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O que foi o Renascimento: summary of the Renaissance movement

Or renewal vigorou between the fourteenth century and the seventeenth century having disposed of in Italy a transition period that includes the end of the Middle Ida and the beginning of the Modern Day. Later on, the artistic and cultural movement will go back to other points in Europe.

Great dessa geração artists will stand out such as Rafael, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Giotto in the plastic arts. In literature we have genres like Camões, Dante, Cervantes and Shakespeare.

OR cultural and artistic movement vigorou during the period of adaptation between feudalism and or capitalism and breaks with a series of medieval structures. It is a phase of history marked by intense social, political, financial and cultural transformations.

As three phases of Renascimento

O Renascimento is usually divided by studious hairs into three great phases, são elas: Trecento, Quattrocento e o Cinquecento.

Trecento (Seculum XIV)

O Trecento was the beginning of the Renascimento, an especially important period for literature that counted as the work of great names such as Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio.

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Quattrocento (XV century)

O Quattrocento, for its time, was the intermediate phase of the cycle - a fundamental period for the plastic arts for the production of Botticellli and Da Vinci.

Cinquecento (16th century)

Já or Cinquecento has quite particular contours especially due to a greater religious influence. Rome became an important emanating center of trends for the rest of Europe. In painting we saw the works of great names like Rafael and Michelangelo in literature by Nicolau Maquiavel.

Principal characteristics of Renascimento

Some of the guiding characteristics of the Foram period:

  • OR anthropocentrism (in opposition to theocentrism of outrora). Or homem passou to see himself as the center of the universe, or the protagonist of his own history. Pela for the first time in a very short time at the beginning of the home, passed on to a fundamental weight. A society começou a viver a era do humanism (valorization of the human being).

  • Se o homem ganhou assim a central role, it is natural that a culture has flourished hedonism. O prazer do homem na earthly life became a maximum priority (in opposition to the idea of ​​sin that existed during the days of trevas). Or a Renaissance man began to believe that he should take advantage of life. Esse period foi, portanto, marked by um forte individualism.

  • In scientific terms, or Renascimento also foi berço do rationalism. During this phase, the human race became the guiding center of the society. OR development of knowledge It is due to various areas such as astronomy, mathematics, botany, zoology and medicine among other areas of knowledge. Especially the development of two knowledge of astronomy and mathematics during the Renascimento makes it possible to undertake a nova of the conquest of the sea.

  • During or Renascimento a ciência ganhou protagonismo (gesture that was conhened as scientism) in opposition to the medieval period where it was actually reached by means of religion. Essa geração passou to give great value to experimentation. It has created enormous advances made by researchers such as Nicolau Copernicus, Giordano Bruno, Isaac Newton, Johanes Kepler and Galileu Galilei.

  • An impressive business development. Two central elements that were forced into Renascimento foi o fato do commerce intensified with the removal of distant lands (especially or commerce com as Indies). Cristóvão Colombo disembarked in America in 1492, Vasco da Gama went to Africa on the Indian road in 1498 and Pedro Álvares Cabral went to Brazil in 1500.
  • A disclosure of works will become more democratic thanks ao advent da imprensa, in 1445, which helps to disseminate books and information about ancient civilizations (especially Greek and Roman).
  • In political terms or Renascimento was also a water divider. While during the medieval period there was a decentralized policy, this new phase of history was marked by a absolute centralization (or monarchical absolutism). Great classical philosophers escreveram of politics as this or case do Or prince (1513), by Machiavell.
  • The Renascimento aesthetic was different from the one we were used to seeing during Idade Média. In artistic terms, this historical period was deeply marked by valorization of classical ancient culture, of Greco-Roman values.

5 great works to know melhor or Renascimento

Many criações could be chosen as great works of Renascimento. Artists from this period will enter the western canon with very important works such as:

1. Vitruvian Homemby Leonardo da Vinci

Vitruvian Homem
Desenho Vitruvian Homem (1490), by Leonardo da Vinci

Or unho Vitruvian Homem It was a study of anatomy carried out by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) not published by him to understand the proportions of the human body. Or your project was in tune as humanistic spirit of the epoch Renaissance, who placed the first time in the center of the universe.

Through the work of Da Vinci, who presents us with two superposts in different positions, we perceive I also wish to know more about human nature, explore by reason behind our different ways physical. Num period marked by peel experimentation, Vitruvian Homem It illustrates the bem or impulse of the epoch for the research and conhecimento hair.

O desho also reproduced the beauty of accord as classic model, which was deeply appreciated by Renaissance hairs.

Da Vinci's ambition was to know more as proportions of the human body and not an attempt to understand me architecture function (second or breeder, a perfect building should follow the proportion and symmetry of the human body).

For the artist, as he was the greatest creation of Deus, he should also be the model of the world. At the time in which he was born, Da Vinci was working on a series of building constructions, not his country of origin.

Do you want to know more about some of the classic works of Leonardo da Vinci? Então conheça or artigo Vitruvian Homem.

