As 13 melhores fables with moral
As fables are short narratives followed by a moral one. In general, they are starred by intelligent and flamboyant animals who teach us how we should behave in different situations throughout life.
A large part of the fables that we know are written by Greek Aesop, two thousand years ago.
1. A raposa e o leão
Tinha a Raposa or seu covil bem dated and was inside a gemer, because she was present; Chegou à porta um Leão e perguntou-lhe how he was, and that to let him enter, because he wanted to lamber, that had virtue in the language, and lambendo-a, logo had to be sarar.
I responded to Raposa from within:
- I can't open it, nem I want to. He believed that your language had virtue; Porém é tão more vizinhança two dentes, that lhe had a great half, and therefore before I want to sofrer like meu mal.
Moral of history
A fable do leão e da raposa teaches us to be cautious no matter how much we are in a situation of relief.
A raposa was suffering from the body when she received an offer of help from Leão. It is not known whether or not I read any luck or wish to help or rei the jungle when I found the situation just a chance to get an easy prey.
In any case, you also know how to read and trust not your speech, because of your defense posture.
2. A cicada and a formiga
There was a cicada that passed through everything or will see him sing, taking advantage of it, you will appreciate the late afternoon and tanning or tempo in a carefree way.
But when chegou or winter gelato, the cicada já não was happy, you were famished and tremendously cold.
Assim, I was asked to help formiga, which has worked a lot I will not see. She asked her colleague to give her food and shelter. Ao that a formiga perguntou:
Or what do you say during everything or will you see?
- Estive to sing - responded to cicada.
E a formiga lhe deu uma answer grosseira:
- Pois então, agora dance!
Moral of history
These are some fables in which morality can be compared to a popular dictum, not the case: "Deus ajuda, quem cedo madruga". Here, let us see the importance of planning and work.
A formiga, by working tirelessly during or around the world, I got plenty of resources for the winter check. Já a cicada, who spent a lot of time singing, did not prepare for moments of scarcity and suffer no winter.
To find out more, read: A Cicada and a Formiga
3. O donkey and cobra
As a reward for a service rendered, you will ask Jupiter to give eternal youth, or to grant it. He hit youth, put the top of a Donkey and ordered him to rise years home.
Indo or Donkey is not his way, he goes to a ribeiro with headquarters, where this Cobra grape that says he would not or let him drink the water if he does not leave or that carries the coasts. Or Donkey, who did not know or value what he was transporting, from a youth to a water truck. And so the homens will continue to grow older, and the Cobras will be renewed every year.
Moral of history
A short fable of the donkey and the cobra teaches us that we must always be cautious and informed, never offering what we fear we will know to its real importance.
O donkey was in charge of carrying a precious material, but he did not know it to real importance. Caindo na chantagem de uma cobra mais malandra, or donkey easily handed over what he carries - because he did not have any notion of how valuable it was to youth. A fable also fails, therefore, it ignores the consequences of discontent.
A cobra, nesse case, levou a melhor, and with eternal youth sent hairs deuses ganhou or privilege of being renewed every year - year contrary to two homens, who ficaram condemned to or incarceration permanent.
4. A andorinha and as other birds
We are homens to resemble linho, e, ao vê-los, say a Andorinha aos outros passaros:
- For us badly fazem os homens this sea, that this semente will be born linho, and give him networks and ties to turn us on. Melhor will destroy linhaça and erva que dali nascer, to be safe.
As other Birds riram-muito from this conselho and did not want to follow him. I am selling isto, to Andorinha fez as peace as homens and I was living in their homes. Some time depois, the homens will create caça nets and instruments, as quais apanharam and will catch all other birds, barely catching Andorinha.
Moral of history
A fable teaches us that we should always think about the day of amanhã and plan for different situations, anticipating future cenários.
So andorinhas viram that the future would change to or perceberem that you homens could make networks. Diante dessa anticipaão, try to warn you to pass, that you do not have a ball.
Então, fizeram amizade com o homeme e foram poupadas da caça.
5. O while e a rã
A while I wanted to cross a river, but medo, but I did not know how to swim. She then asked for help from a Rã, who offered to take her to the other side since she latched on to one of his legs.
