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4 fantastic stories to understand or textual genre

Fantastic stories are short fiction narratives that extrapolate or real, containing elements, characters or magical / supernatural events and provoking or unreadable strangeness.

However, there is no consensual data, fantastic literature falls between the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. Starting today, they were gaining different characteristics and contours in some parts of the world.

In Latin America, for example, it manifests itself mainly through Magic Realism, mixing fantasy and everyday life. Confira, below, four examples of fantastic stories commented:

  • Os dragões - Murilo Rubião
  • Quem is content - Italo Calvino
  • August Assombrações - Gabriel García Márquez
  • Flor, telefone, moça - Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Os dragões - Murilo Rubião

Murilo Rubião

The first dragões that will appear in the city very much sofreram as two late costumes. Receiving precarious teachings and their moral formation were irremediably compromised by absurd discussions that arose as a result of this.

Poucos souberam understands the general ignorance of the fact that, before starting his education, we lost ourselves in contradictory assumptions about the country and race to which we could belong.

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At initial controversy, vigário hair was triggered. Convinced that they, despite appearing docile and meiga, do not pass the demon's envoys, they will not allow me to educate them. He ordered that they be locked up in a previously exorcised house, where no one could penetrate. Ao he will regret his mistake, a controversy will never be traced back to the grammatical speed of Negava-lhes to the quality of dragões, "Asian coisa, of European import." A leitor of journeys, with vague scientific ideas and a gynecological course with little brown hair, falava in antediluvian monsters. Or povo benzia-se, mentioning mules sem cabeça, lobisomens.

As soon as these children, who leapt furtively with our guests, did they know that your new companions were mere dragons. Meanwhile, elas não foram ouvidas. O cansaço e o tempo will conquer teimosia de muitos. Even maintaining your convictions, avoid boarding or affair.

In brief, porém, reomariam o topic. Served as a pretext for a suggestion to take advantage of two dragons on the traction of vehicles. Ideia seems like a boa to everyone, but it gets rough when it comes to partilha two animais. Either number of these was less than or two applicants.

Desiring to shut up discussão, who is avolumava sem to achieve practical objectives, or father signed a tese: the dragões received na pia bathismal and will be literate.

Attach that moment to agira with skill, avoiding contributing to exacerbate your spirits. E se, nesse moment, I lacked calm, or I respect due to the pároco bom, I must blame the reigning folly. Very irritated, expanded or displeased:

- São dragões! No need for no more than batismo!

Perplexo as a minha atitude, never discrepant from decisions oiled pela coletividade, or reverend from your long to humble and abriu mão do batismo. I gave back or gesture, resigning myself to the demand of nomes.

When, subtracted to or abandoned where we are, you turn me over to be educated, I understand the extent of my responsibility. Na majoria, tinham contracted unknown molecules and, consequently, several vieram to die. Dois survive, unfortunately you are more corrupted. More bem-gifted with cunning that you go away, fugiam, à noite, do marry and iam get drunk not bothequim. Or when the bar had fun, I sell you drinks, nothing charged for the drink that they offered. At dinner, like for two months, I lost to graça e o barcoquineiro passou to deny the alcohol. For satisfaction or vice, they were forced to travel in small ways.

Not so much that it accredits the possibility of reeducation and surpassing everyone's belief in the successive year of the minha missão. Valia-gives me amizade as delegate to withdraw-the da cadeia, where I was harmed for always repeated reasons: roubo, drunkenness, disorder.

As he never lived in dragons, he spent most of the time investigating past hair, family and pedagogical methods followed in his native land. Reduced material colhi two successive interrogatories to which it submetes you. By terem vindo jovens for a nossa city, lembravam-se confusingly from everything, even da morte da mãe, that will fall at a precipice, logo apos to climbing da first mountain. To make it difficult for minha tarefa, she added to the weakness of her memory two meus wards or her constant humor, coming from dazed nights and alcoholic hangovers.

The continued exercise of teachers in the absence of children will contribute to the provision of parental assistance. In the same way, certain candor that flowed two serious olhos from him obliged me to relieve faults that I would not lose to other disciples.

