Aesop and his most famous fables
Quem não ouviu, when I was a child, some fables before going to sleep? Those short narratives, followed by a lição de moralidade, part of the collective imagery and traversed the centuries at which we reached the days of the leaf.
We are going to know now or greatest counter of fables - Aesop - and some of his most celebrated stories about him.
A hound and a tartaruga
A story that will be told to follow is a classic by Aesop that was recounted by La Fontaine, another great promoter of the dissemination of fables. A lebre e a tartaruga is a typical fable: it is not known when or event is passed, nem onde, e os personagens centers são animais with human characteristics - têm sentimentos, falam, possuem consciousness.
- I feel sorry for you -, this time to lebre à tartaruga: - obliged to walk with your house on the coasts, you can not walk, run, jump, and get rid of your inimigos.
- Keep for you your compaixão - disse a tartaruga - heavy as sou, and your light as you tried to be, let's bet that it is the first to do that you to whatever goal we propose to achieve.
- Vá feito, disse a lebre: only pela graça oiled to aposta.
Adjusted to goal, pôs-se a tartaruga a caminho; to hover that a way, heavy, go rowing dry, laugh like a lost; and she starts jumping, having fun; e a tartaruga ia-se adiantando.
- Wave! comrade, disse-lhe a lebre, don't get tired assim! What gallop is that? Olha that you are going to sleep um pouquinho.
E se bem or disse, melhor or fez; to mock da tartaruga, she deitou-se, and pretended to sleep, saying: always hei de chegar a tempo. Suddenly olha; ha it was late; To tartaruga he was at the goal, and the winner he rewarded the serious debts:
- What a shame! A tartaruga beat a greyhound in lightness!
MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: Nothing is worth running; I started leaving in time, and I did not have fun with my hair.
A cicada and a formiga
The history of the cicada and the form is perhaps the most famous and widespread fable of Aesop. In a short narrative, of just one or two paragraphs, he traced two antagonistic animais as characters: a formiga, symbol of work and commitment, and a cicada, representative of preguiça and da indifference. In regards to formiga I think I do not have a long time to work during or will see to be supplied in winter, with cicada, imediatista, passou or verão to sing, we are thinking about what station to follow.
At each bela estação a formiga incansável brings more abundant food for your home: when chegou or winter, it is farta. A cicada, that everything or I will see will sing, achou-se então na maior miséria. Quase to die of fome, I saw this, of more postas, to beg to formiga lhe loans a little that he has left, promising to pay-him as I swear that he wanted. A formiga, that I am not an entrepreneur; Perguntou-lhe, pois, or that fizera will not see that he does not take precautions.
- No verão, cantei, or heat no me deixou work.
- You sang! returned to formiga; pois agora dançai.
MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: We work to get rid of the supplication of the cicada, and we do not attack the zombaria das formigas.
Also trust complete analysis of A Cigarra e a Formiga.
O read e o while
A fable of reading and doing while teaching or reading about the cycle of generosity and value of life in the community. When or for a while you need to help, or read or go, some time to follow, when sometimes you are in trouble, or for a while you will be readily available to or protect. A fable encourages us to practice or teach us that one day we can help and no day to follow we will be helped.
Um leão, tired of so much hunting, slept in the shadow of a boa tree. We will see a few moments strolling on top of the accordou.
All of them will be able to escape, except um, that or read their embezzlement. So much so that I asked and implored that I or I read desistiu de esmagá-lo and deixou that fosse embora.
Algum tempo depois, or leão ficou imprisoned in the network of some hunters. He could not let go, and went to the forest inside tremer with his urros de raiva.
Nisso, appear or ratinho. With his affixed teeth, he gnaws as cordas e soltou o leão.
MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: Uma boa ação ganha outra.
A fable of reading and of time was adapted for animated design and is available in full with a total of seven minutes of duration:
O wolf e o cordeiro
No case of Aesop's fable, or cordeiro and or wolf occupy opposing positions. Enquanto o cordeiro represents innocence and humility, always trying to justify and outline the problems that he has presented, or wolf is symbol of cruelty and evil.
A wolf was going to drink water with my ribeiro, when he saw a cordeiro who also drank the same water, a little more down. Bad viu or cordeiro, or wolf was eaten with a face, fixing your teeth.
- How did you get your day from turning to water where are you going to drink?
I humbly reply or reply:
- I am going to drink more abaixo, for I am not able to turn water.
- Ainda you answer, insolent! - retoquiu or wolf ainda mais choleric. - Já has been six months or teu pai fez or the same.
Answer or cordeiro:
- Nesse tempo, Senhor, ainda eu was not born, I am not to blame.
- Sim, tens - replied or wolf -, you ravaged everything or pasture my field.
- Mas isso não pode ser - disse o cordeiro -, because ainda no tenho dentes.
Or wolf, sem mais uma word, jumped on the logo or degolou e comeu.
MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: To try to avoid or badly daquele that já decidediu commitê-lo? Lose your tempo!
For more stories, read: Fables of animais.
A rã e o boi
A historinha da rã e do boi deals with frequent human feelings such as inveja, a ira e a cobiça. Despite being serem animais da forest, fables attribute human affections to animate beings and, many times, inanimate. In this case, you will quickly have a typically narcissistic stance to try to compete as a boi about your size. Or tragic end result, but a narrative serves, in an allegorical way, as a warning not to feed feelings of dispute.
Uma rã thisva no meadow olhando um boi and felt such an inveja of size that she began to inflate to make it bigger.
Então, outra rã chegou e perguntou se o boi era o maior dos dois.
