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Meaning do quadro O Grito, by Edvard Munch

Or scream is the cousin work of Norwegian painter Edvard Munch. Painted for the first time in 1893, on canvas it was won three new verses like passing the tempo.

A work of Munch is classified as the initiator of expressionism (an important modernist movement of the first part of the 20th century). As his fabrics are dense and address difficult themes such as solidão, melancholy, anxious and medium.

Meaning of quadro Or scream by Edvard Munch

Or quadro Or scream it's a work of art expressionist that symbolizes anguish and anxiety do be human.

Or scream
Quadro Or screamby Edvard Munch.

This one of the most popular paintings of all times and reveals several characteristics of Munch: a force expressive of lines, reduction of forms and symbolic value of cor.

A non-daily record of Munch, com a dates from January 22, 1892, contains an episode of the artist He was passing by in Oslo with two friends and a year passing by a ponte, I felt a misto of melancholy and anxious. This could be the moment that motivated the creation of fabric.

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The artist had a nervous crisis in 1908, when he was morava in Berlim and decided to return to Norway, where he lived the last 20 years of his life in solidão.

Or scream inspirou other forms of art, like a saga of films scream (Panic, not Brazil), where serial killers We use masks based on the expression of the main character of the quadro.

Analysis of the quadro Or scream by Edvard Munch

Na painting exists three people: one stands out as an expressão de angústia e duas ao fund de uma ponte. We can also see how many cores in a lake.

To dinner show me some despair It combines as a state of spirit of the artist, who during his life faced various psychological and family problems.

A curiosity: there is a phrase written in pencil at the top of the skeleton side of the fabric, which is almost imperceptible. A translation é "It could have been painted by um louco".

There was a duvid Munch was or author of the phrase. Exames feitos no final of 2020 will confirm that, by fate, foi or artist who wrote the words in his work.

quadro O grito, by Munch, with highlights for analysis
Trust us to highlight some elements of the work

1. A main personagem

Ace distorted shapes, and expressão do personagem revealed dor e as difficulties in life, resulting in a cry as a manifestation of emotions.

It is also noted that a figure does not appear in the form of a homem nem by a mulher, symbolizing any person.

2. Or lake and boats

A dinner presents a lake ao founded, where you see or sketch of two boats. It is interesting as just three fine lines are enough to indicate two boats.

The water is painted in clear tons that are mixed in the rest of the landscape, as it was done. big wave.

3. As figures na ponte

The two weights shown on the side of the fabric have straight and elongated shapes, just like you wear. This form of representation cria um contrast Between or rest of the landscape and between or main personagem, feito com linhas cakes.

4. Or ceu

Or céu é shown as cores fortes em vermelho, laranja and amarelo. These tons contribute to a terrifying atmosphere, as a person suffers.

This ceu with sinuous brushstrokes can be compared to the ceus that appears in the works of Van Gogh, another painter who treats of anguish in his works.

As four versions of Or scream

Edvard Munch painted four versions of Or scream. Currently, three are in a museum and one is in the possession of an American businessman.

1. Version of 1893

A first version of Munch's work-prima was painted in 1893 and currently belongs to the collection of the National Gallery of Oslo. This is the best known and was made in oil and pastel on cardboard.

or shout 1893

2. Second version, also from 1893

Not the same year Munch fez a version of the image with pencils of cor. The work is also found in the National Gallery of Oslo.

Some art historians considered this work less finished than others and observed that this is the most unbounded.

Or scream

3. Terceira versão, 1895

A third version, after two years later, it was an experience carried out in pastel on cardboard and possibly more alive cores: or céu derrete em tons of orange, blue and yellow.

Currently, the work belongs to a private collector who started or worked in a leilão in May 2002. Or scream, version of 1895, was sold for 119.9 thousand dollars.

The scream

4. Fourth version, 1910

Some historians attest that Munch had created this fish as a replica sold as a painting from 1893.

Specialists say that the phantasmagorical shape in the foreground seems more scary than the first verses, because it presents eyeballs with an exact marking of two eyes.

A versão, produced in tempera on cardboard, had a tragic fate after being abducted from the National Gallery of Oslo in 2004. Despite being recovered two years later, the fabric presented irreparable damage caused by water in a lower edge.

Or scream 1910

Quem foi Edvard Munch

Despite being born in Løten, a small village located north of Oslo (Norway), in 1863, Edvard Munch moved with a family that is still very small for Kristiania.

Portrait of Edvard Munch.
Portrait of Edvard Munch.

Munch ficou orfão de mãe very young, a senhora faleceu com tuberculose when or garoto tinha barely five years. To his signature Sophie Morreu gives the same doença when she is 14 years old. Or a painter saw to be raised with pai hair, who sofria with a mental doença.

Foi em Kristiania that Edvard resolved to become an artist and mergulhou from time to time in the universe of artistic education.

It is worth noting that Munch's family had near relatives not famous in the arts, such as the painter Jacob Munch and the historian Peter Munch.

In the 1880s, the young artist Munch resolved to explore his fabrics as his own emotions, Leaving aside the naturalistic experience that between Vigorava and pregava objective interpretations of watch it.

The first works by the Norwegian artist are based on the work of Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin.

Or that Munch fez foi adiantar what would be or path gives art to or go in the direction of subjectivity and a introspecção addressing hard issues such as anxiety, melancholy, or medo e a morte, By isso ele foi considered um forerunner of German Expressionism.

Em 1889, Munch deixou Kristiania. The artist lives in Paris and Berlim, where he developed his art, becoming two great exhibitors of expressionism German. Hardly in 1909, the artist decided to return to his native land where he remained attached to his death in 1944.

In spite of the fact that he has made a painting, Munch also works with photography, cinema and new media.

We support his death, as works are not wounded by the family, but are done to the Norwegian government so that we can be exhibited in museums and in various public buildings in Norway.

A total of 15,400 prints, 4,500 drawings, watercolors, six sculptures also of heavy objects such as books and gold-plated note cards.

As a form of retribution and with the disposal of the works of the great artist gathered, or governo Norueguês ergueu or Munch Art Museum, in Oslo, based on the conception of two architects Gunnar Fougner and Einar Myklebust.

The museum was inaugurated in 1963, twenty and three years after the death of Edvard, and it was necessary to undergo renovations afterwards or roubo das telas Or scream and Madonna, em 2004.

Conheça as 11 famous Edvard Munch fabrics.

Munch Art Museum.
Munch Art Museum.

Conheça also

  • Quadro Guernica, by Pablo Picasso
  • Quadro Abaporu, by Tarsila do Amaral
  • Quadro O Beijo, by Gustav Klimt
  • Quadro A Persistência da Memória by Salvador Dalí
  • Quadro A Noite Estrelada by Vincent Van Gogh
  • Quadro Moça com brinco de pérola, by Johannes Vermeer
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