Odorico, or mais velho dos dragões, trouxe-me as major setbacks. Disastrously sympathetic and malicious, alvoroçava-se todo à presença de saias. Because of them, and mainly because of a vagabundagem inata, he fled to the classrooms. As women achavam-not funny and houve uma que, apaixonada, long or husband to live with him.

Your effort to destroy the sinful league and will not succeed in separating them. Face me with a surda resistance, impenetrable. As minhas words lost or meaning I did not walk: Odorico sorria for Raquel and this, reassured, debruçava-se novamente on the roupa that she washed.

Little time depois, she was found while leaving the body of the lover. Attribuíram his death to a fortuitous shot, provavelmente of a man caçador. O olhar do husband denies the versão.

As the disappearance of Odorico, eu and minha mulher we transfer or nosso carinho for the last two dragons. We hope to recover from him and we get, with some effort, to give him a drink. Nenhum filho maybe compensated so much or that we get with loving persistence. Nice not to deal with, João applied years of studies, Joana helped us home start-ups, transported to small purchases in the market. Findo or jantar, let's not stop to observe his joy of him, jumping like meninos da vizinhança. He carregava-os nas costas, dava cambalhotas.

Returning, a night, from the monthly meeting with the country two students, I found a worried woman: João had just vomited fire. Also apprehensive, I understood that he would reach a higher level.

O fato, longe of tornado-the feared, fez grows to the sympathy that he enjoyed among the girls and raptors of the place. Só that, agora, delayed-se little at home. He lived surrounded by happy groups, to demand that he launched fire. To the admiration of some, you present and treats of others, acendiam-lhe a vaidade. Nenhuma festa reached success with her presence. The same or the parent will not waive or appear at the barraquinhas do padroeiro da cidade.

Three months before, you have great enchentes that assolaram or município, um circo de cavalinhos movimentou or povoado, We were dazzled by audacious acrobats, hilarious palhaços, mesmerized lions and a homem that engulfs embers. Numa das derradeiras exibições do illusionista, some youngsters interrupt or show a year of screams and rhythmic clapping:

- Temos coisa melhor! We have coisa melhor!

Julgando be brincadeira dos moços, or aceitou announcer or challenge:

- Come on, that's it, melhor!

Upon the disappointment of the people of the company and the applause, two spectators, João descended to the picadeiro and performed his costumeire feat of vomiting fire.

Já no next day, he received several proposals to work not circus. He recused, you can hardly substitute something or prestige that he enjoyed at the locality. He also fed the pretense of being elected municipal prefeito.

Isso not debuted. Some days two acrobats departed, and João was on the run.

Several imaginative verses of his disappearance. Contavam that he took love for uma das trapezistas, especially outstanding for seduzi-lo; Let him start with card games and take up again or drink.

Seja qual for a reason, depois disso many dragões têm passed pelas nosas estradas. E for more than us and meus alunos, posted at the entrance of the city, we insist that we remain between us, nenhuma answer we receive. Forming long lines, they headed for other places, indifferent to our appeals.

Complete work. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2010

Appointed as the highest national representative of fantastic literature, Murilo Rubião (1916 - 1991) was a writer and journalist from Minas Gerais who began his career in 1947, with the work Or ex-magic.

Or tell us that we present the two most famous authors, through which two dragons are served to portray and criticize society contemporary. Embora the mythological creatures of the protagonists, a false narrative about human relationships and how they are corrupted.

Initially, dragons were discriminated against because of their differences and forced to act like human beings. Depois will end up frying as aftermath of exclusion and many will not survive.

When I go to live with each other, I come to cair nas armadilhas that criou humanity for himself: to drink, or jogo, to fame, to seek fortune, etc. Daí em diante, escolheram will not mix more with our civilization, aware of two perigos that it hides.

Quem is content - Italo Calvino

Italo Calvino

There was a country where everything was prohibited.

Pray, as the only thing that was not prohibited was or bilharda game, the subjects met in certain fields that ficavam behind the village and ali, playing bilharda, we spent the days. And as the proibições tinham came gradually, always for justified reasons, there was nothing that could be claimed or that it was not possible to adapt.

