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13 great fade contos commented on

1. A Sleepy Bela

It was once um rei e uma rainha. Dia após dia eles diziam um para o outro: "Oh, I know less we can do it!" But nothing happened. One day, when rainha took banho, uma rã saiu da agua, rastejou to board and disse: “This wish will be made. Before a year is over, she will give birth to a filha ”. A forecast da rã was made to rainha from birth to a very pretty girl.

To commemorate, or rei fez a great banquet and chamou many guests. Vieram thirteen feiticeiras do Reino, but, as there were only doze pratos de ouro, a feiticeira ficou de fora. Vingativa, a feiticeira who was left aside, decided to go to Prague: "When a girl rei fizer fifteen years, she will snap or finger numa agulha and will fall dead!"

Uma das feiticeiras que ouviu a maldição, not so much, it was at the time of abrandá-la e disse: “A filha do rei não will die, she will fall deep and will last for years.”

Or laughed, trying to protect filha, fez disappear all the agulhas of the kingdom, just a rest. As planned, a beautiful day, fifteen years old, the princess snapped or finger na agulha that rested and fell in deep sound.

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Many years a series of princes will be spent trying to rescue the princess from the deep sound of success. I tied that one day, a brave prince, motivated to revert or feitiço, was ao found the beautiful princess.

When he finally managed to get inside no room where the princess was sleeping, he curved up and beijou-a. Just this occasion, or the expiration of the cem years had been exhausted, having been the time to be successful. Foi dessa form that the princess woke up.

O marriage two dois was celebrated with muita pomba and two matched to live happily ever after.

Or classic fade count da Bela Asormecida is full of meaning: a figura do pai, for example, is linked to imagem do protetor, daquele that tries to defend filha from everything or evil, even if this task is revealed impossível.

To feiticeira, on the other hand, personalize vingança e or desire to return or wrong that fizeram to her. As she was cut off, she threw her terrible curse, punishing and punishing or laughing at her beautiful filha, who was completely innocent.

A princess, who is the greatest victim of feitiço, only saves thanks to a courageous prince. Esse homem not nominated, fearless, we fear that we must be resilient and look for what we want, but many others have been tempted and failed before us.

The protagonist, for the mild time, carries the characteristics of uma mulher passiva, who is always waiting to be released by a male figure. This clichê is repeated in several verses of the story of fada generating some criticism of the contemporary public.

Or love here he is lido as or the possibility of giving life a new time that he is the one that frees the beautiful princess from her deep sound.

A more famous version of the story of A bela asleep was raised with hair irmãos Grimm, which, however, will be inspired by much older verses. Charles perrault I also compiled a version that became known, in 1697, girl A bela asleep in the forest.

I know that the following re-writings foram all to drink a short story written by Giambattista Basile in 1636 called Sol, Lua e Tália. Nessa initial version to personagem Tália accidentally blurts out a farpa na unha e morre. O rei, that one day you see a girl asleep deeply, she is completely crushed by her, despite her own being married.

He maintained a loving relationship with Tália, a girl who slept in a deep sound, and then found two children (Sun and Moon). Some of them, by chance, suga or finger gives me and withdraws such a farpa, when isso happens Tália immediately wakes up.

When she discovers that she has a case of two filhos bastards, Rainha is furious and prepares an armadilha to kill Mulher. Or plane does not run beme e to own rainha who loses life to the armadilha that she prepared for Tália. History is enclosed as rei, Tália, Sol e Lua happily ever after.

A narrative by Perrault is quite similar, but here a bela agrees when the prince meets the day before. You must wake up and that both of you turned off and you two filhos (a girl named Aurora and a rapacious named Dia). A grande vilã nessa versão é a mãe do principe. Apostles will marry as a sleepy bela e ter two filhos, or prince and summoned to war and leave his wife and the children cared for by my care. More so, sogra da bela planja to kill Nora and the netos, but she ends up being interrupted because she was helped by a good comrade who warned the perigo.

Trust me too Sleeping Bela: complete story and other verses.

2. A Bela e a Fera

He was once a rich businessman who lived like his six sons. Thus, her filhas was very beautiful, she mainly aroused great admiration. When she was little, she was a chamavam “a bela menina”. Assim foi que o nome Bela pegou - o que deixava as suas irmãs very enciumados.

Essa caçula, apart from being more beautiful than this, was also better than them. As duas mais velhas we are very proud of being rich, only gostavam of the company of people of nobility and zombavam of caçula, which will occupy a greater part of being tempo lendo bons livros.

Suddenly, the businessman lost his fortune. Only I have rested a small house in the field, it will be long over the city. And so the family moved.

Já installed in his house in the field, or a businessman and three filhas are busy washing the land. Bela woke up for four hours at dawn and rushed to clean the house and prepare coffee for the family.

Depois of a year raising that life, or a businessman received the news that a ship traced his merchandise and was running to see if he was able to do some business. As such, I will ask for expensive present cities, Bela, not so much, I asked for the trouxes to be just a pink one.

I do not return home, or sentiu fome trader, I am imprisoned in a nevasca and discovered a large palace to keep warm during the night. Not gardening he picked up the rose to take for Bela. No day to follow, to Fera, a horrible creature donated from palácio, condemned or invader to death, furto pink hair.

I hope to discover that the trader tinha filhas, to Fera he proposed that one of the exchanges of place like pai e morresse in seu nome of her. Bela, when there is no possibility, will quickly volunteer to change from place to country.

Após muita relutância do pai, Bela occupied or seu place of him. Dated not palácio like Fera, Bela was getting to know that terrifying monster and every time more affection to him because she was knowing or being inside.

