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40 classic films that you need to see (hair less one time)

There are stories that seem to be stronger than their own time and films that have become more popular after two years.

Abaixo, we select several old and inesquecíveis films that were marked in the era of his launch and, at present, continue to conquer admirers in the world inside.

True references between the various genres (from drama to romance, passing through horror and suspense), these films have been chosen among the greatest of cinema history.

1. Casablanca (1942)

White House

Considered one of the two greatest love films of all times, White House It is a true classic of North American cinema directed by Michael Curtiz.

Passed in the city of Casablanca, in Morocco, during World War II, or a film accompanied or reunited with Rick and Ilsa, old lovers who will meet in peculiar circumstances. Same envelopes in the climate of perigo and clandestinity, you two reawaken an inescapable paixão.

2... E o Vento Levou (1939)

E Tudo O Vento Levou (1939)

Considered one of the two most famous films in the world, or historical drama passed in the United States during the American Civil War, it was directed by Victor Fleming, George Cukor and Sam Wood.

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In meio years events and strong social contrasts, or longa-metragem accompanies o disturbed relationship Scarlett O'Hara, who struggles to maintain her cotton plantation, and Rhett Butler, a homem who is crippled by her.

3. O Mighty Chefão (1972)

O Mighty Chefão (1972)

Two of the most famous gangster films in history, O Powerful Chefão It was directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Or longa-metragem portrays or underworld gives mafia He starred in hair by Marlon Brando, not the role of Don Vito Corleone.

No day of marriage of filha, or family patriarch is willing to listen to requests to be precise and to grant some "favors".

Conheça also nossa film analysis O Poderoso Chefão.

4. O Magical of Oz (1939)

O Magical of Oz (1939)

Or classic fantasy conquered viewers of many gerações and continues on the list of two favorites! A historical protagonist is Dorothy, a garotinha from Kansas who is Raised by a tornado I tied a place called Oz.

Accompanied by puppy hair, Toto, she embarks on a great adventure and goes meeting curious people such as a scared, a leão and a tin home.

Trust to Complete analysis of the film O Mágico de Oz.

5. 2001 - Uma Odisseia no Espaço (1968)

2001 - Uma Odisseia no Espaço (1968)

For you dumbfounded by scientific fiction, or even for the curious, 2001 - Uma Odisseia no Espaço It is an indispensable film. O longa-metragem by Stanley Kubrick entered for the history of cinema and ficou made mainly visual effects and captivating sound trilha.

Passada quase semper no espaço, the narrative is spread by secles and deals with topics such as spatial travels, alien life, human evolution and artificial intelligence.

Also entrust to Complete analysis of Filme 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço.

6. Clube dos Cinco (1985)

Clube dos Cinco (1985)

Turned for a young public, or a drama and comedy film directed by John Hughes Marcou in the 80s, it became a kind of portraiture of the geração.

Na narrative, we find 5 teenagers who do not appear to be anything in common. When a school punishment ficam, obliged to spend or Saturday together and to write a long redação, the ties begin to form. A false story about amizade and sublinha to the importance of see além das appeaências.

7. Psycho (1960)

Psycho (1960)

Uma das raw works by Alfred Hitchcock, Psycho It is two of the most iconic suspense films of all time, which ended up becoming a reference to pop culture.

Marion Crane is a woman who commits a crime and needs to hide. It is assim that she will stop no Bates motel, a remote location Directed by a home man named Norman who has a very strange relationship with his mother.

When crimes begin to arise, or a climate of tension is increasing and you will also want to discover or assassinate!

8. Bonequinha de Luxo (1961)

Bonequinha de Luxo (1961)

A romantic comedy directed by Blake Edwards and based on the work of Truman Capote was a framework in the career of Audrey Hepburn, who plays the lead.

Holly Golightly is a woman who moved to Nova Iorque com great dreams of wealth and success. Through two serious relationships of her with powerful homens, she is trying to rise to life, but everything is altered when she meets or seu vizinho, a writer named Paul Varjak.

