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Convert degrees Celsius to Kelvin

In this video I will show you convert degrees Celsius to Kelvin and also to convert Kelvin to Celsius, so we will see step by step the conversion of these degrees in both directions. The Kelvin scale is the temperature scale used in the United States, while the Celsius scale is used in many other countries around the world.

Although initially the freezing point of water came from the Celsius scale (0 ℃), now the Kelvin scale is a derivative where zero on the Celsius scale (0 ℃) is now defined as the equivalent of 273.15 Kelvin (you should never call them degrees, only Kelvin or K). We must say that Kelvin are always positive numbers you will never see a negative Kelvin.

The scale Celsius is an interval system, but not a relationship system, which means that it follows a relative scale, but not an absolute scale. This can be seen because the temperature range between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃ is the same as between 30 ℃ and 40 ℃, but 40 ℃ does not have twice the heat energy of 20 ℃ air.

Below I show you an image so you can see the comparison of degrees Celsius and Kelvin:

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The formula for go from Celsius to Kelvin is the next:

K = 273 + C

The formula for go from Kelvin to Celsius is this other:

C = K - 273

Finally, I leave you a table to compare Celsius, Kelvin and Fahrenheit:

Also, here is the link where you can see how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.

If you watch the video you will understand much better how to do this conversion of degrees Celsius to Kelvin because I will explain it to you through examples. Also, if you want to practice going from Celsius to Kelvin or vice versa, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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