Education, study and knowledge

An incredible literature by Monteiro Lobato

Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) remains unimagined as the author of dozens of classics from Brazilian children's literature that must be imported to or abroad.

Creator of a fantastic world, some of his works were adapted for theater, for cinema and for television. Relembre agora some of your most famous criações.

Main works of Monteiro Lobato

Urupês (1918)

Urupês It brings together a series of content and the title of the book was withdrawn from the last part of the work.

The writer was considered to be an innovator for his creation for using regional vowels, valuing fala do caipira and many times using the creation of phrases of unusual structure.

A novelty is due, therefore, in terms of content (for raising a homem do povo to protagonist), more especially in terms of language.

It is worth noting that, at the time when Monteiro Lobato grew up, an informal fala was a poor viewer of literature, imagine that it was not a controversial issue or that orality was considered "inferior culture". Confira or section below:

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"Perguntem ao Jeca quem é o President of the Republic.
- "O homem what sends us all?"
- "Sim."
- "Certainly, he must be or ruler."
In the matter of civics he is not sovereign.
- "War? I swear to you! Meu pai viveu well founded, I did not kill for more than five years because of the great war. Eu, to escape from ‘reculutamento’, I tried to cut off a finger, like my uncle Lourenço... "

Jeca expresses herself with any concern as a formal Portuguese, her sentence is transcribed from an oral transcription, respecting the particularities of the sentence of the little caipira.

Jeca Tatu was two main protagonists of Lobato characterized by being a typical representative of Brazilian culture. O personagem was described by own author em Urupês What:

"Jeca Tatu é um piraquara do Paraíba, marvelous epitome of meat where all the characteristics of the species are summarized. Ei-what I see fail to patrão. Come in, saudou. His first movement was to light the palha de milho between your lips, take out or roll of smoke and shoot at cusparada of esguicho, and sit down gently on the calcanhares. Só então unleashes language and intelligence.

- "I don't see that ..."

Urupês Foi um two works that deu o initial pontapé do not interest the public hairs assuntos nationalis.

Depois de Monteiro Lobato will emerge many authors who will take advantage of the opportunity awakened by the writer forerunner, including Mário de Andrade, Lúcio Cardoso, Jorge Amado, Raquel de Queiroz, José Lins do Rego and Oswald de Andrade.

Urupês shelters the following words:

  • Os faroleiros (written in 1917)
  • Or amused arrependido (written in 1917)
  • A quilt of retalhos (written in 1915)
  • A vingança da peroba (written in 1916)
  • A modern supplication (written in 1916)
  • Meu conto de Maupassant (written in 1915)
  • "Pollice verso" (written in 1916)
  • Bucolic (written in 1915)
  • O mata-pau (written in 1915)
  • Bocatorta (written in 1915)
  • Or buyer of farms (written in 1917)
  • Or stigma (written in 1915)
  • Velho praga (written in 1914)
  • Urupês (written in 1914)

Or free Urupês I have an initial tiragem of a thousand exemplars that logo is esgotou.

Thus, bandages that were especially driven by hair commented that Rui Barbosa was unhappy during the presidential campaign. In March 1919, at the Teatro Lírico do Rio de Janeiro, but I was met with Jeca Tatu.

In a letter to his friend Godofredo Rangel, Monteiro Lobato confesses to being surprised as a result of Urupês bandages:

“You Urupês are selling well, what do you expect in this walk, we will have a second edition in three or four weeks. You will have free books that do not space for a week to repeat or request three times "

In 1921, the sales increased even more because Lobato managed to make a popular edition of Urupês a um terço do preço. Second Gilberto Freyre, consecrated author Big-house & Senzala:

"Em Urupês A Brazilian writer of a new type arises, you want the attitudes of a social critic, you want to express, Peel phrase, peel form, peel rhetoric: his argumentation and his persuasion through words that suggest gestures. Now an artist, now a communication technician "

First edition of Urupês, launched in 1919.
Original layer of Urupês, launched in 1918.

Urupês It can be downloaded for free in pdf format.

Or saci (1921)

Divided into twenty and eight chapters, Or saci it tells a story turned especially for the children that feared as the protagonist or Saci-Pererê, a symbol of national culture.

He is an escort or personagem to occupy a prominent place in his work or that Monteiro Lobato faces and exalts the roots and cultural heritage of Brazil. Myths, legends and superstitions are embraced by the writer who appropriately uses them in serious infantile books.

