The 30 free melhores of all tempos (according to Goodreads)
You are free to be companions of all hours, carrying stories capable of going through secules and secules. Many times we have many classics, but there are so many fundamental works that we do not know from where to start ...
How to help the platform Goodreads (which brings together writers, scholars and readers), we will present 30 titles that are considered the most free of all times. How about taking advantage of the dicas and placing the reading on the day?
30. Ao Farol (1927)
![Ao Farol (1927).](/f/99eacd2cd2069229d83b23be338f8df0.jpg)
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an unmistakable English writer who profoundly marked the history of Western literature and, in particular, modernism.
Ao FarolLaunched in May 1927, it is considered one of the two most important books of the movement and also two melhores romances of always.
A narrative follows the Ramsay family and you will see them passed in their house on Praia, on the island of Skye. More than the story that has been told, the reading is worth it reflections on childhood, memory and human relationships.
29. Or Rei Lear (1606)
![Rei Lear (1606)](/f/b3e01d237da4fba045b9a0e0aaf833ee.jpg)
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) quase dispensa apresentações: o English writer and playwright is appointed as o major author of the English language and also as o "pai do theater".
Or Rei Lear, one of his works-cousins of him, is an inspired tragedy not British folklore that tells the story of a king that was brought by duas de suas filhas, motivated for profit.
Thinking that you are timeless as as family relationships, to loucura and or powerThe work became a huge influence on the history of literature.
28. Moby Dick (1851)
![Moby Dick (1851)](/f/6c342144dbba83d2b5cce6443fe9129e.jpg)
Herman Melville (1819-1891) was a North American writer who came to know mainly about the successor enhancer of romance. Moby dick.
At the time, or when it was not liked by critics or the public, and the career of the author entered in decline. Decades depois da sua morte of him, Moby dick It happened to be seen as one of two great North American romances.
Pasado not sea, or free tells the story of a baleeiro ship that pursues and attacks several times a sperm whale will kill it. With descriptions about a caça de baleias and an obsessão animal hair, the work also problematizes topics such as the division of classes and the existence of Deus.
27. A Divina Comédia (1304-1321)
![A Divina Comédia (1304-1321)](/f/ebba81f213bc52d2eccad5f67f2bec04.jpg)
Dante Alighieri (1265—1321), or "supreme poet" of the Italian language and eternally levered by his first work, A Divina Comédia.
The Renaissance poem, of epic inspiration and religious theme, is divided into three parts, corresponding to three post-life spaces: Inferno, Purgatório and Paraíso.
The protagonist of the narrative is Dante himself, who traverses the three locations and talks with various figures that share his life or his imaginary of him.
Establishing a synthesis of philosophical and scientific knowledge of the time, A Divina Comédia bet that or human being must follow o path do bem and fazer here that ethical.
Trust to complete analysis of A Divina Comédia.
26. Madame Bovary (1856)
![Madame Bovary (1856)](/f/09e2d593f55106af327c2f2604fcf782.jpg)
Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) was a great novelist and French storyteller who marked international literature with his works characterized by a realistic view e critique da society.
Madame Bovary It is his most notorious work and it caused quite a scandal at the time it was published. Try to be tough portrait of bourgeois life e seus values of her, starring Emma, a young sonhadora who is disappointed as tedio gives married life.
Taken as "or romance two romances", or free it stands out for the depth of the psychological analysis of the personages and levou Flaubert aos tribunais, accused of offense to moral and religion.
Trust to complete analysis of Madame Bovary's work.
25. Viagem ao Fim da Noite (1932)
![Viagem ao Fim da Noite (1932)](/f/38c1545b3121334906c8781785a12ca8.jpg)
Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894-1961) was a French writer and physician who was primarily known for Travel to Fim da Noite, to his first work of him.
O livro tem um autobiographical aspect: o protagonist, Ferdinand Bardamu, was inspired not author. Faced as an anti-hero, it is about a home that is in war and depois passou to practice medicine.
Pessimistic, serving himself in an acid humor, to work he presents a visionquite negative about human nature. A rather innovative aspect of its use of popular vocabulary, quite close to orality.
24. Iliad (sec. VIII a. C.)
![Iliad (sec. VIII a. C.)](/f/26e93753e3bbf1a6a59373273ce2ecb0.jpg)
TO Iliad, from Homer (928 a. C. - 898 a. C.), is considered to founding work of western literature. The epic poem brings together several narratives of the oral tradition of Grécia Antiga and tells the story of the end of the Troia War.
From the sequester of Rainha Helena, the Greeks will unite their serious experts and leave for Troia, where Lutaram for a decade. Besides showing episodes of battle, the work also shows interference of two deuses, which protects some humans and disadvantages others.