At first he replied that he did not make an effort to inflate more.
Depois, she repeated in question:
- Quem é major agora?
To another rã answered:
- O boi.
A rã ficou furious and tentative ficar more inflating more and more, I tied that she was angry.
MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: It is tempting to seem older than he is angry.
A raposa e o corvo
A fox is two more habitual animais in Aesop's fables. Characterized by her atrocious nature, she often finds solutions through conventional means to get what she wants. No case of the history of the fox and the corvo, we see as a fox, through his malandragem, rouba or corvo (which, for the same time, had already roubado um queijo). A history teaches us the perigos of vaidade and gives superb. Pego pela armadilha pregada pela raposa, or crooked, convinced, loses what tinha and so much desejava.
Um corvo roubou um queijo, e com ele not bico foi pousar em uma arvore. Uma raposa, attracted cheiro, I wanted to eat or complain; more like! Arvore was tall, e o corvo teasas, e knows how to fly. He goes through your pois a raposa às suas manhas:
-Bons dias, meu amo, say he; quanto folgo de o ver assim belo e nédio. Certo between or povo ligero não ha quem or equals. I say that either rouxinol or exceeds, because he sings; pois eu affirm that V. Exa. He doesn't sing because he doesn't want to; Whether he or she wanted to, he would unseat all of you rouxinois.
I was proud to see myself as appreciated by so much justice, or I wanted to show that he also sang, the logo that he opened or bico, caiu-lhe or queijo. A raposa or apanhou, e, safa, disse:
- Adeus, Mr. Corvo, learn to distrust adulações, and you will not face lição pelo preço desse queijo.
MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: I distrust when you are very happy; Or flatterer mocks you credulidade, and prepares for you to pay for your good praise of him.
A fable told by Aesop was adapted for animation. Confira or curta metragem below:
The most celebrated fables of Aesop
It is difficult to guarantee quais foram as fables effectively told by Aesop na longínqua Grécia, once that boa part of which was redirected, but was not properly assassinated, has subsequently been conferred on ele. We gather here some of the most famous fables that are attributed to the greatest fable counter:
A raposa e as grapes
Conheça or complete article about the fable A raposa e as grapes.
A tartaruga and a lebre
O wolf e o cordeiro
A formiga and or escaravelho
Or donkey is loaded with salt
O wolf e as ovelhas
O cervo e o leão
Or in the shade
O wolf e o cão
O cervo, o lobo e a ovelha
O wolf e a cegonha
A andorinha and as other birds
O wolf and garça
A raposa e o corvo
O leão, a cow, a goat and a ovelha
O ass e o leão
A rã e o touro
Or dig it or read it
A porca e o lobo
A raposa e o leão
O while e a rã
O galo e a vixen
O cão e a ovelha
A raposa e o corvo
As lebres e as rãs
A porca e a loba
O wolf e o kid
Or in the shade
O read e o while
A gralha e os pavões
What was Aesop?
Little is known about Aesop, because of his existence. A first reference to the writer was found by Herodotus, who commented on the fact that the storyteller was written.
Born supposedly I do not know VI a. C. ou VII a. C., in Asia Minor, Aesop was an accountant of histories of immense culture that was captured and raised to Grécia to serve as a slave.
Aesop was so successful in Greece that the sculptor Lisipes erected a statue in his homage. O fable counter has a tragic end of life, being condemned to death for a crime that he did not commit.
Heráclides do Ponto, wise of the Alexandrian era, wrote commenting on Aesop's sentence to death. Supposedly, or the counter of fables, he had removed a sacred object and to death it was a complete punishment of him.
Artistófanes also confirmed the same article of Heraclides and his details of the past: Aesop, to visit Delphi, I provoked the inhabitants arguing that they did not work, lived just days of offerings dedicated to or deus Apollo. Furious, the inhabitants will plant Aesop's mala a sacred cup. When he was uncovered or furto, Aesop received a fatal punishment: he was shot with a rochedo.
We know or work carried out by Aesop graças ao grego Demétrio de Falero (280 a. C.), that reuniu, I do not know IV a. C, as stories told. Or Byzantine monk Planúdio, also reuniu, I do not know XIV, other so many narratives.
![Bust of Aesop](/f/7a299b802ce566f1b6ea7e1e78677f36.jpg)
Or what are fables?
A fable veio do conto, and it differs from it because the accountant makes explicit nela uma lição de moral. Thus fables also frequently have little animation as characters. Human characteristics are attributed to these animais.
Such fables were raised in the East and spread around the globe. I know that the course has been from India to China, then to Tibete and depois to Persia.
We often say that the origin of fables went to Greece because the histories will give us the contours that we know on the page.
As first recorded fables são do seculo VIII a. C. Or first volume found (Pantchatantra) was written in Sanskrit and translated into Arabic.
Aesop was one of the two most famous accountants - but he has not been the inventor of the genre and has lost the histories that he is famous for having spread or genre.
We do not know for sure how many stories he has created, a series of manuscripts found for a long time, but it is impossible to guarantee the authorship. A senior specialist in the production of Aesop was a French professor Émille Chambry (1864-1938).
I read the fables in full
Some days principal Aesop's fables You are available for free download in PDF format.
Conheça also
- As melhores fables com moral
- Or that is a fable
- Little Fables with Morality
- Infantis Fables Explained
- Os melhores livros infantis da Brazilian literature
- I count you three porquinhos
- An incredible literature by Monteiro Lobato
- Children's story: commented stories for crianças
- Fables of Monteiro Lobato commented