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11 melhores libros infantis da Brazilian literature analyzed and commented

Probably some (or some) two titles below will mark your childhood and, as a lot, are thanks to one of the publications that you want to read.

In the 18th century, children's literature was created in, not Brazil, or the literary genre began to be published only in the beginning of the 19th century. Many two reference authors of Brazilian literature will dedicate their efforts and work to please young readers.

For além it is of didactic importance, reading during childhood is fundamental to awaken children or interest in it. Literature and to fazer as that or subject in formation experience a series of complex feelings that farão gives life adult.

Discover now the eleven infantile histories that have been part of our collective imagination.

1. Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel (1981), by Ana Maria Machado

Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel

Published in 1981, or released by the author of falar sobre os seus avós para os seus filhos. The protagonist is a common man who, during a few days of storage, finds a portrait of Bisa Bia ainda criança.

A menina did not have the opportunity to get to know Beatriz, who she barely found in the photograph. Enchanted with an image, Garota decides to ask for a borrowed photograph for me:

instagram story viewer

- No posso, minha filha. What are you asking for? Você nem conheceu sua bisavo ...
- By isso mesmo, to eu ficar as ela for top and for bottom, I attached conhecer bem. Take for a school, for a praça, for a calçada, for all songs. Give pra mim, give ...

A children's work by Ana Maria Machado revolves around the memory e ensina as novas gerações a olharem e a conviverem as a passado da família.

Or gesture of investigating family genealogy I also respect the construction of the men's identity. Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel Invite or reader to refer to the origins of the family, investigating antecedents as to whether they have a chance to live together.

Or free also encourages a thought about day questão does not matter of gender Ao focus on people of women not only within the family as well as in society.

2. Uma Ideia All Blue (1979), by Marina Colasanti

Uma ideia all blue

O book of stories published by Marina Colasanti in 1979 brings together ten small stories encended in parallel universes (castles, distant kingdoms, enchanted forests). As illustrações foram feitas pela own writer.

As creatures present in histories also distant from our reality: gnomes, fadas, reis, unicórnios. O livro begins, aliás, as a figure of rei em meio to a surreal descoberta:

Um dia o Rei you have an idea. It was the first time in his entire life, and he was amazed at that blue idea, that he did not want to know how to count the ministers. He descended with her for the garden, she runs with us, she leaps to hide between other thoughts, always finding the same joy, beautiful idea of ​​her all blue.

Colasanti cria ao longo das dez brief narratives all um magic universe It is wonderful that it absorbs children and transports them to this parallel reality.

For compor a criação, the author was to drink us stories of classic fadas and many times fez uma re-write of histories that are not present in the collective unconscious.

As narratives are little more complex and quasi-dialogues, the author investigated in short paragraphs, I attached to give him some fôlego to a small reader, also providing a greater readability. The main objective of the author in this criação seems to be encourage imaginação das crianças, thus stimulating them to discover and inhabit universes uncovered by reality.

How about ler também or artigo "Eu sei, mas não devia", by Marina Colasanti?

3. O Menino Maluquinho (1980), by Ziraldo

O menino maluquinho

Um menino travesso, creator e cheio de energia, quem not remembered from O Menino Maluquinho, written and illustrated by Ziraldo nos anos eighty? A story, originally told in the format of quadrinhos, depois seen to be adapted for many different media (TV, theater, cinema).

In Ziraldo's narrative, we find a male protagonist who is constantly placed in "roubada" situations, or who looks like the little reader feels protected not garoto.

O Menino Maluquinho She is a child of ten years as another qualquer: endowed with deep imagination, quase sem half, always ready to discover something new and to investigate or world ao redor.

Known pelas suas traquinagens, or major defeito do garoto described as hyperative it was not to get ficar stopped:

He was very well known
he knew about you
the only thing that he didn't know
it was like ficar still.

Or that Ziraldo propõe nessa obra é uma identification as reader And I wish to see that agitated children feel understood and filled with hair together as a male maluquinho.

Also, a young reader has a certain impact to assist or a small person to face a series of challenges and limiting situations, strengthening its autonomy e to his identity.

Leia O Menino Maluquinho, make it available in PDF.

4. To Mulher que Matou os Peixes (1968), by Clarice Lispector

A mulher que matou os peixes

Commonly identified as the author of dense and heavy literature, Clarice used to be a celebrated writer of serious adult literature. However, her children's books are also precious. Initially written for their own films, the works will end up being published and on the day they are considered the main works of Brazilian children's literature.

Em To Mulher que Matou os Peixes ficamos conhecendo a narrator blamed for being assassinated - sem wanting! - two poor peixinhos vermelhos that were bugs of esteem two serious filhos:

That woman who killed you, unhappily I am eu. But I swear to you that I was wanted. Logo eu! That I have no courage to kill a living thing! Até deixo to kill a cheap ou outra. You have a word of honor that I am a person of trust and my heart and twelve: I never leave a child or a sofrer bug.

