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5 works to know Euclides da Cunha

Euclides da Cunha (1866-1909) is two great names in Brazilian literature.

Despite his work, I know it to be You sertões (1902), which portrays the Canudos war, or Rio writer of other important works for national literature.

You sertões

You sertões

You sertões (1902) is the most famous work of Euclides da Cunha, who established him as one of the two greatest writers of Brazilian literature.

O livro teve an important function of to present for an urban Brazil or rural Brazil, wild, até então little conhecido, where it fries in silence.

Na work we read the backstage gives Canudos war, which occurred in the interior of Bahia between 1896 and 1897, led by Antônio Conselheiro.

A personal story that you or writer raised You sertões Começou ainda during the youth of Euclides da Cunha. Euclides da Cunha, who was a republican, should be expelled from the army school in Urca (Rio de Janeiro) for being an anti-monarchist, began to save for pay.

Due to his political convictions, he was invited to go to Canudos, not in the interior of Bahia, to see a conflict or conflict between the military and the local population. Foi na region that he tested or violent onslaught on or which he decided to escrew.

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A religious community, guided by Antônio Conselheiro, is wrapped up in a very bloodthirsty battle. Supposedly it is about a revolt against the Republic (in favor of the monarchy), but, checking it, Euclides fought with a feitous military massacre against the local population.

Four expeditions of the army were sent to Canudos to combat the 20 thousand inhabitants of the region that were armed with only rustic weapons (stones and paus). The military, more numerous, carry grenades and firearms. Or conflict, disproportionate, it was two major spills of sangue da nossa historia e, thanks to You sertões, we know more about the injustices that are happening in the region.

At the invitation of the Jornal O State of São Paulo, Euclides da Cunha fez on the occasion of a series of reports as a correspondent denouncing or incurring. In parallel, he noted that via a small chain-or material would serve to build his great work: You sertões.

Or free and divided into three parts: first of them, A Terra, and narrated to a wild, arid reality, do sertão. Here is a detailed description of the typical plants, the climate and the quests that refer to the sertanejo environment.

Na second part (O Homem), is fala on or subject that inhabits that space, or sertanejo. Euclides gives Cunha the famous phrase “O sertanejo é, before tudo, um forte”, praising the resilience of the inhabitants of the sertão. The author, especially this part, registers as expressões culturais e as peculiaridades two human beings who lived with enormous difficulties

In the last part of the book (To Luta), for the time, it acts as the most important part of the work because it that the author discloses a detail or massacre of Canudos, with all the brutality that he assisted pessoally.

Thanks to your empreinada valente - a coverage of the war of Canudos and a publication of reports and books You sertões -Euclides da Cunha gained enormous fame and public recognition for his birth.

Depois do launch of the work, a story was adapted both for cinema and for television and theater.

Discover an in-depth explanation of the work by reading or artigo Os sertões de Euclides da Cunha: summary and analysis.

Leia You sertões in full in pdf format.

Amazônia - A lost paradise


One of the most important works of Euclides da Cunha é Amazônia. Between 1907 and 1908, the writer moved to the northern region of the country and this journey that resulted in the Amazon.

Contrary year of You sertões, that was a finished work, Amazônia (which ideally Euclides wanted “Um lost paradise” to be called) consists of a series of fragmented and unfinished writings that Euclides da Cunha was saved and given a final unit to the job because his life was interrupted by an unexpected death.

The first time that the writer worked on the theme of the Amazon, when he published it, on November 14, 1898, um Article for the Jornal O Estado de S.Paulo, for or qual trabalhava, with the title “Fronteira Sul do Amazonas: questão de limits".

Be em You sertões Euclides da Cunha apontava for internal questões of own country, in Amazônia or writer focused not drama das fronteiras, we external conflicts between Brazil and Peru to delimit the line of division between the countries

A writing about the Amazon was closely linked to the day's work, it was not the State of São Paulo that Euclides published a series of reports on the subject. denouncing or conflict of interests in the region and highlighting the importance of the Brazilian government to position itself not to lose the Amazon for the country vizinho.

Amazônia It is a work that is intimately linked to the misfortune that passes in the personal life of Euclides da Cunha. Naquela period or writer was married to Ana Emília Ribeiro da Cunha. In time Euclides spent two years traveling through the Amazon to raise his work, Ana Emília, who was born in Rio de Janeiro, has a A series of extra-conjugal cases were dismissed by a military man, or cadet Dilermando de Assis, even having been engraved and a filho.

When he returned home from the trip, Euclides da Cunha was told what happened, desperate, he was behind Ana Emília's lover. Numa briga com Dilermando de Assis, or writer ended up shooting and assassinated morreu on August 15, 1909.

