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Filme Parasita: summary, detailed analysis and explanation

Parasitic it is a sul-korean film of thriller, drama and comedy, directed by Bong Joon-ho. Launched in 2019, or longa-metragem feito a huge international success of its exhibition at the Cannes Film Festival, where it defeats Palma de Ouro.

No next year, Parasitic foi o big winner of the Oscar 2020, awarded in the categories of Melhor Filme, Melhor Director, Melhor Roteiro Original and Melhor Filme Estrangeiro.

It was the first time that a production that was not written in the English language won the Melhor Filme award, marking history and opening new portals for the cinema of two different songs from the world.

Trailer e sinopse of Parasitic

Parasite | Legendary Trailer

O film by Bong Jonn-ho portrays the actions of a poor family (os Kim), who manipulates a family supplied (os Park) to save work.

Through a series of lies and miraculous planes, the Vigaristas managed to "infiltrate" into a luxurious mansion, like a parasite that inhabits a body that was perceived.

Home is also cheia de mysteries that Kim will unveil throughout the narrative. A film marked hair psychological terror,

instagram story viewer
Parasitic also fear your bloody moments and rende gargalhadas boas.

Attention: from this point, or artigo contem spoilers!

Analysis and explanation of the film Parasitic

Social contrasts and family relationships

From or first frame, Parasitic traça um critical portrait of South Korean reality, calling attention to the economic inequalities that divide that country.

Family working at home, making pizza boxes.

With two opposite poles, the Kim and Park families symbolize two totally different ways of life: a living below do limit the poverty and the others who are millionaires. Isso becomes visible in dynamics, problems and universes mentally two family nuclei.

You Kim all work together and are inventing various things to survive in the family. You need to contribute for the sustenance of all and including us blows, being essenciais not to cover the narrative.

Or casal de donos da casa.

On the other hand, the Park seems less united, as a country who spends a lot of time outside and one more who lives worried com tudo. You are living a kind of vial, very protected and dedicated to studies.

In so far as isso, Ki-woo and Ki-jeong need to fight for survival at all times. Até to hit or hit the Park family, the young Kim needs to enter as a cell phone from teto, to go to the internet from vizinha.

Go planning or hit.

Lies, plans and schemes

Or destiny of the Kim family suddenly changes, when or friend Min-hyuk chega as a present: a stone that is a precious talisman to attract wealth. He also drew up a job opportunity, and I proposed that Ki-woo become a substitute teacher.

As a military man, or a young man knows how to speak English and his irmã fake a diploma of a conceited University. Assim that he is hired, he discovers that there is a vague professor of art and passa or contato da sua Irmã, pretending to be another person, Jennifer.

Let's go Kim checking in at home.

Ki-jeong is a very talented garota, who is used to working as an actress at funerals, and is used to deceiving others. From a quick search not Google, she finds arguments to convince dona da casa that she needs to do art therapy sessions, several times a week.

In this way, we will join Kim to enter the mansão dos Park. Ki-woo takes advantage or works as a tutor to start a secret romance with a teenager. Enquanto isso, Ki-jeong ball um plan for you to park demitam or biker. During a carona, a jovem deixa a sua lingerie no bank behind, for or pattern to find.

Donos da casa demitem former officials.

Dong-ik finds armadilha and tells for his wife. Together, they decided to be discreet and make an apology to dismiss or function. That is why Ki-taek ends up being hired as a patriarch rider, using or nome Mr. Kevin.

Finally, they just need to set up a business for me more, for isso, têm que pull empregada do caminho. That mansão tinha belonged to an architect, who unhired, and hired Gook Moon-gwang. A functionary will remain in the mansion when it was sold for the Park and knows all the songs.

We are free, Kim is elaborating a scheme and chegam same to train the lies, as a roteiro, for everything to be perfect. Knowing that she is terribly allergic to pests, they are placing penugem of fruit with us, her belongings, making more and more crises of women.

Poison governanta with pêssegos.

Simultaneously, they convince the Patroa that Gook Moon-gwang is with tuberculosis. Suddenly, she is dismissed and forced to go home, with a notorious feeling of grief.

O patrão comments as a novo motorist that he is needing a nova empregada, because he used to "eat for two". That is to leave for the hiring of Chung-sook, who happens to take care of the house. In a short time, the four of you pass to coexist in the same mansão, enjoying everything or comfort, and feeling as if unknown.

Infiltrators home

We will think about Parasitic, We perceive that, I do not found, or film portrays or way how some underprivileged people end up infiltrating two rich houses, like desperate measure of survival.

When Ki-woo goes to work for the Park, Kim will find an entrance portal for a comfortable and luxurious place, bem different from the reality that he knows. Also, when the patrões go camping, the ficam sozinhos and take advantage of the mansão: eat, drink and riem.

Frame of the film Parasita: a former entrepreneur and husband.

This is where the old company arises, it does not give me a storm, and Kim discovered the existence of a bunker that Geun-sae has been sheltering for years. He explains to a woman that her husband lives in distress because she is muitas rapturous and ran a cliff of life.