O Rato concordou and, finding a piece of fio, turn one of his legs to Rã. But, badly, he did not laugh, Rã mergulhou, tempting to suffocate or Rato. This one, for the time, debated eating Rã to stay on the surface. We are two of these jobs and tires when I pass by the top of a Milhafre that, I sell or Rato over the water, I go down on the and levou-o nas claws together with Rã. Ainda no ar, she ate you both.
Moral of history
Pela leitura da fable we conclude that, even though he has had the life of an innocent (or long), or mau (a rã) teve or his deserved punishment, by isso we learn that there is justice in the world.
Or while, needing to cross the river, I did not find another solution to ask for help from an animal that has the ability to face it. A rã promptly offered for ajudá-lo, but, na true, or altruism was not bem to her true intention of her, also, because of her maldade, to own rã I ended up dying.
6. A serpente e o cabrito
A goat that is going to graze as a filho pisou sem wanting a Serpente as pés. This one, assanhada, getting up-se um pouco, picou a Cabra numa teta; But as the filho logo saw to suck, and sucked like leite or poison da Serpente, he saved Mãe, and the morreu.
![serpente e cabrito](/f/0e9ff37466a50ef0433cad57f272d007.jpg)
Moral of history
In many situations, the innocents pay for Alheian events
The history of the serpentine kid teaches us about injustice: o filho - o cabrito - is not to blame for me, I have been bitten by serpentine, meanwhile he burns his hair or runs.
A goat is also not to blame, because she treads on a distracted serpentine. And, nem same to serpentine and properly blamed, because agiu of accord with its nature. In any case, this sad conjunction of events culminated in the death of the animal mais novo.
7. O cão e a carne
Um Cão takes a piece of meat in the mouth, and, ao to cross a river, I sell meat refilled in water, it seems that it is bigger and I let it lift our teeth to understand what is going into the water. Porém as a stream from the river dragged true meat, as it was also or seu reflexo, ef ficou o Cão sem uma e sem outro.
Moral of history
A fable of cão e da carne lemors us or sábio dited: "mais vale a passaro na mão dois voando" and addresses the questão da ambição, teaching us not to be profitable.
At times of crisis, or piece of meat will guarantee survival, but not satisfied, or with the possibility of reaching a piece of meat even higher.
Arrising to lose something that has come to me from something that he aspires, or long to meat and ends, in the end, sem nothing.
8. O thief and o guardian
Um Ladão, wanting to enter a noite numa casa to a roubar, deparou-se com um cão que os seus heartbeats or impedia. Or cautious thief, to appease or Cão, I throw a mouthful of pão. Mas or Cão disse:
- Bem sei that you give me this pão so that eu can stall me and I leave you roubar at home, not because you gostes de mim. More than that, I donate to the house that sustains me all my life, you will not stop barking when you do not foresee or attach that the chord has come to you. I don't want this bite of pão to make me feel like dying of fome or rest of life.
Moral of history
A lição que fica is that we should think not long term, not letting us fool hair immediately prazer.
In history we see the animal be more skilled than that or homem. Or thief, wanting to rob the house, think in an easy way to attack or cão. Not much, or barnacle to armadilha.
![thief and guardianship](/f/fe748fcc13cb3e5bb33feb80fcb1c272.jpg)
9. O wolf e o cordeiro
A Wolf was drinking water with no ribeiro, when he saw a Cordeiro who also drank the same water, a little more down. Mal viu or Cordeiro, or Lobo foi falar com ele de cara feia, showing teeth.
How was he afraid of turning the water where you are drinking?
I humbly reply or reply:
I am drinking more down, for I am not able to turn the water that you drink.
Ainda you answer, insolent! - Remorse or wolf more and more choleric. - Ja has been six months or teu pai fez or same.
Respondeu or Cordeiro:
Nesse tempo, Senhor, ainda eu was not born, I am not to blame.
Sim, tens - replied or Wolf -, that you ravaged everything or pasture my field.
But isso can not be - disse or Cordeiro -, because I still have no teeth.
O Wolf, sem mais uma word, jumped on the logo or degolou e comeu.
