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A Hora da Estrela: analysis and summary of Clarice Lispector's book

A Hora da Estrela It is free of writer Clarice Lispector, born in Ukraine and naturalized in Brazil.

Published in 1977, tells the story of the northeastern emigrant Macabéa by narrated Rodrigo S. M.

Summary of A Hora da Estrela


O livro começa com Rodrigo S. M., or narrator and writer, reflected on or written paper and the word. He uses the first chapter to justify the book itself. Or chamado for writing and internal, see the need of the own narrator.

Rodrigo S. M. He continues to appear over the years of everything or romance, making small interventions and raising existential questions about himself and about people.

Macabéa is the main character of the romance. She is a Northeast who migrates to Rio de Janeiro.

Macabéa is a date writer and divides a quarter with another three migrants. Logo no comço da estória, it is demitted for not knowing how to write it directly, but her boss Raimundo adds to deixa to work for the penalty of dela.

More about Macabéa

The life of Macabéa is simple, the work is in the house of a radio station in which the program consists of culture, certain time and some announcements. She drinks cold coffee before going to sleep, coughs à noite and eats pieces of paper to cheat fome.

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One day she is missing a job and sozinha is not a fourth of her. She experiments with solidão, dances sozinha, drinks solid coffee and ties her tea. That is the same day that she meets Olimpico, that she will be or will be the first in love with her.

Or namoro as olympic

Or namoro segue sem graça, or casal sai quase always in chuva days. Seus passeios consist of sitting down on a bench in the praça, where we talk. Olímpico always got irritated with questions from Macabéa.

One Olympic day, he decides to pay for a coffee for Macabéa, who is happy as a luxury that ends up placing a lot of sugar and not coffee to take advantage of. Another day is going to the zoo. Macabéa fica is scared like a rhinoceros that she urinates in her own saia.

Or relationship ends when Olímpico meets Glória, a colleague from Trabalho da Macabéa. Glória was oxygenated loire, her pai worked with no açougue and the fazia part of the clã do sul do Brasil. All these qualities were attractive to the ambitious Olympian, who shared Macabéa for his colleague Glória.

Feeling bad for being roubado or in love with the colleague, Glória goes on to help Macabéa. He first invites you to stay at his house and then he offers money loaned to Macabéa to visit a cartomancer.

A visit to the cartomante

A visit to the cartomante marks a reviravolta na vida de Macabéa. The license for work, inventing a dente e, as a borrowed money, vai de taxi for a cartomancer. Lá, she found herself with Madama Carlota, a former prostitute and cafetina who, in order to enrich herself, threw out many letters.

Carlota traces some news for Macabéa: she will find a rich stranger who will marry her, and her life of cooking will go back. To confirm her sincerity for the future, Carlota affirms that a previous client knew that she would be beaten by disseminating letters.

Macabéa sai da cartomancer cheia of saudades of the future, ready to start his new life. Porém, ao cross a street, she was run over. Or a run-over of Macabéa is one of the most important parts of the book, at "hour of the day."

Or narrator Rodrigo S. M. it reappears in a striking way. He hesitates in relation to narrative. He does not know if Macabéa must die or not. That is the hour of the epiphany. Start no chão, Macabéa wanted to vomit a star of a thousand pontas.

Principais personagens

Rodrigo S. M.

He is the writer and the narrator of Macabéa's estoria.


Nordestina who migrates to Rio de Janeiro where she is a typist.


First in love with Macabéa, who traded for his colleague Glória.


Macabéa's colleague.

Madama Carlota

Ex-prostitute and cafetina. He is a cartomancer who throws cards for Macabéa.

Analysis and Interpretation

Clarice Lispector e o intimate romance

Clarice Lispector was a writer of the third generation of modernism. Seu first romance published foi Perto do Coração Selvagem, when she is 17 years old, she calls attention for her great narrative quality. Since then, Clarice has been one of the great Portuguese-language writers.

The author's romances are full of psychological studies of people, but only a few actions, since her interest in her is turned to or what happens within the human being. A epifania é a grande matéria-prima das works by Clarice.

Or psychological romance, or intimate romance, or focus of Clarice Lispector. Nesse kind of romance, or interest I turned for you internal psychological conflicts das personagens ou do narradorWhether they are conscious or unconscious.

Or internal dialogue is preferred to external dialogue, an internal life is more explored than or what happens around the personagens. Or intimate romance teve seus expoentes na work of Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf and Clarice Lispector in Brazil.

Or chamado flow of consciousnessMore than that, it is an essential material for a romancist, who is looking for two serious people to expose internal conflicts. An existential crisis and introspection caused by this crisis seem to be the materials that gave birth to the works of Clarice Lispector.


Most of the works by Clarice Lispector were written during military service in Brazil. When many writers try to denounce or criticize the national political situation, Clarice Lispector focuses on her non-psychological work, leaving politics aside.

Attitude gives the writer to ignore this historical moment and generated various criticisms that accuse her of being alienated. Clarice, porém, tinha political consciência e, além de explicitá-la em algumas chronicas, isso is present not romance A Hora da Estrela.

