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The 12 free melhores of 2020

Do you want to always be around the clock? I want to know more about or what publishers intend to publish that year? Are you the first to be the planned launches?

Then take advantage, this artigo is for you! Take note of two dozen more promising releases to paint on the publishing market in 2020. What do you know, don't you get ler um for months?

1. Um gênio muito estavel: ameaça de Donald Trump à democracy (Philip Rucker and Carol Leonning)

Um gênio muito estavel: ameaça de Donald Trump à democracy

Se você gosta de journalistic investigations that is free to your face! Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig are journalists of the Washington Post and received the aspiring Pulitzer Prize.

Lovers of the universe of politics and privileged sources, you will follow the passes of the current president of the United States - or controversial Donald Trump - and try to assemble a puzzle about or way of thinking and thinking about homem more powerful in the world.

To sustain this investigation, journalists have access to hundreds of interviews and conducted a vast investigation during a particularly troubled period for the possibility of impeachment.

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Read Um gênio muito estavel: ameaça de Donald Trump à democracy It is a way to know more about the personalities of homem who reached or most important political position on the planet and also to know more about the meanders of power.

2. Elis and Eu (João Marcello Bôscoli)

Elis and Eu João Marcello Bôscoli

Um livro sobre o amor, a saudade e a infância, esse é Elis and Eu, or pessoal story by João Marcello Bôscoli, filho mais velho da Pimentinha that lost me prematurely and tragically in 1982.

A story, told by home, and permeated by a series of intimate flashbacks from childhood to or next to me, father, stepfather and two irmãos.

A work of the first-born Bôscoli shows us a facet of some of the greatest singers of Brazil that we never have the opportunity to know. Saudosista, or I also do not stop being hard when necessary: ​​o little João testemunha ao long days to degradação da mãe, or her sofrimento of her and as parties at home watered to a lot of alcohol and drug.

O livro tells ainda as prefácio of Rita Lee, that testemunhou de perto esse family side of Elis Regina (1945-1982).

Se você gosta da cantora, take advantage to read também or artigo Elis Regina: biography and work.

3. Martinho Luther: renegade and prophet (Lyndal Roper)

Marinho Luther: renegade and prophet

Australian historian Lyndal Roper was challenged by a biography of Martinho Luther (1438-1546), a very important subject in the religious world and of which we know little.

Responsible for fazer to the Protestant Reformation, we know practically nothing about this little guy who was a revolutionary in his birth. Lyndal map unpublished facts about the religious life He explains to us how the monge was able to promote a significant social change in dark times.

As an incredible oratory and a curved writing capacity, Luther was able to attract thousands of faiths and achieve break from time to time with Igreja Católica, the institution where he came out and for whom he addressed a series of fierce criticisms.

Through Lyndal's story, we are aware of more mundane aspects of religion, such as, for example, the serious pictures of melancholy (which may be found to be diagnosed as depression). Biography lovers were devoured in a few days Martinho Luther: renegade and prophet.

4. Inside street (Marcelo Moutinho)

Inside street

O new free of Rio de Janeiro Marcelo Moutinho drew a meeting of thirteen contos centered above all in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro.

Além do genre liteário, another pattern that brings together these briefs independent histories The writer will choose, in many of them, not to place a final point leaving the narratives in the open, to be pre-set to the reader's task.

Interested in investigating human condition, short stories passed by vulgar issues such as love, social relationships, solidity, affections, loss, social tensions and death.

5. To last party (Lucy Foley)

Last Party (Lucy Foley)

Or last book of Lucy Foley is to leave anyone gnawing at one of those nervous. OR police romance It revolves around a group of college friends brought together by Miranda and Katie, two friends who together have a good time together.

Not the beginning of the history logo reigns a characteristic saudosismo daqueles that share the melhoras of life together, quickly the percebem that já não têm more nothing in common.

O thispim da historia é um assassinato that is given no day to follow the last big party of the year. A dead body appears, and all of a sudden, everyone becomes suspenseful of a barbarian crime. To complete the climate of panic, a snowfall leaves you isolated friends.

Se você gosta de um free of mystery then I can't lose Last party.

6. Contemporary scraping (organized by Leonardo Sakamoto)

Contemporary scraping

Lançado no final de janeiro, or free organized by Leonardo Sakamoto saw tona in a special year: in 2020 we completed 25 years of combat ao trabalho escravo No brazil.