Before posting Or saci for a child audience, Monteiro Lobato published or the result of an inquiry entitled Or Sacy-Perêrê. Or free, with 300 pages, I have an initial print of two thousand exemplars and it was the product of a dense research by a writer about Brazilian culture.

It is known that one of the greatest concerns of the writer was the transmission of ancestral knowledge and the preservation of Brazilian culture. For that reason, it does not surprende the escort of protagonists caipiras and caboclos such as Saci, Cuca and Jeca Tatu.

When, in 1921, Monteiro Lobato transformed his studies into Or saci, A childish book, or heroi escolhido appears softened, isto é, com traços de criança e attitudes brincalhonas.

In popular culture many times or saci appeared as a capeta num corpo de criança, na versão de Lobato ele já não appears chifres, nem porrete, nem qualquer adreço that or fizesse look like ameaçador.

Tio Barnabé descreve assim or Saci:

"O Saci - começou ele - é um diabinho de uma perna só who is walking alone in the world, arming reigns of all sorts and trampling every creature that exists... Azeda or leite, breaks ponta das agulhas, hides as tesourinhas de unha, embarrasses the novels of linha, face o thimble for seamstresses to fall on us buracos, boot flies in soup, queima or feijão that is not hot, gora os ovos das ninhadas. When you find a prego, turn it from ponta pra riba so that it spits out or stops first. Tudo que numa casa happens de ruim é semper arte do Saci. Not content as isso, he also torments the puppies, runs over the galinhas and chases them, not grazing, sucking or bleeding them. O Saci no face evil big, but no evil face small than no face. "

From the above description we can see how Saci is described as looking like a creature of art and not a creature of evil.

On the side of the Saci are presented other typical personages of the national culture, at the intention of Monteiro with this gesture of an educational nature, of dissemination of local legends. São esses os personagens mentioned:

  • Jurupari;
  • Curupira;
  • Iara;
  • Caipora;
  • Porca-dos-sete-leitões;
  • Negrinho do Pastoreio;
  • Cuca;
  • Boitatá;
  • Mula-sem-cabeça;
  • Lobisomem.

A publication and divided into twenty and eight chapters that narrate Pedrinho's visit to the site of Picapau to pass fairs and or found as Saci.

It is about a person who gives title to or free who builds adventures. A chegou work to be adapted for or cinema.

O saci, launched in 1921.
O saci, launched in 1921.

Or free O Saci It is available for free download in pdf format.

Reinações de Narizinho (1931)

The first histories of the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo were gathered in the publication Reinações de Narizinho, launched in 1931.

The author's objective was to produce books that you like so much as children ao ponto de fazer as that they wanted to inhabit that imaginary universe:

“Ainda ended up making books onde nossas crianças possam morar. Do not read and play fora, sim dwell, as morei no Robinson en ’Os Filhos do Capitão Grant”

In this volume that Emília gains voice, leaving Dona Benta and Tia Nastácia amazed with a transformation of boneca that, from mute, goes to failing ugly people. La também esta or famous pirlimpimpim pó provided by Peninha.

We find several pages likewise a Pedrinho dyed with a universe of literature that deeply identifies himself as a Peter Pan personage because, like him, he does not want to grow.

It is interesting to see also how the people of the real world (Dona Benta, Tia Nastácia, Pedrinho) are mixed with fictional creatures from Brazilian lendas (or Saci, to Cuca) and international (to Cinderela, to Branca de Neve) in País das Fables.

Dona Benta makes it transparent in a stretch of Reinações de Narizinho as these two universes were mixed:

"- Já não understand these meus net. Fazem tais coisas que o Sítio is turning free of contos da Carochinha. I never know when it is true or false. This marriage as a peixe, for example, is looking like brincadeira to me, but I will not be admired on a beautiful day arise here um husband-peixe, nem that this girl [Narizinho] comes to me, tell me that I am blessed duma sereiazinha... "

In the work we also see a critique of scholarly values ​​and knowledge writing to the detriment of popular culture and of the national fable.

O livro locks himself up with Pedrinho returning to a large city frustrated by having to abandon that marvelous lot of fantasies.

Or classic gives children's literature Reinações de Narizinho Find-it is available for download in pdf format.

Or Picapau Amarelo (1939)

Or free Or Picapau Amarelo Começa with a letter from Pequeno Polegar addressed to Dona Benta. A long year is written about the license to donate the house so that the people of Mundo da Fabula are authorized to move to the Picapau Amarelo Site.

