similar characteristics as nossos genitores. Or proverbial and very used when, for example, pai e filho têm a same profissão, or when assemelham in temperament or nature.

9. A corda always rages on the side more fraco

Or probation in questão demonstrates, through a metaphor to metaphor of corda, that always or side more vulnerável nas relações will save the consequences in some situation that was wrong.

This more “fraco” side is usually composed by poorer people or by employees in work relationships.

10. O pior blind that I do not want to see

When a person is very involved in an event or in a context, he can make no mistake of not doing things in a rational way.

Many times there is a wrong or wrong situation, but sometimes I don't get any discernment to understand.

In these hours that it was spent and used, evidencing those occasions where we prefer to be deceived and not perceive the reality as it appears.

11. Empty mind, diabo office

This is a probation that alerts about the importance of a thermos an occupation, a job, a hobby or any activity that pre-starts our days and our rotina.

This is because, when we are in a very short time, we are thinking about something practical, to the possibility of developing harmful thoughts and great.

Also, this lack of occupation also gives room for ruined ideas, since the consequences can be unpleasant.

12. Quem semeia vento, colhe tempestade

A phrase is added when someone is going through a difficult situation as a result of their actions.

Also, she conveys the idea that when a person has ruined temperaments, she will probably have to face complications from Thai attitudes.

13. Every macaque is not galho

This is an expression that guides you to occupy your space without invading or other.

A small phrase could mean: don't interfere with the child, just occupy yourself with what I have said I respect.

At the same time, a phrase has the meaning that each individual has interests, abilities and competencies for certain occupations, and that we are equally important, each um within do seu context.

14. Pimenta nos olhos two outros and refreshment

A phrase alerts us to the importance of developing empathy.

The evidence in the absence of concern of many people in the face of problems that others face, I suggested that when a difficulty is not felt in the fight, it can pass as something correct and sem gravidade.

15. Em terra de cego quem tem um olho é rei

Or proverbial say about the valuation of medical people when they are surrounded by ignorant people.

We think that everything is relative. In a group of people who have an alienated thought of reality, not getting right or obvious, when it arises Subject that is capable of performing a reasonable reading of the situation, it can be placed in a position of leadership or prestige.

16. And giving it to be received

O provérbio acima tries to give generosity and guides or offers you to deliver something to be able to receive. In order to create something other than hair, then, later on, I can receive something new in exchange.

A phrase of religious origin and part of the prayer of São Francisco de Assis:

And given that it is received, and that it is lost that it is lost and it dies that it is lived for eternal life.

17. Quem com ferro fere, com ferro will be ferido

It is said false about a troca nas human relations. Quem surrenders or bem, recebe or bem; burned, for the mild time, practice or bad, receive or bad.

Either I concede that it vigora é or gives reciprocity. Or provérbio is related to noção de carma (or that we faze hairs others will turn for us some day).

18. Vazio não bag for em pé

O dited refers to the importance of food for a person to remain strong and healthy.

Many times a sentence is given when someone refuses to eat, say they are sad, eat, or go on a diet.

Então or alert you see in a symbolic way, saying that you need to feed yourself so that you have energy and continue to perform your daily tasks.

19. Uma andorinha sozinha no face verão

Here, popular wisdom drew us or concept of coletividade. Observing nature, specifically migration from Andorra to seasons of the year, I see that they are going to be on the move, thus guaranteeing protection from predators and traveling with the company.

Therefore, or after you pass, you can sign a check-in do see in some places, but just an Andorra flying no ceu means that a seasonal migration is in process.

In the same way, one person sozinha made an effort to achieve a collective objective, probably not There will be a success, but many people join together, to the possibility of reaching or purpose major.

20. Burned not seen, not laid

In order for people to become aware of us, mainly from our work and talents, it is necessary that we always be in contact with them.

A phrase was intended to tell us that it is necessary to maintain relationships with other people, show us gifts, be in our environments so that we are seeded and indicated for contacts profissionais.

21. Where there is smoke, there is fire

A phrase carries the idea that we need to pay attention to years and trust our intuition.

Assim, there has been some indication that something is not going to be, e bom to investigate, pois, generally there is a major problem.

