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64 beautiful parenting phrases to dedicate to dads

He is important remind our parents how important they are and that they have been, as well as expressing our gratitude and affection with tender words.

So that you can express your love with a dedication, we leave you a selection of phrases for parents, with short and deep messages about fatherhood.

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64 phrases for parents that you can use in dedications

Here is a selection of phrases for parents and about parents, which talk about fatherhood, filial love and gratitude towards our father.

1. There is no word or brush that can express fatherly love.

At least we hope that these phrases for parents do come to express your love for him. This is a quote from the Spanish novelist Mateo Alemán.

2. A good father is worth a hundred teachers.

Phrase by the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, which expresses the importance of a parent in the education and development of a child.

3. Doing the father for his son is doing for himself.

And it is that the love given is rewarded, according to this phrase by Miguel de Cervantes.

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4. Always remember: your children will follow your example, not your advice.

An anonymous phrase to dedicate to a father and remind you that you will always be your child's example.

5. Save the tears of your children so that they can water your grave with them.

If you take care of and do not hurt your children, you will have someone who cries for you at the end of life, as expressed in this phrase by the thinker and mathematician Pythagoras.

6. The best legacy of a father to his children is a little of his time each day.

No inheritance is comparable to that of the memories of the moments lived together and the knowledge that he has been by your side, an idea expressed in this phrase by Leon Battista Alberti.

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7. It is beautiful that parents become friends with their children, banishing all fear, but inspiring them with great respect.

The fear of the father figure is lost over time, but respect will always remain, according to this phrase by José Ingenieros, an Argentine psychologist and philosopher.

8. Parents are the bones with which children sharpen their teeth.

A beautiful and poetic phrase for parents by Peter Alexander Ustinov, which expresses how important the figure of the parents is.

9. A father for a hundred children and not a hundred children for a father.

The father will always be there for all his childrenBut these won't always be there for him, according to this old saying.

10. It is not the flesh and the blood, but the heart, that makes us parents and children.

According to this phrase Schiller not all parents are of blood, because other people can also represent that figure for someone if it is of heart.

11. However severe a father may be in judging his son, he is never as severe as a son in judging his father.

It is harder when it is the son who has to judge his father, according to this quote from the Spanish writer Enrique Jardiel Poncela.

12. Fatherhood and mirrors are abominable because they multiply the number of men.

Jorge Luis Borges leaves us this curious quote in which he makes fun of fatherhood and compares it to mirrors.

13. The virtue of parents is a great dowry.

In this reflection of the Latin poet Horacio, fatherhood is expressed as a virtue.

14. Having children does not make you a father, just as having a piano does not make you a pianist.

Being a father is much more than having a child, because he is also a figure that represents upbringing, education and love for the child. Quote by Michael Levine.

15. It is a wise father who knows his son.

For William Shakespeare, the man who can get to know his son well is really enlightened.

16. What a great wealth it is, even among the poor, to be the son of a good father!

Whoever has a good father has a treasure, one could say from this phrase for parents by Juan Luis Vives.

17. The father must be the friend, the confidant, not the tyrant of his children.

A father has to be close and loving with his children, according to Vincenzo Gioberti in this sentence.

18. Rule your house and you will know how much firewood and rice cost; raise your children, and you will know how much you owe your parents.

We are often unaware of how much we owe our parents, until we experience it in our own flesh. This is how this Eastern proverb expresses it.

19. What you have inherited from your parents, earn it again or it will not be yours.

Sometimes parents give us everything and we don't appreciate it enough. This phrase about parents belongs to Goethe.

20. The hero's dream is to be great everywhere and small next to his father.

According to this Victor Hugo quote, no matter how great a man is, he will always see the figure of his father above him.

These short and cute messages about parents express their importance.
These short and cute messages about parents express their importance. Fountain:Unsplash

21. A father is not the one who gives life, that would be too easy, a father is one who gives love.

Canadian novelist Denis Lord expresses that the father figure goes beyond being a parent, since what is important is the love that he gives.

22. All the advice that parents give to young people is aimed at preventing them from being young.

Youth always involves certain risks and behaviors that a parent fears, according to this funny parenting phrase by Francis de Croisset.

23. I can't think of any childhood need as strong as the need for a parent's protection.

The figure of parents for a child during his childhood it is of the utmost importance for their development, Sigmund Freud knew well.

24. No matter who was my father. The important is that I remember who it was.

A father can be many things, but the important thing is the good times that we remember next to him and who he is for us, as expressed in this beautiful phrase by Anne Sexton.

25. Life doesn't come with an instruction manual, but luckily mine came with a Dad ...

This is an ideal phrase to use as a message in a dedication for your dad.

26. A man knows that he is getting old because he begins to look like his father.

And we are more like our parents than we think, and this phrase by Gabriel García Márquez about parents expresses it well.

27. A man who does not know how to be a good father is not a real man.

Mario Puzo, the author of the famous novel The Godfather, left us this reflection on fatherhood.

28. Sometimes the poorest man leaves the richest inheritance to his children.

And is that true wealth is found in the heart of a parent, according to this phrase by Ruth E. Renkel.

29. When a man realizes that his father might be right, he usually has a son that he believes is wrong.

History repeats itself, and the same happens from parent to child. This is how this apt phrase from the parents and children of Charles Wadsworth expresses it.

30. Children leave childhood one day, but parents never leave parenthood.

Being a father is a responsibility that accompanies you throughout your life.