9. Juventude Transviada (1955)

Juventude Transviada (1955)

Or a film by Nicholas Ray cast James Dean for timeless fame, not the role of Jim Stark, a rebellious teenager who became a symbol of masculine beauty for various gerações.

O protagonist will be wrapping em various confusões com a polcia e com gangues he meets Judy, a young man who suffers due to family conflicts.

10. Quanto Mais Quente Melhor (1959)

Quanto Mais Quente Melhor (1959)

Past the 1920s, a musical comedy directed by Billy Wilder follows the story of two jazz musicians who testify to a crime.

To maintain anonymity and ficarem em security, they passam to appear as women and integram um feminine musical group which is starting for another city. Or film was two great events in the career of Marilyn Monroe, who plays singer Sugar Kane.

11. Cidadão Kane (1941)

Cidadão Kane (1941)

Orson Welles's first film was emblematic thanks to its extremely innovative character. A narrative comes with Charles Foster Kane, a relevant figure in the press, who I died in mysterious circumstances.

A narrative follows a journalist who investigates Kane's life, seeking an explanation for what is happening.

12. Nosferatu (1922)

Nosferatu (1922)

The German film, directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, part of the silent era of the cinema and was the first two horror films, being a great influence not genre.

It's about uma memory adaptation of Dracula, or famous Irish romance Bram Stoker, which helped to turn the figure of a very popular vampire, not our collective imagination.

13. Singing na Chuva (1952)

Singing na Chuva (1952)

Past no world of Hollywood in the 1920s, Singing na Chuva is a musical comedy directed and choreographed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen that helped define the genre.

A narrative follows the story of Don and Lina, a house with careers of success or cinema that he was forced to adapt to the evolutions of his profissão.

14. To Wicked (1950)

To Wicked (1950)

Or drama film directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz illustrates a large rivalry between duas stars da Broadway: Margo Channing and Eve Harrington.

The first actress, mais velha, seems to be descending, while the second is reaching or increasing her career. For a few years, we are realizing that Eve came to be one of Margo's fã, but to her ambition she did not know limits.

15. Indiscrete Janela (1954)

Indiscrete Janela (1954)

Or mystery film directed by Alfred Hitchcock tells the story of L. B. Jeffries, a photographer who suffers an accident and breaks a leg, ficando a cadeira de rhodes.

No tempo em that confined, it is not his apartment, ele start to spy on you vizinhos that ficam in janelas open house. It is also that he thinks testemunhar um crime, but it is necessary to unite the pieces to understand what happens.

16. Twilight Two Deuses (1950)

Twilight Two Deuses (1950)

Another classic past in the Hollywood universe, Or Twilight two Deuses é um longa-metragem not to go Directed by Billy Wilder. A narrative and starring Joe Gillis, um endivided roteirist who knows an ancient star do silent cinema, Norma Desmond.

Norma wants to get her career back from actress and hires Joe to make a non-roteiro adaptation of Salome. This is where we start manipulation games that can get rather perilous results.

17. A Noviça Rebelde (1965)

A Noviça Rebelde (1965)

Um dos musicais mais notáveis ​​da nossa collective memory, or Robert Wise's film tells the story of Maria, a noviça that defies the rules of the convent where she is.

By isso, she was sent to work as Governant of the Von Trapp family, formed by a widow and the seven filhos. A chegada da moça traced music and joy for everyone's life to her volta, transforming your destinies.

18. Or What Will Happen to Baby Jane? (1962)

Or What Will Happen to Baby Jane? (1962)

The suspense drama film directed by Robert Aldrich, reunited two great stars of the time: Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.

Or longa-metragem, which was an immediate succession, portrays decadent life and rivalry between duas irmãs, Jane and Blanche, who in times of stardom, will lose the most due to an accident.

19. O Enlightened (1980)

O Enlightened (1980)

Outra prima work of Stanley Kubrick, O Illuminated It is an essential film for the psychological horror fãs. A narrative follows the story of Jack, a troubled writer who oil takes an account of a hotel isolated in montanha.

He moves with a family to a local, but a hotel seems to hide scary phenomena and influence Jack's behavior.

