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28 Melhores films to attend Netflix in 2021!

You will see that cinema enthusiasts then take advantage of the two new tempos to attend from home films that are created on Netflix. With a huge and varied catalog, it is easy to get lost among so many options: dramas, comedies, documentaries, animations ...

Thinking of giving you a mãozinha, we prepare a list of 25 films you have available on a streaming platform to facilitate your escort.

1. Or network dilemma (The Social Dilemma) (2020)

The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer | Netflix

O Netflix documentary O dilemma of false networks about the consequences of our super exposure to social networks. Criticism, or film places us to think not only about the time that we spend in this virtual space as on or that it is just like us. Many times it is repeated the phrase "you are not paying for a product, then you are or a product" that makes us reflect on the business models that live in the digital world.

Through interviews with people who are part (ou fizeram part) of the milionary industry - programmers, psychologists, consultants - we know a lot about our social dynamics within the fora das networks.

instagram story viewer

Former officials and idealizers of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google show no film a little of the functioning of these companies and deixam to make clear the engrenagem that moves the industry.

Ao falarem two algorithms that will help to raise, the guests tempt us to see how we are, in a certain way, enfeitiçados pela rede, I agonize on impulse and constantly absorb information that can transform us into more rooted and flawed people.

Or network dilemma, which I feared as a major objective warn about the perigos of social networks, appoints as a consequence of excessive use, for example, social polarization and political radicalization.

2. Enola Holmes (Enola Holmes) (2020)

Enola Holmes | Official trailer | Netflix

As a certainty you have been failing Sherlock Holmes, but most likely I have not contacted him with his signature, Enola Holmes.
A nova story transmitted by Netflix theme as the main plot or disappearance day two Holmes, Eudoria. Two three films of Eudoria - Sherlock, Mycroft and Enola -, are caçula that face of all to decipher this mysterious sumiço.

She is more young Holmes who is going to dinner, leaving Sherlock practically aside. Lived by Millie Bobby Brown, Enola is a brilliant 16-year-old girl, as the same instinct for shaping and solving mysteries than for irmão mais velho.

Enola was raised somehow pela mãe, having been educated even at home. Num period in which women were educated to marry each other, a young woman completely formed two fathers She has been encouraged to learn, to practice martial arts and to do chemical experiments in um laboratory.

A beautiful day to young man, he remembers not to find me at home. A menina é, então, placed irmãos hairs more velhos in an internal colégio. Unconformed as her new destiny, she turned to go to Eudoria's search.

3. 2020 never again (Death to 2020) (2020)

2020 Never Again | Official trailer | Netflix

Or film 2020 never again (not original Death to 2020) is a Netflix original production and lança um olhar funny and critical about or what happened in the year of 2020.

In retrospect, this year for the commons was based on real facts, more fictionalized as com adores, that I interpret, for example, commentators or important political figures such as Rainha Elizabeth II.

A produção highlights bizarre moments with a dry humor, creating a kind of absurd comedy That, at the same time that you laugh and entertain, place or viewer to think about or pass you the world in 2020.

Or a film fails, for example, on political polarization, on radicalization by social networks, relembranes or assassination of George Floyd and comments on the consequences of the pandemic.

A production is a mixture of political humor, black and was created idealizing hairs from Black Mirror.

4. Two potatoes (The two popes) (2019)

Two Potatoes | Official teaser | Netflix

The film directed by Brazilian hair Fernando Meirelles was considered as a background scene, a context not very frequent in the universe of cinema: a relationship of friendship within two great steps of the Catholic Church.

The protagonists here are two important figures in the Christian context: o Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio (lived by Jonathan Pryce) and o Pope Bento XVI (played by Anthony Hopkins).

A plot ganha força when the Argentine cardinal decides to ask for an accommodation to disagree with a series of orientations given by the Pope. He then buys a passage for Rome, where he will formalize or order a supply.

In the meantime, unexpectedly, or dad ends up going or visiting before and, after his first meeting, he met two religious, arises a long conversation that unfolds in future encounters and a relationship of amizade deep. No dialogue, both reflect on or destination da igreja, The problems that Catholicism faces and its own personal dilemmas.

