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Effects of UVA rays on the skin: 6 advantages and disadvantages

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Now that spring has begun the days are longer and the sun brightens our days, we are all looking for sun creams for the face and bronzers for our skin; in this search, we talk about protection against the effects of UVA rays and we make sure that the products we use have it.

On the other side, there are our friends who do not protect themselves at all from the sun, they tan in solar cabins and then the question arises: Do we really know what the effects of UVA rays are? For both good and bad, UVA rays are a topic to learn from.

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What are UVA rays

Rays are electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun, which produce light and heat. These rays are not all the same and are differentiated by the wavelength they reach, allowing us to see some of them, which we call the visible spectrum (and thanks to them all the colors of the planet), and that others are imperceptible to us sight; We call the latter ultraviolet rays, also known as UV rays.

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Ultraviolet rays receive this name because they are 'beyond violet', the last color we can see. These have different wavelengths, which are classified as A, the longest; the B's; the medians; and the C, the shortest. That is why it is important to know the effects of UVA rays, because they are the ones that penetrate more deeply into our skin, reaching the second layer that we call the dermis.

The fact that we cannot see ultraviolet rays does not mean that they are not there. In fact, UVA rays are an inevitable part of sunlight and the stronger and more intense the sun, the more presence there is and the more we feel the effects of the UVA rays.

Effects of UVA rays: Advantages and disadvantages

So, we already know that UVA rays exist and are present in sunlight even though we cannot see them. Consequently there are effects of UVA rays that we may not know about and that can be quite harmful to healthespecially for our skin.

But that does not mean that they are all bad, because in the same way we need sunlight for our body to function better and also give us that beautiful tan that we like so much.

For years, artificial UV booths have become fashionable to achieve a tan without the need for direct exposure to the sun. That is why we explain all the effects of UVA rays, whether they are advantages or disadvantages.

1. Advantage: increases vitamin D levels

Exposure to the sun and UVA rays stimulates the production of vitamin D in our body, a vital vitamin to be able to metabolize calcium, which favors the health of our skin and which has effects on different organs of our body.

2. Disadvantage: they age us

One of the effects of UVA rays is that they affect the elastic fiber of the skin and deteriorate it, which makes us have a premature aging of our skin cells which will not only make us look older, but will also favor the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes on our skin.

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3. Advantage: tan

For those who are tanning lovers, one of the effects of UVA rays that we consider positive is that they tan us, and that is why we mainly go to them.

Whether we take them directly from the sun or in sun beds and cabins, UVA rays penetrate to the dermis, which is the second layer of the skin. They will stimulate melanin even more and the tan will be much longer, as it will not be left only in the superficial cells of the skin that are close to dying and being eliminated.

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4. Disadvantage: They increase the risk of cancer considerably

One of the effects of UVA rays that most worries doctors, dermatologists and that you should be concerned about, is that UVA rays considerably increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

By acting in the dermis, that is, a deeper layer of the skin, they destroy the elastic fibers, leaving other cells unprotected and accumulating radiation. That is, it leaves them ready so that they can mutate and become melanoma.

5. Advantage: it improves our spirits

People are like plants and animals, and we need the sun to be happier. It is not just a coincidence that on summer days you feel more spirited, actually UVA rays and in general, the sun's rays are stimulating and considerably improve our mood.

6. Advantage: help control psoriasis

A positive UVA effect for those who suffer from psoriasis is that it improves the appearance of the skin. For those whose skin has been affected by those annoying red and scaly patches, in some cases they disappear completely during sunny days.

But as with any contact with sunlight and UVA rays, it should be done gradually, so that the layer does not burn superficial skin and generate more redness, and so that you do not run the risks that we have told you of not protecting yourself from UVA rays.

We must be aware that, as much as we love having a tanned body and feeling the sun on our skin, we must expose ourselves to UVA rays responsibly Well, the consequences are real even if you can't see them immediately. Everything always in its proper measure.

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