"Many homens are more monstrous and I like more of the senhor with that appearance that you give them that, behind an appearance of homens, hides a false, corrupted, ungrateful heart." Like passing the tempo, Bela was losing or half that tinha and Fera was approaching the bela moça.
Bela cameçou to olhar for Fera with other olhos and concluded that “it was not beauty, nem to the intelligence of a husband who made a happy woman. É or character, to virtue, to kindness. Fera had all those great qualities. I do not or love; but I hold it for esteem, kindness and gratitude. I want to marry him to make him happy. "

And it was also that Bela decided to marry as Fera and, ao dizer or sim, a terrific creature was transformed into A beautiful prince who, in truth, was imprisoned in a horrible body thanks to an enchantment of a fada more.

Depois do casamento, both will live happily ever after.

O tell of Bela e da Fera have two people with very different origins and characteristics that need to be adapted to another to get us to live together or love.

A history é um classic of romantic love It proves that a human being is a creature willing to overcome appearances, being capable of I know how to stop by the essência do parceiro.

A series of researchers certify that history has been used to promote a "education sentimental "das moças que tinham casamentos tornados com homens mais velhos ou com an appearance nothing attractive. Through the narrative, they will be subtly invited to oil a relationship and seek not to share affective characteristics that they like to see.

Either important, second to history, you want to convey, not the appearance of the husband, and the intelligence, or I respect the nature of what he has. Or love here is more anchored in gratitude and admiration do that properly na paixão.

The oldest version of the history of Bela e da Fera was published in the second century. C as title Eros e Psique na work O asno de ouro, published in Latin by Apuleio de Madaura. Nessa versão, Psyche is a heroine of history and was kidnapped on the day of marriage by bandits. A young man ends up developing a compaixão pelo seu raptor, who has described other hairs as a true fera.

A more popular version and the next day that we know, it was published by Madame de Beaumont in no year 1756.

3. João and Maria

It was once two irmãos: João e Maria. There was never much or what to eat at home, or maybe two dois, a lenhador, I was going through enormous difficulties. As there was no food for everyone, as a stepmother, one more woman, I suggested to parents that children should be abandoned in the forest.

O pai, that I did not want anything flat at the beginning, I ended up oiling the idea of ​​the woman because he did not see another hypothesis. João and Maria talk to two adults and, when Maria gets desperate, João thinks no way to solve the problem.

No day to continue, as long as I continued to the forest, João was backing up shiny pedrinhas hair walked in order to mark or return home. So that you will be able to return home for the first time from abandoned serem. O pai ficou radiant ao ve-los, já a stepmom was furious.

History will be repeated by João planejou or himself to get rid of the abandonment another time and he was backing migalhas de pão pelo caminho. Again, we will not be able to return because as migalhas were eaten by animals.

You will find each other, enfim, I do not have a forest, a house of twelve that belongs to a bruxa. Famintos, they will devour bowls, chocolates, everything or whatever. A bruxa ended up turning on you two irmãos: João ficou numa gaiola to be fattened before being eaten, and Maria passed to do the housework.

A bruxa, who was blind, every day he asked to slap the little finger to see if he was fat enough to be eaten. I hope, João always offered a grave to beat the bruxa in the place of the finger and also guaranteeing more days of life.

With a pontual opportunity, Maria finally managed to push the bruxa into the forno and freedom or irmão.

You will find yourselves on the way home and, when you check it out, you will discover that your stepmother had died and that you were deeply sorry for the decision you made. Thus, the family was reunited again and they are all happy forever.

A story of João e Maria, which began to be transmitted orally at the time of Idade Média, is a great I praise the courageous and independent children. Ela also celebrates union between you irmãos That, we moments of perigo, unem forces to win or inimigo.

These are two rare fade contos where solidarity is seen between you.

Uma das first versões da historia was raised with Grimm irmãos hairs that escreveram As crianças e o bug-papão. An important version was written in 1893 by Engelbert Humperdinck. In all of them, I will go away, helpless, manage to overcome adversities that impose on life.

A narrative ensina we do not despair when we are in our situation of perigo and a we will be cautious (As for João, who will help you to go back home with your own pés e sem qualquer ajuda).

A story of João and Maria começa faking on the hard subject of child abandonmentOn the frustration of children, they will be known to be helpless.

Or if two signatures will be of different sexes, a reference to the balance between yin and yan, a lack of complementarity: when Maria is more fearful, João tends to be more courageous. In a fusion of both of you who will find you the necessary forces to survive.

João and Maria have an impressive inner claw to fight against the adversities that adults commit. Nessa narrative As children were revealed more mature than adults.

A story also shows little about the importance of forgiveness, given that João and Maria, ao reencounter or pai arrependido, perdoam an attitude that the reader was influenced by the stepmother.

Take the opportunity to go to or artigo Conheça the story of João e Maria.

4. You three porquinhos

It was once three years ago that I lived with me and tinham with very different personalities. In so far as two people were preguiçuos and not a domestic service, or a third party, who could help.

One day, you porquinhos, that we have never been big or enough, leave home to build our own lives. Each person used a different strategy to build their own home.

O first, preguiçoso, build a palha house, which does not work to be built. Or second, following or example of the first one, I built a house of madeira depressa, to also be able to jump logo. Or third, cautious, delay more and fez a house with tijolos, much more resistant.

As soon as you do two of them first we will be worried as amanhã day, or third will continue with their construction of wind in the stern.

I tied that, um belo day, appearsu um mau wolf. It was for the house of the first porquinho, assoprou, and the construction was immediately for you. Or by luck I managed to take refuge at home next door, little girl from Madeira.

When the wolf came to the second house, made of wood, it also caused the walls to fly away quickly. You are here to seek shelter, then, at the third party's house. As the walls were made up of tijolos, nothing happened the same as everything or assorted the wolf.