Passaram-se the years. One day, you tell each other that there was no reason for everyone to be forbidden to send you messages to warn your subjects that they could do it or that they wanted to. Messages are to be found in places where your secret customs will meet.

- Saibam - they will announce - that nothing else is forbidden. They will continue to play bilharda.
- Will you understand? - the messages will insist.
- You are free to do what you want.
- Muito bem - will respond to you subjects.
- We play bilharda.

The messages are committed to remembering how many beautiful and useful occupations there are, how many times they have been dedicated and can now dedicate themselves again. But they do not pay attention and continue to play, a beat behind the other, we are still just taking fôlego.

I am selling that these attempts were me inúte, you messages for counting years with you.

- Nem uma, nem duas - disseram you condestáveis.
- Proibamos or jogo de bilharda.

Aí então o povo fez uma revolução and matou-os all. Depois, sem losing tempo, he turned to play bilharda.

A General in the Library; translated by Rosa Freire d'Aguiar. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2010

Italo Calvino (1923 - 1985) was a notorious Italian writer, considered one of the greatest literary voices of the XX century. His costume was also marked by political armor and combating fascist ideologies during World War II.

I did not mention what we selected, it is possible to identify an important characteristic of fantastic literature: a possibility of raise allegories. Ou seja, to present an apparently absurd entanglement to criticize something that is present in our own reality.

Through a fictitious country, with arbitrary rules, or author found a way to pronounce about do authoritarianism gives epoch. It is important to note that Italy lived or fascism "na pele", during the Mussolini regime, between 1922 and 1943.

Neste local, a population was repressed that tied its deserts conditioned by the current power. I did not know any other activities, because of isso I just wanted to continue playing bilharda, as usual. Assim, or text traces a strong socio-political charge, reflecting on um povo que he's not used to freedom.

August Assombrações - Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

We arrive in Arezzo just before midday, and we lose more than two hours searching or casting. Renaissance man or Venezuelan writer Miguel Otero Silva had bought a naquele idyllic corner of the Tuscan plain. It was a Sunday in the beginning of August, hot and bustling, and it was not easy to find someone who was in some streets crowded with tourists.

We went back to the car, we left the city for a trilha of Ciprestes sem indicações várias, and a velha shepherdess of geese indicated with precision where it is or cast it. Before saying goodbye, she asked us to sleep for her, and we answered, why was it or what we have planned, that we were just eating.

- Ainda bem - disse ela -, because home is amazed. Minha wife and eu, that we do not accredit in midday appearances, we show off her credulity. More than two children, nine and seven years old, ficaram alvoroçados with the idea of ​​knowing a ghost in a person.

Miguel Otero Silva, who was also a splendid host and a refined meal, was waiting for us with a never-ending meal. As it was late in the afternoon, we do not have the tempo of understanding or the interior of the castelo before we sit down at the table, but its appearance seen from the outside. There is nothing terrifying, and any concern will dissipate as a complete view of the city, view of the flowery terrace onde almoçávamos.

It was difficult to prove that the hill of impoverished houses, where ninety thousand people were wrong, had been born so many homens of genius persistent. Ainda assim, Miguel Otero Silva told us how his Caribbean humor was that none of the many was or most distinguished from Arezzo.

- O maior - sentenced - foi Ludovico.

Assim, sem sobrenome: Ludovico, or great senhor of the arts of war, who had built that castle of his misfortune, and that Miguel Otero failed us during the whole year. Falou-us of his immense power, of his disgruntled love and of his dreadful death. He told us how it was that a moment of heart loucura had stabbed his lady, I did not read onde tinham finished loving, and depois atiçou against if same serious fierce warfare that or to tear apart serrated. He guarantees us, very seriously, that starting from the meia-noite or specter of Ludovico perambulava, he will walk home in trepidation, trying to achieve peace in his purgatory of love.

O castelo, na realidade, was immense and somber.

