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12 tricks clothing stores use to help you buy more

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Competition and consumerism lead stores to take advantage of any resource that it is in your hands to be able to sell more. The strategies no longer remain in the field of advertising, but the knowledge of the field of psychology is used to manage to manipulate the buyer.

We present a list of the tricks that clothing stores use so that you buy more and spend more time in their establishments.

These are the infallible tricks that clothing stores use to help you buy more

With this series of stratagems, establishments manage to manipulate us to consume and spend more.

1. Eternal sales

One of the tricks that clothing stores use to get us to buy more is continuously offer discounts and rebates. This might seem counterproductive, but keep in mind that discounted products end up being a very small part compared to all the articles they have.

Other strategies that stores use to make you spend more involve offering second products at half price. It may seem silly, but this creates the feeling of buying two products for half the price, when the offer is only a quarter.

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Another trick that many stores use is to advertise false sales to encourage buying, making consumers believe that the product will soon be gone or that the offers will be huge.

2. Prices with decimals

But they do not necessarily take advantage of the sales to play with the prices. The fact that products are never rounded responds to another purchase strategy.

When we see an item with a price in decimals, we will only look at the first figure, thus thinking that it is cheaper than it really is. Our first impression will tell us that a 14.99 t-shirt is worth 14 euros. Seen like this, it doesn't seem all that dramatic, but it does end up buying more in the long run.

3. Changes in sizes

These details to confuse are also found in the sizing numbers. You will never find two stores with the same size. Sometimes even in the same store, sizes can have changed in a matter of weeks.

This is due to another of the tricks that clothing stores use, which consists of changing the sizes and reducing them until you convert your usual size of 38 into a 36, ​​for example. These changes make it seem that the person has lost a size and this makes them feel good, so they tend to end up buying more.

4. Mirror slimming

And if the sizes weren't confused enough, the magic of mirrors appears. The mirrors that are used in the fitting rooms of the stores usually show a distorted image of the body, making the person appear slimmer and more stylized.

This effect, just as the changes in sizing acted, increases the self-esteem of the person, who is encouraged to try on more pieces of clothing and to acquire them. Definitely, those mirrors make us look better and push us to spend more.

The mirrors are prepared to make us see better.
The mirrors are prepared to make us see better. Fountain:© GTRESONLINE

5. Decor

The decoration of the establishment is also designed so that the customer feels comfortable and spends more time in the store, increasing the chances of purchase. One of the tricks that these stores use is to put carpet so you can walk slower and spend more time.

Color is also decisive, so they tend to use warm, bold colors to attract customers, like red and orange colors. On the other hand, inside the establishment they use cold tones, such as greens or blues that favor the desire to buy.

6. Aromas

They also take advantage of smell to manipulate us. Stores use certain types of scents that are pleasant, so that you stay in the store longer and feel better about shopping.

7. Music

Music is another element used to encourage you to buy more. There are many studies done about the music that these types of establishments use so that people are encouraged to buy more.

These ensure that faster music encourages rushing, so people may tend to buy more compulsively. On the other hand, quieter music helps people to be more relaxed and spend more time in the store, favoring the chances of paying more attention to products and buying more. Classical music is also said to encourage buying higher priced products.

Stores make us spend more with a series of strategies.
Stores make us spend more with a series of strategies. Fountain:Unsplash

8. No windows

Windowless stores sell more. This is because without exterior light or references to the passage of time, one loses track of time and does not know what time it is or how many hours have you spent inside the store.

This makes it easier for people to not rush out of the store and spend more time inside it, increasing the chances of spending inside.

9. Treats in the queue of the box

Near the checkout or in the queues there are all small cheap products, that you do not have the need to try them on and that you can take at the moment to pay immediately.

These invite you to acquire them without even thinking about itSince being close to the time to pay, they do not leave you much time to think about whether you really need that product or not.

10. Piled up clothes

They also tend to offer items stacked in boxes, especially near cash registers, so you don't have much time to rummage and just think about taking the first one you see and buy.

These are usually from other seasons or products with defects, but being offered in "bulk" and with very low prices, customers detect it as a bargain.

The arrangement of objects is also aimed at consumerism
The arrangement of objects is also aimed at consumerism Fountain:Unsplash

11. New season at the entrance

Another of the tricks that clothing stores use to get you to buy more is the disposition of all the new season clothes at the entrance of the stores. The products that we find most attractive and innovative are displayed in shop windows and at the entrances, so that everyone who passes by can feel attracted and access the store.

12. Arrangement of articles

Another trick related to the arrangement of items is that the most expensive will be placed at eye level. These will draw our attention more and it will make them more attractive to our eyes.

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