No day to continue, motivated to eat the porquinhos, or wolf turned and tentou enter the resistant house through the lareira. Or cautious, imagining that this could happen, leaving a scalding warmth bem debaixo da lareira, or guaranteeing survival two three irmãozinhos.

A lenda antiga teaches us to think about the future, to let's shake in a cautious way e to prepare for adversity. Whenever you two preguiçosos only think not to think that you will have a moment jumping, or thirdly because you will add to your joy in order to build a more solid one.

Thank you for planning capacity do third, because you others, imediatists, survive. A history in small years will be organized for the previous days and to think will além, not only not here and not now.

Or third-party behavior, or exemplary, also with reference to Importance of persevering nas nossas crenças in spite of all the years we will be barely having fun. Thanks to the resilience of the third party, because the family was able to grow firmly and safely.

It is not known that he was the first author of the history of the three porquinhos, which began to be told in about 1,000 AD. C. Foi in 1890, however, that the history gained more fame was compiled by Joseph Jacobs.

Discover also the artigos I count you three porquinhos and Moral da historia dos três porquinhos.

5. Cinderela

It was once Cinderela, a little boy who was a maid by a stepmother. As much a stepmother, a woman more, as well as her duas filhas, we will treat Cinderela as disdain and use all the opportunities that we have to humiliate the young.

A beautiful day or king of the region offers a dance so that the prince can meet his future wife and instruct that all the single women of the kingdom appear.

With the help of a fada madrinha, Cinderela got a beautiful dress to attend or dance. Her only condition was that a moça went home before meia-noite. O prince, to see bela Cinderela, love logo. Dois chegaram to dance together and talk during the whole night

Cinderela, realizing that her time was ending, left running home, accidentally losing two crystal shoes she was wearing.

From volta à rotina, a moça continued with the terrifying life that she led before. Já or prince, I did not give up trying to ask my beloved one in the region that all the women experience this crystal token that you have bought.

When the prince comes to the house of Cinderela, a stepmother to trancou no sótão and fez de tudo so that the raptor can convince himself that one of her suas duas filhas was such a girl: more than anything adiantou. Finally, I realized that there was more someone at home and demanded that everyone appear in the room. Ao see bela moça immediately to recognize her, when Cinderela experimented or sapato, or if she fit perfectly.

O prince and Cinderella will then marry and live happily ever after.

Also known as the story of Gata Borralheira, or the story of Cinderela começa in a tough way, faking about or abandonment e to family negligence. A girl, a maid by a stepmother, suffers from all kinds of injustice, being the victim of abusive relationships.

To his sorte of her he was mute like a prince's check. Nessa narrative, or love tem um healing, regenerating power, and it is through him that Cinderela finally gets to know the terrible situation that she lived.

Or fada count transmits uma message of hope In melhores and fala days it is important to resist adverse situations. Cinderela is a personagem that represents, above all, to overcoming.

The Cinderella story arose in China, in 860 BC, and has been disseminated by various locations. Na Grécia Antiga has also a fairly similar story with the story of Cinderela, which was spread even as a great force in the seventeenth century through the Italian writer Giambattista Basile. Charles Perrault and you Grimm also have important historical verses that were widely disseminated.

Take advantage to conhecer or artigo História da Cinderela (ou A Gata Borralheira).

6. Pinóquio

He was once a solitary senhor called Gepeto. O his great hobby was to work with Madeira and, for the company, he resolved to invent an articulated boneco that he chamou de Pinóquio.

Days from inventing to peça, during the night, a blue fada passed through fourth hair and from its life to boneco, which happened to walk and falar. Pinóquio became, assim, a companhia for Gepeto, who happened to treat or boneco as a filho.

Assim that I can, Gepeto matriculou Pinóquio numa escola. Foi la, through the coexistence with other children, that Pinóquio realized that he was not as beautiful as others.

Or boneco de madeira tinha um great friend, or Grilo Falante, who always accompanies and says or runs the path that Pinóquio should follow, not leaving to carry his own temptations.

Or boneco de madeira, which used to be very artful, out of habit to lie. Every time Pinóquio lied or his madeira nose crescia, denouncing or wrong behavior.

Answerer, Pinóquio deu much work ao pai Gepeto, because of his imaturity and his challenging behavior. But thanks to grilo falante, which was not based on the conscience of boneco, Pinóquio was making increasingly wise decisions.

Gepeto e Pinóquio viveram a long life cheia de alegrias partilhadas.

A history of Pinóquio shows the small crianças that we must never lie, despite many times thermos vontade. This impulse to lie occurs especially not at the beginning of childhood, and the history of boneco communicates especially for this public, teaching the consequences of being escorted to follow a path no verdadeiro.

In relation to Gepeto and Pinóquio, for the same time, it is false about as family relationships of caring and care, What happens when we do not have a bond of blood.

Or educator Gepeto represents total dedication two adults with children and personifies the infinite quase very patience with two small errors more serious. O senhor directs Pinóquio and never gives up on him, even when or boneco gets stuck in the pioros.

Pinóquio is two little fades that have a clear origin. The breeder of the history was Carlo Collodi (1826-1890), who used to use the pseudonym Carlo Lorenzini. When he was 55 years old, Carlo began to write the stories of Pinóquio numa children's magazine. As adventures are published in a series of fascicles.

Discover more about the lendo or artigo history Pinóquio.

7. Chapeuzinho Vermelho

It was once a beautiful girl who lived with me and deep otter carinho pela avó - e a avó por ela. One day he came back to me from Chapeuzinho, but he was not able to take a basket home, so that she could feed herself.

Chapeuzinho promptly responded that he was just going to take a home order from Avó, which is distant, in the forest.

In the middle of the road, the menina was interrupted with wolf hair, who, with a lot of lips, conversed and managed to discover, through Chapeuzinho itself, for the menina ia.