Assim as the protagonists, these two people are desperate and will find refuge na espaçosa mansão, sem que donos percebessem. When I discover the family scheme, Gook Moon-gwang and husband becomes involved with Kim and I end up losing, finding prisoners not bunker.

I do not fund, you two groups are battling hair instead of "parasite" da casa, because I know that I cannot coexist unless the employers repair. However, when you return to the Park, during the night, the residence is packed and the officials are hiding in various locations.

Hidden at home

I know that Dong-ik and Yeon-gyo repair, or biker and serious filhos end up escaping from the mansão, not meio da chuva. When chegam isn't in your apartment, you're all flattered and destroyed.

Enquanto isso, at home two Park is in total harmony and or filho more novo até dorme numa tenda no garden that does not flood, or that seems to metaphor privilege.

Sem rumo, sem trabalho, sem dinheiro, with depredated houses, what motivates these people becomes more comprehensive: they are fighting for um teto.

Two sides of the same moeda

As we have mentioned in this analysis, Parasitic é um film that fails about dinheiro: to its abundance and also to its absence, side by side. Tudo isso vai ficando more evident through the narrative, which goes clarifying and confusing the spectator, at each dinner.

Despite telling the same story, or long-metragem, it can transmit very different messages to those who attend, depending on its own interpretation and world.

Or that it seems to be em jogo é a nossa capa de feel empathy, ou não, for these individuals the criminals who commit you. At first glance, Kim is clearly vile to history: a manipulative family, which invades the life of a family supplied and ameaça to its security.

Assim, not final, when eles recebem or "deserved punishment", we can consider that all ended. On the other hand, it is possible to face the plot with another vision, more attentive to South Korean society and its screaming inequalities. From this perspective, we can consider that these little subjects are given blows out of necessity, for survival.

Or the same thing happened as the husband of a former employer who, with another possible solution, hides no bunker not to be assassinated. Or that these people are common in the absence of options, a miserly life that does not offer many saidas: For this reason, any opportunity has to be seized together.

Many people live underground ...

Geun-sae's stance demonstrates isso mesmo. You must be bare hairs Kim, he implores him to stay not bunker. In spite of everything, the prisoner felt safe and comfortable, claiming that life that is not outside is more difficult and cruel.

Psychiatric supply or class hate?

A long time of the film, I will be generating a bad-being, each time more intense, between employers and employers, mainly or motorcyclist.

Numa capitalist society characterized by uma extreme division of the population, you functionaries observe me daily two Park and perceive how their life is easier, more pleasant, more happy.

Or dinheiro é como um ferro de passar.

Talking about your true bosses, Kim talked about how you are innocent, carefree. I argue that they can be like this because they don't have to worry about basic necessities and their life is always facilitated by wealth.

Frame do film Parasite

On the other hand, the family tries to justify these selfish and criminals, claiming that they are taking care of themselves, because they need to live more day.

When you park at home during the night, or the biker and you need to hide under the table, so they will not be seen. Aí, Escutam Dong-ik and Yeon-gyo exchanging confissões on the empregados. Num tom of superiority, or patrão mentions that as biker roupas têm always um cheiro ruim e não hides o seu nojo.

Ki-taek fica offended as he commented on his revolt He seems to increase when he finds his apartment completely flooded by the snow.


Enquanto passam a noite in a public building, with other evicted families, or pai fala for or filho that leaves a flat ter:

Sem flat nothing matters. You can kill someone or your country.

A facial expression of homem transforms from that moment, making visible his ration and his despair. No next day, I have to work and help the Park with all the preparations for the caçula anniversary party.

Not a car, or a copper pattern or a nose like my own, showing distaste for biker-style hair. He repairs and becomes enraged de novo.

Frame do film Parasita.

During the festa, Ki-woo vai tied o bunker and ends up releasing or prisoner, sem wanting. It is interesting that we repair the relationship of Geun-sae as Patriarca dos Park. During the years that the local naquele has been stuck, he began to idolize or donate the house, praying for a photo of his all the nights.

Not so, when he frees himself, or when he is killed in não poupa Dong-ik. You have to cheat Ki-jeong, who will be sure or anniversary bolus, or assassin leaves for the top of the house.

Or motorist, who seems to be in shock, listen to the orders that the patrão is shouting, and see his expression of nojo of him perante or cheiro and image of Geun-sae. This is what he beats to faca and, instead of attacking or assassin da filha, ends up killing or patrão and hiding na house.

It is not its final moment, Dong-ik is not just a home, but it seems to represent something much greater: or privilege of class, to injustice of a system with so many contrasts.

O ending explained by Bong Joon-ho

Depois de Ki-taek ter assassinated or patrão e se refugee no bunker, his wife and filho são julgados, knowing that or young man with psychological consequences from having been attacked by Geun-sae.

During the evening, he will observe the mansão and repair the lights by pecking. As a tempo, he ends up deciphering a letter in Morse code that he or she sends, every morning. The last moments of the film, we listen or monologue do filho, promising that he will study, enrich and buy home.

