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Meaning of the Sculpture The Thinker

The Thinker,Le thoughtur (in French) or Ti have thinker (in English) is an impressionist metal sculpture created in 1881 by the French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840-1917).

It is Rodin's most famous work because it broke with the main currents of art and because it managed to transmit universal 'thinking' in all its dimensions; from head to toe.

The original sculpture of The thoughtr is currently in France in the Rodin Museum, or Musée Rodin in French, and measures 71.5 cm high, 58 cm long and 40 cm wide.

Rodin's thinker

Meaning of the sculpture The Thinker

The most famous work of the sculptor Rodin represents the universally transversal in our quality of human beings: the ability to think. Rodin, despite not officially belonging to any artistic trend, achieves with his particular technique transmit the action of thinking about each muscle, position and gaze of the allegorical character, turning it into the Thinker by excellence.

The particularity of The Thinker It does not lie only in the technique and what he represents but also in his power to evoke the ability to transform the environment that surrounds him. It transmits a universal and at the same time particular emotionality for each individual.

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Characteristics of the sculpture The Thinker

The Thinker it was originally one of the many pieces of sculptural work The porte de l'enfer or Hell's gate. This was the first public commission from the sculptor Rodin and would be exhibited in the future Museum of Paris. The Thinker it was going to be the poet Dante Alighieri who would look from above for his work The Divine Comedy embodied in the gates of hell.

The Thinker or The poet as it was called in its early years for its connection to Dante, it was first exhibited as a solo piece in 1904 where it received many positive reviews. The catapult of Rodin's career was the criticism of the editor Gabriel Mourey in the art magazine Les arts de la vie.

The second reproduction of Rodin's most famous work would be exhibited in front of the Pantheon in Paris in 1906, the year in which a period of political and social tension began. The Thinker it would become the symbol of the French socialist movement throughout that period. Rodin's sculpture would be disseminated and would achieve international fame.

Auguste Rodin begins to receive multiple commissions for the sculpture The Thinker. Starting with the original piece, Rodin would ask his assistants for the initial work of sculpting the shape and he would be in charge of giving the final touches to his thinkers.

The first model of The Thinker It was made of terracotta and sculpted entirely by the hands of Auguste Rodin. Rodin then builds a plaster cast (calcined plaster mixed with water) for the next 50 bronze reproductions.

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