Moral of history
A Fable of the Wolf and the Cordeiro portrays the injustices of the world and shows us a little of the perverse functioning of society.
Na historia acima or Cordeiro, sem qualquer culpa, becomes a victim of soulless Wolf, who uses meaningless arguments to accuse him arbitrarily and unjustly.
Here you are animated, you personify a series of situations where the weakest side ends up being punished by more powerful hairs.
10. O cão e a ovelha
O Cão pediu à Ovelha a certain amount of money, which he says he has borrowed. Ovelha negou ter received such a thing. O Cão apresentou então three testemunhas in his favor, as quais he had suborned: um Lobo, um Abutre e um Milhafre. These swear to have seen Ovelha receive o pão que o Cão reclaim. Perante isso, o Juiz condemned Ovelha to pay, but did not have the meios de o fazer, was forced to be tosquida before the time so that the fosse was sold as payment to Cão. He paid Ovelha so that she would not eat and still suffer, suffering from the snow and cold of winter.
Moral of history
The good and innocent people are always paid or preço for a crime that they will not commit.
Na historia do cão e da ovelha os powerful - o cão, o milhafre, o lobo e o abutre - fazem um compô para extorquir To a victim, to poor Ovelha, who due to a lie Leviana needed to pay for the situation as her own sauce.
11. A macaca and a fox
Uma Macaca sem tail pediu a Raposa that cuts itself metade do seu tail e lhe desse, saying:
Bem you see that your tail is too big, because até it crawls and goes to earth; or that you can give me excess to cover these parts that I shamefully swallow uncovered.
Before I want him to crawl - disse a Raposa - e varra o chão. Por isso no darei, nem I want that coisa minha te faça proveito.
And he assimilated Macaca sem o rabo da Raposa.
Moral of history
Raposa teaches us that we are going to cross over to life with creatures of mesquinho behavior, which, having resources to fazer or bem, escolhem to omit ou fazer or evil.
A Macaca pede um pedaço do rabo a Raposa because she knows that she is ready to offer and that there is no need for him. Raposa, for the time, had a greedy behavior, refusing to leave or refuse to contribute to bring Macaca melhor back to life.
12. O wolf e as ovelhas
There was a war between the Wolves and the Ovelhas; these, embora fossem mais failures, as tinham a ajuda dos cães levavam semper a melhor. The Wolves will then ask for peace, on the condition that they will give us their names, Ovelhas will also deliver them.
As ovelhas aceitaram these conditions and foi feita a paz. Contudo, you filhos two Wolves, when they turn to the house of Ovelhas, they will come to go very high. Go to the logo of the country, to think that isso meant that peace had been broken, and they recommended war.
Bem wanted to defend Ovelhas; but as their main force consisted of us, who had delivered the Wolves, who were easily defeated by them and ended up defeated.
Moral of history
A fable of the wolf and the ovelhas carries the moral that we should never hand over our weapons to the other person when it comes to a recent and suspended peace agreement.
We must always distrust two new times and be cautious. A narrative also alerts us to or perigo to bring home inimigos, or filhos de inimigos, as fizeram as ovelhas of mild spirit.
13. O donkey e o leão
A simplório Donkey crossed over like a Leão did not walk and, haughty and presumptuous, dared to fail, saying:
Sai do meu caminho!
I sell this nonsense and ousadia, or Leão stops for an instant; but he continued the logo or his path, saying:
Pouco would hate to kill and dismantle this Donkey just ago; Therefore, I did not want to hold your meus dentes nem as fortes unhas em meat tão ordinária e faca.
And I continue to walk sem fazer case him.
Moral of history
We should never adopt an arrogant and perigious posture - like Donkey - and we simulate in a weighted and mature way, like Fez or Leão.
Despite feeling challenged, or laughs at the jungle agiu in a thoughtful way and escolheu not fazer bad to the Donkey who, snobbish, adotou a disdainful and defiant posture.
Veja também
- As fables of Aesop
- Little Fables with Morality
- Fables of Monteiro Lobato commented
- Infantis Fables Explained
- A raposa e as grapes
- Fables of animais