But in the middle of the day, like a happy stomach and a contented heart, or Miguel's story could only seem like one of his many jumps to entertain his guests. The 82 rooms that we will perch sem asombro depois da sesta tinham suffered from all kinds of changes thanks to serious successive years. Miguel has completely restored or first walk and has built for himself a modern bedroom with marble floor and facilities for sauna and physical culture, and or terrace of immensed flowers where we had almoçado. Or second walk, which has been or most used not over two seculums, was a succession of four weeks of personal character, commotion from different times abandoned to their own devices. But not the last walk was conserved a fourth intact by wave or time it has been cut from passing. It was or Ludovico's bedroom.

Foi a magical moment. She was on the bed of embroidered curtains with gold, copper, and prodigies from passamanarias, still wrinkled, dry sangue hair from a sacrificed lover. It was lareira with gelada cinzas and the last trunk of lenha turned into stone, or armário with its arms bem escovadas, and or portrait to oil of a pensive cavalheiro numa molding of ouro, painted by some two Florentine mestres who have not survived at his time. Not so much, or what more impressed me it was or the perfume of recent morangos that remained stagnant without a possible explanation in the bedroom environment.

The days of seeing are long and parcimonious in Tuscany, the horizon remains in its place at this new night. When we finished meeting or castelo it was more than five days late, but Miguel insisted on taking us to see the fresh fruits of Piero della Francesca na Igreja from São Francisco, afterwards we have a coffee with a lot of conversation under the pérgulas da praça, and when we return to look for the suitcases we find the table post. Therefore, we ficamos to jantar.

In time we were jantav, underneath a mauve tree with a unique star, as children began to explore some high ground. At the table we saw serious gallops of wandering cavalos pelas scadarias, the laments of the portas, the happy shouts of Ludovico chamando us dark rooms. Give them more than enough time to sleep. Miguel Otero Silva supported you, delighted, and we do not support the civil courage of saying that we do not.

Contrary to the fact that he feared, we slept very well, my wife and our bedroom to walk on the ground and my filhos not adjoining room. Both have been modernized and are not at all gloomy.

As long as she tried to get a count of twelve insonous touches of the clock of the pendulum in the room and remembered the terrifying warning of the shepherd of the geese. But we are so tired that we sleep logo, our dense and continuous sound, and I wake up depois das sete with a splendid sun among the janela climbers. Ao meu side, my wife navigates not sea aprazível two innocents. "Que bobagem", I say to myself, "somebody will continue crediting ghosts with these tempos.", I then shuddered like the perfume of freshly cut morangos, and saw Lareira with cold cinzas and the last lenha turned into a stone, and the portrait of a sad cavalheiro who has left us with three centuries behind the ouro molding.

We are not in the ground floor where we had left the previous night, and we are not Ludovico's bedroom, debaixo do dossel e das curtains empoeirentas e two lençóis drenched in sangue yet quente from his damn bed.

Doze Pilgrim Counts; translation Eric Nepomuceno. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2019

É quase impossível falar de fantasia sem to mention Gabriel García Márquez (1927 - 2014). A renowned Colombian writer, activist and journalist, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982 and continues to be faced as two melhores of all times.

O main representative of Latin-American Fantastic Realism é lembrado, sobretudo, Romance hair Cem Anos de Solidão (1967), but also published various works of contos. Na narrative acima, ele meet your expectations two readers attached to the last sentence.

Served as supernatural elements Proprios do terror, as or conceito de casas asombradas, or entanglement unbelievable as a castelo as a tragic past. Gradually, we are losing the belief that something fantastic can happen at the local naquele, remodeled in a modern style and little ameaçador.

Contudo, or final paragraph vem demolish or kepticism The protagonist who ends up being confronted with the existence of a material world that he cannot explain.

In addition, the wife woke up in safety, or the fourth return to her old appearance, showing that some things we can overcome by reason.

Conheça also life and work of Gabriel García Márquez.

