Meaning of Quadro Guernica by Pablo Picasso
Or quadro Guernica by Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous paintings by the Spanish artist and one of the most conherencies of cubism. This work of art reveals the effects of war among the people.
![Quadro Guernica](/f/6fabd0992d2f4014c1748a12fbf848ff.jpg)
Analysis of the quadro Guernica
The historical context is essential to interpret this work. Na epoch gives painting, Spain lived a conflict between Republican and Nationalist forces, led by General Francisco Franco.
The Nationalists will count as support of the Nazi army and authorize the bombing of Guernica German hairs, as a form of testarem new weapons and warfare, which will be used later in the Second War World.
At the time of the attack, Pablo Picasso was living in France because he works to present our Exhibition in Paris at the request of the Spanish Republican Government.
However, when the event happened, he decided to abandon his original idea to create a work related to an attack in Guernica.
O preto, cinza, white e tons bluish foram as cores used by the artist, which servem for intensify the sensation of drama caused bombardment hair.
Escorted by a monochromatic palette is related to the photographs of the white and white war, various hairs from the period that will cause a great impact not an artist.
It is also possible to perceive the presence of a texture that is attached to the daily wage in some figures, as well as written elements. Such a resource contributed ainda more to give um character of complaint à work.
This is a cubist work, including geometrically decomposed figures. Using an atmosphere of absurdity, Picasso creates a triangular structure without a center of cloth through lines and shapes.
Either dig in or touro são two elements that make it stand out enough not quadro, being very popular in Spanish culture.
A possible interpretation that the presence of animals represents a country facing the culture of the country, an attempt to destroy the ideas defended by Spanish citizens.
Além disso, also it is possible to see the horror caused to us human beings exhibited in the fabric. It is enough to repair our prominent people:
- Pessoa fallen no chão appears the most open as um help request. (stand out in vermelho)
- To me that comes to death from filho sem vida em seus braços. A imagem face uma allusion to the figure of Maria com Jesus morto em seu colo, as na work Pietá. (highlight em green)
- Figure in despair being consumed pelas chamas. Reflete or destructive power do fogo originated bombardian hair. (highlight em love it)
- A woman with a perna ferida who tries to escape from the chaos of war. (highlight in blue)
- A mulher com um lampião, which seems to illuminate the rest of the dinner. That element is recognized as um symbol of hope I hate everything or horror. (highlight in lilás)
A broken sword represents the defeat of the poor, while the buildings in shacks indicate or extermination only in Guernica, but the destruction caused by the Civil War.
Breeding context
O Spanish artist was inspired Bombardment of the city of Guernica on April 26, 1937. On this day, the German Aircraft of the Condor Legion will completely destroy the Spanish city.
Guernica (or Gernika in Basque) is a city of the Biscaia province, located in the autonomous community of the Basque Country.
For this reason, this painting is also tem um political significance It works as a criticism of the devastation caused by the Nazi forces allied with Franco. Or quadro Guernica works like um symbol of peace or anti-war.
Depois finished (or lasted about a month), or quadro fez a digressão per mundo, ficando globally recognized and attracting the attention of the rest of the world for the Spanish Civil War.
Due to the conflict (started in 1936), or death in 1939 at the beginning of World War II, or artist had a darker phase. Some of his works raised in this period revealed his state of spirit most tormented, as is the case of Guernica e da series of "Dona Maar".
When he broke the Second World War, the artist decided to lend his painting to the Museum of Modern Art of Nova Iorque (MoMA), where he was 1981, the year he returned to Spain.
Characteristics of the work and location
Guernica It is an oil painting on canvas of large dimensions, with 7.76 meters of compression and 3.49 meters in height.
The work was first exhibited in Spanish during the International Exhibition of Paris. It is currently exhibited in Madrid, not the Rainha Sofia National Museum of Art.
About Pablo Picasso
Or Spanish artist, he dedicated his entire life to painting, sculpture, engraving, ceramics, mosaic and design. He is considered by many critics as the greatest artist of the 20th century.
![Portrait of Pablo Picasso.](/f/f9e665e0165b7cd4a5f51afa1c3bde68.jpg)
Born in Malaga on October 25, 1881, Picasso was the author of consecrated works-primates such as canvases Guernica, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and To pomba gives peace.
The artist started his career from a very young age, it is clear that the first painting was painted on canvas. The Picador, raised when Picasso was barely nine years old:
A 14-year-old artist, he painted living models, mainly influenced by his father, José Ruiz Blasco, a painter and professor of Art History.
At the age of 15, the Picasso family moved to Barcelona and the artist went to work, not his first study, alluded to pai hair.
Pablo was precocious that he didn't even have his cloth First communhão (A large oil on canvas - 166 x 118 cm), oil to participate in the Municipal Exhibition of Barcelona in 1897.
Ten years ago Picasso went to Paris and began to become professional, I have more recently contacted with picture dealers. I am not going to follow the Spanish artist to his first exhibition, which is a great success.
In his thirties, Picasso founded the cubist movement alongside Georges Braque, promoting a true formal revolution.
Let me classify the vast work of the painter in five phases: the blue phase (1901-1904), the pink phase (1905-1907), to the cubist phase (1907-1925), to the classicism phase (1920-1930) and to the surrealist phase (from 1926).
In relation to his personal life, it can be said that Picasso has a rather agitated costume. O painter casou-se some times and deixou four filhos: Paulo, Maya, Claude and Paloma.
Picasso died in France (in Mougins) on April 8, 1973, at the age of 91, leaving an enormous legacy of 45 thousand peças.
Leia Essence works to understand Pablo Picasso.
Conheça also
- Quadro O Grito, by Edvard Munch
- Quadro Abaporu, by Tarsila do Amaral
- Or what was it or Cubism? Learn more about the artistic movement
- Quadro A Noite Estrelada, by Vincent van Gogh
- Quadro O Beijo, by Gustav Klimt
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