5. History of a casamento (Marriage Story) (2019)

History of um Casamento | Official trailer | Netflix

Despite many times we attend a series of divorces, not our circle of friends and family, to the truth that we rarely see this issue or cinema.

The film by Noah Baumbach saw preencher essa lacuna presenting or ending a long relationship lived by Charlie (Adam Driver) and Nicole (Scarlett Johansson), who created a small filho.

Candidate for Oscar de Melhor Filme e Melhor Roteiro Original, we see no long or sad destiny of marriage between a theater director and an actress. You simply give crescem for opposite sides I ended up opting for divorce despite all the emotional and financial costs that separation implies.

O longa metragem presents two sides to perspective and also secondary dramas that involve the rupture of a long relationship: what will the creation of the filho be like? How will I go partilhar os bens? How are those who are going to live with a separation?

Read a complete analysis of Filme História de um Casamento (Marriage Story).

6. Or little (The hole) (2019)

The Platform | Main Trailer | Netflix

Or Spanish film of scientific fiction and an original Netflix production directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia. Considered disturbing by many, or longa-metragem feitous enormous succession in terms of public and critics.

A dystopia passes a vertical prison and tem um tom of distressing suspense That grabs the spectator from the beginning to the end. Or film is heavy, difficult and with many possible interpretations.

Na vertical prison there are two prisoners to walk and, every day, a table with a banquet and give walk to walk. Whenever the inmates of the first level eat what you have done, do bom and do melhor, you two other walks are eating the remains.

O longa-metragem is full of symbols and social criticism. Or film him lido by many like uma metaphor of conflict of classes.

Are you interested in the film and want to know more about the history? Conheça or artigo Filme O Poço, da Netflix.

7. Becoming: a minha historia (Becoming) (2020)

Becoming | Official Trailer | Netflix

O autobiographical documentary filmed by Nadia Hallgreen and the result of a partnership between Obama's family and Netflix. Do not film, about an hour and half of duration, we know a little of Michelle Obama's personality and we see her disclosure tour in 34 cities. O book of Michelle's memories became in a few months two best sellers of the genre.

Com um intimate tom, The production presents the origins of the ex-first lady, or her personal and professional career, the escorts that she took and as her life changed from Obama to become president.

We see a long time two 89 minutes as Michelle lidou as a racial and gender preconception that she managed to establish herself as a public figure. The document is an opportunity for me to be interested in knowing more about the life of the woman who lived at Casa Branca for years.

8. Or Irish (The Irishman) (2019)

O Irlandês | Final trailer

The most recent film by director Martin Scorsese, one of the two greatest filmmakers alive, past the context of the world The crime has been starring Robert De Niro, who has collaborated on a series of other occasions as director.

O roteiro é uma adaptation do livro I heard you paint housesby Charles Brandt, which tells the true story of Frank Sheeran, a World War II veteran who is supposedly involved in an assassination.

A produção de Scorsese resumes um dos crimes mais marcantes dos Estados Unidos: o sumiço by Jimmy Hoffa, em 1975. Hoffa was a union leader who was involved as a mob. O veteran Frank and accused of being involved in a crime, which I attached two days ago was not solved. O longa de Scorsese fictionalizes the relationship between two curious people.

9. Rome (Rome) (2018)

ROMA Official Trailer (2018) Alfonso Cuarón, Netflix Movie HD

Imperdível, Rome é um poetic biographical account inspired by the childhood of director Alfonso Cuarón.

Or longa-metragem that received an Oscar from Melhor Filme Estrangeiro and set in Mexico two years 70 and traces the daily dramas of a family of upper middle class.

As an intimate and delicate olhar, Rome he filmed preto e branco and raises a series of questões ainda hoje atuais as a social inequality In Latin America, or machismo in a double journey lived by so many women who have to balance personal and professional life.

I do not see a complete analysis of the film Rome.

10. Não sou um homem easy (Je ne suis pas un homme facile) (2018)

Eu Não Sou Um Homem Easy Trailer Dublado HD

Or protagonist of Não sou um homem easy é Damien, um male chauvinist From carteirinha who sees his life change when he suffers an accident and agrees like the world to the opposite: now he dominates são as mulheres.