A narrative begins with a beautiful definition of what would be the World of Lying and its relationship with reality, we vex:

"O Mundo de Lie, ou Mundo da Fabula, and like great people it is customary to chamar a terra e as coisas do Pais das Maravilhas, la Where we lived for years and giants, fadas and sacis, pirates like Capitão Gancho and anjinhos like Flor das Alturas. Mas o Mundo da Fabula is not really a world of lies, because there is an imagination of milhões e milhões de crianças é tão real as the pages of this book. Or that it happens that the logo babies that are transformed into big people pretend not to accredit, not to accredit. "

Dona Benta agrees with the move, the more impõe regras so that you two worlds can coexist. However, at the moment I did not manage to submit a reply letter for the Little Polegar because she did not have or right. Burning a help nessa tarefa and face to mediation between the two worlds and Emília.

We are going to oil as regras, isso é, each group must remain on their side close, the people of Mundo da Fabula move to the site.

Among the new residents are: o Pequeno Polegar, Branca de Neve, the princesses Rosa Branca and Rosa Vermelha, Gata Borralheira, Chapeuzinho Vermelho and o Peter Pan.

Uma curiosidade: the Picapau Amarelo site actually exists and is located in Taubaté (State of São Paulo).

Or Picapau Amarelo On the face of it, part of the public domain by isso can be downloaded for free in pdf format.

A chave do tamanho (1942)

Launched in 1942, in the middle of the Second World War, it is underlining or entangled in the life raised by Monteiro Lobato.

Em A chave do tamanho, Emília travels to the end of the world to seek the "casa das chaves", a place that supposedly would shelter all the chaves of the world. Her objective was to defuse the war, to end conflicts.

Confused with the quantity of chaves present not local, Emília ends up defusing chave do tamanho, thus altering two homens' height.

Embora or its plan has not been seen as planned, but it reaches or its final objective:

"More to war ended! Ah, isso acabou! Little ones like the US, you homens can't kill themselves for another year, and fight like those terrifying guns. Or more than to be able to cut and cut-it is like pins or thorns. Já é a great coisa... (...) A vida agora I will start de novo - and much more interesting. We will finish off the canhões, and tanks, and gunpowder, and firebombs "

Or free A chave do tamanho Find-it is available for download in pdf format.

Monteiro Lobato and Brazilian children's literature

The writer Monteiro Lobato was a forerunner of Brazilian children's literature. During the years that I grew up - between 1920 and 1945 - practically this type of product did not exist. You will find that Brazilian children have access to only adaptations and translations of European literature or suggested teaching material for schools.

Monteiro Lobato percebeu logo essa lacuna in the national publishing market. He joined his descoberta or the desire to create something exclusively aimed at children and the enthusiasm of opening a new path to Brazilian literature.

O writer confessou to a friend Godofredo Rangel:

"I walk with various ideas. Uma: to dress nationally as velhas fables of Aesop and La Fontaine, all in prose and mexendo nas moralities. Coisa for crianças. [...] Ora, a fabulous nosso, with daqui bugs instead of two exotic ones, be formed with art and talent will give precious coisa. As fables in Portuguese that I find, in general translations of La Fontaine, are small moitas de amora do mato - espinhenta e impenetraveis. What is it that our children can read? I don't see anything. Fables will also be a source of literature that we lack. As I have a certain jeito to beat a cat by hound, isto é, ability by talent, I'm thinking of starting a coisa. "

Or a writer or a project in front of him and published dozens of works that are intended as a target or audience for children.

Curiosities about the life of Monteiro Lobato

  • A writer was never a great alone, especially in the Portuguese discipline. When he was young, Monteiro Lobato wanted to be reproached precisely in the cadeira of languages;
  • Besides being a writer, Monteiro Lobato is also very interested in painting and producing some cartoons and paintings of a dead nature. In a letter to my friend Rangel dated November 9, 1911, Lobato confessed: "When I screvo, I paint - I paint less badly than I do as a brush";
  • Monteiro Lobato was imprisoned for three months during his military service;
  • A writer lives in Argentina, I have moved to in 1946. His books are huge successes in Latin American countries such as Uruguay and Argentina.

Discover also

  • Important works of Monteiro Lobato commented
  • Os melhores livros infantis da Brazilian literature
  • Lenda do Curupira explained
  • Lenda da Cuca explained
  • A escrava Isaura, by Bernardo Guimarães
  • As Aesop's Fables
  • I count you three porquinhos
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