As images finais, I don't mean, I show or rapacious not small underground apartment. There is no more hope. Despite all the plans and crimes, to the Kim family voltou ao starting point and ainda lost two members. To that respect, the director explained:

He was very cruel and sad, but I thought he was being real and honest as a public. Você saber e eu sei - we all know that this garoto will not be able to buy that house. Eu just felt that frankly it was a certain point for the film, even if it was sad.

Or humor do not film Parasitic

Or thriller portrays tragic events, bloody death and passages that provoke anxiety. Same assim, Parasitic Possibly a comic dimension inegável, as um ghoulish humor, capable of making us laugh at our best cenários.

Frame of Parasita: Ki-jeong smoking does not give me a flood

An inescapable moment worth gargling when Ki-jeong enters the flooded house and procures the cigarettes that she has hidden not banheiro. When she meets you, she breathes a lot of relief and sat down, smoking quietly, no chaos.

Dinner seems to show how Garota is used to tragedy. Na verdade, or humor arises, don't film like um instrument of social and political criticism What a care for quite controversial issues.

One question that we cannot stop mentioning is as "lined" à North Korea, or country vizinho, and or seu regime of him.

Besides several references to a North-Korean ameaça, and or half two mísseis, there has been a remarkable dinner in that Gook Moon-gwang imitates Kim Jong-un, or "supreme leader", and or ridicules.

Film summary Parasitic

To the Kim family

Kim's family life is less comfortable. Ki-taek and Chung-sook live like filho Ki-woo and filha Ki-jeong, both young, in a fairly open apartment. Além de ter condições precárias, or imóvel é subterranean and fica numa perigosa area of ​​the city. In order to survive, the four double boxes that I sell for a local pizzaria.

Min-hyuk is a university that goes to study in another country and recommends that Ki-woo, a friend of his, go to work as a tutor for a rich teenager. I do not even have the necessary studies, or young people forge documentation and appear for an employer interview.

To family Park

Os Park, in contrast, vivem no meio do luxo. Dong-ik is the CEO of a computer company and Yeon-gyo, his wife, divides his attention between the filhos, Da-hye and Da-song. A teenager, Da-hye, shows immediate interest as a new tutor and or an imposter and hired.

Dona da casa also mentions that she is seeking an art teacher for him. The tutor responds that she is aware that she has just returned to the United States, where she studied Fine Arts. So Ki-jeong, a new Kim family member, started working with the Park.

Creation of a plane

A Kim family making miraculous planes, frame from the film Parasita (2019).

Quickly, you two found ways to work as a motorist and a domestic entrepreneur were demitted in the six countries that were hired, to occupy such functions. I know that the Park family perceived, Kim began to occupy or his space, while pretending that he did not know himself.

A noite da tempestade

When the house is out of doors, the former entrepreneur, Gook Moon-gwang, appears in surprise and insists on hitting something da cave. It is also that Kim discovers that a mansão possuiu um bunker Where the former would function as your husband or wife, four years before.

Or the family and the family ended up struggling to secure their place in the mansão. When this is so, the Park is on the turn and Kim needs to tie up Gook Moon-gwang and Geun-sae, or husband, in the cave. A former entrepreneur beats her head and ends up dying in front of her husband.

Nessa Noite, a big storm happens and when Kim returns to her bairro, I realize that the streets are completely flattened. When I entered my apartment, I realized that it was filled with water and had been completely destroyed. Assim, they have to sleep in a public place, like the rest of the two evicted, and wear a caridade roupa.

Anniversary party

Na manhã next, Kim needs to hide the tragedy that he is living and go to work in the mansão, where it is going to happen at the anniversary party, Da-song. To protect the family, Ki-woo descended on bunker To try to get rid of two more reféns and attacked by Geun-sae who manages to free himself.

After years of jammed, or homem arises as a faca and interrupts the party, terrorizing everyone. The first was Ki-jeong na in front of two serious countries. You leave for the top of Dong-ik, or dono da casa, which reage as nojo do seu cheiro.

You should see filha morrendo, Ki-taek manages to hit faca, more or that face surpreende all. Instead of attacking or assassin, he enters the scene and ends up killing or patrão, in front of two party guests.

Last dinners

How does he need a place to hide, or homem he ends up running inside bunker. A Kim family is killed and condemned, the Park sells a mansão and the patriarch two bandits remains clandestine in the cave. To fight solidão, the temptation will communicate in morse code like filho, picking up the lights all the noites.

Technical data sheet and film poster Parasitic

Qualification 기생충 (Original), Parasite (English translation)
Year of production 2019
Country of origin Coreia do Sul
Director Bong joon-ho
Gender Thriller, Drama. Comedy
Launching May 2019 (International), November 2019 (Brazil)
Duration 132 minutes

Over 16 years old

Awards Oscar de Melhor Filme, Melhor Director, Melhor Roteiro Adapted and Melhor Filme Internacional

Cartaz do film Parasita (2019).

Trilha sonora do filme: Genial Culture no Spotify

Escute a trilha sonora do film Parasitic na playlist that we prepare for you:

Parasita - trilha sonora

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