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Fahrenheit 451: summary and analysis of the book transformed into a film

Fahrenheit 451 It is a book of scientific fiction published in 1953 by North American writer Ray Bradbury.

Or romance tells about a dystopian reality in which or work two bombeiros and basically burn Free, it is because a culture of combat was established with critical and autonomous thinking. individuals.

This is a work that carrega forte social criticism to or that refers to or authoritarianism and to rejection of conhecimento, intensely present during the Nazism and that contextualize the 1950s did not postwar period.

A story was fairly well-known as well as an adaptation for the cinema by director François Truffaut, in 1966.

(Atenção, esse artigo contém spoilers!)

Summary and analysis of Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 It became a classic in literature and cinema for presenting a rather absurd history, a year that traced a dialogue more and more forte with contemporaneity.

Ray Bradbury believed at a time that the world collided with the bitter fruits of World War II, and censorship was going around society.

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Fahreinheit 451
Detail of the layer illustration of one of the first editions of Fahrenheit 451

A narrative is accompanied by Guy Montag's costume, a bombeiro whose work and set fire to books. It is part of a corporation of State agents who watch over, inspect and destroy books, these objects were seen as evil cited years, leaving them discontented and unproductive.

There are some symbolic details in history, to begin with the title. Fahrenheit 451 is at the necessary temperature to start the paper burning, which corresponds to 233 degrees Celsius.

Or number 451 appears non-uniform two bombeiros, also like a salamander, because of that animal and seen in mythology as a creature linked to fire.

Or I free and divided into three parts.

A lareira and a salamander (first part)

In the first part he tells us about or awakening the conscience of the protagonist. At first, Guy Montag agreed with his work and was apparently happy. Na reality of the age just as a government official who fulfills orders and does not have an answering character.

But something dumb when he meets Clarisse, a young man who fears or dreams of being a teacher and that he provokes some questions about life and happiness. This personagem is crucial to help or desire to move that was asleep in Guy.

Fahrenheit 451 Montag e Clarisse
Oskar Werner and Julie Christie at dinner playing Guy Montag and Clarisse in a film by François Truffaut

It is important to highlight the environment that this society lives in, where it is controlled and the only way of I am entertained by televisions that show fúteis and boring programs onde or public and invited to take part.

One of these television viewers is Mildred, Montag's wife. She is a manipulated and fragile woman who consumes remedies to sleep and is only worried about appearances. Assim, Montag began to perceive the futility of his wife and a great irritation arises with the empty and superficial life that he takes.

A remarkable event in the narrative is when, on a "common" day of work, or the protagonist is present, a senhora refuses to leave his house with his books when he turns his shoes. A woman died next to her library because she was not able to imagine all those literary works.

Montag then began to ask himself what might exist in such a powerful way. One day, before doing a queima, the leg of a livro and resolve to hide it, take it home.

From then on, he began to keep some exemplars, or who placed his integrity on the edge, because of his superior, or Captain Beatty, he became suspicious.

A peneira e a areia (second part)

In search of conhecimento, or bombeiro, he found himself as Mr. Faber, a quite cultured professor who showed him or could two books. Together, you build a blueprint to destroy the body of bombers.

On returning home, Montag finds a wife with some friends having completely superficial conversations. He does not count on me, his impetus, he sticks two books and one passage for them, trying to bet on the lack of meaning in their lives. She then expels him from his home.

Fahrenheit 451 Montag lendo
Guy Montag reading a poetry for his wife and friends of the, at dinner of a film made years of books

No next day, he goes to work, willing to put his ideas into practice. He was confronted by his superior.

Logo followed by firefighters receiving an anonymous report and going to the next house that will be burned. To Montag's surprise, it was from his residence that Mildred was told that Mildred had filed a complaint.

Or fire glow (third part)

Guy Montag was forced to set fire to his own house and Beatty succeeded in hitting the equipment of the shield that was in his life, where Montag had contacted Mr. Faber.

Beatty ameaça Mr. Faber, saying that or he would kill. Montag squat and, taken from the raiva, aponça a chamas la direção de seu chefe, queimando-o.

The protagonist manages to escape and goes to seek Mr. Faber, who suggests that he follow the line of trem and go to or meet other teachers, who were also a target of persecution.

Dessa form the embrenha-na kills and sees a group of people around a fogueira to be schemed. Montag then gives himself the beneficial power that he can have without fire.

A group of professors talks and says that they are committed to giving them a lot of freedom so that they can build up or know how to re-write literary works on a day-to-day basis. Nesse moment the city lives a war and the ex-bombeiro begins his new day.

Personagens principais

  • Guy Montag: é o protagonist. A bombeiro who feared to destroy books, but ended up perceiving the importance of reading.
  • Clarisse McClellan: young man who instigates Montag to wonder about his life and his work.
  • Mildred Montag: Montag's wife. A futile and manipulated mulher by the system.
  • Senhor Faber: professor who introduces Montag uma nova to enforce reality and enhance literature.
  • Captain Beatty: Chefe do corpo de bombeiros. Represents either receding and dislodging hair conhecimento.
  • Granger: intellectual who leads runaway professors who read us free to keep memories.
  • Sabujo: mechanical puppy programmed to hunt down and kill freelance intellectuals. This personagem barely exists in a literary work.

Considerations on Fahrenheit 451

This is a narrative that uses metalinguagem as a ferramenta, ou seja, a literary work that revolves around the universe of literature itself.

It is a book that tells about the paixão light hairs and the importance that or knowledge of a society, can be seen as a tool for social transformation.

The work draws a parallel with the censorship that was established in Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes, year same time that creates uma put yourself for the events that we are still going to visit in various parts of the world.

Or the Brazilian government, for example, during the military period (1964-1985) censured books, music, films and other languages ​​of art.

Assim, Fahrenheit 451 It is a classic that remains provoking questions and instigating a critical sense.

Adaptações para o cinema

Film Fahrenheit 451 - by François Truffaut

A history of the bombeiro that set fire to books for more than one project that was adapted for the cinema, in 1966. Or classic and directed by renowned French filmmaker François Truffaut. Os atores principais são Oskar Werner and Julie Christie.

O film portrays history in a way that is quite faithful to what it was written. Check out a dinner where Montag talks to young Clarisse:

Fahrenheit 451 - 1966 - Legendary

Film Fahrenheit 451 - by Ramin Bahrani

In 2018, the HBO was a new audiovisual version of history. Quem assina a direção é Ramin Bahrani. Or ator played by Guy Montag and Michael B. Jordan, what a fez or film Black Panther.

This version presents a more technological world than the current part of the criticism considering the production here of the Truffaut film and literary work. Veja or trailer:

Fahrenheit 451 | Official trailer

What was Ray Bradbury?

Ray Douglas Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920 in Illinois, United States.

At the same time he finished or was superior, Ray managed, through his self-taught study, to become a recognized writer of scientific fiction.

Ray Bradbury
Portrait of Ray Bradbury

His first outstanding work foi The Lake, published in 1942, where it begins to define a literary style of its own, mixing suspense and scientific fiction.

In 1947 he created a collection of contos entitled Dark carnival. Three years since he launched The Martian Chronicles, book that or places among important names in the literature of scientific fiction in the United States.

His most famous work was, from fato, Fahrenheit 451. Meanwhile, the author has an intense production, publishing around 30 books, many stories and poems.

Also, Bradbury collaborated with his talent for audiovisual works, such as animações e trabalhos na televisão.

O Morreu writer on June 6, 2012 in California, age 91. A cause of death was not specified by the family.

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