A tragedy does not end there. Not on July 4, 1916, Dilermando de Assis, who shot the author's life, was numbered when he was attacked by Euclides da Cunha Filho. To vingar a morte do pai, or filho shot on Dilermando. The shots will not throw his life away, but, to defend himself, Dilermando atirou de volta e esse shot, sim, matou Euclides da Cunha Filho.

Castro Alves e seu tempo

A lecture given by Euclides da Cunha in 1907 virou literary work and é o more important test Writer published.
On the occasion of the address of the Academic Center XI de Agosto (of the Faculdade de Direito da USP) convidou Euclides da Cunha, That he was very much reconsidered for his literary work, to talk about the production of the romantic poet Castro Alves.

Meus jovens compatriots. Not cativante office that you directed me inviting me to carry out this conference on Castro Alves, brought preeminent affection of the poet hair cult.

Either an olive writer or a treat from a lecture to a treat for two students. Later, the presentation was transcribed and transformed into books and texts by Castro Alves himself (known as the poet two escravos) and also by Euclides da Cunha were gathered.

Com a ideia was approximate the two writers, or livro deals with the semelhanças das historia de vida two two mestres of Brazilian literature. E são muitas: both were republicans, abolitionists, deceived, they were linked to cadeira number 7 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters (Castro Alves was patron and Euclides was the second occupant).

Isso sem counting how they seem in relation to personal life: os dois tinham uma saúde fragile, tiveram tuberculose, viveram tragic love experiences (Castro Alves com Eugênia e Euclides com Ana), morreram jovens com mortes related to firearm (Castro Alves atirou in if owned accidentally and Euclides foi assassinated).

Or cycle of lectures that continued with Euclides da Cunha tinha as the objective of collecting funds to build statues of Three old students give the faculty of directing (the romantic poets Álvares de Azevedo, Castro Alves and Fagundes Varela).

Correspondence of Euclides da Cunha

During his life Euclides da Cunha corresponded as friends through countless letters, many of them redid when he was numa das suas longas viagens.

There are, for example, trucks of correspondence with Machado de Assis, who was a great master and friend and With your letters congratulations Euclides da Cunha for his election to the Brazilian Academy of Letters:

We must not say that we will have your election for the Academy, and for the high vote that it is worth, you deserve it. You know that, due to previous obligations, I have not given a vote or vote, I am certain that they will be equally satisfied.

Thus, the correspondence between the author and his professional life is not limited to literature, as well as news about his troubled personal life. There are letters, for example, exchanged as mulher Ana Ribeiro, as pai e as cunhado.

Euclides da Cunha was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1866, he entered the Military School of Praia Vermelha. At the age of 17, he wrote his first poems and articles on a daily basis, but due to lack of money, he resolved to follow the military career.

Abolitionist and republican, Euclides da Cunha was quickly expelled from the military school having gone to work on a day where he approached most of the written world.

Idealist, or writer longed for um novo Brasil, especially sem escravidão. Much of his personal history of him can be learned through these letters.

A publication of correspondence that has been written throughout its life brings together nearly 400 exemplars written by Euclides de Cunha (107 of the unpublished letters), and shows for the reader a little of the life of the author before and depois makes fame.

This correspondence was exchanged for 17 years with the most diverse interlocutors (Joaquim Nabuco, Coelho Neto, Machado de Assis, friends and relatives) and trazem à tona the political and literary ideologies of Euclid, além two serious dramas intimate.

À margem da historia

À margem da historia

Posted posthumously, À margem da historia It is a work resulting from the work of Euclides da Cunha in the northern region of the country.

The author was appointed in 1904 by Barão do Rio Branco as head of the Brazilian Comissão de Reconhecimento do Alto Purus to advise diplomacy in two two countries. Thanks to your charge, Euclides da Cunha has had an enormous experience in the field in the Amazon region, which is largely unknown to two Brazilians.

À margem da historia brings together a series of reports and articles less well known than those previously published in journals and magazines. The sparse texts were published in the press on occasion and will end up posthumously assembled in a free format.

Em À margem da historia We can get to know a lot of the region and the political problems involved (especially in relation to discussing borders like Peru) by being a portrait of its time. Euclides da Cunha was in the region for quite some time and only returned to Rio de Janeiro in 1906 because he contracted malice.

À margem da historia A record between the literary and the non-literary and the fala not only on political questions as well as on the nature, the local inhabitants, the culture of the northern region of the country:

A dominant impression that you have, and perhaps corresponding to a true positive, is this: o homem, ali, is still an impertinent intruder. He chegou will be expected nem dear -when his nature was still packed or his most vast and luxurious living room.

Leia À margem da historia in full in pdf format.

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