A French criação makes us laugh precisely because it appoints the absurdities of our contemporary society and very marked hairs homens us places of power.

We laugh at Damien, we end up laughing at ourselves, grounded in our context that, unfortunately, does not treat as equal lives of home and women. Na ficção, Damien will need to adapt to reality I have to swallow many toads of the opposite sex.

11. Period: or stigma da menstruação (Period. End of sentence.) (2018)

Period: or stigma da menstruação

Or documentary Period: or stigma da menstruação Recebeu or Oscar and I could not pass through here.

Director Rayka Zehtabchi tells us how to menstruação and view the rural communities of India and how to introduction of a machine to breed intimate absorbents to the lower custody cause a true revolution vilarejos.

Or a film about all of you sexism It shows how a series of men needs to abandon their studies and how, in the absence of adequate hygiene products, it condemns these women to exclusion.

12. I lost my body (J'ai Perdu Mon Corps) (2019)

Lost my Corpo | Official trailer | Netflix

A French animation directed by Jérémy Clapin ganhou a series of prêmios internacionais and conta a original story of a mão that looks for or own corpo.

To me, who had his own conscience, the foge of the dissection laboratory where he was kept and vague hairs of Paris trying to find or his body to feel complete.

Quickly, the anonymous walk through the streets, on the facades of two films and going to investigate or her past, which ends up being revealed a few years through a series of flashbacks.

13. Minimalism: a document on important things (Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things) (2016)

Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things (Official Trailer)

The protagonists of this documentary are Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, two raptors who will resolve to change their lifestyle by adopting a minimalist stance every day.

Or film faz uma severe criticism of or exacerbated consumerism (A culture of unbridled western consumption) and presents a different way of living or everyday life, we will be surrounded by so many things (objects, furniture, clothes, gadgets, decorative peças).

A ideia two two protagonists and reduce what we fear to the maximum, stating just as that is essential.

14. The same thing as yourselves (Il a déjà tes yeux) (2016)

The same thing as yourselves

A French comedy The same thing as yourselves Fala about family relationships, adoção e preconceito (as birds).

Paul e Sali são married e não podem ter filhos - embora esse fosse o maior sonho do casal. Anxious, they enter the waiting line of the adoção and, a beautiful day, receive the expected phone call: at the end there is a six-month-old baby soon to be adopted by them!

Or different here is that it is about a white baby from olhos azuis that will stop a family composted by black people.

We observe not long as the company where you are immersed is not prepared to deal with situations. Usuais e como o casal reage com o estranhamento das pessoas por terem adado uma criança who does not resemble anything like he is.

15. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Featurette: Consumer [HD] | Netflix

A production that is quite different from what you do here, what you do, assistiu, that's what Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, An interactive narrative where or viewer can escort that destination or young programmer Stefan (Fionn Whitehead).

Ao todo, or film, that takes place in 1984, lasted about 90 minutes - it was considered a pond version - and included novel finais possíveis (which we can provide at 312 minutes of content or viewer wants to experience all of Stefan's hypotheses).

A history works, therefore, as a kind of game, wave or spectator deixa to be a receiver passive being summoned to face escorts that interfere directly with the youth's destiny programmer.

16. Bem-vindos to Marly-Gomont (Welcome to Marly-Gomont) (2016)

Welcome to Marly-Gomont

The French film by Julien Rambaldi tells the saga of Seyolo Zantoko (Marc Zinga), who was recently formed in Medicine in Congo and He moves with his family to a vilarejo da França where he receives a job proposal to act as a doctor not in the center of health.

Not a conservative French rural interior, Seyolo ends up being ostilized by the local population. O doutor fear to face o racial preconception Two Frenchmen resisted, who for the first time refused to be served by him.

Despite being a film that addresses heavy issues such as racial discrimination, or Bem-vindos to Marly-Gomont It is mild, with some passagens watered with humor.