I hope, or wolf, I suggest another course and fez um atalho to check before the menina na casa da avó.

Assim that he entered the house of velhinha, or wolf to devour and took her place by disguising herself. When Chapeuzinho chegou, he did not get to know that he was a wolf, and he did not know that he was in bed.

Chapeuzinho então perguntou:

- Ó avó, que orelhas grandes você tem!

- É for me to listen to you!

- Ó avó, que olhos grandes você tem!

- É to melhor you enxergar!

- Ó avó, what a great você tem!

- É for me to catch you!

- Ó avó, what a big mouth, scary, você tem!

- É for me to eat you! "

Na version of Charles Perrault the story ends in a tragic way, like the net being devoured wolf hair. Já na versão dos irmãos Grimm arises a caçador not final do conto, that kills the wolf and saves both Avó and Chapeuzinho.

Chapeuzinho is an interesting personage, who on one hand represents Maturidade a or opting to disobey à mãe e fazer um novo percurso, mas, ao same tempo, it is revealed enngênua ao accredit num unknown - or Wolf.

O wolf, for the time, symbolizes all cruelty, violence Let Frieza tell them to shamelessly think to get me or what I want.

A history of Chapeuzinho ensina or leitor a don't trust in strangers, to be obedient, and it shows for young children that no world also exists creatures that are not intended.

O conto de fada da Chapeuzinho vermelho was raised during the Middle Idade and was transmitted orally by European Camponese. The version that we know, more famously, was published by Charles Perrault in 1697. In history, there is a series of modifications that will take two years to become less scary for children.

Find out more about the lendo or artigo story Conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho.

8. A princess and ervilha

It was once a prince who wanted to meet a real princess. Or rapacious andou hair inside the world in search of a princess assim true, but I did not find any nenhuma, there was always some coisa that was not very certain.

Uma noite, a tempest of terrific blew over the kingdom. Unexpectedly, ouviu-se was beaten not portão da cidade, and o rei em pessoa was opened. There was a princess standing there, under the rain. A water slags hair seu hair and pelas suas roupas de ella. She insisted that she was a true princess.

"Bem, isso, what are we going to see, daqui a little!" I thought to Rainha. She did not say a word, but was directed to the fourth, left to bed all and put a ervilha on the stage. On ervilha she empilhou twenty mattresses and depois estendeu more twenty eiderdowns two softer on top two mattresses. Foi ali that the princess slept that night.

From manhã, everyone will ask how she had slept. "Ah, very badly!" I answered princess. “Badly I got pregar or olho a noite inteira! Does Deus know that there was naquela bed! It was such a hard cloth that fiquei all cheia of purple and blue stains. It's really medonho. "

So, of course, everyone could see that she was really a princess, because she has felt her through twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdowns. Só a true princess could fight assim tão sensível.

Diante disso, or prince married her, but now I knew that he was a real princess.

A history eternalized by Hans Christian Andersen had been lived out during his childhood of rapacious Denmark and traz a little conventional element told us about fada: we see here duas personagens femininas fortes, what fogem ao stereotype da mulher fragile e that she needs to be saved.

A princess, who touches porta does not give me a storm, he is an active person, who wants prove her condition of princess sem medos, for all those who are or are around. It is he who voluntarily goes to the castelo, sozinha, despite the adverse weather (to tempest and interpreted by many as a metaphor for a situation of a lot of cliff).

To another important person I count, also feminine, it is to Rainha, to my prince who resolves to challenge the princess to truly meet her nature.

She is a future sogra who feared the sagacidade of inventing or challenging her, hiding a little vegetable under twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdowns.

A ervilha verifies the royal nature of the princess, her super-human perception of her, different from all her subjects.

As duas mulheres, uma mais velha e outra mais nova, são, in different forms, symbols of courage.

Despite the prince being an important figure that moves history - because he is going to try by uma parceira -, são as personagens femininas that ended up being revealing and essence for a plot.

9. To Branca de Neve for seven years

She was once a rainha who sewed from a janela aberta. Ela Bordava enquanto a neve fell on the side of fora e, ao espetar o finger numa agulha, she said: “Quem me dera ter uma filha tão alva as a neve, incarnated as o sangue e cujo rosto fosse emoldurado de preto as o ebony!"

When she was born or baby, Rainha saw all the characteristics that she had wanted. Unfortunately, the failing little time of the birth of the baby and the king married a very vain princess, who would die from the city of Branca de Neve peels her beauty from her.

A stepmother was always asked for a magic spell that she had: "Espelho, espelho meu, is there any more beautiful woman than us?" I said that, certain day, or I answered that there was, sim, and inside the own house: she was aware.

Furious, a stepmother hired a hunter to assassinate menina. At the time of committing a crime, regretful, or caçador gave up the agreement and just left Branca de Neve na forest.

Branca de Neve found in a small casinha, where he lived for seven years who worked as mineiros numa montanha. And ali a young man was established, collaborating with domestic chores.

One fine day, the stepmother discovered through the fact that Branca de Neve in the end was not dead and was personally in charge of dealing with the matter.

Dressed as a camponese and disguised as a velha, she offers a young woman, a bela maçã. Knowing that she was poisoned, Branca de Neve devoured fruit and fell in deep sound.

The destination of Branca de Neve is only later, when I pass the region of the prince. Ao see a girl asleep, or a prince turned deeply for her.

She knows what to do to wake her up, or the prince asked for the servants to carry a transparent box where Branca de Neve was sleeping. Um deles tropeçou caminho hair e um pedaço da maçã caiu de boca da moça, fazendo as she finally remembered the deep sound to which she had been condemned.

You dois then turn off, get married and live happily ever after.