Among other prominent people, give him a very rich imagery, Iliad se seals no Hero Achilles in his devastating fury culminating in the bloody death of Heitor, or Troian prince.
23. O Livro do Desassossego (1982)
![Or Livro do Desassossego](/f/6ae64dedc9444b062b361e9eb5fa3fd0.jpg)
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) was two of the most prolific and important authors of Portuguese literature, known for attributing his texts to heteronyms with quite different styles and values.
Or Livro do Desassossego, just published in 1982, was written for over twenty years and assassinated by Bernardo Soares, a semi-heteronymous author.
Composted by annotations, exceptions and single texts, the work seems to illustrate the fragmentation of the subject itself and contains great questions about or individual, to his existence of him and the world that he surrounds.
22. Pantagruel (1532)
![Pantagruel (1532)](/f/5cd9ec3d0e0b5209774fc2ffd4f1cddd.jpg)
Pantagruel the initial work of the series of romances do francês François Rabelais (1494-1553) designated To life of Gargântua e de Pantagruel.
Coming two giants as main characters (country and filho), the narrative is characterized by comic and satirical hair, covering numerous trocadilhos of double meaning in the year. eschatological and macabre humor.
TO work was prohibited hair Index Librorum Prohibitorum From 1564 and entered for the history of literature on its challenging and provocative nature.
21. War and Peace (1869)
![War and Peace (1865)](/f/d43bf8fc2bcedd80c9aac9300b49f755.jpg)
Considered by many or melhor light of the world, War and Peace It is an extensive historical romance, written by Russian Liev Tolstoy (1828-1910), which passed to Russia during the Napoleonic wars.
Crossing the destinations of five family nuclei of the Russian aristocracy with comments on the historical events that occurred, the work of the readers and reached a great success.
Pela psychological wealth two people and mainly pelas their considerations about do determinism that would annul any form of free-arbitrary, War and Peace It became an uncontrollable classic.
20. Swann's No Way (1913)
![Capa do livro No caminho de Swann.](/f/8a6e1289b52be26a23cd49da97a17b1e.jpg)
No swann walk é o first volume de In Search of the Lost Tempo, a work-prima do francês Marcel Proust (1871-1922) that was published in seven books.
Focused mainly nas memory themeThe narrative of the first book focuses on the lembranças of childhood of the narrator, passed in the village of Combray.
He remarks or love of your vizinho, Charles Swann, courtesy of Odette and also two of her sentiments of ciume and mistrust. The work also stood out for addressing feminine homosexuality, illustrated with Swann's medium hair and being brought with one of Odette's friends.
19. Great Expectations (1860-1861)
![Great Expectations (1860 - 1861)](/f/02bddbfe4b1e31765cc54a0fcda7570e.jpg)
Great Expectations They were the last two romances written by Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a prominent English author of the Vitoria period.
A story follows the life of Philip Pirrip, known by Pip, since seven years of age. A childhood, or orphanage, helps a prisoner to escape from the penal colony to which he was being sent.
As a reward, o homem lhe deixa a grande quantia de dinheiro, whose origin Pip does not know. Later, when the protagonist já é um cavalheiro, you two meet again. OR training romance It focuses mainly on questions of morals and human relations.
18. O Velho e o Mar (1952)
![O Velho e o Mar (1952)](/f/359b9c214c0722d55833cfdedce164c0.jpg)
O Velho e o Mar He is free of the North American author Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), who read his works of fiction and also the troubled life that he lived.
A narrative tells the story of Santiago, a happy Cuban fisherman, who faces financial difficulties. During a few days his sea travels, he ends up waging a battle of days against a peixe of enormous dimensions, I tried to capture him.
A work on or envelhecimento and, mainly, on a ability to improve human beingsObteve a great success at the time of its publication and it became a classic.
17. Dom Quixote (1605-1615)
![Dom Quixote (1605)](/f/3d7e9b7de17e50a542a58b682a8fa85f.jpg)
Dom Quixote of La Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), is considered a major work in the Spanish language, reaching a gigantic succession by the world.
Or the protagonist, Quixote, is a homeless man with cavalaria romances who decides to become a cavaleiro and começa a confuse fantasy with reality.
As the adventures of "Cavaleiro da Fraca Figura" and the inimigos that he goes inventing hair way illustram or power of imagination inquanto transforming lens of the world. For isso, or protagonist I ended up turning um symbol two dreamers and idealists.
Trust to complete analysis of Dom Quixote work.
16. Ficções (1944)
![Ficções (1944)](/f/2ebdd17819a8d1d49445a787dbda83f1.jpg)
FicçõesOne of the works-primates of Argentine Jorge Luis Borges (1899—1986) is a collection of stories written between 1941 and 1956.
As brief narratives têm pontos em comum: for example, you labirintos that seem to metaphorize human nature and interpersonal relationships, as well as its own literary trade.