In writing, I have changed its contours over the course of decades and, also for this reason, I have seen the hand of a series of studies that try to understand this phenomenon.

Em Contemporary scraping Each chapter is written by a specialist - Brazilian or foreign - no matter. With a different training, each guest gives a perspective of his area of ​​atuação (são from fiscal auditors, passing through attorneys and activists).

You want to address two serious problems that are associated with contemporaneity. We strongly recommend reading Contemporary scraping.

7. To fronteira (Don Winslow)

A fronteira (Art Keller)

Art Keller, or Don Winslow's main personage, has accompanied the United States drug trafficking problem for nearly forty years.

Or protagonist, who rose from office and reached the role of director of DEA - North American anti-drug department - and obsessed by Adán Barrera, or most importantly of the Sinaloa cartel.

Keller testemunha an epidemic of heroin use Your country is not assisting the devastating consequences of the drug's population. Determined to eliminate from time to time or problem, he places himself on the physical and mental risk to tempt against the poster.

Or free To fronteira I will soon have you bought and soon it will become a television series produced by Fox.

8. O sedutor do sertão (Ariano Suassuna)

O sedutor do sertão (Ariano Suassuna)

Quem é que não conhece a do nosso saudoso Ariano Suassuna (1927-2014)? Six years of age gives his death, we gain or privilege to know a unpublished history narrated by esse mestre do sertão.

A story, originally intended to become a film, was now released in the form of a book. Or romance, unpublished, was written in 1966 with the aim of being a part of a film that was never released.

Or protagonist of Suassuna and Malaquias Pavão, a sedutor of mão cheia who lived in Paraíba for thirty years.

A narrative and permeated with fifty illustrated illustrations by Manuel Dantas Suassuna, a filho do writer.

Relembre to the costume of the writer lendo or artigo Ariano Suassuna: life and work.

9. Uber fights at war (Mike Isaac)

Uber fights at war (Mike Isaac)

We all have an opinion on this new way of thinking about urban mobility. Whether it is a North American multinational company, Uber has moved to our way of facing or transporting to large cities.

The New York Times reporter Mike Isaac escolheu narrate his new work backstage of controversial company That criou um novo private transport system cheaper than traditional taxis.

Over the course of two pages, we have seen a startup rise and as it has faced a series of problems both at the regional and global level.

10. To Penelope's Odisséia (Margaret Atwood)

Penelope's Odyssey (Margaret Atwood)

A Canadian writer celebrated her work A story of uma serva traz agora ao public a narrative involving one of the most commented personages of Greek mythology: Penelope, a mulher de Ulisses.

The original story was given to a personagem fica sozinha enquanto or husband battled in the Troia war, na contemporary rewriting feita por Margaret o narrator gives voice to woman and her twelve servants, allowing them to contemplate the version of the two fates.

Or free To Penelope's Odisséia It was originally published in 2005 in the Portuguese language market.

11. A chance to fight (Elizabeth Warren)

Uma chance de lutar (Elizabeth Warren)

You can not tell me very much about Senator Elizabeth Warren, but I have certainty that the history of the life of this powerful woman will throw you away.

A menina that was born a humble family - or country was a zelador and my telephone operator - grew in the social context in which the objective of the women was to save a good husband and final point.

Elizabeth, no entanto, escolheu um caminho bem different: she is a Harvard professor, reaches the position of the American Congress consultant and is to be Assistant to President Barack Obama.

Her last victory was reached 62 years, when she became Massachusetts State Senator. To recognize the history of her woman and discover a portrait of the difficulties that she faced and also to know how it is possible to overcome the social barriers to imposts.

12. To occupation (Julian Fuks)

To occupation (Julián Fuks)

Um two great names of Brazilian literature, or Julián Fuks award winner in 2020 or new romance chamado To occupation.

This history is like a background of an occupied estate in the capital of São Paulo. A narrative fails us about a human resilience e from lidar com to lose.

Quem conta essa historia é Sebastián, an alter ego of a writer who talks with people who live in an abandoned building. At the same time, Sebastián faces his personal life with dense questões like doença do pai and eminência de ser pai.

Or romance alternates political questões in the public sphere with intimate moments of pessoal hesitation.

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