Or narrator Rodrigo S. M.

O romance vai ser narrador by Rodrigo S. M., who also introduced me as a writer. It is one of the two most important elements of living, fazendo a mediation between events, the feelings of Macabéa and their own.

Before beginning to tell the history of Macabéa, Rodrigo S. M. open or romance with a dedication. Nela, or narrator face a deep reflection on or ato de escrever. He knows that the word has a fundamental role that is not written, but not the world.

A linguagem is treated as performative, isso wanted to say that it encloses within itself or power gives action:

"All the world começou com um sim"

With the awareness of the power of the word, or the narrator comes a series of questions about or writing and how to tell the history of Maccabean.

The chapter in questão begins with a series of dedications for the great composers of classical music. We can understand this context that a vibration, a linguagem before the word, has a very important role not free. Or inefável, here that can not be dito or great focus of A Hora da Estrela.

Rodrigo S. M. He told us that a long time of all or romance exists a senhor playing violin in the corner. A music face is an essential part of history, like here that cannot be said, hardly felt.

The narrator maintains a fundamental role throughout the entire romance, and not just a dedication. Macabéa is a simple person, with little awareness of himself. The narrator appears as a mediator of two internal affairs of Macabéa.

In a movement that goes psychological for the personagem and vice-e-versa, or the narrator manages to create a complex theme of feelings and thoughts in a seemingly simple personagem.

This movement also serves so that the narrator unfolds his own internal conflicts and exposes social questões that generally do not belong to the works of Clarice Lispector. Rodrigo S. M. She says she does not belong to any social class, but she acknowledges in Macabéa the precariousness of the poorer populations.

Macabéa and Northeast as the narrator and as Clarice Lispector, who was born in Ucrânia embora had grown up in Recife. Or the narrator sat around Macabéa near their origin, but their lives, not Rio de Janeiro, is very different. The relationship between the narrator and the person ends up being a central theme not free.


Macabéa is one of the many northeastern women who saíram do sertão for the city. Or theme of migration and misery of the northeast percorre or romance in parallel as the psychological development of the narrator and the personagem. Rodrigo S. M. He is the breeder of the personagem, but perhaps he has glimpsed Macabéa in a relance, when he saw the face of a northeastern country.

A personagem is a simple person, both materially and psychologically. Macabéa was not aware of himself and quase nenhum desejo. The only things that she can see give her fascination with commercials or cinema hair, with simple and few unlocking objects. For example, when you see an advertisement for um creme de rosto, you desire it and eat or creme com colher.

Another desire that appears in Macabéa and that he has explored the narrator's hair and that of her sexual desire. All the movements of Macabéa are primitive and are related to the basic instincts of survival, such as eating and reproducing.

Therefore, I attached this basic desire for sexuality and repressed in Macabéa. Her country will die when she was a child and was raised by a Blessed Aunt. So pancades that aunt has given to religious upbringing will serve to make Macabéa repress or lesser sexual desire.

Macabéa practically does not exist, her presence of her is always small, she never wanted to bother and always and educated. My first name is her as an Olímpico, another Northeast, but with a totally different character. He is described as someone determined, focused on his goals, a person with a mind, desires, and attached to some evil.

During or namoro, Macabéa follows the members of Olímpio sem questioning, até when he ends or namoro with her to join his work colleague. Macabéa oil or term, outlining as the only reaction a nervous nervousness.


A Hora da Estrela It is two principal romances by Clarice Lispector and one of the most important works of Brazilian literature. Or that makes or free special is a relationship that the narrator Rodrigo S. M. Item com a main personagem Macabéa.

Or free it, above all, a reflection on the writing exercise on the writer's paper. Clarice Lispector is always foi tida as a "difficult" writer. In this work, she shows us how her creative and complex process is, justifying a little or content.

Rodrigo S. M. He told us not to do romance:

I keep nothing to do in the world: there is no place for me na terra dos homens. I skew because I'm desperate and I'm tired ...

A writer's anguish and essential material of the work. By meio da estória e da Macabéa, or writer manages to "alleviate" his anguish. Porém esse alívio é passageiro, a written pois logo becomes a source of anguish.

Há também uma concern as inefável (here that cannot be described) and as the limits of the narrator. A vibration as a form of non-verbal communication reverberates in everything or romance, more as or free it is essentially words that communication and falha. O narrator fears his own limits.

A question that is placed is how to constitute, raise and narrate a life that is different from the breeder.

It will be difficult to understand that story. In spite of the fact that I have nothing to see as a moça, you will see that I will screw everything through the dela by between terrifying meus.

The success of the romance (to its writing and to the transformation of the narrative into literature) is still, however contradictory it seems, or the failure of the narrator.

I am absolutely tired of literature; só a mudez I face companhia. It is ainda scarce and because nothing else I have to do in the world when I wait to die. A tries the word not dark. Or a small event invades me and I don't forget about it.

A Hora da Estrela is a great reflection on the writing and on the writer's paper, on the limits of the narrator and the narrator itself. At last instância, he was desperate to be burned and wanted to vomit a star of a thousand pontas.

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