17. Solteiríssima (Seriously single) (2020)


A romantic comedy Solteiríssima It had everything to be more of a superficial comedy, but it ended up revealing itself more profound to be addressed, even though in a slight way, to the question of racism. Or film, passed in Joanesburgo, narrates the difficulties that black women found year procurerem or ideal pair.

Dineo (lived by Fulu Mugovhani), a monogamy woman, suddenly found herself alone and had to face or meet two universe. She shares her adventures with Noni (Tumi Morake), who is her dear friend of hers. Tumi Morake, for sinal, is the first African woman to stand up on the platform.

Produzida numa parceria com a África do Sul, Solteiríssima It is a romantic and, at the same time, realistic glue.

18. O raptor that turns on or vento (The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind) (2019)

O raptor that turns on or vento

Inspired I don't live Or raptor that turns on or off, o longa metragem conta uma dramatic history of overcoming.

A narrative, passed into Africa (but not Malawi), in 2001, based on a real story by William Kamkwamba. The protagonists, the Kamkwamba family, are composted by agricultural countries who wish for you to have a more prosperous destiny.

Annie é a filha mais velha, who is indo for the universidade, and or her name, William (Maxwell Simba), a vê as inspiration. William is the main personage of history, who feared as a major sonho study. Insightful, he is able to agree or that you will have a good time to win some barter.

The Kamkwamba family is in trouble because of a huge dryness and William, with his hospitality, who manages to provide melhores days for those he loves the most.

19. Birdman ou (A Unexpected Virtude da Ignorância)(Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)

Birdman | Official Legendary HD Trailer | 2014

A film that made you think: that's it Birdman, um longa-metragem that discusses the borders between real and fiction. In a work-debut directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu we have as main character an artist who represents in times a great super-hero.

Amazed by this role that was part of his career, Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton) entered a downward spiral of personal and professional crisis. We see, few years, the consequences that the role deixou in the life of the other ao som of an uneven sound trilha, of throwing or fôlego.

A produção, which receives or Oscar Melhor Filme e Melhor Roteiro Original, face or spectator, reverberates and reverberates even days after being attended or film.

20. Mogli: a lenda da selva (2018) - classificação etária livre

Official trailer Mogli - O Menino Lobo - April 14 nos cinemas

Mogli é um personagem that fez leaves from infância de muitos de nós, because of isso it can also be interesting to give a chance to essa nova address of history.

Or orfão abandoned in the jungle and raised numa alcateia, by wolves, nessa versão and played by Rohan Chand. Nessa saga um little more violent and dark than the more known version, his greatest love of him is the mighty tiger Shere Khan, who either tempts to raise-or for the perigos of the forest.

A history, based on Or free from the jungle, Draw up a public photograph of an unparalleled photograph, with throw-away dinners or a photo shoot.

21. Knock Knock (Knock Knock) (2017)

Knock Knock - Official Trailer - Spanish HD

Get a Spanish comedy by Vicente Villanueva fazer piada like the mental disorders and ends up achieving a mild and fun result.

The six patients with compulsive obsessive disorder, of different types, were found in the ward waiting for the consulting room of famous psychiatrist Dr. Palomero who promises to be a cure for all of you problems.

Or psychiatrist, however, is late, and the six patients begin to interact with one another, setting up a kind of group therapy dynamics.

22. Or wake up from Motti (The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch) (2018)

Or wake up from Motti

Be discarded mergulhar numa completely different culture, Or wake up from Motti It's a comedy that I can't lose. Either film introduces or spectator to an orthodox Jewish family that draws plans for the life of his filho, Mordechai (for Motti intimates), more than unhappily or garoto resolveu not follow the risca.

Filled with humor, Motti's (Joel Basman) dramatic story was cast to represent Suíça no Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro. Motti, who lives in a religious family space in two countries, also circulates with friends for the community and ends up being turned off by a colleague from a college who does not give his religion.

In no film we see Motti's difficulty in pleasing the family by following the traditions and, at the same time, or his desire to become independent and find his own path.