Flor, telefone, moça - Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Não, não é counted. I'm just a little guy who listens some times, that others don't listen, and he's going by. Naquele dia escutei, certainly because it was a friend who was falava, and was twelve of our friends, even when not falem, because a friend feared dom from fazer to understand até sem sinais. Até sem olhos.
Falava-se de cemitérios? Of phones? I do not fall apart. Anyway, a friend - bom, agora reminded me that the conversation was about flowers - ficou suddenly serious, her voice murchou um pouquinho.
- Sei de um case de flor que é tão sad!
And surprising:
- More você não vai accredit, I swear.

What do you know? Tudo depends on the person who counts, as I do jeito de counting. There are days when it does not depend on us: we have universal credulity. E daí, maximum argument, a friend asseverou that the story was true.

- It was a moça girl that morava na Rua General Polidoro, começou ela. Port of the São João Batista Cemetery. You know, I'm dying for ali, want or don't want to, be afraid to take conhecimento da morte. Every hour is passing through the grave, and people end up being interested. Não é tão empolgante like ships or marriages, or carruagem de rei, but always deserves to be olhado. A girl, of course, would like more to see passing buried than never to see anything. And he was sad ficardo in front of so much body parading, he had to be ripped off.
The burial was very important, after a bishop or a general, a woman who was costumava ficar no portão do cemitério, to give a spy. Você já notou how coroa impresses people? Demais. It is a curiosity of what is written nelas Morto that gives sadness to those who look out of balance with flowers - due to family disposition or lack of resources, both face. As coroas no prestige just or deceased, but tied or packed. Sometimes it is the Chegava to enter without cemetery and to accompany the loan or place of burial. It must have also been that she acquired a costume to walk her inside. Meu Deus, with so much place to hang out, no Rio! In no case of a girl, when she is more grounded, it is enough to take a bonde em direção à praia, descend no Mourisco, debruçar-se na bulura. She tinha or sea at her disposal, five minutes from home. Or sea, as voyages, as coral islands, all for free. But for the sake of asking, she peels curiosity about two burials, she pointed out why, she had to walk in São João Batista, contemplating the burial mound. Intercourse!
- No interior isso não é rare ...
- But a moça was from Botafogo.
- Ela trabalhava?
- At home. Don't interrupt me. You are not going to ask me for the certificate of the girl's life, but her physical description of her. For the case that I am counting, isso not interested. Or indeed it is that in the afternoon she would walk - ou melhor, "slide" along the ruinhas brancas of the cemetery, mergulhada in schism. She olhava an inscrição, ou não olhava, she uncovered a figure of Anjinho, a split coluna, a guide, compares rich coves to poor covas, She fazia calculations of two deaths, she considered portraits in medals - sim, it must be isso that she fazia for the, pois that more power fazer? Perhaps she, herself, climbed to the nose, where it is a part of the cemetery, and the most modest covas. It must have been that, one afternoon, the apanhou in bloom.
- What flower?
- Uma flor qualquer. Margarida, for example. Ou cravo. For me it was margarida, but it was pure heartbeat, it never rushed. She apanhou with that vague and mechanical gesture that makes people afraid of a flower. Apanha, she lifts her nose - no tem cheiro, as unconsciously expected -, depois amassa a flor, joga para um canto. Não thought mais nisso.

