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Quem é Angela Davis? Biography and principal books of the North American athlete

A militant, activist and professor Angela Davis is a North American black woman who carries a important costume of resistance against oppression, especially against racism and the system patriarchal.

Collective participant Black panthers Not at the end of the 60s, Angela is a very important girl in equal measure, turning into a black icon, mainly for women.

Through her practice, she shows us how it is possible to conciliate or academic thought as a collective struggle.

A costume of Angela Davis

You first years

Angela Yvonne Davis was born in Birmingham, not Alabama (USA) on January 26, 1944. Filha of a family of low middle class, she tinha more três irmãs.

angela davis art
Urban art in homage to Angela Davis

At the time and local where the cresceu will contribute enormously so that she has become a combative woman and a reference to the fight for the emancipation of black people. It is because the time or state of Alabama has a racial segregation policy, which was criminalized only twenty years after its birth.

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In the city of Birmingham, these contrasts and tensions were quite explicit and not based on the fact that Angela resided, the violence was intense, with constant racist attacks by members of the Ku Klux Klan. So much so that there are several episodes of bomb explosions against the black population.

In a series of attacks, they placed explosives inside a frequent African-American network. Nessa occasion, four garotas foram mortas. These young people were close to Angela and her family.

All this hostile environment in his childhood and adolescence fez crescer em Davis or feeling of revolt and vontade de transformação da sociedade, lhe giving certainty that she faria or possível to fight fim da oppression.

Years of training

Curious, Angela was very good and stood out at school. Then, ainda young, in 1959, she received a bag to study in New York, where she had classrooms with Herbert Marcuse (an intellectual from Escherda linked to Frankfurt School), that he suggested to study in Germany.

Also, not this year she gives continuity of years of studies in only German in the classroom with other important figures such as Theodor Adorno and Oskar Negt.

When she returns to her country of origin, she enters a philosophy course at Brandeis University, not in the state of Massachusetts and in the United States. 1968 I finished studying at the University of Califórnia, being young later to be an assistant professor in classrooms. institution.

It was in the 1960s - and in the middle of the Cold War - that Angela Davis joined the North American Communist Party. By chance, she ends up being persecuted and prevented from ministering classrooms to the faculty.

Angela Davis and the Black Panthers

Davis approaches-is added more to anti-racist fight and conhece or party Black panthers (Black Panthers, in Portuguese) entering for or collective.

This was a socialist and Marxist urban organization that preached the self-defense of black people, or fim da police and racist violence, carrying out, among other things, patrolling actions in black bairros to avoid genocides.

A few years or a party began to grow and branch out into a country, becoming an "ameaça" for racists.

Also, in a clear attempt to disarm the black panthers, or the governor of the time, Ronald Reagan, together with the California Legislative Assembly, approved a law that would prohibit or carry foreign weapons.

A pursuit of the movement Free Angela

During the meeting of three young black men, accused of assassination by a police officer, or court, was invaded by activists of the Black Panthers. Ação ended up in confrontation with the death of five people, between them or juiz.

Davis was not present in this episode, but the weapon used was in her own. At the same time, she was considered a perigious personality and entered for the list of the ten most sought-after people by the FBI.

Ativist managed to escape for two months, being captured in New York in 1971. This augmentation took 17 months, a period during which Angela remained incarcerated. As such, the charges were serious and there was even a possibility of death penalty.

Due to its projection, relevance and innocence, the item or support of a large part of society. He raised a movement in proling its freedom from her that receives or does not Free Angela.

In 1972, she created music in her defense of her. The Rolling Stones band launched a song Sweet black Angel no album Exile on Main St. John Lennon and Yoko Ono produziram Angela, which integrates or disc Some Time in New York City. Those important foram attitudes are related to cultural media that make it visible for the case.

In June 1972, an activist and teacher was released and innocent.

Angela Davis in 1972
Angela Davis in 1972, shortly after being innocent, met with Valentina Tereshkova, from the Soviet Committee of Women

Luta de Angela at present

Angela Davis' militancy was convicted of involving anti-racist resistance, or fighting machismo and fighting injustices in the prison system.

In the meantime, her activist position of her includes many other questions, her true position is in favor of the freedom of all beings. So much so that when she was incarcerated, she became a vegetarian. Look, vegan, some of her flags of her and straight hairs two animais, because she understands life not planet in an integral way.

Besides, Davis also talks about problems such as homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, indigenous causes, global affliction and inequalities caused by capitalism.

One of her misconceptions about her that your thought of her can be summarized in a nutshell:

When a black woman moves, the entire structure of the society moves with her, because everything is destabilized Starting from the base of the social pyramid where we find black women, they move on, move on the basis of capitalism.

With this statement, Davis shows us how important it is to establish the foundations of society, transforming it into a constant reality against racism and structural machismo.

At present, she is a recognized professor at the University of California, integrating the department of feminist studies and also dedicating herself to research on the prison system of the United States.

Angela is a woman who has lived out of her life and her history as a ferment of social transformation, becoming an example and inspiration for social and revolutionary movements around the world.

Check out her fala below during a Marcha das Mulheres, held in Washington in 2017.

Angela Davis during a Women’s March 2017

Angela Davis in Brazil

A teacher and activist continues to work in various parts of the world in 2019 she is in Brazil participating in um cycle of lectures no event entitled "Democracia em collapso?", organized by the publisher Boitempo e pelo Sesc São Paul.

Angela saw a country too to launch her free An autobiography.

The same I have visited Brazil before, most of the time she was in Bahia, that is the first time she has been in São Paulo and not Rio de Janeiro.

Important books by Angela Davis

There are four literary works by Angela Davis that go to Brazil. To editor responsible for hairs launches and to Boitempo.

Mulheres, raça e classe

Published in Brazil in 2016, Mulheres, raça e classe It is a book that draws an overview of the situation of women in the history of the relationship with a racial and social class question.

In the work, the author defends the importance of thinking about these problems in an intersectional way, or seja, analyzing how oppression is combined and overcome.

Mulheres, raça e classe | Marielle Franco and Karina Vieira discuss Angela Davis in Brazil

Mulheres, culture and politics

This is a work that brings together various articles, quais a professor presents a detailed historical and statistical survey on the situation of women in the US during the last decades.

I am not free, Angela also disagrees about the North American political and economic relations in countries of the world. Central America, Africa and the Middle East and its impacts on social movements, engulfing groups oppressed.

An autobiography

An autobiography This is Angela Davis' story about her life in the North American situation in the 60's and 70's.

Published for the first time in 1974, when the athlete was barely 28 years old and had finished his job in prison. He tells his personal costume to the same time that he presents or a racist and violent context that suffocates a black population USA.

Autobiography of Angela Davis chega ao Brasil 45 years after being launched | Literature

To freedom from a constant luta

This is a book that has been drawn up by a compilation of recent articles by the teacher and activist. São texts written between 2013 and 2015 that carry important reflections on freedom.

The author shows us how the North American feminist and black movement is historically related with other struggles for human emancipation, as the end of an unjust prison system and a struggle Palestine.

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