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As crônicas de gelo e fogo: books, Game of thrones series, cover or author

A coletânea de livros de fantasia A Song of Ice and Fire (translated for Portuguese as As crônicas de gelo e fogo) was written by North American roteirist George R. R. Martin is from his origin to celebrated the TV series Game of Thrones (in Portuguese, War of Two Thrones), produced by HBO.

Currently a collection of books written by George R. R. Martin is the best-selling fantasy saga in the world. To conclude an idea of ​​the franchise succession, in terms of adaptation for the audiovisual, it is a series of televisão most attended of all the tempos, showing about 23 thousand spectators North Americans.

Livros As crônicas de gelo e fogo (A Song of Ice and Fire)

The first volume of the series, entitled A game of thrones (not that I inspired or title of the series of televisão), was written in 1991, but has been published some in 1996 by Bantam Books on its own. Bantam Spectra.

Capas das edições norte-americananas de A Song of Ice and Fire.
Layers of the North American edition of A Song of Ice and Fire, or last book (A dance with dragons) has yet to be released.
instagram story viewer

No Brazil, edição ficou in charge of the editor Leya, the exemplary chegaram as lojas no year 2010.

Layers of the Brazilian edition of As chronicles of gelo and fogo.
Layers of the Brazilian edition of As chronicles of gelo and fogo.

The initial idea of ​​the author was that you should be free to form a trilogy. Little time depois, Martin realized that he would need more space to unfold his story and decided that he would collect four books together. Pouco tempo depois esse passou number for five and, for sim, ficou resolved that the history would be composed by seven volumes.

The central plot revolves around a battle between the Seven Kingdoms. There is a dispute of some families powerful hair Throne of Iron, at the end that it reaches or Throne of Ferro will ensure the survival of rigorous winter hair that promises to be close and will last 40 years. The main families present in the dispute are Targaryens, Starks and Lanisters.

The phrase "The winter is coming" (in Portuguese "O inverno is chegando.") Relembraes or leitor dessa ameaça each time more closely.

O cenário is an imaginary land of Westeros, an immense land located in Europe, during the medieval period. The people are interesting because they are not simple representatives of good or bad, all of them are inconstant and simultaneously carry pure and condemning feelings.

Another fundamental detail of the saga is that there is not a single protagonist, year long the narrative, the central characters alternate. In two characters he is safe, often Martin built a twist and assassin with two serious protagonists without mercy.

Written in short chapters, Two Thrones War - or first volume of the saga - presents the characters, or the historical scene that will guide the entire narrative. Subsequent volumes narrate the story below, always permeated by unexpected twists and turns.

The second volume, A clash of kings, released in 1998, perpetuated with an atmosphere of suspense invoked not first free.

You are going to follow also super detailed and dense, or third volume of the saga (entitled A storm of swords), released in 2000, needs to be distributed in two volumes in the original edition due to its extensive dimension.

O quarto livro, A feast for crows, was published in 2005 in the fifth volume, A dance with dragons, six years after the last publication (in 2011). O sixth and seventh books are still to be released - no time has been defined -, embora as publicações já tenham ganhado nome (The winds of winter and A dream of spring).

Error in the Brazilian edition

Published in July 2012 in Brazil, or I live five da saga, entitled A dance dos dragões, you have a peculiar history.

I ordered the editor Leya to print a huge print run, an edition of 150 thousand copies. Qual was the surprise of the public that read or discovered that, that first edition I longed for, I saw as an absent chapter. Due to a production error, A dance dos dragões saw ten pages unless, or chapter 26 had not been printed.

A publisher promptly available or absent chapter did not site, but, in any way, was obliged to collect the defective exemplars. A company lost close to a milhão de reais hair deception.

Capa do volume A dança dos dragões.
Capa do volume A dança dos dragões.

Game of thrones

In 2007, the TV channel HBO bought directives to make a series that would be called Game of Thrones, inspired by the A Song of Ice and Fire series. On April 17, 2011, the first episode of the series was released that fascinated audiences and critics.

Currently a series is the most attended in the world, I have a record of hearing with 23 thousand spectators in the United States. It is also about some of the most expensive series on television, it is speculated that each episode costs about ten thousand dollars a year from HBO.

Apart from being an audience phenomenon, Game of Thrones is a thunderous critical success, it received 38 trophies not Emmy Awards, breaking all you remember.

"It captures you - and I don't let you go embora."

Los Angeles Times

A series of seasons have been spent in Westeros, during Medieval Europe. A adaptation of two books was made by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. In the first season, in the second, in the third, in the fourth, in the fifth and sixth, there are ten episodes and the seventh possible seven episodes. The final season - oitava - will only have six episodes of a long duration and will go to o ar supposedly in April 2019.

Despite a series of special effects, the cenários used are almost all real, as paisagens e castelos já levaram a team for locations such as Croatia, Morocco, Islândia, Spain and Ireland do North.

Game of Thrones - Official Trailer (Legendary PT-BR)

Discover George R. R. Martin

Born in Bayonne, Nova Jersey (United States), not on September 20, 1948, not from a humble family, George R.R. Martin formou-se em jornalismo pela Northwestern University.

Since always I have been fascinated by the world two books, I have written, at the age of 21, to his first history of scientific fiction ("The hero", in Portuguese "O heroi"). A short story was published in 1971.

The hero

In 1975, the writer married Gale Burnick. The marriage lasted four years and the house did not have filhos.

Martin was a writer in residence at Clarke College from 1978 to 1979. In 1979, he made a major decision for his professional career: he decided to turn a writer in full time.

He moved to Hollywood where he became a roteirist and producer. He also worked as a book publisher. In 1991, he began to write his great success, a series of books A Song of Ice and Fire.

He currently lives in Novo México with partner Parris McBride, as he got married in 2011.

George R. R. Martin

Conheça also

  • Game of Thrones series
  • You are free of fantasy
  • Livro 1984, by George Orwell
  • You are free to expand your mind
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