20. A Princesa e o Plebeu (1953)

Fairs in Rome (1953)

A romantic comedy directed by William Wyler and Passed in Italy and Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck, we are principal parents.

Ann é uma European princess who is visiting the city of Rome Try to have fun, stay or anonymity. This is where she meets Joe, a journalist who wanted to write a report on her.

21. Os Sete Samurais (1954)

Os Sete Samurais (1954)

Or Japanese film by Akira Kurosawa, one of the two most influential directors of the country, past I do not know XVI, during feudal times. O longa-metragem became a huge reference of universal cinema.

Na narrative, we know a village of farmers that is constantly piloted by thieves. To defend themselves, they hire seven implacable samurai.

22. Um Bonde Chamado Desejo (1951)

Um Bonde Chamado Desejo (1951)

The drama film directed by Elia Kazan was based on the theater of the same name by playwright Tennessee Williams and launched in the career of Marlon Brando.

Blanche is a teacher who decides to spend a season at home with her husband. Ao perceive the violent attitudes of each other, you enter into conflict, but the protagonist hides segregated over or past.

23. Lawrence da Arábia (1962)

Lawrence da Arábia (1962)

Or epic film by English director David Lean is one of the two most renowned within the genre. It is about a cinematographic adaptation of the autobiography of T. AND. Lawrence, a UK archaeologist and secret agent.

A narrative portrays various heroic episodes gives his life of him enquanto guerrilheiro, during the period that the country passes through to Arábia.

24. Love, Sublime Love (1961)

Love, Sublime Love (1961)

Directed by Robert Wise from a Broadway musical, or film is inspired by the history of Romeu and Juliet, transporting-to for the decade of 50.

Or musical drama passed in the western area of ​​Nova Iorque and starred young hair Tony and Maria. OR casal vive uma paixão proibida because your relatives belong to gangues rivais.

25. Or Terceiro Homem (1949)

Or Terceiro Homem (1949)

Or Terceiro Homem um film not to go English directed by Carol Reed and considered a classic of suspense. Or entanglement follows Holly Martins, a writer who is coming to Vienna soon to find her friend, Harry Lime, to get her to work.

Chegando na cidade, he discovered that Harry died suddenly, victim of an outrage, and I started to investigate my friend's death.

26. Modern Times (1936)

Modern Times (1936)

Um two greatest hits of Charlie Chaplin, Modern Tempos It is an iconic film of silent cinema. Combining elements of drama and comedy, the narrative illustrates misadventures of a factory operator that works in highly oppressive conditions.

Released in the 1930s, the film addresses questões that continue to be atuais like capitalism, exploring two workers and authoritarian governments.

Conheça a Complete analysis of the film Tempos Modernos.

27. Metropolis (1927)

Metropolis (1927)

Uma das works-prima do Expressionismo Alemão, Metropolis It is a scientific fiction film directed by Austrian Fritz Lang. A past history of a dystopian city where the population is divided, livingin very different realities.

Enquanto a political class he is acclimatized alone, a working class and forced to ficar a subterranean city. Likewise, and despite extreme segregation, a love story arises between members of opposing classes.

28. Aconteceu Naquela Noite (1934)

Aconteceu Naquela Noite (1934)

Like two notorious Clark Gable daddies, Aconteceu Naquela Noite is a romantic comedy directed by Frank Capra. Ellie Andrews is a young millionaire who home page and domínio do pai because he wanted to force her to marry as a homem that she does not love.

Long hair, she knows a journalist named Peter who wants to help her, if possible, write some material on the case.

29. Um Corpo que Cai (1958)

Um Corpo que Cai (1958)

Uma das maiores suspense works directed by Hitchcock, or film not to go It was starred by an old detective that I had to settle after an accident.

Na sequência, he passes to sofrer of vertigens and phobia of heights. To his life give him a reviravolta when he is hired to follow Madeleine's footsteps, the wife of a former colleague from the college.

30. Laura (1944)

Laura (1944)

Or longa-metragem de suspense, considered one of the greatest works of the genre, was directed by Otto Preminger, an Austrian filmmaker.

