Or Prince of Machiavellian explained
Or prince, raised in 1513 and published in 1532, was written by Nicolau Machiavel (1469-1527) and is one of the two most important essays on politics in the Western world. A work is a reference to human sciences and is studied especially in areas of directness, philosophy and sociology.
In a work that became classical, Machiavell believed not only as a politician he would have to conquer or power, but over all or that he would have to do to remain in his position of leadership.
Explanation of the work Or prince
Na his most famous work of him, Machiavell, a long year of 26 chapters, wrote about politics na practice, as ela é, in not flat das ideias, na present theory gives us.
O writer, who lived for many years in the backstage of Florença's power, had the courage to place no paper in what he considered to be correct and incorrect, ethical and damning, for um politician will be unable to.
Or Machiavellian sense of morality, not that it referred to politics, was outlined on the basis that he would not attend public life in Florença every day. Or major goal of Machiavellian ao escrever
Or prince It was to demonstrate all or his practical political knowledge for the Medici family, who was unable to, in order to get to reappear or hold public office.As your protector Soderini saiu do power, Machiavell appears more and more distant from Florença's public life. Through his life, Nicolau Machiavel wanted to show that he was inside the Florentine palatial political questões and two main centers of Europe.
The recipient of his life was Lorenzo di Piero de Medici (1492-1519), who governed Florença for three years and left Machiavellian to impress.
Main topics discussed in Or prince
For Machiavel, em Or princeAll societies require a structure that orders and dominates or collectively, otherwise there will be anarchy or conflict.
A nature do homeme, for the writer, selfish and corruptible, and or human being thinks, above all, he is not his own prazer. Diante dessa true, It is the regular state as relations between the homens It is up to the leader to think not be collective not allowing individual selfish attitudes to destroy or be common.
A policy would be precisely that vocation to organize the city, to prevent destroyers from dominating the public space. Political dominance is therefore essential for or collective bem.
It can be said that Machiavellian's perspective on the matter is pessimistic that little thing is compared with these two Greek philosophers, for example, who viam or bem common to happiness as the essential pillars to build life politics. For Machiavell, political life is necessary for us to destroy you for another year.
Characteristics of a prince
Second or Machiavell, a prince must have five essential characteristics to be able to govern and be unable to: piedade, fidelity, humanity, integrity and religiosity.
It is not necessary that the leader have all these characteristics, but it is precise that or I can prove that the leader thus has, besides that for the leader he needs to act in a “false” way. This is the prince or prince you must make these five characteristics transparent to your serious subjects to convince people to stay in charge, even though they are not true, genuine.
A leader must always maintain a position of authority and trust, despite never having to trust the loyalty of two serious subjects. Or human being thinks, before everything, is not his own bem-being individual, by isso or leader deve manter a posture of mistrust, always waiting for another that he becomes at some moment or his rival.
How to govern
To govern, a prince needs fortune (a word he uses as a synonym for lot) and virtue (which needs to be considered in the context of his ability to govern and negotiate).
It is this “waist game”, which Machiavell refers to, but it does not have a negative connotation, it does not mean that the ruler is malicious or cruel, or intellectual fails here of a diplomatic, mediating characteristic, of which the ability of "know to be".
Machiavelli acknowledges that politics and dynamics change very quickly, because of isso a prince must always be attentive and atuar assim that for necessary. A prince must also be firm, capable of maintaining the security of the country he leads, just as it is necessary for him to enter conflicts and wars.
Ideally Machiavell assumes that every politician should be, at the same time, loved and feared. But, in case of some characteristics do not exist, or intellectual recommends that the leader be left before your feared, or inverse of the loved one.
Machiavell also comments that, at the same time, a politician cannot honor a given word and, when it happens, he must not have to be energetic. Either you must fear or your leader, but a Jamaican leader must fear your subjects.