A historia da Branca de Neve is a classic of German folklore that addresses deep issues of an accessible way for children. At the origin of Branca de Neve, it is the question of the orfandade, the negligence of the father - which allows the child to be mistreated - and the feminine dispute (a vaidade entre as mulheres) Because a stepmother does not oil her beauty of her loved by another creature, especially of her family of hers.

O told by Branca de Neve is also a story of overcoming a time he fails about a capacity for heroin to reinvent A completely new environment that adapts to new life in the forest, with creatures that she does not know.

How many years that Branca de Neve has been verdadeiro laço familiar, it is on the side of them that she finds or affection and protection that she does not have or her origin.

Or fada tell us that the most important people in our lives many times are not são aquelas com quem we keep laços de sangue e sim aquelas com quem estabelecemos a comunhão everyday.

Find out more about or conto da Branca de Neve.

10. O patinho feio

It was once a leg that was installed in her child. Chegada to time, she has to crash the serious skates, but it was a work so slow that she was at beira da exaustão. Finally you ovos racharam, um a um - I grew, I grew - and all the tinham gems gained life and we were betting on head for fora.

"Quen, quen!" Say a mãe pata, e os pequeninos saíram at all pressa as os seus passinhos curtos, to bisbilhotar on green leaves.

Well, now everyone is shocked, I hope... "- and she got up from ninho -" não, not all. O maior ovo ainda is here. I would like to know how much time I am going to carry. I will not be able to live here for my entire life. " And she turned to settle down no ninho.

Finally, the big ovo started to rage. Ouviu-se um piadinho came from filhote when she wore a trambolhão, looking very ugly and very big. A pata deu uma olhada e disse: “Mercy! More than a huge skate! Nenhum dos outros looks nothing like it. "

No first passeio da ninhada, you other ducks that were in the olhavam for them and disciples, stop: “Vejam só! What figure is that skating! We're not going to get hold of it. " E um two ducks immediately voou for the top of the bicou or pescoço.

"Deixe-o em paz", disse a mãe. "He's not doing bad nenhum."

"It can be, more e tão misaliente and estranho", disse or duck that or bicara. "It just goes from being expelled."

"What beautiful filhos você tem, minha darling!" disse a pata velha. “Except for that Ali, who seems to be wrong. I just hope that you will be able to fazer alguma coisa for melhorá-lo. "

“Os outros patinhos are enchanting”, disse a pata velha. "Sintam-se em casa, meus darlings" And assim eles ficaram à vontade, more or poor patinho that tinha been o Last to be safar do ovo e seemed tão feio levou bicadas, empurrões e caçoadas as much of ducks as of galinhas.

"O great paspalhão!" all cacarechavam. Or poor skater I did not know where to turn. He was really upset because he was so ugly and turned or alvo das chacotas do terreiro.

Assim was the first day, and from then on it will be pioraram. Everyone or everyone went to mistreat or poor skidding. Attached yourselves to yourselves and irmãs or treats badly and say: "Oh, your feia creature, or cat could hit you!" To his mother he said that she preferred that he did not exist. Ducks or mordiam, as galinhas or bicavam e a maid who comes to give food to birds or chutava.

Finally the fugiu. He has lived from home with jungle ducks: “You are extremely ugly”, disseminating the selvagens ducks, “but it is not important, since he has not been married with someone from our family.”

When you have spent two days inside, a pair of selvagens geese appear. Fazia little time that we have heard from the ovo and it was a great brincalhões. "Olhe here, meu chapa", disse um deles ao pattinho. “Você é tão feio that we are going to eat your face. Does it happen to go conosco and turn a migratory bird? " Mas o skating refused to go.

Certain afternoon there was a beautiful poet and a majestic flock of birds suddenly emerged from two bushes. Or skating never turns so beautiful birds, dazzling white and long, funny fish. Eram swans. Ao vê-los will rise each time higher not ar, or skid have a strange sensation. He deu several rodopios in the water and esticou or fishing in the direction of them, letting out a scream so strident and strange that the same was frightened or ouvi-lo.

“Vou voar I tied those birds. Maybe I got killed by using them to get closer to them, ugly as I know. But not bad. Melhor will be killed by those who have bitten the hair of ducks, bite the hair of the ducks, kicked the maid who gives food to the birds. "

Voou attached to water and nadou in the direction of the beautiful swans. When sighted, the foram depresses you met with extended handles. "Sim, math-me, math-me," he shouted at the poor bird, and at the head, waiting to die. But what about the clear surface of the water? He saw his own image, and he was not more a disgraced bird, fifty and unpleasant to see - no, he was also a swan!

Agora he felt really satisfied that he had been through so much suffering and adversity. Isso o helps to value all happiness and beauty that o involves... The three great swans swim around the newly-acquired and the deram batidinhas I don't fish like the serious ones.

Some criancinhas chegaram ao jardim e jogaram pão e grãos na água. A mais nova exclaimed: "Há um cisne novo!" As other children ficaram delighted and shout: "Sim, ha um swan novo!" And all clap their hands, dance and dance running to find their country. Migalhas de pão e bolo foram played in the water, and all say: “O novo é o more beautiful of all. It is young and elegant. " E os swans velhos faziam measures for him.

He felt very humble, and felt his head over his shoulder - he just knew badly why. He was very happy, but nem um pouquinho proud, pois um bom coração was never proud. He thought not how much he was despised and persecuted, and now everyone thinks that he was the most beautiful of all birds. Então the frizzy with sorrows, ergueu or fishing esguio and delight-se the foundation of your heart. "I am never so happy when I was um um patinho ugly."

The history of the patinho feio fails especially for those who feel dislocated, isolated and different from the group. A historical console and gives hope, fala on a long process of oil.

Or pattinho sofria as a feeling of inadequacy and with low self-esteem ao is always perceived as an inferior, someone who was not at a height two others and, therefore, was a victim of humiliation. Many children identify themselves as a condition of patina.

