Meaning of the phrase Pedras no caminho? I keep all of them.
A famous phrase "Pedras no caminho? I keep all of them, one day you will build a castle... "it used to be wrongly attributed to the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935).
O set of orações acima foi na practice written by Nemo Nox, a Brazilian blogger.
His breeding was replicated ad eternum - We do not know for sure when and when it came to disclosure - about the assumption of Fernando Pessoa, as was the apocryphal text.
After the quotation of Nox chegou to be included as the final part of a text by the Brazilian author Augusto Cury.
Meaning of the phrase "Pedras no caminho? I keep all of them. "
Pedras no walk? I keep all of them, one day you will build a castle ...
A phrase encompasses three different tempos: past, present and future.
On the other hand, the author misses his past experiences and acknowledges that his experiences are difficult to deixaram lembranças and hard marks. A questão é: o que fazer com essas lembranças?
The second part of the text appoints the non-sense of the preservation and maintenance of these memories, including and mainly so that there is more. As you remember ruins, the unforeseen - isto é, as pedras no caminho -, or author guides, should not be skewed and saved.
A conclusion of reasoning for the future: from difficult experiences to the past scars left, or individual who charges as thais stones had material to build a porvir wonderful. Or cast it as a metaphor for the promising future.
Or text inspiring Try to include not being aware that unpleasant experiences need to be processed and if necessary to get to a good place.
A written intention is highly motivational and translated for or leitor uma concepção otimist, a noção that it is worthwhile to continue in front of two obstacles that appear no meio do caminho.
The origin of the text and the proliferation of the phrase on the internet
Embora is attributed to the great poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), or for a short time belongs to an unknown Brazilian author called Nemo Nox.
In a post published not in your blog By a dotted pixel, Nemo Nox assumes the authorship of the phrase and explains or context of the creation:
Not the beginning of 2003, chatted with the obstacles I encountered and trying to be a little otimist, I wrote these three sentences here: "Pedras no caminho? I keep all of them. One day you will build a castelo. "I did not think more than I mentioned that recently I began to receive emails asking that you confirm that you are or the author of the trechinho.
O blogger also told me that the published sentences were not his virtual diary, that he has been five years duration, we will end up breaking the barreira do seu espaço and more different hairs will proliferate within the day Internet:
Apparently, the trio of phrases took a life of its own and made itself known to the Portuguese-speaking internet with variations on the pontuação and na attribution of the authorship. Começou appearing as the title of a photoblog (I found a meia duzia with this name) and as an anonymous citation in the form of messages (in various forums for online debate).
Serious or a case of an unconscious plagiarism?
A criação foi tão falada that or own author chegou to question his authorship.
Nemo appears concerned with the possibility of having fallen, a kind of unconscious plagiarism, having possibly paraphrased creation of his own Pessoa ou de Drummond, author of the famous poem No Meio do Caminho, which also emphasizes the importance of stone.
The breeder then resolves to carry out an in-depth research in search of possible influences and follows the following conclusion:
I will review the poems of the people in search of stones and castles, but I have not been able to find any thing remotely similar to or in the quest. Vasculhei os heterônimos and tampouco achei or keeper of stones. It would be in any foreign form, but Drummond has been cited in this form and or not to be widely disclosed by scholars on two sides of the Atlantic. Enfim, I convinced myself, I attached that it proved or contrarário, that I was the same as that I creveu as tais linhas.
Fact is that these brief phrases form, in the shadow of dúvida, to the creation of Nemo Nox that has the greatest repercussion received (many times it takes place at most times when it has been attributed or given credit).
Despite having found a huge reception from the public, or blogger, he is not properly proud of his breeding:
Outra coisa funny is that nem I feel proud of being written isso, it seems-I looked at a few pieces, like those letters motivating you with beautiful photos and otimist phrases. Até I admire myself from não terem attributed to authorship to Paulo Coelho.
Or future da citação
In his text, published three years after "Pedras no caminho", the author concluded that he will not enter into conflict as a result of which he has been attributed or given credit.
Since it is impossible to control any type of text on the internet, Nemo talks about the plans for the future in a humorous and ironic way:
E agora? As phrases are released for aí, you will not brigar for them, I want to say that são do Pessoa, do Veríssimo ou do Jabor, fique à vontade. Incorrect attributions? I keep all of them. Um dia vou escrever uma tese.
Supposed poem by Augusto Cury as final verses by Nemo Nox
Appropriação da citation of Nox chegou to be incorporated by an unknown person becoming the last sentences of a text by the Brazilian writer Augusto Cury.
À criação hybrid - which mixes excerpts from Cury with phrases from Nox - was attributed to the curious authorship of Fernando Pessoa. Foi also dessa form that the verses multiply pela rede losing to real paste author:
Posso ter defeitos, eager nursery
e fica irritated some more times
no outline of what my life is like
largest company in the world, and posso
avoid that she is missing.
Be happy and recognize that it is worth
to shame living despite all of you
challenges, misunderstandings and periods
of crise.
Be happy and stop being victim two
problems and become an author
gives its own history. É go through
deserted outside of itself, but be able to
find an oasis not hidden da
his soul.
É thank Deus to each manhã
miracle hair gives life.
To be happy did not have two of my own
É to know how to fail himself.
É ter coragem para ouvir um "não".
É ter security to receive uma
critical, so unfair.
Pedras no walk?
I keep all of them, one day you'll build
um castelo ...
Nemo Nox, or author gives phrase
Nemo Nox is the pseudonym used by a Brazilian blogger born in 1963.
Seu firstiro blog de el chamava-se Diário da Megalópole, It was launched in March 1998 and was created page by page in HTML, through a text editor, to be published by FTP. At the time that Nemo came, there were no platforms for blogs.
![Nemo Nox was two pioneers, no universe, two blogs, no Brazil.](/f/21c13639d22d147bc6a8b3a5c0a4c2eb.jpg)
Pouco is disclosed about the breeder - not the public, for example, I know that he is not true of him - but we know that he was born in Santos and moved to the United States for many years.
Professionally, Nemo Nox works as a writer, business manager, web designer and photographer.
![Nemo Nox, or the true author of 'Pedras no Caminho?'](/f/1a43620a8a791089800328fd6718704e.jpg)
Seu blog, entitled By Um Punhado of Pixels, held between January 2001 and January 2011, were two five finalists of the annual Bloggies award in the Melhor Weblog Latin-American category.
See also: Phrase Know yourself
![Rebecca Fuks Rebecca Fuks](/f/e8edd9786de5939c13cf7f536336c48f.jpg)
Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).