McPherson é o detetive Responsible for the investigation of Laura's death, a woman who was assassinated in a violent way. Not so, when I am advancing as a case, the sentence is becoming increasingly more fascinating to the victim.

31. A Noiva from Frankenstein (1935)

A Noiva from Frankenstein (1935)

Or scientific fiction and horror film directed by James Whale is the first sequel of Frankenstein (1931). This time, or scientist Dr. Pretorius knows, a villain who abducts his wife to force him to share his knowledge of him.

Or target him gerar a nova life and build a creature, which would be companheira do monstro.

32. Nuptials of Escândalo (1940)

Nuptials of Escândalo (1940)

A romantic comedy directed by George Cukor was based on the homonymous musical on Broadway. A protagonist, Tracy, é uma High society woman who is ready to get married com George, a figure of political life.

On the eve of the ceremony, the events were complicated by the presence of her ex-husband, Dexter, and a pair of reporters who are old.

33. Bicycle Thieves (1948)

Bicycle Thieves (1948)

The Italian film belongs to the period of neo-realism and was directed by Vittorio De Sica, winning international attention. A narrative illustrates the poverty of the poor, not post-war, through the example of Antonio, a homem who works hard to support his family.

Not so much, when to his bicycle he is roubada, or if you need the vehicle to work and resolve, try it everywhere.

34. Dr. Fantastic (1964)

Dr. Strangelove (1964)

Or war and comedy film directed by Kubrick abalou to audiência ao imaginar um nuclear conflict between the United States of America and Russia.

The protagonist of the narrative is a General who enlists and resolves to bombard the Russian territory, claiming that he intends to combat a communist action.

35. A Twelve Life (1960)

A Twelve Life (1960)

O Franco-Italian drama is one of the most important works by Federico Fellini and has a great impact in the 1960s. Pasado em Roma, or film tells the story of Marcello, um tabloid reporter that unfolds a fixation by Sylvia Rank, a North American actress.

A work has been appointed as a critic of the director of Italian society from the time of the years as these people lived.

36. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

O English musical of comedy and horror was directed by Jim Sharman and gerou controvérsias, tendo became a film cult adored by various gerações.

A narrative tells the story of um home that is traveling when the car breaks, during a stormy morning. They are going to ask for help, hitting a port of a castelo that fica next. There, you are going to find a party for the estranha.

37. O Seventh Selo (1957)

O Seventh Selo (1957)

Or the Swedish film by Ingmar Bergman é passedado na Idade Média, a time devastated by the Black Death. Or the protagonist is Antonius Block, a cavaleiro who returns from a crusade and finds himself as a local massacred pela doença.

There, while doubting his faith, he found him a figure that personifies death and challenge for a game of xadrez.

Also entrust to Complete analysis of the film O Sétimo Selo.

38. O Baby Rosemary (1968)

O Baby Rosemary (1968)

Or psychological horror film and suspense directed by Roman Polanski and a classic regretful two years 60. The protagonist is Rosemary, a young man who moves as a husband to a new city and engraved in suspenseful circumstances.

As soon as he begins to protect his own health, he suspends that pregnancy is related to a cult malefic that exists non-local. O longa-metragem is available on Netflix.

39. Scarface (1983)

Scarface (1983)

Also available on Netflix, Scarface This is a police drama that you need to attend less than once. A cinematographic narrative, directed by Brian De Palma, tells the story of Tony Montana.

O protagonist is a Cuban refugee who lives in the United States and logo começa uma carreira no crime. An ambitious and extremely violent homem, Tony manages to build a true empire through traffic.

40. Dirty Dancing - Ritmo Quente (1987)

Dirty dancing

A musical romance film that was face to face with two 80s, Dirty Dancing - Ritmo Quente was directed by Emile Ardolino. O longa-metragem segue o prohibited relationship of Baby, a teenager, and Johnny, his professor of dance.

Filmed mainly with his legendary phrases, powerful soundtrack and impressive choreographies, or film is available on Netflix.

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