Uma das citation mais conhecidas of Machiavell's work fails precisely about the importance of a politician being, at the same time, beloved and feared hair seu povo:
Daí nasce uma controvérsia, which seja: I know how to be loved or feared. It can be answered that everyone would like to be both like that; Porém, as it is difficult to reconcile them, it is safer to be feared than loved, if you come to miss a few days. Because, in a general way, it can be said that you are ungrateful, you come back, pretended and concealed, fowl to or perigo, eager for ganhos; Likewise, enquanto or prince agir with benevolência, they are doarão inteiros, lhe offer or own sangue, they bens, to life and to the filhos, but only us periods of bonança, as it is disseminated more; In the meantime, when difficulties arise, they will pass on to the revolt, and the prince who trusts internally on their words will be ruined or unprepared for setbacks.
A political ethics
Lying, distorting the facts, ameaçar the opponents, throw money and power two rich and give poor years, use charme, beautiful and effective words... to keep from being able to!
Machiavellian sublinha em Or prince That a political boom must be able to manipulate reality, many times it is lying or deceiving to perpetuate itself not being able to.
Played by many as a writer who praises or dishonest, Maquiavel quis, through his work, show or function of the political machine as it is. The writer will assist during life many leaders will choose ethically questionable positions to achieve what they want to do not end: they remain unable to.
Despite the fact that I have not written a phrase "os fins justificam os meios", which was erroneously attributed to Machiavell, a sentence helps to understand a little of the exposed essay of thinker in his work. Or prince.
The stigma of the writer was strong that the Machiavellian word, a pejorative noun, has been used over the past few days to refer to those who manipulate to reach or disown.
Historic context
The Medici family was very powerful in the region, having governed Florença for nearly 100 years. In Florença of 1500 it was an important pole: it was a berço do humanismo, a capital of Renascimento, and brilhou during a period marked by a cultural, social and political effervescence.
On the other hand, there was a lot of instability in the region, many conflicts in Italy, which was not yet unified and was often a battlefield that generated a huge spill of blood.
In terms of the political system, Florença was not a monarchy like many European states at that time. A region was a Republic, where or power was concentrated among more than a few wealthy families.
Nicolau Machiavel, who was born in Florença (in the same city), was a defender of the Republic, holding some high public political positions such as chancellor, ambassador and councilor.
Machiavelli was selling a political structure that he believed to be the ideal noise. As the breakthroughs of the Republic, Machiavell was imprisoned, tortured and exiled in the countryside.
O non-final writer gives his life until Florença will be governed by a prince and, by isso, resolveu Escrever for Lorenzo di Piero de Medici, or senior candidate for office, to get his role as conselheiro of volta. Machiavell wanted, therefore, through his freedom, to demonstrate in a clear and didactic way that he has a lot of knowledge about the functioning of the society.
Machiavellian Esteve Mergulhado in Italian Political Life
Or Creole writer Or prince in 1513, many years before the work was published (Or prince It was published in 1532, five years after the author's death). His intention was initially to be the net hair of Lourenço de Medici (or Magnificent), Lorenzo di Piero de Medici (1492-1519), who governed Florença during that historical period.
Lorenzo has been unable to for just three years, but his family was influential in the region for decades.
Nicolau Machiavell witnessed an important political moment, between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, when the governments of Idade Middle began to establish itself in a more stable way.
In 1498, Machiavell was appointed secretary and second chancellor of the Florentine Republic, having been a very important public life in the region.
Machiavell was an observer of the papal election of 1503, for example, and was next to Júlio II na sua first conquers além de ter organized a força de infantaria to capture Pisa again in 1509.
In 1512, however, Machiavell lost the power that he had to be tortured and imprisoned, he had to take refuge in the field next to the woman and two six filhos. Foi during that reclusive period that he most saved I have even raised Or prince.
Or prince It is a timeless work
Despite having been written in a completely different historical context, Machiavellian dialogues I know about the days of leaf showing the typical behavior of many individuals who choose for life politics.
A writer for more than 500 years has summed up society by dividing it into two groups: the powerful and those who obeyed. Even knowing that governments fall and others ascend, because the political system is by nature dynamic, the society continues to be governed from its basic division into two groups.
Or prince in PDF
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You want to know more deeply or author goes to or artigo Nicolau Machiavel: biography and main works.