It was a girl jogou a margarida no chão do cemitério or no chão da rua, when she returned home, I also ignored. She herself made an effort later to clarify this point, but she was unable. Or I am certain that she has turned around, she was at home bem quiet for a few minutes, when or telephoned tocou, the atendeu.
- Alooô ...
- It remains to flower that you você tirou de minha sepultura?
Her voice was longing, slow, surda. More to moça riu. E, meio sem to understand:
- Or what?
She broke off. She turned for the fourth, for her duties. Five minutes depois, or call girl de novo.
- Hello.
- It remains to flower that you você tirou de minha sepultura?
Five minutes to give the person more imagination to sustain a trot. A moça riu de novo, more prepared.
- It's here with me, go look for it.
I did not take myself slow, severe, sad, with a voice I answered:
- I want to flower that you furtou me. Give me minha florzinha.
Was it homem, was it mulher? He was distant, he could easily understand, but he did not identify himself. To moça topou to talk:
- Go look, this is telling you.
- Você bem knows that eu não posso look for coisa nenhuma, minha filha. I want a flower, you are obliged to give back.
- But what is he failing there?
- Give me a flower, I'm begging you.
- Say o nome, senão eu não dou.
- Give me a flower, you need not need the right one. I want a flower that is born in a grave.
Or trot was stupid, no variava, e a moça, jogging logo, desligou. Naquele dia não houve mais nada.
But not another houve day. At the same time or phone tocou. A young girl, innocent, I was able to attend.
- Hello!
- It is in bloom ...
She is not ouviu mais. She jogou or fone not hook, irritated. More than jumping, that's that! Irritated, she turned to sewing. Não delaou muito, a campainha tinia another time. And before a lamentable voice recomeçasse:
- Olhe, turn sheet metal. Já esta pau.
- You have to give an account of my flower, she returned to the voice of queixa. What is the best logo na minha cova? You fear no world, eu, poor me, já acabei. I am sorely missing that flower.
- This is fraquinha. Don't you know about another?
And she detached. But, turning to the fourth, she já não ia só. She carried with her the idea of ​​the flower, or earlier, the idea of ​​the stupid person who would pluck a flower without cemetery, and now she hates hair and telephones. What could it be? She did not dare to see a conheated nenhum, she was distracted by nature. Pela voice would not be easy to hit. Certainly it was a disarrayed voice, but so bem that no one could know for sure whether it was home or woman. Exquisite, a cold voice. E she vinha de longe, like interurban. She seemed vir de mais longe ainda… You are selling that a moça começou a ter medo.

- E eu também.
- Don't be silly. O fato is that that person does not want to sleep. I mean, she didn't sleep the same at all. A telephone pursuit não parava. Always at the same time, not the same thing. To voice not ameaçava, not increasing volume: implore. It seemed that the diabo da flor constituted for her the most precious thing in the world, and that seu sossego eternal - admitting that it was a matter of death - ficara depending on the restitution of simple ones flower. But it would be absurd to admit such a thing, e a moça, além do mais, I did not want to soften. Not fifth or sixth day, she ouviu firm to cantilena gives voice and depois passou-lhe a gross decomposition. Fosse grind or boi. Stop being an idiot (word boa, because it suits both sexes). And I know not to be quiet, it would take providências.
To the province consistiu em notify or sign and depois or pai. (A speech gives the man a voice.) Hair telephoned, pai and irmão disseram as the last ones with a pleading voice. We were convinced that it was something that was absolutely funny and funny, more or more curious that, when they referred to it, they said “by voice”.
- To voice chamou hoje? Indagava or pai, checking the city.
- Pray. He is infallible, she sighed at me, discouraged.
Decompositions não adiantavam, pois, ao case. It was necessary to use the brain. Inquire, hurry na vizinhança, monitor the public telephones. Pai e filho will divide the tasks among themselves. Passaram to frequent the commercial houses, the nearest cafes, the flower shops, the marmoristas. Someone enters and asks for a license to use or phone, or ouvido do espião is attached. More qual. No one was claiming a jazigo flower. And it restores two private telephones to the network. Um in each apartment, dez, doze not the same building. How to find out?
O rapacious começou to play for all the telephones of the General Polidoro street, depois for all the telephone numbers of the streets transversais, depois for all the telephones da linha dois-meia... Discava, ouvia or alô, conferia a voz - não era -, disengaged. Useless work, pois a pessoa gives voice to be there for perto - or tempo de sair do cemitério and play for A moça - e bem hidden she was, who only fazia ouvir when she wanted, isto é, at a certain hour of the afternoon. This questão de hora also inspired the family to some errands. More fruitless.
Of course, moça deixou to answer the phone. She is not falava but nem for friends. Então a "voice", that I do not leave to ask, another person is not ready, no more say "you give me minha flower", but "I want minha flower", "quem furtou minha flower item to restore" etc. Dialogue with these people to "voice" não mantinha. His conversation with him was like a girl. E a "voice" não dava explicações.
Isso for fifteen days, um more, ends up despairing of a saint. A family did not want scandals, but you have to queixar-se à polcia. Ou the police were too busy getting into communism, or the telephone investigations were not his specialty - or because he was not in a hurry. Então, or pai correu à Companhia Telefônica. He was received by a very kind cavalheiro, who coçou or queixo, alluded to fatores of technical order ...
- But it is a reassurance of um lar that I have come to ask the senhor! This is what I'm like from minha filha, from minha casa. Will I be forced to deprive myself of the phone?
- Não faça isso, meu caro senhor. It would be a loucura. So he was not rushing himself at all. Check out the day and the impossível viver sem phone, radio and refrigerator. Dou-lhe um conselho de amigo. Go home, reassure the family and wait for the events. Let's go fazer or possível.
Bem, você já is perceiving that no adiantou. Always begging the flower by voice. A girl losing or appetite and courage. She is pale, semi-spirited to go out or to work. I burned her that she wanted more to see the grave passing by. She felt-she was miserly, scribbled to a voice, to a flower, to a vague so far as she did not know. Because she - she ha said that she was distracted - nem the same she stands up from where she will tear that damn flower. It is less soubesse ...
O irmão voltou do São João Batista saying that, side by side the girl passed by that afternoon, there were five graves planted.
A mãe de ella não disse coisa alguma, she descended, entered a house of flowers from vizinhança, bought five colossal branches, she crossed the street like a living garden and she will pour them votively, on the five carneiros. She returned home and waited for an insufficient hour. Her heart said that that propitiatory gesture had to appease the buried magician - I know that you will be killed, and still alive, and given consolation, depois that you have been afflicted.
But by “voice” it is not allowed to console or to suborn. Nenhuma another flower that makes it convincing, dark, brown, skewed, that ficara rolling, it does not exist anymore. As outras vinham de outra terra, não sprout de seu estrume - isso não dizia at her voice, it was how she dissesse. E to me I desisted of new offerings, that it was not her purpose. Flowers, missas, what adiantava?
O pai de ella jogou at last letter: spiritism. She discovered a very strong medium, to whom she exhibited for a long time or case, and asked that she be contacted with a soul stripped of its flower. She appeared in many sessions, and great was her faith of emergency, but the supernatural powers refused to cooperate, or they We were powerless, those powers, when someone wanted something of its last fiber, and voice continued, surda, unhappy, methodical.