A narrator compõe a history as an intuition to convince or reader gives her innocence of her, in the end you are not intentionally dead. Or what happened was that the skeleton, did not give me her busy rotina, to place food not here.

To prove her innocence, she turns to her own childhood and tells stories about the animations of esteem that she has seen. Clarice places-assimilates not the place of the public-assuming or her place in what criança-e hopes that or her public also will be able to place itself in the place of the.

A narrator, a year long twenty and a few pages, ensina or little reader to lidar com a dor e eat lost, and also exercise small us to ability to understand and forgive.

Or free To Mulher que Matou os Peixes find it available for free download.

5. Chapeuzinho Amarelo (1970), by Chico Buarque

Chapeuzinho amarelo

The protagonist of the story of Chico Buarque illustrated by Ziraldo is a man who basically feared all of it.

Chamada de Chapeuzinho amarelo (a reference to two Grimm signatures), a garota fears the most common situations in the universe of children: falling, bruising, feeling an indisposição qualquer.

She also had fear of animais, of trovão, I tied of dizer coisas she tinha medo (she has the possibility of being crimped). Stagnant and paralyzed by two severe panics of her, or half ended up turning her rotina extremely limiting.

A story told by Chico Buarque Encourage children to face us serious Medes individuals and as empowers stimulating to continue facing, despite two serious fears:

She has no more than half of chuva nem foge of carrapato. Fall, get up, get bruised, go to praia, enter I do not kill, climb in trees, rouba fruit, depois joga amarelinha as primo da vizinha, as filha do jornaleiro, as sobrinha da madrinha and or net do sapateiro.

Read a complete analysis of Livro Chapeuzinho Amarelo, by Chico Buarque.

6. Ou Isto Ou Aquilo (1964), by Cecília MeirelesOu isto ou here

Em Ou Isto Ou Aquilo, Cecília Meireles ensina or little leitor um imperative gives life: and impossible to escape from the escorts. Through simple and everyday examples, or eu-lyrical face as the reader perceived that, long as he walked, he needed to be escorted.

Be attentive and aware and fundamental to decide between a choice and another, in the end, see which option is taken, escort will always imply loss. Ter something means immediately not to be able to have another hypothesis, that is to say that the verses of Cecília ensinam.

Over the years two poems we see that the eu-lyrical tries to identify itself as the universe of infância, presenting diners that to grow up very provavelmente já experimented not every day.

Ou was cool and there was no sun
You are sunny and you are not cool!
Ou is fitted to luva and not to be põe or anel,
ou se põe o anel e não se clça a luva!

Another important point is that the verses usually be extremely musical and composed from rhymes, techniques applied to facilitate memorization and enthusiasm of the reading public.

Conheça also 10 imperdíveis poems by Cecília Meireles.

7. Papo de Sapato (2005), by Pedro Bandeira

Toad Papo

Pedro Bandeira is one of the two most popular authors of Brazilian children's literature. Em Papo de Sapato or writer is part of a very creative premise: are you sapatos who can tell stories?

I do not think that the velhos shoes I wear are found, from the anti-gas boots of a general, that já testemunharam hard battles, I tied sapatilha of a great dancer and chuteiras of a famous attacker.

All of you have sapatos now with the same condition of abandonment, not lixão, exchange memories about the experiences that you have as your gifts:

- E eu? - lamentou-se an aristocratic voice. -
It might not seem, but I was a brilliant verniz toad.
Uma noite enluarada like this, I look like the parties I'm in, we feel sorry for a cavalheiro from Alta Linhagem, stealing hairs Salões da aristocracia, roçando no rhythm das waltzes, as pontas dos sapatinhos more elegant, calçados pelas more beautiful women do world!

The creation of Pedro Bandeira faced us think about the consumer society that many times stimulates to buy and deposit or discard and also invite or small reader to reflet about day social justice.

When a publication is 25 years old, a history ganhou illustrações de Ziraldo.

8. Marcelo, Marmelo, Martelo (1976), by Ruth Rocha

Marcelo Marmelo Martelo

Marcelo is the protagonist of the story told by Ruth Rocha released in 1976. Also, like all curious children, the face of a series of questions to the country (or that, by itself, does not promote an immediate identification as a reader):

- Papai, why is that chuva cai?
- Mom, why is the sea not spilling?
- Vovo, why is the puppy four legs?
As big people at the same time they responded.
At the same time, I did not know how to respond.

Or title of free face menção à uma das maiores dúvidas de Marcelo: why do you have certain names? Unconformed as I do not have two objects to the master, Marcelo decides to give novos nomes here that the acha that does not combine as I originally did.