2. Sculpture Daviby Michelangelo

Michelangelo's Davi
Sculpture Davi (1502-1504), by Michelangelo

Not by chance Michelangelo (1475-1664) chose to star in his beautiful sculpture a perfect human body. O personagem eleito, Davi, face reference to the biblical history of Davi and Golias.

During o Renascimento we saw ascensão do anthropocentrism, which became a central value of culture by placing the center of the universe. Or homem, of fato, happens to receive enormous prominence, repair for example as to this item impressive dimensions. Davi It is a small size in thick marble with more than 5 meters in height.

There is a sculpture of a physical cult with no attempt to register the human body in each detail, promoting beauty of the species. The work can also be read as a representation of hedonism, Another characteristic of the time, which I say I respect to or prazer land and linked to the body.

Davi, um dos ícores do Renascimento, é a statues feita com fortes references to classical culture, a constant in Renaissance breeders who tried to drink from Roman and Greek sources to compose their works. Observe how the statue presents a muscular body in a typically classical one, to turn to a masterpiece created by Deus.

The work is located at the Galleria dell'Accademia, in Florença, a two reference centers for Renascimento. Read more about a criação no artigo Davi.

3. Quadro Or birth of Venus, Italian Sandro Botticelli

Or birth of Venus
Quadro Or birth of Venus (1482-1485), by Italian Sandro Botticelli

To cloth Or birth of Venus, a Renascimento icon, an important example gives retakes two values ​​of classical culture Greco-Roman.

The Italian painter Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) used to paint biblical dinners and, after a visit to Rome, he began to use his paintings from Greek mythology. Nessa specific cloth we see, for example, an important personage of Grécia: Zephyrus, or deus do vento.

A imagem also shows us elements of culture pagã, another Renaissance trend that provokes a true artistic revolution.

I was commissioned by Lorenzo, a banker and politician who was Botticelli's patron. During the renewal of mecenato practice it was quite frequent, or that it provided a true development in the world of arts.

Other elements that jump years olhos é a valorization of nature The undertaking gives perspective / depth, also reminiscent characteristics of the period in which the canvas was painted.

Conheça or complete artigo do quadroOr birth of Venus.

4. Dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, by Brunelleschi

dome Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
Dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, projected by Filippo Brunelleschi

Na arquitetura um dos maiores nomes do Renascimento foi o do Italiano Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446), um Ourives that became responsible for the project of the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, in Florença.

A church is the first symbol of Renaissance architecture and shows the magnitude of Italy, which lived a period of economic plenitude, especially due to the trade of silk.

A construção de Brunelleschi is an example of Italian might During or Renascimento and shows us the technical capacity that has been developed thanks to mathematical advances.

O Renascimento foi a marked phase hair scientism, hair rationalism e he work of Brunelleschi and iconic nesse sense. The artist made precise calculations so that the work, enormous, did not require any further - his innovative idea was to build a dome within the other, both connected by a scale.

Convém sublinhar that the work of the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, which began in 1420 and ended In 1436, it was very important because it was the main church of two major urban centers of Italy.

If you want to know more about this impressive construction, we recommend reading the artigo Church of Santa Maria del Fiore.

5. Quadro Casamento da Virgemby Rafael

Quadro Casamento da Virgem (1504), by Rafael
Quadro Casamento da Virgem (1504), by Rafael

Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520) foi um two maiores nomes do Renascimento e pintou a tela Casamento da Virgem, in 1504, by order of the important Albizzini family. A work is an example of mecenato practice It was used to illustrate the Church of São Francisco in Cittá di Castello.

The architect and painter was a teacher at the Florença school, one of the most important of the Renaissance period. Alongside Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, Raphael made famous triad of Renaissance mestres.

Casamento da Virgem it was his first famous work. Rafael pintava overtudo religious, traditional dinners, starting from two classical ideas of beauty, with muita harmony, and using Renaissance techniques such as chiaroscuro and or sfumato.

You can also be interested in: Renaissance works pra enteder o period

To the origin of Renascimento

O Renascimento occurred between the fourteenth century and the seventeenth century (approximately between 1300 and 1600).

It is important to note that there is no proper date that has marked either the beginning or the end of the Renascimento.

Or Renascimento começou na Italy (in the large urban centers of Florença, Tuscany and Siena), more spread out in other parts of Europe (especially Spain, England, Portugal, Germany and Holland).

O Renascimento started in Italy because the country was once an important center of commercial reference, very well developed com cities. There was in Italian territory a bourgeoisie supplied consolidated and an artistic class that lived and developed thanks to rocking.

At the importance of mecenato

Thanks to the patronage, the artists will be able to produce works of intense quality. A well-stocked elite will sponsor or work with breeders, guaranteeing assimilation or support for the artistic class so that they can dedicate themselves to production solely and exclusively.

Mecenato practice during or revival is essential to encourage artistic production that will allow you to drink a lot of Greek and Roman aesthetics, valuing classicist and humanist ideas.

If you are interested in hair, we recommend leitura do artigo Renascimento: all about Renaissance art.

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