Either the protagonist of the story is also or the newest, or the last to come out of the house and find ninhada, and from the ovo barnacle that is different. Assim like in many fadas contos, or heroi é or caçula, often or more fragile.

Or count of fadas is about questão da social inclusion It gives the capacity for individual and collective transformation.

A history and a triumph of more failure and addresses importance of resilienceIt gives courage, it gives the need to be strong and resist even when we are in an environment that is hostile.

On the other hand, or I count on many criticisms because in a certain way it affirms a species of social hierarchy: Swans are lidos as naturally melhores, linked to beauty and nobility, when ducks will be creatures lower.

In spite of being a winner for surviving all or kind of contempt, or skidding, when he finally discovers Member of royalty two swans, it does not become vaid and it does not diminish those who are around because it has a heart boom.

O greatest responsibility for popularizing the history of the patinho feio foi Hans Christian Andersen. Scholars say that this was a childish story that the most approached history pessoal do writer One time that Andersen himself came from a humble origin and chegou to literary aristocracy facing many opposition two serious peers.

Despite having received a series of harsh criticisms throughout his life, Andersen in recent years has been deeply rewarded for his work.

Find out more about the history lendo or artigo do Conto O patinho feio.

11. Rapunzel

It was once a homeme and a woman who had abandoned my filho many years ago, but it happened.

One day a woman presumed that Deus would satisfy or desire her. We found a house where Moravam havia a janelinha that gives for a splendid garden, filled with beautiful flowers and vegetables. It was surrounded by a high wall, and no one used to enter it because it belonged to a powerful feiticeira feared by all round corners.

One day a mulher was in janela, olhando para o jardim. The seus olhos of her were attracted to a certain canteiro, who was planted as a mais viçoso rapunzel, a kind of alface. It looked so fresh and green that it was taken in the form of colhê-lo. You just have to get a little bit for your next refeição.

Every day I wanted her to grow, and she began to consume herself, because she knew that she would never get a little daquele rapunzel. I sell or how much she was pale and unhappy, or her husband asked him: "Or what is happening, dear wife?" "I won't get a little daquele rapunzel from the garden behind our house, you will die", ela I answered.
Or husband, who loved a lot, thought: "Instead of leaving a minha mulher morrer, it is better to go look for a little daquele rapunzel, custe or what to custar."
Ao cair da noite, he climbed no wall and pulou no garden da feiticeira, he started running a handful of rapunzel and lifted for the mulher. Not the same instant the fez is salty, which eats with voracity. Or rapunzel was so gostoso, more so gostoso, that no day after, or her appetite for ele ficou three times more. Or homem I did not see another job to keep a woman from going back to the garden to paste more.
Ao cair da noite la estava ele de novo, more depois than pulou or wall or fear tomou conta le, pois ali estava a feiticeira, bem à his forehead. "How can I get in, don't hide me gardens and hit or rapunzel like a cheap thief?" ela perguntou com um olhar furioso. "Ainda will regret it for isso."
“Oh please”, he replied, “have mercy! Só fiz isso because I was forced. A minha mulher avistou or seu rapunzel pela janela. Or if you want her to eat it so great that she says that she would love to get a little bit of it. "

A raiva da feiticeira reefeceu e ela disse ao homem: “I know that it is true, you let it carry as much rapunzel as I want. More with a condition: I will give myself to a child when her woman is born. I will take care of her like uma mãe, and there will be nothing missing. "
As he was appalled, or homem agreed you com tudo. When chegou or moment of delivery, Feiticeira appears pontually, deu à criança o nome Rapunzel e a levou embora.
Rapunzel was a menina prettiest in the world. Year to complete twelve years, to feiticeira to levou for a forest and a trancou numa tower that does not have escadas nem porta. Whenever she wanted to enter, Feiticeira stood there, but she did not lose the tower and the girl: “Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Jogue as suas tranças. "

Some years later, it happened that or filho de um rei was crossing a forest to dig. She passed by the tower and a voice so beautiful that she stopped to listen. It was Rapunzel, who, internally sozinha na torre, spent her six days singing twelve melodies for herself. O prince I wanted to go up to see the tower in search of a porta, but not achou nenhuma and the voice of Rapunzel ficou not her heart.
One time, when he was hiding behind a tree, he saw Feiticeira chegar à torre e ouviu-a chamando: “Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Jogue as suas tranças. " Rapunzel jogou as tranças e a feiticeira subiu até ela. "I know because of this escada that was tied up or high on the tower, I would like to tempt minha sorte nela too." And not the next day, when it came to dark badly, or prince was attached to tower and chamou.
At first, when I saw a homem come in like Jane, Rapunzel was freaked out, especially since she has never seen um. More or more prince began to talk in a gentle way and he told you that he would be as pleased with his voice from her that he had no peace if he did not touch the olhos nela. Logo Rapunzel lost or half, and when or prince, who was young and pretty, but if she wanted to marry as her, the olive.
“I want to go to this tower as you, but I don't know how to go to this tower. Every time he sees me visit, he swallows a silk piss, and he will trançarei an escada. When I am ready, I will descend and I will be able to lift myself from it. "
You will combine that the viria will visit the whole night, during or day to velha estava la. Um beautiful day, Rapunzel let her escape a comment that fez com that feiticeira discovered that a prince was visiting menina in hiding during the night.

Furious, Feiticeira cut or Rapunzel's hair and sent poor girl to or desert. O prince, for his time, I was punished as a blind man.

O prince wandered from one side to another in his misfortune for many years and finally chegou ao desert where Rapunzel badly managed to survive as the gemeos - um menino e uma menina - that gave birth.

I heard a voice that he was familiar with, or prince next. When she got close enough, she gave people who sang, Rapunzel or acknowledged. She link-o com os braços, e chorou. Two dessas tears fell to us olhos do principe, and suddenly he passed to see as before, clearly.