23. Or menino do striped pajamas (The Boy in Striped Pajamas) (2008)

O Menino do Pijama Listrado - Trailer (Legendary)

A cinematographic work is an adaptation of the book Or menino do striped pajamas. Or a film, released in 2008, tells the story of the man Bruno (Asa Butterfield), who was years old and the story of a Nazi officer working in a concentration camp.

Alheio to the problems of war and the year of the country trade, or menino ends up by fazer amizade with Shmuel (Jack Scanlon). Or Garoto wears striped pajamas and is on the other side of the electrified fence, in a concentration camp.

Exciting, or film fala acima de tudo on a genuine amizade e shows us what is the war on to perspective of olhar da criança.

You want to know more about this history discover or artigo about the literary work Or menino do striped pajamas.

24. Os Willoughby (2020) - classificação etária livre

The Willoughbys | Official Trailer | Netflix

O mais novo animated film of Netflix is ​​the second original production of the category made on the platform (first foi Klaus, which chegou to be nominated for Oscar in the category).

Directed by Kris Pearn, Os Willoughby It is a humorous adaptation of the homonymous book that has a fairly original premise: you four signatures here that your own country is selfish and that you have a life for them.

Motivated to be noticed and cared for, Tim, Jane, Barnaby A and Barnaby B pretend to be raised by loving countries.

Or plan two four and send the projenitors for a few férias of the world to find a new family, more a colhedora.

25. Nothing to hide (Le Jeu) (2018)

Nothing to hide

A French comedy gathers friends from long dates in an unusual situation - even if it could be defined Nothing to hide.

During a fraternization at the house of one of them, two friends propose a different game. A gymkhana is next: everyone must place their cell phones not in the center of the table and or that appear on the web (girls, emails, messages) must be treated aloud, in public.

Or something apparently harmless ends up causing a real problem and you get married at the table, because I will explain some other years to justify it. constraining situations.

Nothing to hide It is a contemporary comedy and a lot of fun, it can be a last time pass so that you are looking for light gargalhadas boas.

26. Atlantique (Atlantique) (2019)

Atlantique | Official Trailer | Netflix

Or a film that received or Grande Prêmio do Júri at the Cannes Festival is a production that takes place in the coastal region of Dacar, not Senegal. A plot tells the story of a house: Souleiman (Ibrahima Traoré), a civil construction operator that, as well as young people colleagues, leave to receive or leave a work in which she works, and Ada, a woman who loves and or loves Volta, but is promised to another homem.

For Souleiman's misfortune everything runs badly, a professional and personal crisis or fazem decide to go to the country. Motivated to find a future melhor, or garoto, he decides to illegally immigrate from the sea to Spain.

This was the first longa-metragem of the French director with African origin Mati Diop.

27. Democracy em vertigem (2019)

Democracy in Vertigem | Official trailer [HD] | Netflix

Or documentary Democracy em vertigem, assassinated by filmmaker Petra Costa, shows the backstage of a troubled period in the political life of Brazil: the end of the government of the PT and the impeachment of then president Dilma Roussef.

A produção cares about turning or looking to A polarized, violent and overgrown country in crisis that you see your institutions of power will be placed in Prova.

Despite trying to explain the political phenomenon that the country went through, or the document it is also a personal and poetic register How Petra and her family experience this important period in Brazil's history.

Find out about an analysis Documentário Democracia em vertigem.

28. Klaus (Klaus) (2019) - classificação etária livre

Klaus | Official Trailer | Netflix

At the first animation of Netflix chegou to meet Oscar and was directed by Spanish Sergio Pablos, former Disney animator. A criação deserves to be seen, Klaus says about as origens do papai noel in a quite original way.

O longa had as protagonists Klaus, a velho craftsman, maker of brinquedos, and Jesper, a spoiled boy who was sent for long hair pai. You two meet in cold and distant Smeerensburg, where all the inhabitants are in a terrible mood.

Klaus, or artesão, mora sozinho does not give me the forest and Jesper works as a letter from the region where he does not send letters. The two of you are approaching this small village of the Arctic and developing a beautiful friendship.

A traditional animation, a 2D image, a very rich detail of the film, apart from a beautiful history, it is also a colírio for you with a visual point of view.

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