15. Lolita (1955)
![Lolita (1955)](/f/50b24b6b9e2f78c86b0864f8108ea598.jpg)
Lolita é um Incredibly controversial romance by Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), a notorious Russian-American writer. The work of Humbert Humbert, a home from my life, a 12-year-old woman, Dolores.
An anguishing portrait of North American life, or it has become a classic, same as erotic passages that involve a girl and an adult. Na verdade, here that seems to cativar I do not live in the way as a story and told from Humbert's point of view.
Misturing memories and challenges, or narrator tries to convince or reader, at every moment, that what is fazendo is not wrong, but a crime supposedly motivated by love.
Trust to analysis completed of Lolita artwork.
14. Zorba, or Grego (1946)
![Zorba, or Grego (1946)](/f/0c42473958ad647a3f87e69d5800b8c5.jpg)
Níkos Kazantzákis (1883-1957), considered the greatest Greek thinker of the 20th century, also stands out in his field of literature.
Zorba, or GregoSome of his most famous works by him, a historical romance narrated by a young intellectual who has long studied and lived alongside the most underprivileged populations.
It is here, together with the mines, who know um homem bem mais velho, Zorba, who becomes a kind of mentor. Ao longo gives work, a charismatic figure partilha memories and tales of wisdom about his life from him and his own humanity.
13. O Process (1925)
![O Processo (1925).](/f/cb9e0250b9fbbc7ed5de4f7408355595.jpg)
Franz Kafka (1883-1924) was a German language writer, born in Prague, who is considered to be two of his most influential authors.
O Process, one of his most famous works of him, is the story of Josef K, a homem who agrees to jump to or be informed that he is involved in um complex judicial process. Na true, long narrative year, or protagonist does not discover what accusation that fell on him.
From dubious existentials, Josef affirms his innocence, embora distrust or crime, which he wants to condemn. Either it seems to be a reflection on a human condition, or an absurd life and a society governed by bureaucracies and incomprehensible laws.
Confira também nossa analysis of the work A Metamorphose.
12. Os Irmaos Karamazov (1880)
![Os Irmaos Karamazov (1880)](/f/26bd27f5a364f577903a7236438bbe1d.jpg)
You Irma Karamazov It was the last romance published by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), a Russian philosopher and writer who continues to be viewed as the most genius minds of all times.
Or free and narrated by an individual who observed life of a family bem complexa que tinha doisfilhos: Ivan and Aliêksei Fiodorovitch Karamázov.
O mais velho, Ivan, you end up getting into a mishap as a pai because of a mulher chamada Gruchénka. O classic of Dostoyevsky is debruça, then, on a universal issue: conflicts between country and country.
11. As Mil e uma Noites (1704)
![As Mil e uma Noites (1704)](/f/7c297c38bb77ace00678ade294911e11.jpg)
Originating from the Indian and the Middle East, As Mil e Uma Noites gather histories of folklore and popular tradition that antecedem or seculum IX. To work you have several verses; non-ocidente, ficou known through the French translation of Antoine Galland, published in 1704.
Xariar, or rei da Persia, has a trauma of traições and by isso resolved to marry as a nova woman all the nights, sleep with her and order her death to peel her manhã. Xerazade, a young noiva, decides to escape to this terrible destiny using the stories that she learned.
Through da sua strength and rhetoric, a woman catches attention of the king and escapes, noite após noite, thanks to your years of talents as a storyteller.
10. O Estrangeiro (1942)
![O Estrangeiro (1942)](/f/7fd8ffd7d652d4d33e511b5509e2d188.jpg)
O Estrangeiro The most famous book of the French Albert Camus (1913-1960), integrating a part of his literary production that is designated as the "cycle of absurdity".
A narrative and centered on Mersault, a homem who receives a telegram announcing death of his mother. Even if you have to visit the place where the Moravian is and appear at his or her wake, or the protagonist remains unchanged for the loss.
Little time depois, in a seemingly inexplicable way, he ends up assassinating an individual as he has a discussion. Or classic Camus seems to question human existence and its prevailing vulnerability or destiny.
9. O Homem sem Qualidades (1930-1943)
![O Homem sem Qualidades (1943)](/f/73e1c8fce4541020ceb0d99e60d2799f.jpg)
O Homem sem Qualidades It is a philosophical romance by the Austrian Robert Musil (1880-1942) that was published in three parts and was unfinished, due to the death of the author.
A work in the past not final of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and it begins being carried out by Ulrich, a mathematician who seeks a kind of meaning for his life.
It treats, I do not fund, of um critical portrait of society In which Musil lived, which lasts for several years in terms of population and his behaviors.
