Interpretação do conto Amor by Clarice Lispector
Or tell "Love" is inserted in the work Family Laços, by Clarice Lispector, published in 1960. It portrays an episode of the life of a common person who, in the face of a situation or daily experience, suffers an epiphany that at the same time reflects on himself or the world that surrounds him.
Analysis and interpretation of the conto "Love"
"Amor" é um conto com narração na third person. OR narrator and ominous, I have access to emotions, feelings and interior monologues. The plot revolves around Ana, the protagonist, a mother, a wife and a housewife who occupies her time taking care of the family and domestic chores.
Embora surjam other personagens like or her filho, or her husband, and or homem blind that she sees through Janela do Bonde, Ana is the only one who was the author confere psychological density.
We accompany or seu day of her and the various states of spirit that we take with the, apos ter an epiphany that to face rethink all of her life: to visão of a blind man chewing gum.
At "perigosa hour": reflexão e inquietação
Her precaution was reduced to taking care at a late hour, when home was empty it would be necessary to specify more dela, or high sun, each family member distributed according to her functions. Olhando you move clean, your heart of her fell a little in fright. (...) She was there to make purchases or carry objects to buy, taking care of the family and revealing them. When she came back it was or late in the afternoon and as children came from the school she demanded. Assim chegaria a noite, with its quiet vibração. From manhã she would remember haloed hairs calm deveres. She found you moved de novo empowered and subjugated, as they turned back to being repentant.
Ana is described as a woman who dedicates her life to the family and to the maintenance of the house, trying to conserve in order, a "firm root das coisas". Among the many tasks that my life and home donation carry, she feared her mind occupied for most of the time.
During the afternoon, I was told, there was a "perigious hour" in which she was available to concentrate on herself. Começa, aí, to reflect on the life and the course that led to that point.
Longe for the "disturbed exaltation" of her past, Ana seems to recognize no more than that she was before the marriage. In the words of the narrator, she "saw the fate of the woman fall".
Everything or his time began to be dedicated to his husband, years of life and life in the house, falling into a non-stereotype of the woman who gave up on himself to concentrate only on the family.
In this moment of reflection about the "adult life" that he will build, it is known to Ana's dissatisfactionIt expresses the words of the narrator: "I am also happy to live."
A repetition of the phrase "Assim ela or would like to escort you" underlines your responsibility for the way you lived, and also your accommodation. It was a “grande aceitação” that turned to his face, not “final da hora instavel”.
O blind that chews rubber: everyday epiphany
Depois de fazer as shopping to or from, Ana was returning to Bonde's house, lost us her thoughts about the past and present. At a “perigosa hour” when she was coming to the end, she was ready to resume her routine, when she saw a vision go down or her world inside her: a homem blinded chewing gum.
He chews gum on the drain. Sem sofrimento, like olhos open. Or movement of the mastigação fazia-o seem to snort and suddenly stop sipping, sipping and stop sipping - as you are insulted, Ana Olhava-o. I burned visse teria to impressão de uma mulher comodio. But she continued to olhá-lo, each time more inclined - or bonde deu a sudden start playing unprepared behind, or heavy bag of tricô despencou-se do colo, ella ruiu no chão - Ana deu um cry, or driver of your order to stop before knowing what it is about - or bonde estacou, os passageiros olharam scared.
In the image, part of the daily life, it would be lost for most of the people, but it provoked a devastating effect on Ana, who left her shopping that she carried and brought to everyone's attention.
Ela olhava or homem "as she was insulted", because her simple existence disturbed her alienated peace, because she confronted her with hardness gives life, to cruel reality.
Embora she has seen or homem just for a moment, "or this bad feito", "or the world will turn de novo um mal-being", styling the glass in which she lived from or her marriage. She was not protected, she was face to face with life and "lack of meaning", "absence of lei".
In spite of all the attempts to remain organized in the state ("it will calm you down to life"), "to crise see, afinal", and everything or control falls apart.
She was there, pela for the first time in a very long time, before "a cheia life of nausea twelve", authentic, cheia of unexpected kinks, beauty and fry.
Jardim Botânico: wandering and observation of the world
Disoriented and disturbed by the sight of the blind, Ana esqueceu de sair did not make certain of the bonde, getting lost and ending up wandering to find some known place. Seus olhos of her will observe reality through uma nova lens, com "to life that she will discover" by pressing not her body.
She ended up stopping at the Jardim Botânico, where she sat smelling nature, everything or that it was selvagem e nascia, crescia, apodrecia, was renewed. Depois do cego, agora was or garden that led to her thoughts of her, raising to reflect on the fragility and force of life.
Restless, she olhou around. We were swinging, the shadows wavering no chão. Um pardal ciscava na terra. And suddenly, unwell, it seems I have fallen into an ambush.
Tempted and scared by this "world of fascination", "of eating like teeth", divided between either fascination and nojo, she emerged two serious thoughts of herself and the family that awaited her.
Consumed by a feeling of guilt, she resolved to run home, seeming to know what she had seen and felt during the walk.
Returning home: estranhamento e dúvida
Annsia remains when she returns home, a "batia soul-lhe no peito". Embora o mundo seemed, suddenly, "sujo, percível", also seemed "seu de ella", chamando-a, tempting-a, inviting-a to take part nele.
