Education, study and knowledge

The Earth and its movements: rotation and translation

We encourage you to learn about the movements of our planet, the Earth, with this simple video lesson from a TEACHER. Planet Earth is in constant movement and we can differentiate two types of movements that have consequences such as, for example, that there is day and night and that there are different seasons throughout the year.

  • Rotatory motion: it is the movement of our planet that produces day and night. This is the movement that occurs because the Earth rotates on its own axis. In this way, the half of the planet that is in front of the Sun lights up and it is day there, while it is night in the part that is on the other side and does not receive sunlight at that time. It takes 24 hours for the planet to go all the way around and that is why we say that a whole day, with its hours of day and its hours of night, has 24 hours.
  • Translation movement: It is the movement of the Earth that differs mainly by originating the seasons of the year and by occurring when the planet revolves around the Sun. This process lasts 365 days and 6 hours and is what we call a year. During this the different seasons occur (spring, summer, autumn and winter) because the position of the planet with respect to the Sun, that is, they are determined by the inclination of the Earth's axis with respect to the elliptical.
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This natural science lesson, which has been centered on planet Earth and explained to children and adults, has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Wacom. Here you have a link with exclusive discounts for students, in case you are interested in buying one of the tablets, like the one in this video, or some other of the products that they have available and that are very useful both for teaching and for studying.

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