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O Conto da Aia, by Margaret Atwood

The Handmaid's Tale (in Portuguese O Conto da Aia) was written by Canadian author Margaret Atwood in 1985.

It's about a dystopian romance past the United States in a rather catastrophic context: a group of religious fundamentalists manage to overthrow the government and assume or power founding the Republic of Gilead.

Despite seeming to be a completely fictional universe, in many ways Margaret's production is close to some contemporary realities. A work fala de perto on feminine oppression and religious fundamentalism.

Learn more about this work-debut!

(be careful, esse artigo contém spoilers)

I summarize

Starting point

A fundamentalist faction Filhos de Jacob manages to carry out a coup and take over or command two United States. This is how the group founds the Republic of Gilead - or novo not given to the most powerful country in the world.

Nesse novo context a democracy disappears, to the constitution and suspension, a series of political leaders have been assassinated and the women have lost basically all their grave rights.

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A protagonist

A protagonist of O Conto da Aia é Offred, a woman who loses filha and husband to the Republic of Gilead. Also submissive to the regime, for being one of the few women férteis available, she becomes obliged to serve a commander of the high dome of the government.

His own plot is related to this homem (Offred quer dizer do Fred).

As women in the Republic of Gilead

Na dystopia O Conto da Aia As women two commanders cannot be filhos because they are wearing green suits. Those wives two commanders são you are infected because of pollution do meio environment.

There is also Marthas, who represents another caste of this social landscape. Elas não são férteis by isso limpam e cozinham na casa dos comandantes.

For this reason, only few women are available, and for this reason, they are obliged to serve the commanders sexually. Basically, during the fertile period, powerful men may be able to rape lightly like that, even with the sharing of wives who are testemunham or "ritual".

As years are identified by the clothes that we wear - a vermelha tunic and a touca branca - and are prepared to exercise their functions for the Tias, who do a true brain lavagem nas aias.

They will be tempted to flee, as many years as Marthas, they are down - assassinated - seeing that these streets are permanently guarded.

A persecution and day-to-day no regime

Não são só as mulheres as vítimas da República de Gilead. Gays in the context of oppression are considered traitors and because of this, they end up being brutally assassinated, taken to forca.

Doctors who practice abortion before the Republic will also be instituted not to escape persecution and are sentenced to death.

Life in the Republic of Gilead is under permanent surveillance, with rigorous control of the streets feito by a manancial of soldiers:

Behind the barreira, waiting for us to pass through the port, there are two homens, like two green uniforms. Guardiões da Fé, as a coat of arms, our shoulders and berets: two crossed swords, above a white triangle.

O dystopian romance narrates how the existence of an oppressive, preconceiving and racist society that is basically divided into two groups: those who command and those who are commanded.

Analyze O Conto da Aia

Margaret Atwood's most famous work raises a series of questões that despite being fictional, unhappily remain atuais days of the page.

Social criticism

Num extremely xenophobic context, or fundamentalist state uses to religião as an argument to throw away two cities.

We also see two literary or absurd pages recorded directly by two homens of possuírem or corpo das mulheres when they are fully understood by them.

A dystopia also insists a lot repression of the two most powerful in relation to minorities.

To make sure that this imaginary society seems internally invented, it is enough to open the pages. days of browsing to find some contemporary communities that live under the leadership of an authoritarian and theocratic.

In constant vigilance

We attended the fiction of Margaret composta two years ago eighty a realist pursuit Gay years and those who contradict the system.

To repressão é fortíssima and os cidadãos are permanently guarded. This excess of control gera at times is unjustified assassinations:

Last week he will shoot a woman, bem here. It was a Martha. She was remixing in her tunic in search of a pass, and she will think that she is doing a bomb. I think that he fosse um homem disfarçado. Já houve incidents of that kind.

As consequences of environmental devastation

Or increase gives degradation of the environment This parallel universe generates consequences for the health of two human beings, especially women, who become infected with infertility.

Convém sublinhar that Margaret's work was raised in 1985, in a completely different world context, rather than allowing us to anticipate some two problems that will arise in the future.

Serie The Handmaid's Tale

Or Margaret Atwood's romance from its origin to a series shown on streaming Hulu. A series began to be recorded in September 2016 and was adapted as a roteirist and producer Bruce Miller.

A produção ganhou or Emmy award for melhor drama do ano in 2017.

Trust or trailer:

The Handmaid's Tale | Legendary Official Trailer

Protest as use of figurine of O Conto da Aia

O figurine das personagens de Margaret (a vermelha cape and a touca branca) will end up becoming symbol of oppression against as women It is being used by activists in a series of demonstrations linked to cause, such as mobilization in favor of abortion.

Women dressed as aia protest in Washington against the court of verbas no family planejamento (2017)

Second to author Margaret Atwood:

This is a brilliant protest strategy, because they can enter legislative houses and you cannot expel them, because they are not saying anything, they are just sitting contemptuously. Also, he cannot expel them for being dressed in an inappropriate way, they are all covered. But everyone who knows what they want or what they want to say.

Livro Sequence

Over thirty years old apos or launching of The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret decided to write a book sequence.

Entitled The Testaments, The free was launched in September 2019 in the United Kingdom and there is still no data set to go to Brazil.

The Testaments
Capa do livro The Testaments, sequence of O Conto da Aia launched in 2019

Quem é Margaret Atwood?

Margaret Atwood was born in Ottawa in 1939 and is considered the greatest living Canadian author. Compulsive writer, she has published more than forty titles between fiction, poetry and essay and is translated for more than thirty five languages.

His most celebrated works são O Conto da Aia (1985) e Vulgo Grace (1996). Both forms adapted for audiovisual, or first peel Hulu and second peel Netflix.

Besides being a public success, Margaret has also seen critics win over the past decades. She snatched a series of awards such as Arthur C. Clarke, or Governor General’s Award, or Booker Prize and or Giller Prize.

Margaret Atwood
Portrait of Margaret Atwood.

Margaret levou for casa também o prêmio pela Excelência Literária do Sunday Times (United Kingdom), a Medalha de Honra da Literatura do National Arts Clube (USA), or title of Chevalier de l ’Ordre des Artes e des Lettres (France) além de ter received at first edição do Prêmio Literário de London.

Margaret currently lives in Toronto and is married to writer Graeme Gibson.

Find out more about a work of Margaret Atwood e seus books essenciais.

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Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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