It was the same as alive (as sometimes the family conjectures, but it became attached every day more to an explanation discouraging, which was in the absence of any logical explanation for here), it would be for someone to lose all notion of mercy; e was it from morto, like julgar, how to beat you mortos? In any case, I have not appealed to a deep sadness, an unhappiness of the size that I make out or your cruel sense, and to reflet: I attached to evil it can be sad. It was not possible to understand more than that. Someone continually asks for a certain flower, and that flower does not exist anymore to be given. Você não here inteiramente sem Espeça?
- Mas, e a moça?
- Carlos, you prevented that my flower case was very sad. A moça morreu did not end a few months, exhausted. But stay calm, for you have hope: by voice, never more pediu.

Apprentice Counts. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2012.

More known than his incomparable poetry, Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987) was an acclaimed Brazilian writer who joined the Second Geração do Modernismo national.

Besides two famous verses, or author also published various works of prose, bringing together chronicles and stories. Naquele that we present acima, ha uma linha tênue between or real and or fantastic: you two conceitos vão be mixing or tempo all.

Playing a casual conversation of friends, or author sets up a realistic atmosphere. She tells the interlocutor a story about someone she knows, giving some credibility to the world. Na history, a girl costumava wandering no cemetery and, sem thinking, I pluck a flower that was numa campa.

Starting today, she began to receive mysterious links that implored her to return to flower. For a long time, she I do not credit the spiritual world And, claiming that she was not trotting, she took providências from the police.

When she is not adiant, her family leaves flowers in all the fields and seeks help from a spiritist. Consumed with medium hair, the protagonist of the story ended up dying and thus receiving payments via telephone, as she was satisfied "by voice".

Not final, to dúvid remains We are personagens and readers of history, that we can attribute the events to human action or to supernatural forces.

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