O prince voltou for or his kingdom with Rapunzel and you two filhos e la houve grande commoração. They will live happy and joyful for many and many years.

Or Rapunzel's fairy tale can be divided into two parts to be analyzed. A history, ao fim e ao, fala de two homens transgressors. In the first passage, we see or married leaving a filho and request for a wife, which face how or when he commits an initial transgress or roubar. Ao jump to or perigoso quintal da feiticeira, or husband runs or rises to be hit and finally and punished.

Or second transgressor é or prince who climbs or wall gives tower to protect Rapunzel. Also hit was not his crime and equally punished for feiticeira, or blind prince.

There are some scholars who see the origins of Rapunzel in the province of Santa Barbara, who was placed in an isolated tower with her own hair because she challenged a series of marriage proposals.

A first literary version of the story was published in 1636 by Giambattista Basile as the title A donzela da torre. Grimm will also publish a version of Rapunzel that helped popularize the story.

Despite not knowing the origin of the myth of Rapunzel, a historical face refers to a cultural behavior of adults (country, more specifically) that we take on the lines, tos isolam, an attempt to protect the, segregating other homens who can do more.

Thank you ao love, what a regenerating power, that Rapunzel manages to leave the tower and finally reach freedom.

12. João e o pé de feijão

It was once a poor widow who was barely a filho, named João, and a cow named Branca Leitosa. The only thing that guaranteed or her sustenance from her was that the cow gave all manhã and that they took to the market and sold. Uma manhã, porém, Branca Leitosa não deu leite nenhum, e os dois não sabiam o que fazer. "Or what are we going to do? Or what are we going to do? " perguntava viúva, twisting mine as well.

Disse João: "Hoje é feira day, daqui a little you will sell Branca Leitosa and then we will see what to do." Assim, the pegou a cow hair capresto and it was foi. She has not been around long when she found a funny jeito homem, which I said: “Good morning, João. Where is Indo? "

"You will sell this cow here."

"Ah, you seem the same or kind of guy who was born to sell cows", disse or homem. "Do you know how many feijões fazem five?" “Dois em each mão e um na su boca”, replied João, I know how or what.
"It's true", disse or homem. "And here are you feijões", he continued, tossing several exquisite feijões from the bag. “Já que é tão esperto”, disse, “I don't care about fazer uma barganha with you - your cow for these feijões. It is plantar à noite, from manhã terão crescido até or céu. "

"True?" disse João. "Don't say!" "Sim, it's true, and it is not happening to hit your volta cow." “Certo”, disse João, handing over or Branca Leitosa's winch to a little subject and cooling down the feijões no purse

When I know that João sells a cow for meia duzia de feijões magicos, his mãe esbravejou: to hand over to Minha Branca Leitosa, to a great cow leiteira da paróquia, and além disso meat of melhor quality, in a troca of a handful of reles feijões? Take! Take! Take! And quanto a seus precious feijões here, vou jogá-los pela janela. Agora, go to bed. For this night, he will not eat nenhuma soup, he will not swallow nenhuma migalha. "

Likewise, João went up to this room or not, sad and heartfelt, of course, both for the sake of me and for the loss of life. Finally he fell down.

When he agreed, the room seemed very funny. Either the sun beat in part of it, but all or the rest was quite dark, gloomy. João pulou gives bed, dressing and foi à janela. What do you think I saw? Pray, you hope that your mother will not be gardening, janela tinham sprouted a large number of feijão, which rose, rose, rose até chegar ao ceu. No fim das contas, or homem tin has fallen true.

João subiu e subiu e subiu e subiu e subiu e subiu e subiu até que by fim chegou ao céu.

He saw a huge ogre, who collected ovos de ouro, and during a pig he roubou some daqueles ovos that he attacked hair pe de feijão and caíram no quintal da su ma.

Depois he was descending and descending so that he finally came home and told me. Showing-he or sack of ouro, he said: “Is it for sale, mãe, I am not certain for how many feijões years? São magical themselves, as you can see. "

For some time, live give it ouro, plus a beautiful day it's over. João resolved to risk sorte one more time not alto do pé de feijão. Assim, numa bela manhã, he agreed to cedo and subiu no pé de feijão. He went up, up, up, up, up, up, up, and not satisfied with having roubar more eggs than our own, then he will steal Galinha dourada himself.

Daring, he still goes up one more time, I don't get a feijão, again to get away with harpa dourada. I know that João was seen as the ogre running behind him in the direction of the feijão. Ia João descending or hitting like an ogre behind him when he shouted: “Mãe! Mãe! Swallow-me um machado, swallow-me um machado. "

And I saw him running like machado na mão. Ao chegar no pé de feijão, porém, she appeared paralyzed with dread, pois dali viu or ogre with her legs already crossing as nuvens.

But João pulou not chão e agarrou or machado. He deu uma machadada such no pé de feijão que o partiu em dois. Feeling o pé de feijão sway and tremble, ogre parou to see or what was happening. Nesse moment João deu outra machadada e o pé de feijão has just left and started to go down. Então ogre despencou e broke a head enquanto or pe de feijão crumbling. João showed me a harpa dourada, and likewise, exhibiting harpa and selling the ovos de ouro, let him live happily ever after.

The story of João e o pé de feijão had some moments of strong symbolism. Not at the beginning of the story, for example, when the cow stops giving leite, many psychologists read this stretch as The end of the childhood, when the child needs to be separated from more than the one who is capable of producing read.

O protagonist João has a double meaning: on one side it seems naive for accrediting the word of an unknown or bartered cow for magical feijões. She knows how to negotiate, we see him as an easy alvo to fall into armadilhas. On the other hand, João also represents esperteza and malandragem ao furtar os ovos de ouro (and depois galinha e a harpa) through pé de feijão.