8. Faust (1808)
![Faust (1808)](/f/5ece1512bbc5fbd3acb0aed0db6b9951.jpg)
Written to be represented not theater, Splendor It is a famous epic poem by the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), an essential voice not romanticism from his country.
The text is based on the figure of Johannes Georg Faust, a German physician and alchemist who existed himself, second to none, ended up selling Diabo to his soul.
Na work, the face of a pact like the demon Mephistopheles, exchanging to own soul hair access to or conhecimento. Goethe seems to metaphorize the anguish of the human being who seeks or advances, despite the limitations of his tempo.
Trust me too meaning and summary of Faust.
7. Odisseia (sec. VIII a. C.)
![Odisseia (seculum VIII a. C.)](/f/a163abdc6959e8ca634bb966a5bd0554.jpg)
Part of the valuable herança da Grécia Antiga, to Odysseia from Homero é uma das most influential works of all literature western. Following or trilho of Ulisses depois da Guerra de Troia to finish, or epic poem narrates the adventures of heroi that hardly tries to return home.
He walked, he had to face fantastic and monstrous creatures and flee from the two seas that are, at all times, tempting to defeat him.
Conquered mainly by the intelligence of the vulgar and the capacity for rhetoric, Ulisses becomes, in this work, an example of Resilience of a human being facing major adversities.
Also entrust to detailed analysis of the Odisseia work.
6. Anna Kariênina (1877)
![Anna Karenina](/f/e4b4b5d37b6d9e5ea3ebd60091e435ba.jpg)
Um two romances more conhecidos of the world, Anna Kariênina It is a realistic work of the Russian Liev Tolstoy. A protagonist who gives me a free life is a Russian aristocrat who is apathetic and understood with his conjugal life.
A silent situation when Anna meets or officer Vronsky and comes to viver um extra-conjugal relationship com ele.
A work, focused on ações e emoções dos indivíduos, addresses topics such as adultério, a paixão, or casamento e a sociedade, refletindo ainda on or desires e a liberdade das mulheres.
5. Cem Anos de Solidão (1967)
![Cem Anos de Solidão (1967)](/f/1aff62cfd0c36471a8b11449a1b98709.jpg)
O I am going to read more recently this list and one of the two most renowned Latin-American literature, Cem Anos de Solidão é um romance by Colombian Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014).
A narrative is past in the fictional village of Macondo and follows several gerações da família Buendía-Iguarána, exploring themes such as a memory and or esquecimento.
Considered or maximum exponent of magic realism, or livro combines the family genealogical tree with many fantastic events that happened in the region and are related with enormous naturality.
4. Hamlet (1609)
![Hamlet (1609)](/f/bc48f259b41de5542178366bb647e518.jpg)
Hamlet, to the brilliant tragedy of William Shakespeare, it is also one of the most influential days of world literature and more than ever.
Depois da morte do rei Hamlet da Denmark, or his signature Cláudio immediately marries his wife, Gertrudes, and becomes the throne. Or the protagonist is or prince Hamlet who, depois de ver o ghost of pai, discovers that or uncle was or blamed for his assassination of him.
Discussing various matters, such as philosophy, politics and religion, Hamlet It is probably a major work focused on themes of traição e da vingança.
3. Crime and Punishment (1866)
![Crime and Punishment (1866)](/f/5661952149504e7d19b032442098ee02.jpg)
Crime and Punishment It is a romance of Fyodor Dostoevsky that is sealed in Raskolnikov, an old student of Direito who commits an assassination and, but he escapes da lei, he lives in prison guilt.
Reflection on many questões linked to philosophy, psychology and society of the time, to work thought or sauce like umaway to get to salvation.
2. 1984 (1949)
![1984 (1949)](/f/64923f7f5f696ee0ca5e30128b0621b4.jpg)
1984 é uma das most famous dystopias do mundo, written by English George Orwell (1903-1950). A history is past in a world in war and surveillance constants, where an authoritarian regime has control over the population.
On the front of the Party that governs in a tyrannical way is a mysterious leader entitled "Grande Irmão". Thinking about politics and life in society, about work and one criticism of or totalitarianism.
Trust to complete analysis of the work 1984.
1. Pride and Preconception (1813)
![Pride and Preconception (1813)](/f/d973b424f85b9571cf1ea170c63ee999.jpg)
No topo da nossa list is a work by the great English author Jane Austen (1775-1817), uma das feminine voices most imposing of a canone dominated by homens.
Following the destinies of five irmãs, belonging to the Bennet family, or romance following their forbidden countries, giving voice to vivências das mulheres and, above all, ao way as they were educated only for or marriage e a maternity.
Trust to Complete analysis of the work Orgulho e Preconceito.
Concorda com a seleção? The original list was created by 100 writers from 54 different countries and can be found on this site. Goodreads.
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