Já na her house, the "sadia life" that she raised suddenly seemed a "morally louco way of living".
A vida é horrível, disse-lhe baixo, faminta. Or what faria did she follow or chamado do cego? Iria sozinha... There were rich and poor places that we needed. She needed to give them... I have half, she said she. She felt the delicate coastlines of the child between the arms, ouviu or seu choro scared of her. Mamãe, chamou or menino. She afastou-o, olhou quele rosto, seu coração crispou-se. Não deixe mamãe te esquecer, disse-lhe.
The same when you are filho tenta abraçá-la, ela não manages to create "or chamado do cego". She warns from everyone that there was a place to explore, a true life that was terrific but also dynamic, filled with possibilities and surprises.
Ana is "faminta", sentence vontade de deixar tudo to go back, "her heart is enchera like pior vontade de viver". She seems dislocated in her own home, also suffering from the guilt of thinking of abandoning her husband and filhos.
Família e rotina: love and hindrance
Later, the protagonist began to talk about his family, recovering feeling of comfort that this is trazia.
They surround us at the table, the family. Tired of the day, happy in not disagreeing, with dispositions not to see defects. Riam-se de tudo, as a heart bom e human. As children grow admirably around them. And like a borboleta, Ana seizes the moment between your fingers before ever more fosse seu of her.
Ana gradually recomeçava to appreciate the serenity that she felt together with her relatives, wondering about How would it be to her life of her depois da reveção that she tivera this afternoon: "Or that or blind will unleash us seus days?".
She tries to keep a memory or present moment, of joy and family security. Contudo, she did not manage to create the terrifying side of the world: "as a mistress of a lover, she seemed to oil that gives flower saise or mosquito, that as vitórias-régias boiassem not dark do lago".
She also added life to precariousness, to destruction, gaining sudden awareness of the events that she loved.
Depois de ouvir um estouro no fogão da cozinha, noisy that was common, did not appear, Ana got upset and ran to her husband, he said: "I don't want anything to happen to him, ever!"
Ela continued sem força us seus arms. In the afternoon, somebody will be quiet, and at home there was still a humorous, sad tom. It's time to sleep, disse ele, it's late. Num gesture that was not hers, more than it seems natural, she assures me of the woman, taking her back with her, destroying the perigo de viver.
Or homem I managed to calm her down, convincing her that she was doing everything. Segurando na su mão de ella, or husband takes Ana to sleep, driving from volta à su rotina, ao seu habitual lifestyle, or seu domestic rest.
The final phrases sublinham or the way in which Ana seems to turn to alienation of before:
She penteava-se ora diante do espelho, for an instant sem nenhum mundo no coração.
Meaning do conto
Ana symbolizes a middle class housewife who, like countless women in the world, meet your social expectations, marrying and establishing a family. Assim, or her daily life happened to be preenchanted with the house chores and the two filhos creation, devastating the world of the fora, with its surprises and serious horrors.
A visão do blind chewing gum not dark, in a mechanical, repetitive way, I will be able to straighten here what or around, seems to be a metaphor stop o jeito that Ana lived.
As if she was dated, she repeated to her rotina day after day, see here that there were other walls of her house. Perhaps to be seen naquele homem, Ana subverte to her rotina of her. She breaks your ovos do jantar as a fright, after a wrong season of bonde and a passeio in Jardim Botânico, outlining her obrigações.
For some time, she is tempted to change her life, leave her life and fall into the world, explore or unfamiliar. Ao return to or coexist with her family, she is newly invaded by the love that she felt for them and skeletons her ideas of escape, taking Rotina back to a protected life.
É o amor, title do conto, that led this woman. Out of love for her husband and years, she devotes herself internally to pleasing them and taking care of them. In order to create an epiphany that dominated hours before and lived other lives, experience other ways of seeing the world:
Before dying, as a candle went out, she blew out a small flame of the day.
Above any age or curiosity to leave uncovered, Ana loves her family. Not at the end of the day, same depois de tudo or that she saw and felt, she escorted to continue living the same way, for love.
Clarice Lispector, to author
Clarice Lispector (December 10, 1920 - December 9, 1977) was a Brazilian writer of Ukrainian origin who stood out among the greatest authors of her tempo. She published romances, stories, novels, essays, infantile stories, among others, counting with more than twenty works.
Um two transverse traces of its literary production and the creation of narratives where people are presented with epiphanies during their daily lives that thus transform me and lead to reflections.
Em Family Laços, a work that included or told "Love", the narratives focus on family ties and tension between individual and collective. In this specific work, the themes seem to intersect with the author's own life.
Clarice was divided between her literary career, a creation of two films and a marriage with Maury Gurgel Valente. The marriage ended in 1959, when the author got tired of her husband's absences, who spent a lot of time traveling because he was a diplomat.
Conheça also
- Clarice Lispector: annotated poetic texts
- Livro Felicidade Clandestina, by Clarice Lispector
- Livro A Hora da Estrela by Clarice Lispector
- As most incredible phrases by Clarice Lispector explained
- Conto Venha ver o pôr do sol, by Lygia Fagundes Telles