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Caravaggio: 10 fundamental works and biography of the painter

Michelangelo Merisi (1571 - 1610) was a notorious Italian painter who assassinated his works such as Caravaggio, or did not give aldeia onde nasceu.

Appointed as a two pioneers of baroque painting, or artist became or major representative of the movement. Thus, his works show some fundamental characteristics of the period: for example, religious dinners and a deep dramatic charge.

Portrait of Caravaggio by Ottavio Leoni.
Portrait of Caravaggio by Ottavio Leoni.

Despite the enormous succession of the patrons, the painter's canvases were also considered shocking and even violent. Caravaggio imprinted an aura of realism in the surroundings that he painted, trying to portray the vastness of human emotions and expressions.

Mainly known for his artistic production, Caravaggio has also been planted for his troubled biography and wrapped in brigades and mysteries.

Characteristics of Caravaggio's works

Even when he painted works of religious strength, or artist, he did not represent individuals as idealized or celestial figures. Or painter it was inspired not povo italian, common people like those who he crossed daily.

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As fabrics chegaram the same to cause scandal, since some figures were inspired by homens and women from marginalized classes, such as prostitutes and mariners.

Misturating either divine and worldly, Caravaggio conferred a realistic and human character on the sacred texts, depicting shocking and expensive dinners that transpired. expressividade. From his pictures of him, we can identify universal sentiments like middle, cold and cold.

He was an artist who painted between the years 1593 and 1610, in the cities of Rome, Naples, Malta and Sicily. Besides two religious episodes, he also portrayed themes linked to nature, mythology and everyday life.

As a Baroque painter, Caravaggio also served himself two games of light and shadow typical days to confer a dramatic took on serious years.

Or Italian foi or breeder do gloomy, A technique that combines a dark background made up of light strategically placed in the foreground, mainly facing us.

1. Fruit basket

Quadro Fruit basket.

However, there is no certainty about the date, it is proven that the painting was painted in 1599. The specialists defend that it would be a reaction of the painter to a scholarly mannerist who ditava regras linked to the proportions and harmony of the works, seeking an ethereal atmosphere.

Assim, Caravaggio is dedicated to painting uma dead nature, no basket placed next to a table. Além da tensão (to impressão that the basket is going to fall), or quadro comes to impress us, we will listen more attentively.

Several two fruits and leaves show marks, bureaus or seem to be taking hold. We can, therefore, certify that it is a comment about the event gives beauty and gives life.

2. Daffodil

Quadro Narciso.

Daffodil It is a work created between the years of 1597 and 1599, inspired by an episode of Greek mythology. A painting and not inspired narcissus myth, that Ovídio narrou na works Metamorphos.

Or young man was extremely beautiful but he was alerted by an oracle to never hear or reflect on his own face. You should despise or love the nymphs, they will resolve to punish him and show his image of him on the surface of a lake.

Daffodil seu reflexo hair turned off e definhou nas águas. Na work, marked by contrasts of light and shadows, we can see the moment when either the young man or his face peels for the first time. A canvas is exhibited at the National Gallery of Ancient Art, in Rome.

3. To the head of Medusa

Quadro Medusa.

A moving and disturbing image is, semi dúvida, Caravaggio's first work, being quite present in contemporary culture. A first version, minor, was produced in 1596 and the page belongs to a private collection.

Not the following year, a second version emerged, of larger dimensions, which is currently exhibited at the Uffizi Gallery, in Florença. In a circular canvas, on wood, Caravaggio portrayed some of the most regretful and enigmatic creatures of Greek mythology.

Medusa, uma das três Górgonas, was the same time uma pretty and monstrous figure, with serpents like hair. Ela tinha or dom to transform into stone all those who olhassem for her. Or hero Perseu, not so much, he managed to defeat her as he thought.

A painting registers the moment that Medusa's head has just been cut off, it still bleeds. It is impressive or realism gives its facial expression of it, which manages to convey sensations of medium and comfort. I know that or face of Medusa was inspired by no painter, who would have used a spell to capture his expressões.

4. Bacchus

Quadro Baco.

Inspired no Roman deus do Vinho, or painting with a theme considered profane, at the time, was painted in 1595 and is exhibited at the Uffizi Gallery, in Florença.

Na cloth, we see a young man that surely a cup of wine and seems to be a spectator, as if they were invited for a toast.

Peels their pink faces, we can believe that Bacchus is still on the effect of alcohol. Or quadro seems to be a bem-humorous comment on or style of bohemian life that or Caravaggio levava. Na verdade, specialists in his work will discover um tiny self portrait do painter, like seu cavalete, refletido na taça que o deus sure.

5. Judite and Holofernes

Quadro Judite e Holofernes.

Another extremely popular work by Caravaggio é Judite and Holofernes, painted between the years 1598 and 1599. Or quadro portrays uma biblical passagem, of the Old Testament, in which a viúva seduz or general e depois or assassina.

It tries-it is given vingança dinner starring a woman who is targeting libertação do seu povo de ella. In an image, this moment eternalizes and, pela its brutality, was seen as disturbing and shocking public hair.

This painting was commissioned by Ottavio Costa, who was one of the two most powerful bankers in Rome, and is currently in the National Gallery of Ancient Art of the same city.

6. To Ceia in Emmaus

Quadro A Ceia in Emmaus.

To Ceia in Emmaus It is a religious-themed work painted in 1606, which portrays a biblical passage. Present no Evangelho de S. Lucas, or episode or logo depois da ressurreição do filho de Deus.