22. A pressa and inimiga da perfeição

"A pressa e inimiga da perfeição" wants to say that when we are overwhelmed, it will be difficult for us to achieve a good job.

Eager to solve the logo or problem allows many errors not to be observed, or that compromises or results.

23. Or that you olhos do not see, or heart do not see

Nessa oração, the idea transmitted is that when we do not know, or do not see, something unpleasant, at a lower intensity of cooking. This is because it is easier to assimilate a situation when we do not have a dinner that affects us emotionally.

O ditte presents a poetic linguistic, pois relates organs of the body with sentiments, integrating bodily and psychic aspects.

24. For a good understanding, meia word is enough

This is proven to be evidence of the ability to understand an idea through a few words.

I know that there is no such thing as a grammar "meia word", but a phrase isso wanted to say that same when so Coisas são ditas superficially, it is a person who watches for sagacious, she manages to catch a message transmitted.

25. Friends, friends, business apart

Not specified, or that it is clear that the need not to mix business with friends.

This is because, precisely because of intimidation, some disagreement can occur between people who agree, rather than not entering into an agreement, due to the involvement of money in the situation.

26. Não julgue um livro pela cape

This is an expression that conveys the idea that people cannot be seen by their appearance.

There are books with very valuable contents that present little attractive layers. In the same way, there are interesting people who do not fall in a pattern of beauty, but we have a chance to meet them so that we can be surprised.

27. Quem ama or ugly, nice it seems

This provérbio traced as meaning that to the notion of beauty and relative greatness.

When there is love or a very strong feeling of esteem in relation to another person, she becomes beautiful to the loved one, even if she does not follow the patrons of beauty.

28. Não deixe para amanhã o que você can fazer hoje

It is common for people to deixem to do important things at the last minute, please do not work or have a personal life. Isso happens due to many fatores, as to anxiety that paralyzes or preguiça.

So, he was raised that is a procrastinator who warns us about or should do things like procrastinate, ou seja, sem adiar, leaving for later.

29. I do not face an omelette I will break your eggs

A phrase conveys the notion that in order to achieve something, many times it is necessary to undo another coisa, to remove its original form to give another meaning, and also to enjoy something melhor.

30. From grão em grão, to galinha enche or papo

Or dited above and very much used when you want to poupar. A message transmitted is that when we save little, but constantly, we manage to achieve what we want, the same or the final objective seems to be impossible.

31. Wander will longe

It is dited and quite similar as "De grão em grão, a galinha enche o papo", embora or last seja more used not financial sense and or first had a greater meaning.

"Devagar se vai longe" is important to persist with our ideas and continue walking, even if it is slow.

32. Água mole in hard stone, so much beat até that fura

Or proverbial treats of persistence and of the record, transmitting for or ouvinte the notion that, despite difficulties, it is necessary to insist in order to achieve an objective.

A transmitted idea by dited and ancient, or Latin author Ovídio (43 BC. C.-18 d. C) he had already written two serious poems about him:

A agua mole digs hard stone.

33. What does bark do not bite

This is a popular dictum that reassures us in situations where there is some violent communication, making a lot of boast, ameçando and yelling, but not in the end you count not doing the actions that you say you would do.

It can also be used in more peaceful situations, just to say that a person who announced that something was going on, is always wrong.

34. Quem no tem cão, caça com cat

This is an example of an expression that as a tempo was altered in the way of writing.

At the beginning, the correct way was “Quem não tem cão, caça como gato”, ou seja, se você não tem um puppy to help you na caçada, or melhor é caçar as a cat, in a discreet manner, with strategy and intelligence.

Isso wanted to say that we must adapt to changes and find alternatives to go in search of our goals in life.

35. Lie tem perna curta

To the maximum, as I am also known or popularly dited, I want to say that I burn my mind not in custom to keep it long as a falsity.

This is because, as well as people who have short legs, they cannot walk long distances, or a liar can end up “signing up” to a lie, and end up revealing their farce if they want to.

From the origin it seems to be European, pois in Italian has also been a proverb that says: “le bugie hanno le gambe cut”, which translated fica “as lies have short legs”.

36. Quem fala demais give bom dia a cavalo

There are people who são a lot of faladeiras, why falam too much, or why falam or do not devem.