It is also necessary to rescue his courage from him to climb, not a giant rumored to be unknown and to courage To return to the other times, knowing what but what is waiting at the top. In spite of his dishonest behavior, his courage is rewarded as a fate I believe that he conquered me like ovos de ouro.

A history and original within the category of two stories of fadas because year inverse of being enclosed as a marriage of the protagonist and com or classic happy forever, in the most popular version of João and or pé de feijão or rapaz continues to live with me and being very much happy.

The first written version of the story was told by Benjamin Tabart in 1807. This text was based on verses orais que or author ouvia.

13. O rei toad

It was once um rei que tinha filhas muito belas. A mais nova was so pretty that I tied the sun, that never turns so much coisa, ficava marveled when her face shines.

There is a dense, dark forest, perto do castelo do rei, and nela tinha uma fonte. When it was very hot, a filha do rei ia to kill and sit in the fresh fountain. To not understand, she raised her ball of ouro, to play it not to hit her. It was his favorite skipper.
One day, when the princess is mine to spread the ball of ouro, she escaped, she did not go straight to the water. The princess followed the ball like the olhos, but she disappeared naquela fonte tão funda that she nem was able to see or found. Os olhos da Princess Ficaram, giddy with tears, she began to crash louder and louder, unable to contain herself. A voice interrupted her choro and shouted: “What happened, princess? Até as pedras chorariam, se pudessem ouvi-la. ”, Disse or sapo.

"I'm celebrating because my ball of ouro caiu na fonte." "Fique sossegada e stop chorar", disse o sapo. "Acho posso ajudá-la, more or what will I give it is eu apanhar seu brinquedinho?" "I want you, dear toad," she replied. "Meus dresses, minhas pérolas and minhas joias, I tied the chorus of ouro that I am wearing." O sapo replied: “I don't want your dresses, your pearls and jewels or your ouro coroa. But I will promise to enjoy myself and let you know that your companion of him and jump with you, that I will do your side at the table and eat your pratinho de ouro, Beba do seu copinho e durma na sua caminha, I will be promised you all, mergulharei na fonte e trarei de volta sua bola de ouro. " "Ah, sim", disse ela. "I dare know what I want since I swallowed that volta ball for myself." Enquanto isso, porém, she never stopped thinking: “What nonsense, that stupid toad is saying! He is in the water, coaxing him to stop with all the other toads. How could someone want him as a companion? " Once a princess has his word, or frog has a head in the water and deep in the fountain. After some time, it will appear from volta chapinhando with a ball in the mouth and atirou-a no capim. When the princess saw a cute jump in front of her, she was radiant. She pegou-o e saiu running with him.
No next day, the princess sat down to laugh as she laughed and some courtesies. She was entertained, eating in seu pratinho de ouro, when she ouviu some coisa crawling peeled marble scaled acima, ploc, plac, ploc, plac. Ao chegar no alto da escada, a coisa bateu à porta e ella chamou: "Princess, princess caçula, let me come in!"
I tied a princess to porta to see what was ali. Ao open, she saw the toad bem na sua in front of her. Appalled, she batted to carry all the force and turned to the table. Or rei, ao attend a situation, perguntou or what happens:

“Oh, dear country, ontem when he was jumping next to the source of the minha bolinha de ouro caiu na água. Chorei so much that the toad was looking for her for me. And, as he insisted, he promised that he could become my companion. I never thought that he would be able to see water. Agora is out there and wanted to enter to join me. "
O rei declared: “It is a promising one, so it is birthday. Vá e deixe-o come in. "
A princess was opened to porta. Or toad pulou to the inside of the room and then I tied the chegou à su cadeira. Então ele exclamou: "Erga-me e ponha-me do seu side." A hesitou princess, more or rei ordered her to obey.
To princess Fez what I sent, but it was obvious that she was not happy with this. Finally or toad disse: “I have eaten enough and I am tired. Leve-me para o seu quarto e dobre a silk quilt on your way. "

A princess began to chore, like a slimy toad. O rei se zangou e disse: "I should not ignore someone who helped when I was in difficulty."

Já no quarto, exasperated with aquilo, a princess pegou or toad and or atirou with all force against a wall. "Rest now, you filthy toad!"

When the toad fell, he was not more a toad, but a prince with beautiful and bright eyes. By order of the princess, he became her dear companion and husband. She told him that a wicked witch will launch a feitiço on him and that he subdues the princess to be able to free him. We plan to leave no next day for the kingdom to give you happy forever.

A history of the princess and the toad has semelhanças like a beauty and a fera and with other so many infantile contos that falam gives a union between a beautiful princess and an animal pretender.

The first important moment of the fairy tale happens when the princess loses her favorite ball. Badly accustomed to not what she wanted, she thinks not immediate prazer e it face of tudo to get to ball of volta or more quickly possible. Ao say that sim ao toad, a princess I don't think about the consequences Give her escort for her, she barely gets to see her immediate need resolved.

A curious reviravolta happens when the princess tells the story to ao rei, waiting for him to choose her side of her. O rei, no mean, do not defend filha, and use lição to make transparent some essential values ​​for menina how importantly we keep our words and acknowledge that this past year we are by our side at the time of difficult.

Enquanto em many contos from fada to princess conforms and oils to animalidade do parceiro - and esse moment that the prince turns -, here or surprising end only happens when she finally revolts and express truly or feeling of rejection.

A princess, initially pampered and imaturated, ends up being rewarded with hair seu ato of rebellion and peels her ability to set limits.

As histories acima foram withdrawn and adapted from the book Contos de fadas: commented and illustrated edição (Clássicos da Zahar), edição, introduction and notes by Maria Tatar, published in 2013.

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