Here, we fear Jesus Christ no center, seated at the table and surrounded by four people do povo, in quantity with food. A fabric is marked by Caravaggio's gloomy hair, with a dark background and points of light, two individuals face us, sublining their expressões.

Na figure of Jesus, sublined to his human appearance, I am not being presented as a celestial entity but rather as a common home. Or quadro it seems attract or viewer inside da ação, as you or invite to chegar more perto and participate in the dinner.

7. You tricky

Quadro Os Trapaceiros.

Painted in 1594, or quadro represents an important moment of Caravaggio's turn in his career. At the time, an artist has just left or has worked for us ateliês of other painters and they come to exercise or their profession independently.

The work represents a game of cards between two young homens, a daily diner na boêmia life das Italian taverns. Enquanto or first rapacious olha attentively to either follow suit, or another trick and hide letters behind the coasts.

Of pé, there is a homem more velho, a companion of trapaça that face sinais ao jogador. He, on the other hand, hides a punhal na waist, a veiled ameaça of perigo and violence.

8. Davi com a head of Golias

Quadro Davi is the head of Golias.

Davi com a head of Golias It is a work of 1610, being several representations that Caravaggio Fez gives biblical history. Golias, or giant, underestimated the abilities of Pastor Davi hair seu size, when he travaram a battle.

With just a few stones, Davi manages to hit the giant head and knock it down, defeating Luta and beheading him with the sword. A fable that fala gives vitória daquele that is apparently more fraco, also seems to represent vitória do bem face ao mal.

It is interesting to note that the painter seems to have been inspired by his own face to represent Golias, a possible metaphor for his violent behavior.

9. Flagellation of Christ

Quadro Flagelação de Cristo.

The work of 1607 represents a two more unspecific episodes of the Bible, which was quite portrayed in painting. Na cloth, which is in the Museum of Belas Artes de Ruão, na França, we see the figure of Christ before being crucified.

There is no quadro, we barely have the basic elements: Jesus being tied to the holm oaks that I will take, secure or whip that will be used for torture.

Full of tension and dramaThe fabric is characterized by gloomy hair, sublining the two individuals portrayed as human expressions.

10. Raptor with Fruit Basket

Quadro Rapaz with Fruit Basket.

Embora is not possible to determine the exact data of the quadro, it accredits that or Raptor with Fruit Basket It has been painted in 1593 or in subsequent years.

It's about um portrait of Mario Minniti, a young artist from Sicily and Caravaggio's trade companion, who was raised not starting his career.

Nele, or Italian exibe o seu talent It is their ability to represent, with mastery, numerous elements: the physiognomy of the predator, the various fruits and leaves of the basket, the texture of the roupa.

The same has been produced before his works-raw, a canvas that is in the Galeria Borghese, in Rome, já deixava guess the genius of the baroque painter.

Caravaggio: biography of the painter

Your first years: infância e youth

Michelangelo Merisi was born on September 29, 1571, in the Duchy of Milão. His childhood was marked by tragedy: when he was six years old, he lost his father, Fermo Merisi. Or Morreu patriarch of bubonic plague, as well as a large part of the family.

Since I give in, or Michelangelo's behavior reveals traces of revolta and agressividade. On the other hand, love for art also emerged logo, and young people began to work as an apprentice not at the painter Simone Pertezano, when he was only 12 years old.

At the age of 18, the rapacious lost mother and was forced to find a painting as his source of livelihood.

Carreira na painting

Um little before 1600, Caravaggio moved to Rome, as I intuit to paint professionally. Depois de vivre conditions of poverty, he managed to save an emprego in some ateliês, among those who stand out Giuseppe Cesari.

Even when he was younger, or a young artist, attention to quality, originality and style of his works. Then he decided to earn a living sozinho and began to sell his serious paintings to Italian streets.

In little time, or an artist with a great succession, numerous patrons and commissioned works emerged. Among them, it is worth mentioning Cardeal Del Monte, who sponsored a large part of Caravaggio's religious works.

Scandal and violent behavior

Despite the rise in the career, the painter's personal life was quite erratic, with periods of work followed by long phases of bohemian life, cheia de excessos.

Caravaggio was also known to be involved in various confusions, brigades with police, fun and pancadaria dinners. In 1606, depois de uma discussão because of a game of cards, the matou a young man, Ranuccio Tommasoni.

A sequence, or precise painter, fled from the city of Rome, passing through Naples, Malta and Sicily, filing controversial novels around it. Caravaggio had so many inimigos that, in 1609, he said that he suffered an assassination attempt in Naples.

Not only for his work, but also for his controversial and charismatic personality, he has become a notorious figure in contemporary Italian society.

He died in mysterious circumstances

Embora continues to grow like one of the two greatest painters in History, in the care of Caravaggio lasted little more than ten years. Not on July 18, 1610, or a Morreu painter in Porto Ercole, in dark circumstances.

Or his body is missing for a long time, having been identified only in 2010, by a group of Italian scientists, through DNA tests.

Years later, after an exhaustive analysis, a team of scientists was able to discover because of the death of the baroque artist. Weeks before his death, he had been killed with a sword, during most of his brigades.

The cuts caused a lethal infection that resulted in the death of Caavaggio.

Film Caravaggio - A alma e o sangue

Apontado as or longa-metragem on art most seen in Italy, Caravaggio - A alma e o sangue (2018) is an Italian documentary film, directed by Jesus Garces Lambert, which depicts the artist's costume.

Trust or trailer legendary below:

Caravaggio - A Alma e o Sangue - UCI Cinemas Official Trailer

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  • Baroque: all about or artistic movement
  • Leonardo da Vinci: fundamental works
  • Michelangelo: works to know or genius
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