31. There is no better tribute to the memory of the father than to nobly imitate his virtues.

The best thing a son can do for his father is to remember what is good and follow him as an example.

32. A house is indestructible when it is supported by a brave father, a wise mother, and an obedient son.

Confucius leaves us this reflection on the family and the figure of the father in a home.

33. Whoever loves his parents will find love in his children.

A person who has known how to appreciate the love of his parents will be able to apply it to his parents and receive more love in return, according to this quote from Eusebio Gómez Navarro.

34. Man can put his whole spirit into business, but if he wants to be happy, his whole heart must be in his home.

This phrase from Samuel Smiles is to remember that true happiness is found in the family and in the love of loved ones.

35. When I am wrong you help me, when I doubt you advise me and whenever I call you you are by my side. Thanks Dad.

This phrase is ideal to use as a message in a beautiful dedication to your dad.

36. To demand that parents, in order to respect them, be free from defects and be the perfection of humanity is arrogance and injustice.

Sometimes we forget that nobody is perfect and that our parents are also wrong. This is how the Italian writer Silvio Pellico expressed it.

37. Truly blessed is the man who hears many voices that call him father.

The experience of being a father is wonderful and can make a man very lucky. This is how this phrase by Lydia M. Child.

38. My father had never been closer to me than in the moments when I thought I had lost him.

And it is that sometimes we do not appreciate what we have until we lose it, and this is sometimes the case with parents. Quote by Osvaldo Soriano.

39. I have memories as a child in which I saw you as a giant, today that I am an adult... I see you even bigger.

Another ideal phrase for parents to dedicate and express your love in a tender and original way.

40. Parents should realize how bored their children are.

This is a funny phrase for parents by Irish writer George Bernard Shaw.

These dedications are ideal to send your love to him on Father's Day.
These dedications are ideal to send your love to him on Father's Day. Fountain:Unsplash

41. After God is Dad.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's relationship with his father was somewhat stormy, but he left phrases like this one.

42. I have lived a life full of problems, but they are nothing compared to the problems my father had to face to get my life started.

Sometimes you have to appreciate the sacrifices our parents have made for our well-being. This is how Bartrand Hubbard puts it.

43. A good father is one who teaches his children how to think, not what to think.

A good father is one who leaves his son free to form his own criteria, without impositions.

44. A parent is someone who supports you when you cry, who scolds you when you break the rules, who glows with pride when you are successful, and has faith in you, even when you don't.

This is another beautiful dedication for parents, to remind them of how important they are to you.

45. A brother is a comfort, a friend is a treasure, a father is both. Benjamin Franklin

A father is more than family and more than a friend, and this phrase by Benjamin Franklin expresses it well.

46. Father, I will always be the same child who was standing by the sea and who saw you towering over me, now that I am older I want to be just like you.

An ideal phrase to use as message for dedications to a father. It's a Ben Harper quote.

47. Not all kings wear a crown. And the proof of this is that you are my king even if you don't wear a crown.

This other beautiful phrase for parents, which can also be included in dedication messages to your dad.

48. It is not difficult to be a good parent; instead, there is nothing more difficult than being a good parent.

Being good is not the same as being a good parent, as it is one of the most difficult tasks and the greatest responsibility in a person's life.

49. Thank you for the education you gave me. I am proud of who I am and I owe that to you.

This other message full of love and gratitude to dedicate to parents.

50. The smile of a father who is proud of his son is one of the most amazing things in the world.

One of the most beautiful moments is the power see a father show pride and appreciation for his son.

51. The sincerest love you can imagine is the love of a father.

And it is that they have not only given us life, but they have shared our life and their love is one of the purest.

52. Today I just want to tell you, old man of soul, that you are the being that I respect and admire the most.

This other message is to express our admiration for our father with a beautiful dedication.

53. A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he would have liked to be.

A father always wants the best for his children.

54. Father, you say you brought me into the world, but my world is you.

This is another short and cute parenting phrase, ideal to dedicate to our parents.

55. People talk of coming of age. That does not exist. When you have a child, he is condemned to be a father for life. It is the children who turn away from you. But we parents cannot get away from them.

Graham Greene expresses in this reflection that a father does not stop being a father and is always there for his children.

56. The most beautiful and amazing inheritance that a father can leave to his son is the formation of character and showing the steps to follow.

A father must first of all be a good example for his children.

57. When a newborn squeezes his father's finger for the first time with his little fist, he has him trapped forever.

This beautiful phrase expresses the moment when a son steals his father's heart.

58. When you have a child, you begin to understand your father's gaze.

And there is nothing like understand our parents' love for us than when we live it for ourselves.

59. Be generous to your father; When you were young, who loved you like him?

Margaret Courtney recalls here the importance of caring for and respecting our parents for the love they have given us.

60. Only a father gives everything to pave the way for his children, doing with unwavering courage the things that his father did for him. And this line I want to dedicate to him: Only a father, but the best man.

We finish the list of phrases for parents with this reflection by Edgar Guest, ideal to dedicate to your dad.

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61. Love her extraordinarily. That is the essence of parenthood. (Meg Meeker)

The father-daughter relationship is almost unbreakable.

62. Fatherhood is wonderful. (Terry Jones)

Being a parent is one of the most unique experiences in life. You can not lose this.

63. Most of us become parents long before we are children anymore. (Mighnon McLaughlin)

It never comes at the optimal time. But it always comes at the right time.

64. Being a father is, without a doubt, the most relevant mystical experience of my life. (Boño Martínez)

Another famous quote from the prism of the parent.

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