This provérbio alerts us about the importance of paying attention to how we communicate, it could be that we end up “giving bom dia a cavalo ”, ou seja, falando with people who are not listening to us, or passing to impressão that we are not mosso melhor Juízo.

37. Give first salt to fat cows

It means that you must invest firstly, not that you are in the best of our lives, whether you are a project or a talent, we also guarantee that our efforts will not be em vão.

This popular dito is not known for a large part of the people, but it has the origin of the knowledge of povo da roça.

As salt is an important supplement for food, for this animal you need to consume mineral salts such as sodium chloride to keep it healthy, The fazendeiros costumam feed first the fat cows like salt, to guarantee their sustenance, and leave the cows that are with health more engaged.

38. Thief that rouba thieves are years of forgiveness

There are some who use metaphors to make comparisons with real situations, and there are those who say quite directly or their objective. This is one of the most accurate phrases.

I wanted to say that when a person is aposse of something that was never ruined, she cannot be found guilty, despite having committed a crime, she died exactly the same as or another subject.

39. Do not shout to your felicidade, pois a inveja temo sono slight

Here, to the orientation of what not to say to everyone in the intensity of their happiness, suas conquests and achievements, for many times there are people (same close ones) that can feel-they are unreasonable and end up with you. prejudice.

40. A cobra will smoke

This is an expression that is used when someone tries to warn another person that something improvavel will happen, or will have serious consequences.

For example: "Sometime I eat or twelve that I am saving for later, at a cost I will smoke."

The phrase originated in the Second War, when Brazilian soldiers were sent to or for the conflict, Contrarying many people who say that “it was easier for us to smoke than or to enter Brazil. war".

Also, later, in FEB (Força Expedicionária Brasileira) I incorporated an image of a cobra smoking as a symbol.

41. Quem sings serious evils scares

O ditted advises us to insert music (and perhaps art) in our daily life, pois through singing is possible to achieve greater emotional stability, reducing our problems thought.

Therefore, second or second, the people who usually sing happier.

42. Or cheap sai expensive

Many times, we end up buying some coisa thinking just not price, we will take into account the quality of the product. By cash, it may occur from such object to give some defect and it will be necessary to buy another, spending more than or planned.

So, when we want to alert someone that it is necessary to verify or “custodian-benefit” of some money, we say that “or cheap is expensive”.

43. Nem tudo or que reluz é ouro

This is a phrase that warns us about a false idea that we can derive from some kind of situation or situation that seems to be very good. In the meantime, this situation may reveal itself to be less valuable than the first installment we made.

Assim, one other dited that could be used in that case is "As appearances deceived".

44. Every um knows where the aperta or sapato

O conceito behind the sentence encourages us to practice understanding about two problems and two others.

Many times, something that for us seems to be easy to solve, or something very important, for others it can be something very complicated.

Also, we must understand that each person knows how much they are wearing, where they are most vulnerable.

45. Roupa suja washes at home

A phrase suggested that the problems of a family should be solved within four walls.

Dessa forma, or provérbio guides us that we must be discreet to or resolve impasses, setbacks and family disturbances so that, unhappy, we do not know that our private life is spent.

46. Tell-me how you burn and he will tell you what

I want to express that it is possible to know the character of a person when you observe your friends and companies.

Suggest that people who coexist intensely end up becoming very similar, or that people with similar characteristics have a tendency to approach and develop a friendship.

47. Muita trovoada and sinal de pouca chuva

This provérbio assembles itself to "barking and not biting", and can be used in the same situations.

I wanted to say that when there is a lot of bragging about a questão, usually the consequences are not serious.

48. Deus escreve certo by linhas tortas

When it was said that "Deus created certain for cute cakes", with the intention of calming someone who is going through an apparently complicated and difficult situation, more than how time can be revealed "Benção".

At the same time, it could be that we are living a moment in which things seem to be “for two eixos”, but we must trust divine providência, knowing that unpredictability starts from existence.

49. No need to shock or spilled leite

A phrase told us: no adianta will regret hair that has happened. It is not worth removing feelings, feeling guilty or guilty for things that have not been passed.

Assim, it is preferable to cultivate or detach and leave for a new chapter of life than to imprison events that we do not fear how to change.