O pai de Marcelo tries to revert to the concerns of the filho, arguing that we all have to use the same words because they do not know the world ficaria uma loucura. To explain, not therefore, I do not convince or expect Marcelo that he continues to exercise his creature to refute the universe a year ago.

In her childhood book, Ruth Rocha investigates persistent curiosity of children e o gesture that elas têm de question or pre-established.

9. O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1968), by José Mauro de Vasconcelos

O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima

Launched in 1968 - period of full military life in Brazil - to the work of José Mauro de Vasconcelos and assumed to be autobiographical. It was so successful that it ended up being adapted for cinema and television.

O protagonist Zezé é um jovem garoto cheio de energia - as costumavam dizer, or menino "tinha o diabo no corpo". Many times adults do not understand children's needs and end up unfairly or punishingly.

Raised not suburb from Rio de Janeiro, Rotina de Zezé turns from head to down when or pai loses or I undertake and a family needs to move because you are not capable of maintaining the same living conditions.

Despite three three irmãos (Glória, Totoca and Luís), Zezé felt very misunderstood and sozinho and ended up raising amizade as a lime orange peel that tinha no quintal. It seems to him that Zezé leaves all his dúvidas and anguishes.

O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima teach as crianças on as injustices What will happen in the long run and also deals with the heavy topic of neglect during childhood. O livro illustrates well how as children tend to take refuge not in their own particular universe when they sit down or eat.

Find out more about O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima, by José Mauro de Vasconcelos.

10. Reinações de Narizinho (1931), by Monteiro Lobato

Reinações by Noseinho

What is not borne out of past histories, not where do Picapau Amarelo? Reinações de Narizinho, Launched in 1931, it was like a background plan on a site that really exists, located not in the interior of São Paulo.

O cenário escolhido by Monteiro Lobato served as an environment for inesquecíveis people such as Dona Benta, Tia Nastácia, Emília and Pedrinho.

Numa casinha branca, the site of the Pica-pau Amarelo, mora uma velha over sixty years of age. Chama-se dona Benta. Quem passa pela estrada e a vê na varanda, from a sewing basket to a colo e oculi of ouro na ponta do nose, following her path thinking:
- What sadness I live assim tão sozinha neste deserto ...
More deceived.

In this publication we see two parallel universes coexisting in harmony: people from the "real" world (Pedrinho, Dona Benta and Tia Nastácia), with creatures of the "imaginary" universe (saci, cuca, princesses delighted).

The main objective of the author here was to make sure that as children of fato mergulhassem na history and amused. Cub was worried about fruition e tinha or desire of transform reading into a practical habit and everyday two little ones.

The writer appears for the Brazilian lendas crianças and thus stimulates the nursery of this parallel world. O author also use o space do livro for enhance national culture, motivating you young people since I give in to conhecerem mais as nossas roots.

Take the opportunity to read também or artigo An incredible literature by Monteiro Lobato.

11. To Noah's Ark (1970), by Vinícius de Moraes

Noah's ark

Vinicius starts from a biblical story (a da Arca de Noé) to seduce your little readers.

Initially, as a poet-diplomat, he began to write for his own filhos, especially you two firsts (Susana, 1940, and Pedro, 1942). Later, Vinicius had the idea of ​​music-los e, for isso, asked for help from the musician Paulo Soledade (1919-1999). Many years later, in 1970, as the birth of Maria, Vinicius made a partnership as his great friend Toquinho to music the infantile poems.

Despite being atheist, Vinicius us verses turned to as children face a tribute to various biblical people. The idea of ​​the ark was quite attractive from an editorial point of view because it allowed us to gather a series of ancient poems dedicated to different animals.

A disjointed ark
It seems that it will roar
Between you pulos da bicharada
All wanting sair
Final com muito custo
Indo em row, aos casais
Uns com raiva, others com fright
Vão saindo you cheer up

A history of the mythological ark of Noah, part of the collective unconscious, is familiar to both adults and children. Aliás, é or poem da ark that inaugurates or livro (representing or great flood), gathering all the species. Ele é depois followed by quite varied poems illustrating more different bugs such as Or Pinguim, Or Leão, To Cachorrinha, Or Duck, To Galinha d’Angola and Or Peru.

A ideia do dilúvio introduces the children to the ideia da reconstrução, need for hope And again, the same thing happened to a huge tragedy.

In the presence of two bugs that face them, they also reflect on what gives life to the community and with the idea that we share the world with other species. Each animal has its own qualities and defects, to cooperation and to coexistence between them and also a space for or learned gives tolerance.

The poems written by Vinicius foram musicados, or disco To Noah's Ark is available online:

01 - A Arca de Noé - Chico Buarque e Milton Nascimento (DISCO A ARCA DE NOÉ - 1980)

Read também or artigo Poem As Borboletas, by Vinicius de Moraes.

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