There is a theory that the old man had origins in the Camponese life, in which women costumavam carry cans of leite na head. Assim, in an eventual carelessness and stumbling, it is or is left untouched, not hungry for lost food.

50. Burn home, dear home

This maxim is given when young people get married and stay living in two countries of one another.

Normally, when this happens, just as the relationship seems harmonious in the beginning, there may be misunderstandings and interferences on the part of two countries.

Therefore, expressão is used to say that it is the ideal that married life be built in a totally new place, with privacy and freedom for newlyweds.

51. To união face to força

A small sentence told us that when a group of people come together for the same purpose, a great force arises that can make significant changes around a situation.

Assim, or popular dito encourages people to cultivate or spirit of equipment and coletividade.

52. Quem laughed last, ri melhor

One should not count on vantage before the tempo or boast of being in a position "superior" to another person.

Pois, second or second, who is "last" can be able to reverse the situation and end up benefiting more than his adversary.

53. Um dia é da caça, outro do caçador

Or dited is commonly used to bring comfort to people who live a ruim experience.

In this way we will see that a cyclical life and that one day it is bad or bad it can be numa pior, while you have benefits.

54. No need to cover or sun like peneira

Here, or teaching is about the need of olharmos as coisas, as pessoas e as situations of direct way and sem illusões.

We should not try to disguise or what is evident, pois, as well as a peneira do not get prevent sunlight from passing, many times it is improper or we do not make an effort to make something seem or that não é.

55. Quem fala or what do you want, ouve or what do you not want

Or provérbio alerts us also for questões related to communication.

Here, or conselho é of course: do not fail or see your mind, you can offend others and listen as a response to things that also displease you. Therefore, we must be careful not dialogue.

56. Falar é prata, calar é ouro

O ouro e a prata são materiais present na nature y tem great monetary value. Meanwhile, o ouro is more rare and valuable.

Or ditte told us that despite the communication being very useful, many times it is more appropriate we get caught up in what we run or the cliff of saying some bobagem.

57. Quem tem pressa come cru

A phrase alerts us that it is necessary to give "tempo ao tempo", exercising patience so that you can do it. ocorram da melhor maneira, pois, do contrario, we can place everything to lose by conta da pressa e da eagerness.

Like um bolo ou um pão, which requires a specific tempo to assar, we throw ourselves not forno before we are ready, we will eat a massa crua.

58. Um homem forewarned is worth for two

Já esse probio explains about the importance of being cautious.

It is used, for example, when someone is in a very distant location, or in a distant place, with a difficult situation, a "suffocating", it seems that you fear your belongings, an object that will be very Useful.

59. Except gong hair

It is given and used to say that a person was “saved” from a difficult situation by means of an external source.

It must be said that expressly and originated I do not fear that he has to be buried alive in the past, or What would have been raised to the installation of sinos in our burial mounds, as a rope so that the person would play be precise.

In the meantime, be sure to say that the phrase refers to the boxing fight, when a fighter is defeated, he does not want to continue or confront, and it is given or not that the round ended.

60. Onde Judas lost his boots

Or proverbial and fabled to call a very distant and uncertain place. Or Judas in questão é Judas Iscariotes, or disciple that Jesus brought.

Second to the bible, or the suicidal apostle, he was found with sapatos, enforced in a tree. Some of his shoes were never located and there has been speculation that the aforementioned arose.

61. Olho by olho, dente by dente

That phrase carrega as meaning or desejo de vingança. It is said when someone is very upset because of an evil committed by another person and the intention of “paying the same amount”.

Assim, or the same evil that was caused, must be returned in the same proportion.

62. Burn no time, no mama

This is a reference face to two babies, who when they are with encouragement, they need to work together to communicate to me the need for food. Dessa form, a woman can offer or offer and breastfeed her filho.

At the same time, adults need to communicate, insist and “chore” for their needs attended to.

Or what are you popular names?

You are popular são orações that translate daily aspects of life in society.

São ideias related to our traditional way of living in the world. As phrases are disseminated na popular culture It is transmitted from geração to geração, many times independent of the two falantes social class.

You provide them with illustrations that seem universal, generally the sentences are assertive and reveal truths that you cannot answer.

Assisted in presenting “wisdom pills”, light advice transmitted quickly and directly.

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